99 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Servers

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    Computer scienc

    Energy Efficient Servers

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    Computer scienc

    Adaptive Performance and Power Management in Distributed Computing Systems

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    The complexity of distributed computing systems has raised two unprecedented challenges for system management. First, various customers need to be assured by meeting their required service-level agreements such as response time and throughput. Second, system power consumption must be controlled in order to avoid system failures caused by power capacity overload or system overheating due to increasingly high server density. However, most existing work, unfortunately, either relies on open-loop estimations based on off-line profiled system models, or evolves in a more ad hoc fashion, which requires exhaustive iterations of tuning and testing, or oversimplifies the problem by ignoring the coupling between different system characteristics (\ie, response time and throughput, power consumption of different servers). As a result, the majority of previous work lacks rigorous guarantees on the performance and power consumption for computing systems, and may result in degraded overall system performance. In this thesis, we extensively study adaptive performance/power management and power-efficient performance management for distributed computing systems such as information dissemination systems, power grid management systems, and data centers, by proposing Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) control and hierarchical designs based on feedback control theory. For adaptive performance management, we design an integrated solution that controls both the average response time and CPU utilization in information dissemination systems to achieve bounded response time for high-priority information and maximized system throughput in an example information dissemination system. In addition, we design a hierarchical control solution to guarantee the deadlines of real-time tasks in power grid computing by grouping them based on their characteristics, respectively. For adaptive power management, we design MIMO optimal control solutions for power control at the cluster and server level and a hierarchical solution for large-scale data centers. Our MIMO control design can capture the coupling among different system characteristics, while our hierarchical design can coordinate controllers at different levels. For power-efficient performance management, we discuss a two-layer coordinated management solution for virtualized data centers. Experimental results in both physical testbeds and simulations demonstrate that all the solutions outperform state-of-the-art management schemes by significantly improving overall system performance

    Performance Controlled Power Optimization for Virtualized Internet Datacenters

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    Modern data centers must provide performance assurance for complex system software such as web applications. In addition, the power consumption of data centers needs to be minimized to reduce operating costs and avoid system overheating. In recent years, more and more data centers start to adopt server virtualization strategies for resource sharing to reduce hardware and operating costs by consolidating applications previously running on multiple physical servers onto a single physical server. In this dissertation, several power efficient algorithms are proposed to effectively reduce server power consumption while achieving the required application-level performance for virtualized servers. First, at the server level this dissertation proposes two control solutions based on dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) technology and request batching technology. The two solutions share a performance balancing technique that maintains performance balancing among all virtual machines so that they can have approximately the same performance level relative to their allowed peak values. Then, when the workload intensity is light, we adopt the request batching technology by using a controller to determine the time length for periodically batching incoming requests and putting the processor into sleep mode. When the workload intensity changes from light to moderate, request batching is automatically switched to DVFS to increase the processor frequency for performance guarantees. Second, at the datacenter level, this dissertation proposes a performance-controlled power optimization solution for virtualized server clusters with multi-tier applications. The solution utilizes both DVFS and server consolidation strategies for maximized power savings by integrating feedback control with optimization strategies. At the application level, a multi-input-multi-output controller is designed to achieve the desired performance for applications spanning multiple VMs, on a short time scale, by reallocating the CPU resources and DVFS. At the cluster level, a power optimizer is proposed to incrementally consolidate VMs onto the most power-efficient servers on a longer time scale. Finally, this dissertation proposes a VM scheduling algorithm that exploits core performance heterogeneity to optimize the overall system energy efficiency. The four algorithms at the three different levels are demonstrated with empirical results on hardware testbeds and trace-driven simulations and compared against state-of-the-art baselines

    Model-Based Dynamic Resource Management for Service Oriented Clouds

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    Cloud computing is a flexible platform for software as a service, as more and more applications are deployed on cloud. Major challenges in cloud include how to characterize the workload of the applications and how to manage the cloud resources efficiently by sharing them among many applications. The current state of the art considers a simplified model of the system, either ignoring the software components altogether or ignoring the relationship between individual software services. This thesis considers the following resource management problems for cloud-based service providers: (i) how to estimate the parameters of the current workload, (ii) how to meet Quality of Service (QoS) targets while minimizing infrastructure cost, (iii) how to allocate resources considering performance costs of virtual machine reconfigurations. To address the above problems, we propose a model-based feedback loop approach. The cloud infrastructure, the services, and the applications are modelled using Layered Queuing Models (LQM). These models are then optimized. Mathematical techniques are used to reduce the complexity of the models and address the scalability issues. The main contributions of this thesis are: (i) Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) based techniques improved by dynamic clustering for scalable estimation of workload parameters, (ii) combination of adaptive empirical models (tuned during runtime) and stepwise optimizations for improving the overall allocation performance, (iii) dynamic service placement algorithms that consider the cost of virtual machine reconfiguration

    Towards a novel biologically-inspired cloud elasticity framework

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    With the widespread use of the Internet, the popularity of web applications has significantly increased. Such applications are subject to unpredictable workload conditions that vary from time to time. For example, an e-commerce website may face higher workloads than normal during festivals or promotional schemes. Such applications are critical and performance related issues, or service disruption can result in financial losses. Cloud computing with its attractive feature of dynamic resource provisioning (elasticity) is a perfect match to host such applications. The rapid growth in the usage of cloud computing model, as well as the rise in complexity of the web applications poses new challenges regarding the effective monitoring and management of the underlying cloud computational resources. This thesis investigates the state-of-the-art elastic methods including the models and techniques for the dynamic management and provisioning of cloud resources from a service provider perspective. An elastic controller is responsible to determine the optimal number of cloud resources, required at a particular time to achieve the desired performance demands. Researchers and practitioners have proposed many elastic controllers using versatile techniques ranging from simple if-then-else based rules to sophisticated optimisation, control theory and machine learning based methods. However, despite an extensive range of existing elasticity research, the aim of implementing an efficient scaling technique that satisfies the actual demands is still a challenge to achieve. There exist many issues that have not received much attention from a holistic point of view. Some of these issues include: 1) the lack of adaptability and static scaling behaviour whilst considering completely fixed approaches; 2) the burden of additional computational overhead, the inability to cope with the sudden changes in the workload behaviour and the preference of adaptability over reliability at runtime whilst considering the fully dynamic approaches; and 3) the lack of considering uncertainty aspects while designing auto-scaling solutions. This thesis seeks solutions to address these issues altogether using an integrated approach. Moreover, this thesis aims at the provision of qualitative elasticity rules. This thesis proposes a novel biologically-inspired switched feedback control methodology to address the horizontal elasticity problem. The switched methodology utilises multiple controllers simultaneously, whereas the selection of a suitable controller is realised using an intelligent switching mechanism. Each controller itself depicts a different elasticity policy that can be designed using the principles of fixed gain feedback controller approach. The switching mechanism is implemented using a fuzzy system that determines a suitable controller/- policy at runtime based on the current behaviour of the system. Furthermore, to improve the possibility of bumpless transitions and to avoid the oscillatory behaviour, which is a problem commonly associated with switching based control methodologies, this thesis proposes an alternative soft switching approach. This soft switching approach incorporates a biologically-inspired Basal Ganglia based computational model of action selection. In addition, this thesis formulates the problem of designing the membership functions of the switching mechanism as a multi-objective optimisation problem. The key purpose behind this formulation is to obtain the near optimal (or to fine tune) parameter settings for the membership functions of the fuzzy control system in the absence of domain experts’ knowledge. This problem is addressed by using two different techniques including the commonly used Genetic Algorithm and an alternative less known economic approach called the Taguchi method. Lastly, we identify seven different kinds of real workload patterns, each of which reflects a different set of applications. Six real and one synthetic HTTP traces, one for each pattern, are further identified and utilised to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods against the state-of-the-art approaches

    Towards a novel biologically-inspired cloud elasticity framework

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    With the widespread use of the Internet, the popularity of web applications has significantly increased. Such applications are subject to unpredictable workload conditions that vary from time to time. For example, an e-commerce website may face higher workloads than normal during festivals or promotional schemes. Such applications are critical and performance related issues, or service disruption can result in financial losses. Cloud computing with its attractive feature of dynamic resource provisioning (elasticity) is a perfect match to host such applications. The rapid growth in the usage of cloud computing model, as well as the rise in complexity of the web applications poses new challenges regarding the effective monitoring and management of the underlying cloud computational resources. This thesis investigates the state-of-the-art elastic methods including the models and techniques for the dynamic management and provisioning of cloud resources from a service provider perspective. An elastic controller is responsible to determine the optimal number of cloud resources, required at a particular time to achieve the desired performance demands. Researchers and practitioners have proposed many elastic controllers using versatile techniques ranging from simple if-then-else based rules to sophisticated optimisation, control theory and machine learning based methods. However, despite an extensive range of existing elasticity research, the aim of implementing an efficient scaling technique that satisfies the actual demands is still a challenge to achieve. There exist many issues that have not received much attention from a holistic point of view. Some of these issues include: 1) the lack of adaptability and static scaling behaviour whilst considering completely fixed approaches; 2) the burden of additional computational overhead, the inability to cope with the sudden changes in the workload behaviour and the preference of adaptability over reliability at runtime whilst considering the fully dynamic approaches; and 3) the lack of considering uncertainty aspects while designing auto-scaling solutions. This thesis seeks solutions to address these issues altogether using an integrated approach. Moreover, this thesis aims at the provision of qualitative elasticity rules. This thesis proposes a novel biologically-inspired switched feedback control methodology to address the horizontal elasticity problem. The switched methodology utilises multiple controllers simultaneously, whereas the selection of a suitable controller is realised using an intelligent switching mechanism. Each controller itself depicts a different elasticity policy that can be designed using the principles of fixed gain feedback controller approach. The switching mechanism is implemented using a fuzzy system that determines a suitable controller/- policy at runtime based on the current behaviour of the system. Furthermore, to improve the possibility of bumpless transitions and to avoid the oscillatory behaviour, which is a problem commonly associated with switching based control methodologies, this thesis proposes an alternative soft switching approach. This soft switching approach incorporates a biologically-inspired Basal Ganglia based computational model of action selection. In addition, this thesis formulates the problem of designing the membership functions of the switching mechanism as a multi-objective optimisation problem. The key purpose behind this formulation is to obtain the near optimal (or to fine tune) parameter settings for the membership functions of the fuzzy control system in the absence of domain experts’ knowledge. This problem is addressed by using two different techniques including the commonly used Genetic Algorithm and an alternative less known economic approach called the Taguchi method. Lastly, we identify seven different kinds of real workload patterns, each of which reflects a different set of applications. Six real and one synthetic HTTP traces, one for each pattern, are further identified and utilised to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods against the state-of-the-art approaches

    Edge Intelligence Simulator:a platform for simulating intelligent edge orchestration solutions

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    Abstract. To support the stringent requirements of the future intelligent and interactive applications, intelligence needs to become an essential part of the resource management in the edge environment. Developing intelligent orchestration solutions is a challenging and arduous task, where the evaluation and comparison of the proposed solution is a focal point. Simulation is commonly used to evaluate and compare proposed solutions. However, there does not currently exist openly available simulators that would have a specific focus on supporting the research on intelligent edge orchestration methods. This thesis presents a simulation platform called Edge Intelligence Simulator (EISim), the purpose of which is to facilitate the research on intelligent edge orchestration solutions. In its current form, the platform supports simulating deep reinforcement learning based solutions and different orchestration control topologies in scenarios related to task offloading and resource pricing on edge. The platform also includes additional tools for creating simulation environments, running simulations for agent training and evaluation, and plotting results. This thesis gives a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in edge and fog simulation, orchestration, offloading, and resource pricing, which provides a basis for the design of EISim. The methods and tools that form the foundation of the current EISim implementation are also presented, along with a detailed description of the EISim architecture, default implementations, use, and additional tools. Finally, EISim with its default implementations is validated and evaluated through a large-scale simulation study with 24 simulation scenarios. The results of the simulation study verify the end-to-end performance of EISim and show its capability to produce sensible results. The results also illustrate how EISim can help the researcher in controlling and monitoring the training of intelligent agents, as well as in evaluating solutions against different control topologies.Reunaälysimulaattori : alusta älykkäiden reunalaskennan orkestrointiratkaisujen simulointiin. Tiivistelmä. Älykkäiden ratkaisujen täytyy tulla olennaiseksi osaksi reunaympäristön resurssien hallinnointia, jotta tulevaisuuden vuorovaikutteisten ja älykkäiden sovellusten suoritusta voidaan tukea tasolla, joka täyttää sovellusten tiukat suoritusvaatimukset. Älykkäiden orkestrointiratkaisujen kehitys on vaativa ja työläs prosessi, jonka keskiöön kuuluu olennaisesti menetelmien testaaminen ja vertailu muita menetelmiä vasten. Simulointia käytetään tyypillisesti menetelmien arviointiin ja vertailuun, mutta tällä hetkellä ei ole avoimesti saatavilla simulaattoreita, jotka eritoten keskittyisivät tukemaan älykkäiden reunaorkestrointiratkaisujen kehitystä. Tässä opinnäytetyössä esitellään simulaatioalusta nimeltään Edge Intelligence Simulator (EISim; Reunaälysimulaattori), jonka tarkoitus on helpottaa älykkäiden reunaorkestrointiratkaisujen tutkimusta. Nykymuodossaan se tukee vahvistusoppimispohjaisten ratkaisujen sekä erityyppisten orkestroinnin kontrollitopologioiden simulointia skenaarioissa, jotka liittyvät laskennan siirtoon ja resurssien hinnoitteluun reunaympäristössä. Alustan mukana tulee myös lisätyökaluja, joita voi käyttää simulaatioympäristöjen luomiseen, simulaatioiden ajamiseen agenttien koulutusta ja arviointia varten, sekä simulaatiotulosten visualisoimiseen. Tämä opinnäytetyö sisältää kattavan katsauksen reunaympäristön simuloinnin, reunaorkestroinnin, laskennan siirron ja resurssien hinnoittelun nykytilaan kirjallisuudessa, mikä tarjoaa kunnollisen lähtökohdan EISimin toteutukselle. Opinnäytetyö esittelee menetelmät ja työkalut, joihin EISimin tämänhetkinen toteutus perustuu, sekä antaa yksityiskohtaisen kuvauksen EISimin arkkitehtuurista, oletustoteutuksista, käytöstä ja lisätyökaluista. EISimin validointia ja arviointia varten esitellään laaja simulaatiotutkimus, jossa EISimin oletustoteutuksia simuloidaan 24 simulaatioskenaariossa. Simulaatiotutkimuksen tulokset todentavat EISimin kokonaisvaltaisen toimintakyvyn, sekä osoittavat EISimin kyvyn tuottaa järkeviä tuloksia. Tulokset myös havainnollistavat, miten EISim voi auttaa tutkijoita älykkäiden agenttien koulutuksessa ja ratkaisujen arvioinnissa eri kontrollitopologioita vasten

    Time dependent virtual machine consolidation with SLA(Service Level Agreement) consideration

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    Cloud data center is becoming the most essential infrastructure for computing services. In effect, the operational cost of a data center is also increasing drastically. To decrease this cost, consolidation of VMs with less degradation of performance is so important. To guarantee the expected Quality of Service (QOS) the important factors to be controlled are performance of the service including timely leverage and overall resource utilization of the data center. In this paper, we tried to investigate how to efficiently utilize resources with reduced SLA violation in a data center. In order to optimize efficiency, VMs ought to be consolidated as tight as possible. To achieve this, an algorithm based on first fit decreasing (FFD) bin packing is designed and implemented. Hence, the algorithm is implemented on the following three approaches to pursue the goal: a)Deterministic Approach, which is mainly based on mean of the individual VMs;b)Stochastic Approach I, which is basically done by treating individual VMs based on their mean and variances and ;c) Stochastic Approach II, which depends on mean and covariance of individual VMs. The results obtained show that consolidating VMs based on mean and variance(stochastic approach I) performed better than the other two approaches for minimizing total percentage of SLA violation and stochastic approach II performed better than the two approaches for minimizing the number of PMs in consolidation

    Special Topics in Information Technology

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    This open access book presents thirteen outstanding doctoral dissertations in Information Technology from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Information Technology has always been highly interdisciplinary, as many aspects have to be considered in IT systems. The doctoral studies program in IT at Politecnico di Milano emphasizes this interdisciplinary nature, which is becoming more and more important in recent technological advances, in collaborative projects, and in the education of young researchers. Accordingly, the focus of advanced research is on pursuing a rigorous approach to specific research topics starting from a broad background in various areas of Information Technology, especially Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Systems and Control, and Telecommunications. Each year, more than 50 PhDs graduate from the program. This book gathers the outcomes of the thirteen best theses defended in 2019-20 and selected for the IT PhD Award. Each of the authors provides a chapter summarizing his/her findings, including an introduction, description of methods, main achievements and future work on the topic. Hence, the book provides a cutting-edge overview of the latest research trends in Information Technology at Politecnico di Milano, presented in an easy-to-read format that will also appeal to non-specialists