208 research outputs found

    Highly scalable algorithms for scheduling tasks and provisioning machines on heterogeneous computing systems

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    Includes bibliographical references.2015 Summer.As high performance computing systems increase in size, new and more efficient algorithms are needed to schedule work on the machines, understand the performance trade-offs inherent in the system, and determine which machines to provision. The extreme scale of these newer systems requires unique task scheduling algorithms that are capable of handling millions of tasks and thousands of machines. A highly scalable scheduling algorithm is developed that computes high quality schedules, especially for large problem sizes. Large-scale computing systems also consume vast amounts of electricity, leading to high operating costs. Through the use of novel resource allocation techniques, system administrators can examine this trade-off space to quantify how much a given performance level will cost in electricity, or see what kind of performance can be expected when given an energy budget. Trading-off energy and makespan is often difficult for companies because it is unclear how each affects the profit. A monetary-based model of high performance computing is presented and a highly scalable algorithm is developed to quickly find the schedule that maximizes the profit per unit time. As more high performance computing needs are being met with cloud computing, algorithms are needed to determine the types of machines that are best suited to a particular workload. An algorithm is designed to find the best set of computing resources to allocate to the workload that takes into account the uncertainty in the task arrival rates, task execution times, and power consumption. Reward rate, cost, failure rate, and power consumption can be optimized, as desired, to optimally trade-off these conflicting objectives

    PIASA: A power and interference aware resource management strategy for heterogeneous workloads in cloud data centers

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    Cloud data centers have been progressively adopted in different scenarios, as reflected in the execution of heterogeneous applications with diverse workloads and diverse quality of service (QoS) requirements. Virtual machine (VM) technology eases resource management in physical servers and helps cloud providers achieve goals such as optimization of energy consumption. However, the performance of an application running inside a VM is not guaranteed due to the interference among co-hosted workloads sharing the same physical resources. Moreover, the different types of co-hosted applications with diverse QoS requirements as well as the dynamic behavior of the cloud makes efficient provisioning of resources even more difficult and a challenging problem in cloud data centers. In this paper, we address the problem of resource allocation within a data center that runs different types of application workloads, particularly CPU- and network-intensive applications. To address these challenges, we propose an interference- and power-aware management mechanism that combines a performance deviation estimator and a scheduling algorithm to guide the resource allocation in virtualized environments. We conduct simulations by injecting synthetic workloads whose characteristics follow the last version of the Google Cloud tracelogs. The results indicate that our performance-enforcing strategy is able to fulfill contracted SLAs of real-world environments while reducing energy costs by as much as 21%

    Evaluating and Enabling Scalable High Performance Computing Workloads on Commercial Clouds

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    Performance, usability, and accessibility are critical components of high performance computing (HPC). Usability and performance are especially important to academic researchers as they generally have little time to learn a new technology and demand a certain type of performance in order to ensure the quality and quantity of their research results. We have observed that while not all workloads run well in the cloud, some workloads perform well. We have also observed that although commercial cloud adoption by industry has been growing at a rapid pace, its use by academic researchers has not grown as quickly. We aim to help close this gap and enable researchers to utilize the commercial cloud more efficiently and effectively. We present our results on architecting and benchmarking an HPC environment on Amazon Web Services (AWS) where we observe that there are particular types of applications that are and are not suited for the commercial cloud. Then, we present our results on architecting and building a provisioning and workflow management tool (PAW), where we developed an application that enables a user to launch an HPC environment in the cloud, execute a customizable workflow, and after the workflow has completed delete the HPC environment automatically. We then present our results on the scalability of PAW and the commercial cloud for compute intensive workloads by deploying a 1.1 million vCPU cluster. We then discuss our research into the feasibility of utilizing commercial cloud infrastructure to help tackle the large spikes and data-intensive characteristics of Transportation Cyberphysical Systems (TCPS) workloads. Then, we present our research in utilizing the commercial cloud for urgent HPC applications by deploying a 1.5 million vCPU cluster to process 211TB of traffic video data to be utilized by first responders during an evacuation situation. Lastly, we present the contributions and conclusions drawn from this work

    Heterogeneity-aware scheduling and data partitioning for system performance acceleration

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    Over the past decade, heterogeneous processors and accelerators have become increasingly prevalent in modern computing systems. Compared with previous homogeneous parallel machines, the hardware heterogeneity in modern systems provides new opportunities and challenges for performance acceleration. Classic operating systems optimisation problems such as task scheduling, and application-specific optimisation techniques such as the adaptive data partitioning of parallel algorithms, are both required to work together to address hardware heterogeneity. Significant effort has been invested in this problem, but either focuses on a specific type of heterogeneous systems or algorithm, or a high-level framework without insight into the difference in heterogeneity between different types of system. A general software framework is required, which can not only be adapted to multiple types of systems and workloads, but is also equipped with the techniques to address a variety of hardware heterogeneity. This thesis presents approaches to design general heterogeneity-aware software frameworks for system performance acceleration. It covers a wide variety of systems, including an OS scheduler targeting on-chip asymmetric multi-core processors (AMPs) on mobile devices, a hierarchical many-core supercomputer and multi-FPGA systems for high performance computing (HPC) centers. Considering heterogeneity from on-chip AMPs, such as thread criticality, core sensitivity, and relative fairness, it suggests a collaborative based approach to co-design the task selector and core allocator on OS scheduler. Considering the typical sources of heterogeneity in HPC systems, such as the memory hierarchy, bandwidth limitations and asymmetric physical connection, it proposes an application-specific automatic data partitioning method for a modern supercomputer, and a topological-ranking heuristic based schedule for a multi-FPGA based reconfigurable cluster. Experiments on both a full system simulator (GEM5) and real systems (Sunway Taihulight Supercomputer and Xilinx Multi-FPGA based clusters) demonstrate the significant advantages of the suggested approaches compared against the state-of-the-art on variety of workloads."This work is supported by St Leonards 7th Century Scholarship and Computer Science PhD funding from University of St Andrews; by UK EPSRC grant Discovery: Pattern Discovery and Program Shaping for Manycore Systems (EP/P020631/1)." -- Acknowledgement

    Strategic and operational services for workload management in the cloud

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    In hosting environments such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds, desirable application performance is typically guaranteed through the use of Service Level Agreements (SLAs), which specify minimal fractions of resource capacities that must be allocated by a service provider for unencumbered use by customers to ensure proper operation of their workloads. Most IaaS offerings are presented to customers as fixed-size and fixed-price SLAs, that do not match well the needs of specific applications. Furthermore, arbitrary colocation of applications with different SLAs may result in inefficient utilization of hosts' resources, resulting in economically undesirable customer behavior. In this thesis, we propose the design and architecture of a Colocation as a Service (CaaS) framework: a set of strategic and operational services that allow the efficient colocation of customer workloads. CaaS strategic services provide customers the means to specify their application workload using an SLA language that provides them the opportunity and incentive to take advantage of any tolerances they may have regarding the scheduling of their workloads. CaaS operational services provide the information necessary for, and carry out the reconfigurations mandated by strategic services. We recognize that it could be the case that there are multiple, yet functionally equivalent ways to express an SLA. Thus, towards that end, we present a service that allows the provably-safe transformation of SLAs from one form to another for the purpose of achieving more efficient colocation. Our CaaS framework could be incorporated into an IaaS offering by providers or it could be implemented as a value added proposition by IaaS resellers. To establish the practicality of such offerings, we present a prototype implementation of our proposed CaaS framework

    Resource Management Policies for Cloud-based Interactive 3D Applications

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    The increasing interest for the cloud computing paradigm is leading several different applications and services moving to the 'cloud'. Those range from general storage and computing services to document management systems and office applications. A new challenge is the migration to the cloud of interactive 3D applications, especially those designed for professional usage (e.g., scientific data visualizers, CAD instruments, 3D medical modeling applications). Among the several hurdles rising from some specific hardware and software requirements, an important issue to address is the definition of novel management policies that can properly support these applications, namely, that ensure efficient resource utilization together with a sufficient quality perceived by users. This paper presents some preliminary results in this direction and discusses some possible future work in this field. Our work is part of a wider project aiming at developing a complete architecture to offer interactive 3D applications in a cloud computing environment. Hence, we refer to this particular solution in this stud

    Towards Carbon-Aware Spatial Computing: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Carbon-aware spatial computing (CASC) is focused on reducing the carbon footprint of spatial computing itself and leveraging spatial computing techniques to minimize carbon emissions in other domains. The significance of CASC lies in its potential to mitigate anthropogenic climate change by offering numerous societal applications, such as carbon-aware supply chain development and carbon-aware site selection. CASC is challenging because of the spatiotemporal variability and the high dimensionality of carbon emissions data, involving spatial coordinates and timestamps. Related work, known as carbon-aware computing, mostly focuses on job scheduling of cloud computing, and there is a lack of surveys and review papers detailing the potential of CASC on variant domains and applications. In this paper, we provide the vision of CASC by proposing a taxonomy of sub-domains within CASC and introducing ideas beyond job scheduling, such as carbon-smart site selection. We also briefly review the literature in selected sub-domains and highlight research challenges and opportunities. Given the societal importance of the topic, we encourage the scientific community to use this brief survey to expand the field of study into other related sub-domains and advance CASC more broadly

    A Framework for Approximate Optimization of BoT Application Deployment in Hybrid Cloud Environment

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    We adopt a systematic approach to investigate the efficiency of near-optimal deployment of large-scale CPU-intensive Bag-of-Task applications running on cloud resources with the non-proportional cost to performance ratios. Our analytical solutions perform in both known and unknown running time of the given application. It tries to optimize users' utility by choosing the most desirable tradeoff between the make-span and the total incurred expense. We propose a schema to provide a near-optimal deployment of BoT application regarding users' preferences. Our approach is to provide user with a set of Pareto-optimal solutions, and then she may select one of the possible scheduling points based on her internal utility function. Our framework can cope with uncertainty in the tasks' execution time using two methods, too. First, an estimation method based on a Monte Carlo sampling called AA algorithm is presented. It uses the minimum possible number of sampling to predict the average task running time. Second, assuming that we have access to some code analyzer, code profiling or estimation tools, a hybrid method to evaluate the accuracy of each estimation tool in certain interval times for improving resource allocation decision has been presented. We propose approximate deployment strategies that run on hybrid cloud. In essence, proposed strategies first determine either an estimated or an exact optimal schema based on the information provided from users' side and environmental parameters. Then, we exploit dynamic methods to assign tasks to resources to reach an optimal schema as close as possible by using two methods. A fast yet simple method based on First Fit Decreasing algorithm, and a more complex approach based on the approximation solution of the transformed problem into a subset sum problem. Extensive experiment results conducted on a hybrid cloud platform confirm that our framework can deliver a near optimal solution respecting user's utility function
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