20 research outputs found

    A New Approach to Blending and Loading Problem of Molten Aluminum

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    The problems of blending electrolyzer and multi-constraint optimization of electrolytic aluminum scheduling in the electrolytic aluminum production process were addressed. Based on a mathematical model analysis, a novel hybrid optimization algorithm is proposed for optimization of blending together the molten aluminum in different electrolytic cells. An affinity degree function was designed to represent the path of aluminum scheduling. The mutation operators were designed to implement the transformation of electrolyzer combination and change the route of loading. A typical optimization example from an aluminum plant in northwest China is given in this paper, the results of which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Simulation-supported framework for job shop scheduling with genetic algorithm

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    The Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is recognized to be one of the most difficult scheduling problems, being NP-complete. During years, many different solving techniques were developed: some techniques are focused on the development of optimization algorithms, whilst others are based on simulation models. Since the 80s, it was recognized that a combination of the two could be of big advantage, matching advantages from both sides. However, this research stream has not been followed to a great extent. The goal of this study is to propose a novel scheduling tool able to match these two really different techniques in one common framework in order to fill this gap in literature. The base of the framework is composed by a genetic algorithm (GA) and a simulation model is introduced into the evaluation of the fitness function, due to the inability of GAs in taking into account the real performances of a production system. An additional purpose of this research is to improve the collaboration between academic and industrial worlds on the topic, through an application of the novel scheduling framework to an industrial case. The implementation to the industrial case also suggested an improvement of the tool: The introduction of the stochasticity into the proposed scheduling framework in order to consider the variable nature of the production systems

    Survey of dynamic scheduling in manufacturing systems

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    On a generalized approach to manufacturing energy efficiency

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    Modelación matemática de la gestión logística del transporte de residuos orgánicos en la empresa Control Ambiental de Colombia Ltda

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    Los residuos están asociados con las actividades de la población humana, con los procesos de transformación industrial y con los hábitos de consumo de cada individuo por lo cual deben recibir un tratamiento y una disposición final adecuada ya que podrían ser altamente contaminantes para el medio ambiente. Estos residuos son en su mayoría orgánicos y reutilizables lo que ha generado alternativas para su aprovechamiento permitiendo la disminución de impactos ambientales y sociales. En Colombia una de las técnicas más usadas para el aprovechamiento de estos residuos es el compostaje el cuál se define como descomposición de residuos orgánicos por la acción microbiana, cambiando la estructura molecular de los mismos, para ello existen organizaciones encargadas de este tratamiento y aprovechamiento de recursos, pero algunas no cumple con la normatividad requerida para operar debido a la falta de planificación, fallas tanto en la obtención de materias primas, manufactura, llenado y distribución como en la recolección, transporte, transferencia y entierro en botaderos o rellenos sanitarios, por tal motivo es el problema de logística de recolección, transporte y transferencia de residuos orgánicos lo que compete a esta investigación buscando la optimización de la gestión logística en la empresa Control Ambiental de Colombia Ltd

    An adaptive genetic algorithm for a dynamic single-machine scheduling problem

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    Nowadays, industries cope with a wide range of situations and/or perturbations that endanger the manufacturing productivity. Traditionally, manufacturing control systems are responsible for managing the manufacturing scheduling and execution, as these have the capability of maintaining the production operations regardless of a given perturbation. Still, the challenge of these systems is to achieve an optimal performance after the perturbations occur. For this reason, manufacturing control systems must incorporate a mechanism with intelligent capabilities to look for optimal performance and operation reactivity regardless of any scenario. This paper proposes a generic control strategy for a manufacturing control system for piloting the execution of a dynamic scheduling problem, considering a new job arrival as the manufacturing perturbation. The study explores a predictive-reactive approach that couples a genetic algorithm for the predictive scheduling and an adaptive genetic algorithm for reactivity control aiming to minimize the weighted tardiness in a dynamic manufacturing scenario. The results obtained from this proposal verify that the effectiveness was improved by using adaptive metaheuristic in a dynamic scheduling problem, considering absorbing the degradation caused by the perturbation

    Α Behavior Trees-based architecture towards operation planning in hybrid manufacturing

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    In modern manufacturing, the capability of process scheduling and task allocation is a major feature for the proper organization of complex production schedules. More particularly, the case of human-robot collaboration within assembly lines is considered as a quite challenging field, where an efficient process scheduling can reduce products’ delivery times, increasing in parallel its quality. The purpose of this paper is to propose an approach focusing on operation planning for Human-Robot Collaborative processes that consist of many tasks and multiple resources, such as the assembly of large-scale parts. The implementation of the Human-Robot Operation Planning (HROP) module is presented, which aim at the allocation of multiple operations between multiple and different types of resources. This development’s main pillar is a dynamic decision-making logic that combines both constraints, that exclude resources from the evaluation, as well as mathematical criteria, that provide finally a specific solution. The HROP particularity is that it is developed under the Behavior Trees (BT) architecture. For the validation of the proposed approach, a case study under a real industrial environment of the automotive industry is presented, based on the assembly of large-scale parts, such as buses, in a hybrid cell of both human operators and multi-type robots

    Artificial immune system for static and dynamic production scheduling problems

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    Over many decades, a large number of complex optimization problems have brought researchers' attention to consider in-depth research on optimization. Production scheduling problem is one of the optimization problems that has been the focus of researchers since the 60s. The main problem in production scheduling is to allocate the machines to perform the tasks. Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) and Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (FJSSP) are two of the areas in production scheduling problems for these machines. One of the main objectives in solving JSSP and FJSSP is to obtain the best solution with minimum total completion processing time. Thus, this thesis developed algorithms for single and hybrid methods to solve JSSP and FJSSP in static and dynamic environments. In a static environment, no change is needed for the produced solution but changes to the solution are needed. On the other hand, in a dynamic environment, there are many real time events such as random arrival of jobs or machine breakdown requiring solutions. To solve these problems for static and dynamic environments, the single and hybrid methods were introduced. Single method utilizes Artificial Immune System (AIS), whereas AIS and Variable Neighbourhood Descent (VND) are used in the hybrid method. Clonal Selection Principle (CSP) algorithm in the AIS was used in the proposed single and hybrid methods. In addition, to evaluate the significance of the proposed methods, experiments and One-Way ANOVA tests were conducted. The findings showed that the hybrid method was proven to give better performance compared to single method in producing optimized solution and reduced solution generating time. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of an algorithm used in the single and hybrid methods to solve JSSP and FJSSP in static and dynamic environment

    Anti load-balancing for energy-aware distributed scheduling of virtual machines

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    La multiplication de l'informatique en nuage (Cloud) a abouti à la création de centres de données dans le monde entier. Le Cloud contient des milliers de nœuds de calcul. Cependant, les centres de données consomment d'énorme quantités d'énergie à travers le monde estimées à plus de 1,5 % de la consommation mondiale d'électricité et devrait continuer à croître. Une problématique habituellement étudiée dans les systèmes distribués est de répartir équitablement la charge. Mais lorsque l'objectif est de réduire la consommation électrique, ce type d'algorithmes peut mener à avoir des serveurs fortement sous chargés et donc à consommer de l'énergie inutilement. Cette thèse présente de nouvelles techniques, des algorithmes et des logiciels pour la consolidation dynamique et distribuée de machines virtuelles (VM) dans le Cloud. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de proposer des stratégies d'ordonnancement tenant compte de l'énergie dans le Cloud pour les économies d'énergie. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous utilisons des approches centralisées et décentralisées. Les contributions à ce niveau méthodologique sont présentées sur ces deux axes. L'objectif de notre démarche est de réduire la consommation de l'énergie totale du centre de données en contrôlant la consommation globale d'énergie des applications tout en assurant les contrats de service pour l'exécution des applications. La consommation d'énergie est réduite en désactivant et réactivant dynamiquement les nœuds physiques pour répondre à la demande des ressources. Les principales contributions sont les suivantes: - Ici on s'intéressera à la problématique contraire de l'équilibrage de charge. Il s'agit d'une technique appelée Anti Load-Balancing pour concentrer la charge sur un nombre minimal de nœuds. Le but est de pouvoir éteindre les nœuds libérés et donc de minimiser la consommation énergétique du système. - Ensuite une approche centralisée a été proposée et fonctionne en associant une valeur de crédit à chaque nœud. Le crédit d'un nœud dépend de son affinité pour ses tâches, sa charge de travail actuelle et sa façon d'effectuer ses communications. Les économies d'énergie sont atteintes par la consolidation continue des machines virtuelles en fonction de l'utilisation actuelle des ressources, les topologies de réseaux virtuels établis entre les machines virtuelles et l'état thermique de nœuds de calcul. Les résultats de l'expérience sur une extension de CloudSim (EnerSim) montrent que l'énergie consommée par les applications du Cloud et l'efficacité énergétique ont été améliorées. - Le troisième axe est consacré à l'examen d'une approche appelée "Cooperative scheduling Anti load-balancing Algorithm for cloud". Il s'agit d'une approche décentralisée permettant la coopération entre les différents sites. Pour valider cet algorithme, nous avons étendu le simulateur MaGateSim. Avec une large évaluation expérimentale d'un ensemble de données réelles, nous sommes arrivés à la conclusion que l'approche à la fois en utilisant des algorithmes centralisés et décentralisés peut réduire l'énergie consommée des centres de données.The multiplication of Cloud computing has resulted in the establishment of largescale data centers around the world containing thousands of compute nodes. However, Cloud consume huge amounts of energy. Energy consumption of data centers worldwide is estimated at more than 1.5% of the global electricity use and is expected to grow further. A problem usually studied in distributed systems is to evenly distribute the load. But when the goal is to reduce energy consumption, this type of algorithms can lead to have machines largely under-loaded and therefore consuming energy unnecessarily. This thesis presents novel techniques, algorithms, and software for distributed dynamic consolidation of Virtual Machines (VMs) in Cloud. The main objective of this thesis is to provide energy-aware scheduling strategies in cloud computing for energy saving. To achieve this goal, we use centralized and decentralized approaches. Contributions in this method are presented these two axes. The objective of our approach is to reduce data center's total energy consumed by controlling cloud applications' overall energy consumption while ensuring cloud applications' service level agreement. Energy consumption is reduced by dynamically deactivating and reactivating physical nodes to meet the current resource demand. The key contributions are: - First, we present an energy aware clouds scheduling using anti-load balancing algorithm : concentrate the load on a minimum number of severs. The goal is to turn off the machines released and therefore minimize the energy consumption of the system. - The second axis proposed an algorithm which works by associating a credit value with each node. The credit of a node depends on its affinity to its jobs, its current workload and its communication behavior. Energy savings are achieved by continuous consolidation of VMs according to current utilization of resources, virtual network topologies established between VMs, and thermal state of computing nodes. The experiment results, obtained with a simulator which extends CloudSim (EnerSim), show that the cloud application energy consumption and energy efficiency are being improved. - The third axis is dedicated to the consideration of a decentralized dynamic scheduling approach entitled Cooperative scheduling Anti-load balancing Algorithm for cloud. It is a decentralized approach that allows cooperation between different sites. To validate this algorithm, we have extended the simulator MaGateSim. With an extensive experimental evaluation with a real workload dataset, we got the conclusion that both the approach using centralized and decentralized algorithms can reduce energy consumed by data centers