44 research outputs found

    Topics in access, storage, and sensor networks

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    In the first part of this dissertation, Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) and IEEE 802.3ah Ethernet Passive Optical Network (ETON), two access networking standards, are studied. We study the impact of two parameters of the DOCSIS protocol and derive the probability of message collision in the 802.3ah device discovery scheme. We survey existing bandwidth allocation schemes for EPONs, derive the average grant size in one such scheme, and study the performance of the shortest-job-first heuristic. In the second part of this dissertation, we study networks of mobile sensors. We make progress towards an architecture for disconnected collections of mobile sensors. We propose a new design abstraction called tours which facilitates the combination of mobility and communication into a single design primitive and enables the system of sensors to reorganize into desirable topologies alter failures. We also initiate a study of computation in mobile sensor networks. We study the relationship between two distributed computational models of mobile sensor networks: population protocols and self-similar functions. We define the notion of a self-similar predicate and show when it is computable by a population protocol. Transition graphs of population protocols lead its to the consideration of graph powers. We consider the direct product of graphs and its new variant which we call the lexicographic direct product (or the clique product). We show that invariants concerning transposable walks in direct graph powers and transposable independent sets in graph families generated by the lexicographic direct product are uncomputable. The last part of this dissertation makes contributions to the area of storage systems. We propose a sequential access detect ion and prefetching scheme and a dynamic cache sizing scheme for large storage systems. We evaluate the cache sizing scheme theoretically and through simulations. We compute the expected hit ratio of our and competing schemes and bound the expected size of our dynamic cache sufficient to obtain an optimal hit ratio. We also develop a stand-alone simulator for studying our proposed scheme and integrate it with an empirically validated disk simulator

    Algoritme penggantian cache proxy terdistribusi untuk meningkatkan kinerja server web

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    The performance of web processing needs to increase to meet the growth of internet usage, one of which is by using cache on the web proxy server. This study examines the implementation of the proxy cache replacement algorithm to increase cache hits in the proxy server. The study was conducted by creating a clustered or distributed web server system using eight web server nodes. The system was able to provide increased latency by 90 % better and increased throughput of 5.33 times better.Kinerja pemrosesan web perlu meningkat untuk memenuhi pertumbuhan penggunaan internet, salah satunya dengan menggunakan cache pada server proxy web. Penelitian ini mengkaji implementasi algoritme penggantian cache proxy untuk meningkatkan cache hit dalam server proxy. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membuat sistem web server secara cluster atau terdistribusi dengan menggunakan delapan buah node web server. Sistem menghasilkan peningkatan latensi sebesar 90 % lebih baik dan peningkatan throughput sebesar 5,33 kali lebih baik

    CacheL: A cache algorithm using leases for node data in the Internet of Things (Best Paper Award)

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) allow applications to interact with the physical world using sensing nodes deployed in an Internet of Things (IoT). Many WSN sensing nodes have constrained computing and memory capabilities. This paper details a new cache algorithm suitable for use on constrained nodes and its use in an architecture incorporating caching and the flow of data from sensors to services, possibly Cloud-based. This cache algorithm is influenced by the Clock paging algorithm and manages the leases of cached data in its replacement policy, removing the need for a separate process for this. This paper presents implementations of the algorithm in C on the Contiki OS and Java, compares its performance to LRU and considers its suitability for use on constrained WSN nodes

    Characterization and Avoidance of Critical Pipeline Structures in Aggressive Superscalar Processors

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    In recent years, with only small fractions of modern processors now accessible in a single cycle, computer architects constantly fight against propagation issues across the die. Unfortunately this trend continues to shift inward, and now the even most internal features of the pipeline are designed around communication, not computation. To address the inward creep of this constraint, this work focuses on the characterization of communication within the pipeline itself, architectural techniques to avoid it when possible, and layout co-design for early detection of problems. I present work in creating a novel detection tool for common case operand movement which can rapidly characterize an applications dataflow patterns. The results produced are suitable for exploitation as a small number of patterns can describe a significant portion of modern applications. Work on dynamic dependence collapsing takes the observations from the pattern results and shows how certain groups of operations can be dynamically grouped, avoiding unnecessary communication between individual instructions. This technique also amplifies the efficiency of pipeline data structures such as the reorder buffer, increasing both IPC and frequency. I also identify the same sets of collapsible instructions at compile time, producing the same benefits with minimal hardware complexity. This technique is also done in a backward compatible manner as the groups are exposed by simple reordering of the binarys instructions. I present aggressive pipelining approaches for these resources which avoids the critical timing often presumed necessary in aggressive superscalar processors. As these structures are designed for the worst case, pipelining them can produce greater frequency benefit than IPC loss. I also use the observation that the dynamic issue order for instructions in aggressive superscalar processors is predictable. Thus, a hardware mechanism is introduced for caching the wakeup order for groups of instructions efficiently. These wakeup vectors are then used to speculatively schedule instructions, avoiding the dynamic scheduling when it is not necessary. Finally, I present a novel approach to fast and high-quality chip layout. By allowing architects to quickly evaluate what if scenarios during early high-level design, chip designs are less likely to encounter implementation problems later in the process.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Scott Wills; Committee Member: David Schimmel; Committee Member: Gabriel Loh; Committee Member: Hsien-Hsin Lee; Committee Member: Yorai Ward

    Modeling and Optimization of Resource Allocation in Supply Chain Management Problems

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    Resource allocation in supply chain management studies how to allocate the limited available resources economically/optimally to satisfy the demands. It is an important research area in operations research. This dissertation focuses on the modeling and optimization of three problems. The first part of the dissertation investigates an important and unique problem in a supply chain distribution network, namely minimum cost network flow with variable lower bounds (MCNF-VLB). This type of network can be used to optimize the utilization of distribution channels (i.e., resources) in a large supply network, in order to minimize the total cost while satisfying flow conservation, lower and upper bounds, and demand/supply constraints. The second part of the dissertation introduces a novel method adopted from multi-product inventory control to optimally allocate the cache space and the frequency (i.e., resources) for multi-stream data prefetching in computer science. The objective is to minimize the cache miss level (backorder level), while satisfying the cache space (inventory space) and the total prefetching frequency (total order frequency) constraints. Also, efforts have also been made to extend the model for a multi-level, multi-stream prefetching system. The third part of the dissertation studies the joint capacity (i.e., resources) and demand allocation problem in a service delivery network. The objective is to minimize the total cost while satisfying a required service reliability, which measures the probability of satisfying customer demand within a delivery time interval

    Scalability in extensible and heterogeneous storage systems

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    The evolution of computer systems has brought an exponential growth in data volumes, which pushes the capabilities of current storage architectures to organize and access this information effectively: as the unending creation and demand of computer-generated data grows at an estimated rate of 40-60% per year, storage infrastructures need increasingly scalable data distribution layouts that are able to adapt to this growth with adequate performance. In order to provide the required performance and reliability, large-scale storage systems have traditionally relied on multiple RAID-5 or RAID-6 storage arrays, interconnected with high-speed networks like FibreChannel or SAS. Unfortunately, the performance of the current, most commonly-used storage technology-the magnetic disk drive-can't keep up with the rate of growth needed to sustain this explosive growth. Moreover, storage architectures based on solid-state devices (the successors of current magnetic drives) don't seem poised to replace HDD-based storage for the next 5-10 years, at least in data centers. Though the performance of SSDs significantly improves that of hard drives, it would cost the NAND industry hundreds of billions of dollars to build enough manufacturing plants to satisfy the forecasted demand. Besides the problems derived from technological and mechanical limitations, the massive data growth poses more challenges: to build a storage infrastructure, the most flexible approach consists in using pools of storage devices that can be expanded as needed by adding new devices or replacing older ones, thus seamlessly increasing the system's performance and capacity. This approach however, needs data layouts that can adapt to these topology changes and also exploit the potential performance offered by the hardware. Such strategies should be able to rebuild the data layout to accommodate the new devices in the infrastructure, extracting the utmost performance from the hardware and offering a balanced workload distribution. An inadequate data layout might not effectively use the enlarged capacity or better performance provided by newer devices, thus leading to unbalancing problems like bottlenecks or resource underusage. Besides, massive storage systems will inevitably be composed of a collection of heterogeneous hardware: as capacity and performance requirements grow, new storage devices must be added to cope with demand, but it is unlikely that these devices will have the same capacity or performance of those installed. Moreover, upon failure, disks are most commonly replaced by faster and larger ones, since it is not always easy (or cheap) to find a particular model of drive. In the long run, any large-scale storage system will have to cope with a myriad of devices. The title of this dissertation, "Scalability in Extensible and Heterogeneous Storage Systems", refers to the main focus of our contributions in scalable data distributions that can adapt to increasing volumes of data. Our first contribution is the design of a scalable data layout that can adapt to hardware changes while redistributing only the minimum data to keep a balanced workload. With the second contribution, we perform a comparative study on the influence of pseudo-random number generators in the performance and distribution quality of randomized layouts and prove that a badly chosen generator can degrade the quality of the strategy. Our third contribution is an an analysis of long-term data access patterns in several real-world traces to determine if it is possible to offer high performance and a balanced load with less than minimal data rebalancing. In our final contribution, we apply the knowledge learnt about long-term access patterns to design an extensible RAID architecture that can adapt to changes in the number of disks without migrating large amounts of data, and prove that it can be competitive with current RAID arrays with an overhead of at most 1.28% the storage capacity.L'evolució dels sistemes de computació ha dut un creixement exponencial dels volums de dades, que porta al límit la capacitat d'organitzar i accedir informació de les arquitectures d'emmagatzemament actuals. Amb una incessant creació de dades que creix a un ritme estimat del 40-60% per any, les infraestructures de dades requereixen de distribucions de dades cada cop més escalables que puguin adaptar-se a aquest creixement amb un rendiment adequat. Per tal de proporcionar aquest rendiment, els sistemes d'emmagatzemament de gran escala fan servir agregacions RAID5 o RAID6 connectades amb xarxes d'alta velocitat com FibreChannel o SAS. Malauradament, el rendiment de la tecnologia més emprada actualment, el disc magnètic, no creix prou ràpid per sostenir tal creixement explosiu. D'altra banda, les prediccions apunten que els dispositius d'estat sòlid, els successors de la tecnologia actual, no substituiran els discos magnètics fins d'aquí 5-10 anys. Tot i que el rendiment és molt superior, la indústria NAND necessitarà invertir centenars de milions de dòlars per construir prou fàbriques per satisfer la demanda prevista. A més dels problemes derivats de limitacions tècniques i mecàniques, el creixement massiu de les dades suposa més problemes: la solució més flexible per construir una infraestructura d'emmagatzematge consisteix en fer servir grups de dispositius que es poden fer créixer bé afegint-ne de nous, bé reemplaçant-ne els més vells, incrementant així la capacitat i el rendiment del sistema de forma transparent. Aquesta solució, però, requereix distribucions de dades que es puguin adaptar a aquests canvis a la topologia i explotar el rendiment potencial que el hardware ofereix. Aquestes distribucions haurien de poder reconstruir la col.locació de les dades per acomodar els nous dispositius, extraient-ne el màxim rendiment i oferint una càrrega de treball balancejada. Una distribució inadient pot no fer servir de manera efectiva la capacitat o el rendiment addicional ofert pels nous dispositius, provocant problemes de balanceig com colls d¿ampolla o infrautilització. A més, els sistemes d'emmagatzematge massius estaran inevitablement formats per hardware heterogeni: en créixer els requisits de capacitat i rendiment, es fa necessari afegir nous dispositius per poder suportar la demanda, però és poc probable que els dispositius afegits tinguin la mateixa capacitat o rendiment que els ja instal.lats. A més, en cas de fallada, els discos són reemplaçats per d'altres més ràpids i de més capacitat, ja que no sempre és fàcil (o barat) trobar-ne un model particular. A llarg termini, qualsevol arquitectura d'emmagatzematge de gran escala estarà formada per una miríade de dispositius diferents. El títol d'aquesta tesi, "Scalability in Extensible and Heterogeneous Storage Systems", fa referència a les nostres contribucions a la recerca de distribucions de dades escalables que es puguin adaptar a volums creixents d'informació. La primera contribució és el disseny d'una distribució escalable que es pot adaptar canvis de hardware només redistribuint el mínim per mantenir un càrrega de treball balancejada. A la segona contribució, fem un estudi comparatiu sobre l'impacte del generadors de números pseudo-aleatoris en el rendiment i qualitat de les distribucions pseudo-aleatòries de dades, i provem que una mala selecció del generador pot degradar la qualitat de l'estratègia. La tercera contribució és un anàlisi dels patrons d'accés a dades de llarga duració en traces de sistemes reals, per determinar si és possible oferir un alt rendiment i una bona distribució amb una rebalanceig inferior al mínim. A la contribució final, apliquem el coneixement adquirit en aquest estudi per dissenyar una arquitectura RAID extensible que es pot adaptar a canvis en el número de dispositius sense migrar grans volums de dades, i demostrem que pot ser competitiva amb les distribucions ideals RAID actuals, amb només una penalització del 1.28% de la capacita

    Space Station Freedom data management system growth and evolution report

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    The Information Sciences Division at the NASA Ames Research Center has completed a 6-month study of portions of the Space Station Freedom Data Management System (DMS). This study looked at the present capabilities and future growth potential of the DMS, and the results are documented in this report. Issues have been raised that were discussed with the appropriate Johnson Space Center (JSC) management and Work Package-2 contractor organizations. Areas requiring additional study have been identified and suggestions for long-term upgrades have been proposed. This activity has allowed the Ames personnel to develop a rapport with the JSC civil service and contractor teams that does permit an independent check and balance technique for the DMS

    Analysis, Modeling, and Algorithms for Scalable Web Crawling

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    This dissertation presents a modeling framework for the intermediate data generated by external-memory sorting algorithms (e.g., merge sort, bucket sort, hash sort, replacement selection) that are well-known, yet without accurate models of produced data volume. The motivation comes from the IRLbot crawl experience in June 2007, where a collection of scalable and high-performance external sorting methods are used to handle such problems as URL uniqueness checking, real-time frontier ranking, budget allocation, spam avoidance, all being monumental tasks, especially when limited to the resources of a single-machine. We discuss this crawl experience in detail, use novel algorithms to collect data from the crawl image, and then advance to a broader problem – sorting arbitrarily large-scale data using limited resources and accurately capturing the required cost (e.g., time and disk usage). To solve these problems, we present an accurate model of uniqueness probability the probability to encounter previous unseen data and use that to analyze the amount of intermediate data generated the above-mentioned sorting methods. We also demonstrate how the intermediate data volume and runtime vary based on the input properties (e.g., frequency distribution), hardware configuration (e.g., main memory size, CPU and disk speed) and the choice of sorting method, and that our proposed models accurately capture such variation. Furthermore, we propose a novel hash-based method for replacement selection sort and its model in case of duplicate data, where existing literature is limited to random or mostly-unique data. Note that the classic replacement selection method has the ability to increase the length of sorted runs and reduce their number, both directly benefiting the merge step of external sorting and . But because of a priority queue-assisted sort operation that is inherently slow, the application of replacement selection was limited. Our hash-based design solves this problem by making the sort phase significantly faster compared to existing methods, making this method a preferred choice. The presented models also enable exact analysis of Least-Recently-Used (LRU) and Random Replacement caches (i.e., their hit rate) that are used as part of the algorithms presented here. These cache models are more accurate than the ones in existing literature, since the existing ones mostly assume infinite stream of data, while our models work accurately on finite streams (e.g., sampled web graphs, click stream) as well. In addition, we present accurate models for various crawl characteristics of random graphs, which can forecast a number of aspects of crawl experience based on the graph properties (e.g., degree distribution). All these models are presented under a unified umbrella to analyze a set of large-scale information processing algorithms that are streamlined for high performance and scalability