39 research outputs found

    Drug–target interaction prediction with Bipartite Local Models and hubness-aware regression

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    Computational prediction of drug–target interactions is an essential task with various applications in the pharmaceutical industry, such as adverse effect prediction or drug repositioning. Recently, expert systems based on machine learning have been applied to drug–target interaction prediction. Although hubness-aware machine learning techniques are among the most promising approaches, their potential to enhance drug–target interaction prediction methods has not been exploited yet. In this paper, we extend the Bipartite Local Model (BLM), one of the most prominent interaction prediction methods. In particular, we use BLM with a hubness-aware regression technique, ECkNN. We represent drugs and targets in the similarity space with rich set of features (i.e., chemical, genomic and interaction features), and build a projection-based ensemble of BLMs. In order to assist reproducibility of our work as well as comparison to published results, we perform experiments on widely used publicly available drug-target interaction datasets. The results show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art drug-target prediction techniques. Additionally, we demonstrate the feasibility of predictions from the point of view of applications

    Performance Comparison of Data Sampling Techniques to Handle Imbalanced Class on Prediction of Compound-Protein Interaction

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    The prediction of Compound-Protein Interactions (CPI) is an essential step in the drug-target analysis for developing new drugs as well as for drug repositioning. One challenging issue in this field is that commonly there are more numbers of non-interacting compound-protein pairs than interacting pairs. This problem causes bias, which may degrade the prediction of CPI. Besides, currently, there is not much research on CPI prediction that compares data sampling techniques to handle the class imbalance problem. To address this issue, we compare four data sampling techniques, namely Random Under-sampling (RUS), Combination of Over-Under-sampling (COUS), Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE), and Tomek Link (T-Link). The benchmark CPI data: Nuclear Receptor and G-Protein Coupled Receptor (GPCR) are used to test these techniques. Area Under Curve (AUC) applied to evaluate the CPI prediction performance of each technique. Results show that the AUC values for RUS, COUS, SMOTE, and T-Link are 0.75, 0.77, 0.85 and 0.79 respectively on Nuclear Receptor data and 0.70, 0.85, 0.91 and 0.72 respectively on GPCR data. These results indicate that SMOTE has the highest AUC values. Furthermore, we found that the SMOTE technique is more capable of handling class imbalance problems on CPI prediction compared to the remaining three other techniques

    Drug Target Interaction Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques – A Review

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    Drug discovery is a key process, given the rising and ubiquitous demand for medication to stay in good shape right through the course of one’s life. Drugs are small molecules that inhibit or activate the function of a protein, offering patients a host of therapeutic benefits. Drug design is the inventive process of finding new medication, based on targets or proteins. Identifying new drugs is a process that involves time and money. This is where computer-aided drug design helps cut time and costs. Drug design needs drug targets that are a protein and a drug compound, with which the interaction between a drug and a target is established. Interaction, in this context, refers to the process of discovering protein binding sites, which are protein pockets that bind with drugs. Pockets are regions on a protein macromolecule that bind to drug molecules. Researchers have been at work trying to determine new Drug Target Interactions (DTI) that predict whether or not a given drug molecule will bind to a target. Machine learning (ML) techniques help establish the interaction between drugs and their targets, using computer-aided drug design. This paper aims to explore ML techniques better for DTI prediction and boost future research. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of ML techniques show that several have been applied to predict DTIs, employing a range of classifiers. Though DTI prediction improves with negative drug target pairs (DTP), the lack of true negative DTPs has led to the use a particular dataset of drugs and targets. Using dynamic DTPs improves DTI prediction. Little attention has so far been paid to developing a new classifier for DTI classification, and there is, unquestionably, a need for better ones

    Graphdti: A Robust Deep Learning Predictor Of Drug-Target Interactions From Multiple Heterogeneous Data

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    Traditional techniqueset identification, we developed GraphDTI, a robust machine learning framework integrating the molecular-level information on drugs, proteins, and binding sites with the system-level information on gene expression and protein-protein interactions. In order to properly evaluate the performance of GraphDTI, we compiled a high-quality benchmarking dataset and devised a new cluster-based cross-validation p to identify macromolecular targets for drugs utilize solely the information on a query drug and a putative target. Nonetheless, the mechanisms of action of many drugs depend not only on their binding affinity toward a single protein, but also on the signal transduction through cascades of molecular interactions leading to certain phenotypes. Although using protein-protein interaction networks and drug-perturbed gene expression profiles can facilitate system-level investigations of drug-target interactions, utilizing such large and heterogeneous data poses notable challenges. To improve the state-of-the-art in drug targrotocol. Encouragingly, GraphDTI not only yields an AUC of 0.996 against the validation dataset, but it also generalizes well to unseen data with an AUC of 0.939, significantly outperforming other predictors. Finally, selected examples of identified drug-target interactions are validated against the biomedical literature. Numerous applications of GraphDTI include the investigation of drug polypharmacological effects, side effects through off-target binding, and repositioning opportunities

    DTi2Vec: Drug-target interaction prediction using network embedding and ensemble learning.

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    Drug-target interaction (DTI) prediction is a crucial step in drug discovery and repositioning as it reduces experimental validation costs if done right. Thus, developing in-silico methods to predict potential DTI has become a competitive research niche, with one of its main focuses being improving the prediction accuracy. Using machine learning (ML) models for this task, specifically network-based approaches, is effective and has shown great advantages over the other computational methods. However, ML model development involves upstream hand-crafted feature extraction and other processes that impact prediction accuracy. Thus, network-based representation learning techniques that provide automated feature extraction combined with traditional ML classifiers dealing with downstream link prediction tasks may be better-suited paradigms. Here, we present such a method, DTi2Vec, which identifies DTIs using network representation learning and ensemble learning techniques. DTi2Vec constructs the heterogeneous network, and then it automatically generates features for each drug and target using the nodes embedding technique. DTi2Vec demonstrated its ability in drug-target link prediction compared to several state-of-the-art network-based methods, using four benchmark datasets and large-scale data compiled from DrugBank. DTi2Vec showed a statistically significant increase in the prediction performances in terms of AUPR. We verified the novel predicted DTIs using several databases and scientific literature. DTi2Vec is a simple yet effective method that provides high DTI prediction performance while being scalable and efficient in computation, translating into a powerful drug repositioning tool