469 research outputs found

    Rule-based monitoring and error detecting for converged telecommunication processes

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    Convergent process may be defined as a composition of services which integrates functionalities from Web and Telecommunication domains. However, during execution of convergent processes some services may fail; in such cases a reconfiguration process must be triggered to recover normal behaviour of composite process. Previous works have developed mechanisms for reducing reconfiguration time while initial restrictions are maintained; this is achieved by replacing regions of services instead of individual services. The present work presents an approach for monitoring and error detecting in convergent processes using rule production systems based on ITIL model. The approach was tested in the monitoring module of the AUTO framework, whose architecture and performance are discussed to show that this approach can efficiently detect errors and repair convergent processes in telecom environments

    Comparing Drools and Ontology Reasoning Approaches for Automated Monitoring in Telecommunication Processes

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    AbstractAutomated reconfiguration is one of the crucial tasks in telecommunication service composition. The first step in reconfiguration is the monitoring phase. The problem of monitoring and error detection frequently appears in different telecommunications architectures. This article describes the main components of the architecture for monitoring module in AUTO framework. The monitoring approach is based on semantic technologies and ITIL framework. Equally, this paper presents an analysis and comparison of two approaches for the implementation of the module: Drools and semantic formalism. The results of this study may be applicable to other telecommunication domains

    Towards automated composition of convergent services: a survey

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    A convergent service is defined as a service that exploits the convergence of communication networks and at the same time takes advantage of features of the Web. Nowadays, building up a convergent service is not trivial, because although there are significant approaches that aim to automate the service composition at different levels in the Web and Telecom domains, selecting the most appropriate approach for specific case studies is complex due to the big amount of involved information and the lack of technical considerations. Thus, in this paper, we identify the relevant phases for convergent service composition and explore the existing approaches and their associated technologies for automating each phase. For each technology, the maturity and results are analysed, as well as the elements that must be considered prior to their application in real scenarios. Furthermore, we provide research directions related to the convergent service composition phases

    The P-ART framework for placement of virtual network services in a multi-cloud environment

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    Carriers’ network services are distributed, dynamic, and investment intensive. Deploying them as virtual network services (VNS) brings the promise of low-cost agile deployments, which reduce time to market new services. If these virtual services are hosted dynamically over multiple clouds, greater flexibility in optimizing performance and cost can be achieved. On the flip side, when orchestrated over multiple clouds, the stringent performance norms for carrier services become difficult to meet, necessitating novel and innovative placement strategies. In selecting the appropriate combination of clouds for placement, it is important to look ahead and visualize the environment that will exist at the time a virtual network service is actually activated. This serves multiple purposes — clouds can be selected to optimize the cost, the chosen performance parameters can be kept within the defined limits, and the speed of placement can be increased. In this paper, we propose the P-ART (Predictive-Adaptive Real Time) framework that relies on predictive-deductive features to achieve these objectives. With so much riding on predictions, we include in our framework a novel concept-drift compensation technique to make the predictions closer to reality by taking care of long-term traffic variations. At the same time, near real-time update of the prediction models takes care of sudden short-term variations. These predictions are then used by a new randomized placement heuristic that carries out a fast cloud selection using a least-cost latency-constrained policy. An empirical analysis carried out using datasets from a queuing-theoretic model and also through implementation on CloudLab, proves the effectiveness of the P-ART framework. The placement system works fast, placing thousands of functions in a sub-minute time frame with a high acceptance ratio, making it suitable for dynamic placement. We expect the framework to be an important step in making the deployment of carrier-grade VNS on multi-cloud systems, using network function virtualization (NFV), a reality

    The P-ART framework for placement of virtual network services in a multi-cloud environment

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    Carriers network services are distributed, dynamic, and investment intensive. Deploying them as virtual network services (VNS) brings the promise of low-cost agile deployments, which reduce time to market new services. If these virtual services are hosted dynamically over multiple clouds, greater flexibility in optimizing performance and cost can be achieved. On the flip side, when orchestrated over multiple clouds, the stringent performance norms for carrier services become difficult to meet, necessitating novel and innovative placement strategies. In selecting the appropriate combination of clouds for placement, it is important to look ahead and visualize the environment that will exist at the time a virtual network service is actually activated. This serves multiple purposes clouds can be selected to optimize the cost, the chosen performance parameters can be kept within the defined limits, and the speed of placement can be increased. In this paper, we propose the P-ART (Predictive-Adaptive Real Time) framework that relies on predictive-deductive features to achieve these objectives. With so much riding on predictions, we include in our framework a novel concept-drift compensation technique to make the predictions closer to reality by taking care of long-term traffic variations. At the same time, near real-time update of the prediction models takes care of sudden short-term variations. These predictions are then used by a new randomized placement heuristic that carries out a fast cloud selection using a least-cost latency-constrained policy. An empirical analysis carried out using datasets from a queuing-theoretic model and also through implementation on CloudLab, proves the effectiveness of the P-ART framework. The placement system works fast, placing thousands of functions in a sub-minute time frame with a high acceptance ratio, making it suitable for dynamic placement. We expect the framework to be an important step in making the deployment of carrier-grade VNS on multi-cloud systems, using network function virtualization (NFV), a reality.This publication was made possible by NPRP grant # 8-634-1-131 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation), National Science Foundation, USA � CNS-1718929 and National Science Foundation, USA � CNS-1547380 .Scopu

    Energy Technology and Management

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    The civilization of present age is predominantly dependent on energy resources and their utilization. Almost every human activity in today's life needs one or other form of energy. As world's energy resources are not unlimited, it is extremely important to use energy efficiently. Both energy related technological issues and policy and planning paradigms are highly needed to effectively exploit and utilize energy resources. This book covers topics, ranging from technology to policy, relevant to efficient energy utilization. Those academic and practitioners who have background knowledge of energy issues can take benefit from this book

    Architectures for integration of information systems under conditions of dynamic reconfiguration of virtual enterprises

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    Tese Doutoramento Programa Doutoral em Industrial and Systems EngineeringThe aim of this thesis is to explore Architectures of information systems Integration under conditions of dynamic reconfiguration of Virtual Enterprises. The main challenge that we identify and which formed the basis of the research is that information technologies alone cannot support efficiently and effectively the human knowledge and their natural way of interacting. Already from Sausurre (1916) it could be argued that part of knowledge resides in person, and the attempt to try to model it is sufficient for it to be misrepresented. And this is the motto of all this work. Enhance the capabilities of emerging technologies, but in the sense that allow humanto- human interaction, having the information system merely a means to make this possible. Thus we argue that a communicational architecture of information systems integration (where Pragmatics mechanisms are enabled) in virtual enterprises in dynamic reconfiguration scenarios, are better able than the existing transactional architectures. We propose a communicational architecture able to achieve an effective integration of information systems, as well as designing its logical and functional model. We also define the necessary semiotic framework in order to a communicational integration architecture could be efficient and effective. We implemented two prototypes to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed architecture. The demonstration of the research hypothesis was demonstrated with the realization of two experimentations where the ontologies have been unable to resolve disagreements or absences of opinion inherent in people who collaborated. This was overcome with the implementation of mechanisms that allow the co-creation between members of the group that participated in the trial.O objectivo desta tese é explorar Arquitecturas de Integração de Sistemas de Informação em condições de Reconfiguração Dinâmica de Empresas Virtuais. O principal desafio que identificamos e que serviu de base da pesquisa é que as tecnologias de informação por si só não conseguem suportar de forma eficiente e efectiva o conhecimento humano e a sua forma natural de interagir. Já Sausurre (1916) defendia que parte do conhecimento residirá sempre na pessoa, e a tentativa de o tentar modelar é suficiente para que seja deturpado. E esse é o mote de todo este trabalho. Enaltecer as capacidades das tecnologias emergentes mas no sentido de elas permitirem a interacção homem-to-homem, sendo o sistema de informação meramente um meio para que tal seja possível. Argumentamos por isso que uma arquitectura comunicacional de integração de sistemas de informação, onde Pragmatics mechanisms are enabled, em empresas virtuais em cenários de reconfiguração dinâmica, são mais capazes que as actuais arquitecturas transacionais. Propomos para isso uma arquitectura comunicacional capaz de conseguir uma integração efectiva de sistemas de informação, assim como desenhamos o seu modelo lógico e funcional. Definimos ainda o quadro semiótico necessário para que uma arquitectura comunicacional de integração seja eficiente e effectiva. Implementamos dois protótipos capazes de demonstrar a aplicabilidade da arquitectura proposta. A demonstração da hipótese de pesquisa ficou demonstrada com a realização de uma experimentação onde as ontologias se mostraram incapazes de resolver discordâncias ou ausências de opinião inerentes às pessoas que colaboram. Tal foi superado com a aplicação de mecanismos que permitiram a co-criação entre os membros do grupo que realizou a experimentação

    Ubiquitous Computing

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    The aim of this book is to give a treatment of the actively developed domain of Ubiquitous computing. Originally proposed by Mark D. Weiser, the concept of Ubiquitous computing enables a real-time global sensing, context-aware informational retrieval, multi-modal interaction with the user and enhanced visualization capabilities. In effect, Ubiquitous computing environments give extremely new and futuristic abilities to look at and interact with our habitat at any time and from anywhere. In that domain, researchers are confronted with many foundational, technological and engineering issues which were not known before. Detailed cross-disciplinary coverage of these issues is really needed today for further progress and widening of application range. This book collects twelve original works of researchers from eleven countries, which are clustered into four sections: Foundations, Security and Privacy, Integration and Middleware, Practical Applications

    Particle Swarm Optimization: Basic Concepts, Variants and Applications in Power Systems

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    Many areas in power systems require solving one or more nonlinear optimization problems. While analytical methods might suffer from slow convergence and the curse of dimensionality, heuristics-based swarm intelligence can be an efficient alternative. Particle swarm optimization (PSO), part of the swarm intelligence family, is known to effectively solve large-scale nonlinear optimization problems. This paper presents a detailed overview of the basic concepts of PSO and its variants. Also, it provides a comprehensive survey on the power system applications that have benefited from the powerful nature of PSO as an optimization technique. For each application, technical details that are required for applying PSO, such as its type, particle formulation (solution representation), and the most efficient fitness functions are also discussed