1,972 research outputs found

    Binary morphological shape-based interpolation applied to 3-D tooth reconstruction

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    In this paper we propose an interpolation algorithm using a mathematical morphology morphing approach. The aim of this algorithm is to reconstruct the nn-dimensional object from a group of (n-1)-dimensional sets representing sections of that object. The morphing transformation modifies pairs of consecutive sets such that they approach in shape and size. The interpolated set is achieved when the two consecutive sets are made idempotent by the morphing transformation. We prove the convergence of the morphological morphing. The entire object is modeled by successively interpolating a certain number of intermediary sets between each two consecutive given sets. We apply the interpolation algorithm for 3-D tooth reconstruction

    Intravascular ultrasound: forward-viewing pulse-echo and Doppler imaging

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    Automatic reconstruction from serial sections

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    In many experiments in biological and medical research, serial sectioning of biological material is the only way to reveal the three dimensional (3D) structure and function. For a number of reasons other 3D imaging techniques, such as CT, MRI, and confocal microscopy, are not always adequate because they cannot provide the necessary resolution or contrast, or because the specimen is too large, or because the staining techniques require sectioning. Therefore for the foreseeable future reconstruction from serial sections will remain the only method for 3D investigations in many biomedical fields. Reconstruction is a difficult problem due to the loss of 3D alignment as the sections are cut and, more seriously, the systematic and random distortion caused by the sectioning and preparation processes.Many authors have reported how serial sections can be registered by means of fiducial markers or otherwise, but there have been only a few studies of automated correction of the sectioning distortions. In this thesis solutions to the registration problem are reviewed and discussed, and a solution to the warping problem, based on image pro¬ cessing techniques and the finite element method (FEM), is presented. The aim of this project was to develop a fully automatic method of reconstruction in order to provide a 3D atlas of mouse development as part of a gene expression database. For this purpose it is not necessary to warp the object so that it is identical to the original object, but to correct local distortions in the sections in order to produce a smooth representative mouse embryo. Furthermore the use of fiducial markers was not possible because the reconstructions were from already sectioned material.In this thesis we demonstrate a new method for warping serial sections. The sections are warped by applying forces to each section, where each section is modelled as a thin elastic plate. The deformation forces are determined from correspondences between sections which are calculated by combining match strengths and positional information. The equilibrium state which represents the reconstructed 3D image is calculated using the finite element method. Results of the application of these methods to paraffin wax and resin embedded sections of the mouse embryo are presented

    Registration of pre-operative lung cancer PET/CT scans with post-operative histopathology images

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    Non-invasive imaging modalities used in the diagnosis of lung cancer, such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET) or Computed Tomography (CT), currently provide insuffcient information about the cellular make-up of the lesion microenvironment, unless they are compared against the gold standard of histopathology.The aim of this retrospective study was to build a robust imaging framework for registering in vivo and post-operative scans from lung cancer patients, in order to have a global, pathology-validated multimodality map of the tumour and its surroundings.;Initial experiments were performed on tissue-mimicking phantoms, to test different shape reconstruction methods. The choice of interpolator and slice thickness were found to affect the algorithm's output, in terms of overall volume and local feature recovery. In the second phase of the study, nine lung cancer patients referred for radical lobectomy were recruited. Resected specimens were inflated with agar, sliced at 5 mm intervals, and each cross-section was photographed. The tumour area was delineated on the block-face pathology images and on the preoperative PET/CT scans.;Airway segments were also added to the reconstructed models, to act as anatomical fiducials. Binary shapes were pre-registered by aligning their minimal bounding box axes, and subsequently transformed using rigid registration. In addition, histopathology slides were matched to the block-face photographs using moving least squares algorithm.;A two-step validation process was used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method against manual registration carried out by experienced consultants. In two out of three cases, experts rated the results generated by the algorithm as the best output, suggesting that the developed framework outperforms the current standard practice.Non-invasive imaging modalities used in the diagnosis of lung cancer, such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET) or Computed Tomography (CT), currently provide insuffcient information about the cellular make-up of the lesion microenvironment, unless they are compared against the gold standard of histopathology.The aim of this retrospective study was to build a robust imaging framework for registering in vivo and post-operative scans from lung cancer patients, in order to have a global, pathology-validated multimodality map of the tumour and its surroundings.;Initial experiments were performed on tissue-mimicking phantoms, to test different shape reconstruction methods. The choice of interpolator and slice thickness were found to affect the algorithm's output, in terms of overall volume and local feature recovery. In the second phase of the study, nine lung cancer patients referred for radical lobectomy were recruited. Resected specimens were inflated with agar, sliced at 5 mm intervals, and each cross-section was photographed. The tumour area was delineated on the block-face pathology images and on the preoperative PET/CT scans.;Airway segments were also added to the reconstructed models, to act as anatomical fiducials. Binary shapes were pre-registered by aligning their minimal bounding box axes, and subsequently transformed using rigid registration. In addition, histopathology slides were matched to the block-face photographs using moving least squares algorithm.;A two-step validation process was used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method against manual registration carried out by experienced consultants. In two out of three cases, experts rated the results generated by the algorithm as the best output, suggesting that the developed framework outperforms the current standard practice

    DeepACSON automated segmentation of white matter in 3D electron microscopy

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    Tracing the entirety of ultrastructures in large three-dimensional electron microscopy (3D-EM) images of the brain tissue requires automated segmentation techniques. Current segmentation techniques use deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) and rely on high-contrast cellular membranes and high-resolution EM volumes. On the other hand, segmenting low-resolution, large EM volumes requires methods to account for severe membrane discontinuities inescapable. Therefore, we developed DeepACSON, which performs DCNN-based semantic segmentation and shape-decomposition-based instance segmentation. DeepACSON instance segmentation uses the tubularity of myelinated axons and decomposes under-segmented myelinated axons into their constituent axons. We applied DeepACSON to ten EM volumes of rats after sham-operation or traumatic brain injury, segmenting hundreds of thousands of long-span myelinated axons, thousands of cell nuclei, and millions of mitochondria with excellent evaluation scores. DeepACSON quantified the morphology and spatial aspects of white matter ultrastructures, capturing nanoscopic morphological alterations five months after the injury. With DeepACSON, Abdollahzadeh et al. combines existing deep learning-based methods for semantic segmentation and a novel shape decomposition technique for the instance segmentation. The pipeline is used to segment low-resolution 3D-EM datasets allowing quantification of white matter morphology in large fields-of-view.Peer reviewe

    Mapping Trabecular Bone Fabric Tensor by in Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    The mechanical competence of bone depends upon its quantity, structural arrangement, and chemical composition. Assessment of these factors is important for the evaluation of bone integrity, particularly as the skeleton remodels according to external (e.g. mechanical loading) and internal (e.g. hormonal changes) stimuli. Micro magnetic resonance imaging (µMRI) has emerged as a non-invasive and non-ionizing method well-suited for the repeated measurements necessary for monitoring changes in bone integrity. However, in vivo image-based directional dependence of trabecular bone (TB) has not been linked to mechanical competence or fracture risk despite the existence of convincing ex vivo evidence. The objective of this dissertation research was to develop a means of capturing the directional dependence of TB by assessing a fabric tensor on the basis of in vivo µMRI. To accomplish this objective, a novel approach for calculating the TB fabric tensor based on the spatial autocorrelation function was developed and evaluated in the presence of common limitations to in vivo µMRI. Comparisons were made to the standard technique of mean-intercept-length (MIL). Relative to MIL, ACF was identified as computationally faster by over an order of magnitude and more robust within the range of the resolutions and SNRs achievable in vivo. The potential for improved sensitivity afforded by isotropic resolution was also investigated in an improved µMR imaging protocol at 3T. Measures of reproducibility and reliability indicate the potential of images with isotropic resolution to provide enhanced sensitivity to orientation-dependent measures of TB, however overall reproducibility suffered from the sacrifice in SNR. Finally, the image-derived TB fabric tensor was validated through its relationship with TB mechanical competence in specimen and in vivo µMR images. The inclusion of trabecular bone fabric measures significantly improved the bone volume fraction-based prediction of elastic constants calculated by micro-finite element analysis. This research established a method for detecting TB fabric tensor in vivo and identified the directional dependence of TB as an important determinant of TB mechanical competence

    Study of post-necking hardening identification and deformation-induced surface roughening of metals

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    This thesis covers topics at two fundamental scales at which plastic deformation is occurring – macroscopic and microscopic. The first topic is related to the localization of deformation and subsequent necking that happens in metals during deformation, e.g., sheet metal during forming. The open fundamental question is – what happens to the material properties inside of the localized region. The localization process is very challenging to analyze, even using a conventional tension test since several effects such as material hardening as well as effects of strain-rate and temperature are strongly coupled. In this thesis we propose a novel approach that allows to decouple these effects and furthermore to identify the true hardening behavior of material. The solution is based on solving an inverse problem that involves optimization of an expensive black-box function. The methodology developed is presented in detail. In the second topic we consider the microscopic aspects of deformation, namely grain-scale plasticity. More specifically, we apply a crystal plasticity finite element framework to analyze the deformation-induced surface roughening effect. This task also involves a number of challenges. One such challenge is the accurate calibration of the model, which was tackled here using the black-box optimization procedure developed earlier. The second challenge is the accurate non-destructive reconstruction of a 3D texture based on images of several planar sections. The texture reconstruction problem was solved and presented as a general methodology. Subsequently it was possible to construct a comprehensive model that accounts for all major effects. It is shown that this model is able to capture the physics of deformation-induced surface roughening, however primarily in the average sense