693 research outputs found

    Mixed-architecture process scheduling on tightly coupled reconfigurable computers

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    The design and implementation of a multitasking runtime system for mixed-architecture applications on a tightly coupled FPGA-CPU platform is presented. The runtime environment and the user applications assume an underlying machine that encompasses multiple computing architectures within a unified machine model. Using this model, a unified process scheduling mechanism was developed that enables concurrent execution of multiple mixed-architecture processes. Scheduling and allocation strategies, including blocking and preemption, were implemented and evaluated with respect to performance and fairness on a Xilinx Zynq platform using a mix of synthetic workloads.postprin

    MURAC: A unified machine model for heterogeneous computers

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    Includes bibliographical referencesHeterogeneous computing enables the performance and energy advantages of multiple distinct processing architectures to be efficiently exploited within a single machine. These systems are capable of delivering large performance increases by matching the applications to architectures that are most suited to them. The Multiple Runtime-reconfigurable Architecture Computer (MURAC) model has been proposed to tackle the problems commonly found in the design and usage of these machines. This model presents a system-level approach that creates a clear separation of concerns between the system implementer and the application developer. The three key concepts that make up the MURAC model are a unified machine model, a unified instruction stream and a unified memory space. A simple programming model built upon these abstractions provides a consistent interface for interacting with the underlying machine to the user application. This programming model simplifies application partitioning between hardware and software and allows the easy integration of different execution models within the single control ow of a mixed-architecture application. The theoretical and practical trade-offs of the proposed model have been explored through the design of several systems. An instruction-accurate system simulator has been developed that supports the simulated execution of mixed-architecture applications. An embedded System-on-Chip implementation has been used to measure the overhead in hardware resources required to support the model, which was found to be minimal. An implementation of the model within an operating system on a tightly-coupled reconfigurable processor platform has been created. This implementation is used to extend the software scheduler to allow for the full support of mixed-architecture applications in a multitasking environment. Different scheduling strategies have been tested using this scheduler for mixed-architecture applications. The design and implementation of these systems has shown that a unified abstraction model for heterogeneous computers provides important usability benefits to system and application designers. These benefits are achieved through a consistent view of the multiple different architectures to the operating system and user applications. This allows them to focus on achieving their performance and efficiency goals by gaining the benefits of different execution models during runtime without the complex implementation details of the system-level synchronisation and coordination

    Dynamic hardware-acceleration of VNFs in NFV environments

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    In this paper, we describe a scheme for dynamically provisioning hardware-accelerator resources to virtual network functions (VNF) in an NFV environment. The scheme involves collaboration between various NFV components like service-specific manager (SSM) and element-management-systems (EMSs) for the management of accelerator resources. Accelerator resources are dynamically allocated to VNFs based on their resource usage information. We present the performance comparison of non-accelerated and accelerated SSH-client VNFs. We also demonstrate switching of accelerator resources between the concurrently running SSH-tunnels which is triggered by a change in the nature of the data traffic flowing through SSH-tunnels

    Baseband analog front-end and digital back-end for reconfigurable multi-standard terminals

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    Multimedia applications are driving wireless network operators to add high-speed data services such as Edge (E-GPRS), WCDMA (UMTS) and WLAN (IEEE 802.11a,b,g) to the existing GSM network. This creates the need for multi-mode cellular handsets that support a wide range of communication standards, each with a different RF frequency, signal bandwidth, modulation scheme etc. This in turn generates several design challenges for the analog and digital building blocks of the physical layer. In addition to the above-mentioned protocols, mobile devices often include Bluetooth, GPS, FM-radio and TV services that can work concurrently with data and voice communication. Multi-mode, multi-band, and multi-standard mobile terminals must satisfy all these different requirements. Sharing and/or switching transceiver building blocks in these handsets is mandatory in order to extend battery life and/or reduce cost. Only adaptive circuits that are able to reconfigure themselves within the handover time can meet the design requirements of a single receiver or transmitter covering all the different standards while ensuring seamless inter-interoperability. This paper presents analog and digital base-band circuits that are able to support GSM (with Edge), WCDMA (UMTS), WLAN and Bluetooth using reconfigurable building blocks. The blocks can trade off power consumption for performance on the fly, depending on the standard to be supported and the required QoS (Quality of Service) leve

    Virtualized FPGA accelerators for efficient cloud computing

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    Hardware accelerators implement custom architectures to significantly speed up computations in a wide range of domains. As performance scaling in server-class CPUs slows, we propose the integration of hardware accelerators in the cloud as a way to maintain a positive performance trend. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) represent the ideal way to integrate accelerators in the cloud, since they can be reprogrammed as needs change and allow multiple accelerators to share optimised communication infrastructure. We discuss a framework that integrates reconfigurable accelerators in a standard server with virtualised resource management and communication. We then present a case study that quantifies the efficiency benefits and break-even point for integrating FPGAs in the cloud

    Scalable framework for heterogeneous clustering of commodity FPGAs

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    A combination of parallelism exploitation and application specific hardware is increasingly being used to address the computational requirements of a diverse and extensive set of application areas. These targeted applications have specific computational requirements that often are not able to be implemented optimally on general purpose processors and have the potential to experience substantial speedup on dedicated hardware. While general parallelism has been exploited at various levels for decades, the advent of heterogeneous cluster computing has allowed applications to be accelerated through the use of intelligently mapped computational tasks to well-suited hardware. This trend has continued with the use of dedicated ASIC and FPGA coprocessors to off-load particularly intensive computations. With the inclusion of embedded microprocessors into otherwise reconfigurable FPGA fabric, it has become feasible to construct a heterogeneous cluster composed of application specific hardware resources that can be programatically treated as fully functional and independent cluster nodes via a standard message passing interface. The contribution of this thesis is the development of such a framework for organizing heterogeneous clusters of reconfigurable FPGA computing elements into clusters that enable development of complex systems delivering on the promise of parallel reconfigurable hardware. The framework includes a fully featured message passing interface implementation for seamless communication and synchronization among nodes running in an embedded Linux operating system environment while managing hardware accelerators through device driver abstractions and standard APIs. A set of application case studies deployed on a test platform of Xilinx Virtex-4 and Virtex-5 FPGAs demonstrates functionality, elucidates performance characteristics, and promotes future research and development efforts

    A TrustZone-assisted hypervisor supporting dynamic partial reconfiguration

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresTraditionally, embedded systems were dedicated single-purpose systems characterised by hardware resource constraints and real-time requirements. However, with the growing computing abilities and resources on general purpose platforms, systems that were formerly divided to provide different functions are now merging into one System on Chip. One of the solutions that allows the coexistence of heterogeneous environments on the same hardware platform is virtualization technology, usually in the form of an hypervisor that manage different instances of OSes and arbitrate their execution and resource usage, according to the chosen policy. ARM TrustZone has been one of the technologies used to implement a virtualization solution with low overhead and low footprint. µRTZVisor a TrustZoneassisted hypervisor with a microkernel-like architecture - is a bare-metal embedded hypervisor that relies on TrustZone hardware to provide the foundation to implement strong spatial and temporal isolation between multiple guest OSes. The use of Partial Reconfiguration allows the designer to define partial reconfigurable regions in the FPGA and reconfigure them during runtime. This allows the system to have its functionalities changed during runtime using Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR), without needing to reconfigure all the FPGA. This is a major advantage, as it decreases the configuration overhead since partial bitstreams are smaller than full bitstreams and the reconfiguration time is shorter. Another advantage is reducing the need for larger logic areas and consequently reducing their power consumption. Therefore, a hypervisor that supports DPR brings benefits to the system. Aside from better FPGA resources usage, another improvement that it brings, is when critical hardware modules misbehave and the hardware module can be replaced. It also enables the controlling and changing of hardware accelerators dynamically, which can be used to meet the guest OSes requests for hardware resources as the need appears. The propose of this thesis is extending the µRTZVisor to have a DPR mechanism.Tradicionalmente, os sistemas embebidos eram sistemas dedicados a uma única tarefa e apenas limitados pelos seus requisitos de tempo real e de hardware. Contudo, como as plataformas de uso geral têm cada vez mais recursos e capacidade de processamento, muitos dos sistemas que executavam separadamente, passaram a apenas um sistema em plataforma recorrendo à tecnologia de virtualização, normalmente como um hipervisor que é capaz de gerir múltiplos sistemas operativos arbitrando a sua execução e acesso aos recursos da plataforma de acordo com uma politica predefinida. A tecnologia TrustZone da ARM tem sido uma das soluções implementadas sem ter grande impacto na performance dos sistemas operativos. µRTZVisor é um dos hipervisores baseados na TrustZone para implementar um isolamento espacial e temporal entre múltiplos sistemas operativos, sendo que defere de outras uma vez que é de arquitectura microkernel. O uso de Reconfiguração Parcial Dinâmica (RPD) permite ao designer definir várias regiões reconfiguráveis no FPGA que podem ser dinamicamente reconfiguradas durante o período de execução. Esta é uma grande vantagem, porque reduz os tempos de reconfiguração de módulos reconfiguráveis uma vez que os seus bitstreams são mais pequenos que bitstreams para a plataforma toda. A tecnologia também permite que nos FPGAs não sejam necessárias áreas lógicas tão grandes, o que também reduz o consumo de energia da plataforma. Um hipervisor que suporte RPD traz grandes benefícios para o sistema, nomeadamente melhor uso dos recursos de FPGA, implementação de aceleradores em hardware dinamicamente reconfiguráveis, e tratamento de falhas no hardware. Se houverem módulos que estejam a demonstrar comportamentos inesperados estes podem ser reconfigurados. O uso de aceleradores reconfiguráveis permite que o hardware seja adaptável conforme a necessidade destes pelos diferentes sistemas operativos. A proposta desta dissertação é então estender o µRTZVisor para ter a capacidade de usar módulos reconfiguráveis por RPD

    Mini-NOVA: A Lightweight ARM-based Virtualization Microkernel Supporting Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration

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    International audienceToday, ARM is becoming the mainstream family of processors in the high-performance embedded systems domain. In this context, adding a run-time reconfigurable FPGA device to the ARM processor into a single chip makes it possible to combine high performance and flexibility. In this paper, we propose a low-complexity design of system virtualization running on the Zynq platform. Virtualization of software and hardware resources are managed by a custom microkernel. The dedicated features to efficiently manage the dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) technology are described in details. The performance of the DPR management is evaluated and presented at the end of this paper

    FPGA acceleration of DNA sequence alignment: design analysis and optimization

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    Existing FPGA accelerators for short read mapping often fail to utilize the complete biological information in sequencing data for simple hardware design, leading to missed or incorrect alignment. In this work, we propose a runtime reconfigurable alignment pipeline that considers all information in sequencing data for the biologically accurate acceleration of short read mapping. We focus our efforts on accelerating two string matching techniques: FM-index and the Smith-Waterman algorithm with the affine-gap model which are commonly used in short read mapping. We further optimize the FPGA hardware using a design analyzer and merger to improve alignment performance. The contributions of this work are as follows. 1. We accelerate the exact-match and mismatch alignment by leveraging the FM-index technique. We optimize memory access by compressing the data structure and interleaving the access with multiple short reads. The FM-index hardware also considers complete information in the read data to maximize accuracy. 2. We propose a seed-and-extend model to accelerate alignment with indels. The FM-index hardware is extended to support the seeding stage while a Smith-Waterman implementation with the affine-gap model is developed on FPGA for the extension stage. This model can improve the efficiency of indel alignment with comparable accuracy versus state-of-the-art software. 3. We present an approach for merging multiple FPGA designs into a single hardware design, so that multiple place-and-route tasks can be replaced by a single task to speed up functional evaluation of designs. We first experiment with this approach to demonstrate its feasibility for different designs. Then we apply this approach to optimize one of the proposed FPGA aligners for better alignment performance.Open Acces