81,791 research outputs found

    OILSW: A New System for Ontology Instance Learning

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    The Semantic Web is expected to extend the current Web by providing structured content via the addition of annotations. Because of the large amount of pages in the Web, manual annotation is very time consuming. Finding an automatic or semiautomatic method to change the current Web to the Semantic Web is very helpful. In a specific domain, Web pages are the instances of that domain ontology. So we need semiautomatic tools to find these instances and fill their attributes. In this article, we propose a new system named OILSW for instance learning of an ontology from Web pages of Websites in a common domain. This system is the first comprehensive system for automatically populating the ontology for websites. By using this system, any Website in a certain domain can be automatically annotated

    Learning Ontology Relations by Combining Corpus-Based Techniques and Reasoning on Data from Semantic Web Sources

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    The manual construction of formal domain conceptualizations (ontologies) is labor-intensive. Ontology learning, by contrast, provides (semi-)automatic ontology generation from input data such as domain text. This thesis proposes a novel approach for learning labels of non-taxonomic ontology relations. It combines corpus-based techniques with reasoning on Semantic Web data. Corpus-based methods apply vector space similarity of verbs co-occurring with labeled and unlabeled relations to calculate relation label suggestions from a set of candidates. A meta ontology in combination with Semantic Web sources such as DBpedia and OpenCyc allows reasoning to improve the suggested labels. An extensive formal evaluation demonstrates the superior accuracy of the presented hybrid approach

    Domain ontology learning from the web

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    El Aprendizaje de Ontologías se define como el conjunto de métodos utilizados para construir, enriquecer o adaptar una ontología existente de forma semiautomática, utilizando fuentes de información heterogéneas. En este proceso se emplea texto, diccionarios electrónicos, ontologías lingüísticas e información estructurada y semiestructurada para extraer conocimiento. Recientemente, gracias al enorme crecimiento de la Sociedad de la Información, la Web se ha convertido en una valiosa fuente de información para casi cualquier dominio. Esto ha provocado que los investigadores empiecen a considerar a la Web como un repositorio válido para Recuperar Información y Adquirir Conocimiento. No obstante, la Web presenta algunos problemas que no se observan en repositorios de información clásicos: presentación orientada al usuario, ruido, fuentes no confiables, alta dinamicidad y tamaño abrumador. Pese a ello, también presenta algunas características que pueden ser interesantes para la adquisición de conocimiento: debido a su enorme tamaño y heterogeneidad, se asume que la Web aproxima la distribución real de la información a nivel global. Este trabajo describe una aproximación novedosa para el aprendizaje de ontologías, presentando nuevos métodos para adquirir conocimiento de la Web. La propuesta se distingue de otros trabajos previos principalmente en la particular adaptación de algunas técnicas clásicas de aprendizaje al corpus Web y en la explotación de las características interesantes del entorno Web para componer una aproximación automática, no supervisada e independiente del dominio. Con respecto al proceso de construcción de la ontologías, se han desarrollado los siguientes métodos: i) extracción y selección de términos relacionados con el dominio, organizándolos de forma taxonómica; ii) descubrimiento y etiquetado de relaciones no taxonómicas entre los conceptos; iii) métodos adicionales para mejorar la estructura final, incluyendo la detección de entidades con nombre, atributos, herencia múltiple e incluso un cierto grado de desambiguación semántica. La metodología de aprendizaje al completo se ha implementado mediante un sistema distribuido basado en agentes, proporcionando una solución escalable. También se ha evaluado para varios dominios de conocimiento bien diferenciados, obteniendo resultados de buena calidad. Finalmente, se han desarrollado varias aplicaciones referentes a la estructuración automática de librerías digitales y recursos Web, y la recuperación de información basada en ontologías.Ontology Learning is defined as the set of methods used for building from scratch, enriching or adapting an existing ontology in a semi-automatic fashion using heterogeneous information sources. This data-driven procedure uses text, electronic dictionaries, linguistic ontologies and structured and semi-structured information to acquire knowledge. Recently, with the enormous growth of the Information Society, the Web has become a valuable source of information for almost every possible domain of knowledge. This has motivated researchers to start considering the Web as a valid repository for Information Retrieval and Knowledge Acquisition. However, the Web suffers from problems that are not typically observed in classical information repositories: human oriented presentation, noise, untrusted sources, high dynamicity and overwhelming size. Even though, it also presents characteristics that can be interesting for knowledge acquisition: due to its huge size and heterogeneity it has been assumed that the Web approximates the real distribution of the information in humankind. The present work introduces a novel approach for ontology learning, introducing new methods for knowledge acquisition from the Web. The adaptation of several well known learning techniques to the web corpus and the exploitation of particular characteristics of the Web environment composing an automatic, unsupervised and domain independent approach distinguishes the present proposal from previous works.With respect to the ontology building process, the following methods have been developed: i) extraction and selection of domain related terms, organising them in a taxonomical way; ii) discovery and label of non-taxonomical relationships between concepts; iii) additional methods for improving the final structure, including the detection of named entities, class features, multiple inheritance and also a certain degree of semantic disambiguation. The full learning methodology has been implemented in a distributed agent-based fashion, providing a scalable solution. It has been evaluated for several well distinguished domains of knowledge, obtaining good quality results. Finally, several direct applications have been developed, including automatic structuring of digital libraries and web resources, and ontology-based Web Information Retrieval

    Querying Semantic Web Resources Using TRIPLE Views

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    Resources on the Semantic Web are described by metadata based on some formal or informal ontology. It is a common situation that casual users are not familiar with a domain ontology in detail. This makes it difficult for such users (or their user tools) to formulate queries to find the relevant resources. Users consider the resources in their specific context, so the most straightforward solution is to formulate queries in an ontology that corresponds to a user-specific view. We present an approach based on multiple views expressed in ontologies simpler than the domain ontology. This allows users to query heterogeneous data repositories in terms of multiple, relatively simple, view ontologies. Ontology developers can define such view ontologies and the corresponding mapping rules. These ontologies are represented in Semantic Web ontology languages such as RDFS, DAML+OIL, or OWL. We present our approach with examples from the e-learning domain using the Semantic Web query and transformation language TRIPLE

    A generic framework for the development of standardised learning objects within the discipline of construction management

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    E-learning has occurred in the academic world in different forms since the early 1990s. Its use varies from interactive multimedia tools and simulation environments to static resources within learning management systems. E-learning tools and environments are no longer criticised for their lack of use in higher education in general and within the construction domain in particular. The main criticism, however, is that of reinventing the wheel in order to create new learning environments that cater for different educational needs. Therefore, sharing educational content has become the focus of current research, taking e-learning into a whole new era of developments. This era is enabled by the emergence of new technologies (online and wireless) and the development of educational standards, such as SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) and LOM (Learning Object Metadata) for example. Accordingly, the broad definition of the construction domain and the interlocking nature of subjects taught within this domain, makes the concept of sharing content most appealing. This paper proposes a framework developed to describe the various steps required in order to enable the application of e-learning metadata standards and ontology for sharable learning objects to serve the construction discipline. The paper further describes the application of the proposed framework to a case study for developing an online environment for learning objects that are standardised, sharable, transparent and that cater for the needs of learners, educators and curricula developers in Construction Management. Based on the framework, a learning objects repository is developed incorporating educational and web standards. The repository manages objects as well as metadata using ontology and offers a set of services such as storing, retrieving and searching of learning objects using Semantic Web technologies. Thus, it increases the reusability, sharability and interoperability of learning objects

    Domain-Specific Knowledge Exploration with Ontology Hierarchical Re-Ranking and Adaptive Learning and Extension

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    The goal of this research project is the realization of an artificial intelligence-driven lightweight domain knowledge search framework that returns a domain knowledge structure upon request with highly relevant web resources via a set of domain-centric re-ranking algorithms and adaptive ontology learning models. The re-ranking algorithm, a necessary mechanism to counter-play the heterogeneity and unstructured nature of web data, uses augmented queries and a hierarchical taxonomic structure to get further insight into the initial search results obtained from credited generic search engines. A semantic weight scale is applied to each node in the ontology graph and in turn generates a matrix of aggregated link relation scores that is used to compute the likely semantic correspondence between nodes and documents. Bootstrapped with a light-weight seed domain ontology, the theoretical platform focuses on the core back-end building blocks, employing two supervised automated learning models as well as semi-automated verification processes to progressively enhance, prune, and inspect the domain ontology to formulate a growing, up-to-date, and veritable system.\\ The framework provides an in-depth knowledge search platform and enhances user knowledge acquisition experience. With minimum footprint, the system stores only necessary metadata of possible domain knowledge searches, in order to provide fast fetching and caching. In addition, the re-ranking and ontology learning processes can be operated offline or in a preprocessing stage, the system therefore carries no significant overhead at runtime

    An Ontology-based Approach to Student Skills in Multiagent e-Learning Systems

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    The main idea of our approach is that the domain ontology is not only the instrument of learning but an object of examining student skills. We propose for students to build the domain ontology of examine discipline and then compare it with etalon one. Analysis of student mistakes allows to propose them personalized recommendations and to improve the course materials in general. For knowledge interoperability we apply Semantic Web technologies. Application of agent-based technologies in e-learning provides the personification of students and tutors and saved all users from the routine operations

    Using concept similarity in cross ontology for adaptive e-Learning systems

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    Abstracte-Learning is one of the most preferred media of learning by the learners. The learners search the web to gather knowledge about a particular topic from the information in the repositories. Retrieval of relevant materials from a domain can be easily implemented if the information is organized and related in some way. Ontologies are a key concept that helps us to relate information for providing the more relevant lessons to the learner. This paper proposes an adaptive e-Learning system, which generates a user specific e-Learning content by comparing the concepts with more than one system using similarity measures. A cross ontology measure is defined, which consists of fuzzy domain ontology as the primary ontology and the domain expert’s ontology as the secondary ontology, for the comparison process. A personalized document is provided to the user with a user profile, which includes the data obtained from the processing of the proposed method under a User score, which is obtained through the user evaluation. The results of the proposed e-Learning system under the designed cross ontology similarity measure show a significant increase in performance and accuracy under different conditions. The assessment of the comparative analysis, showed the difference in performance of our proposed method over other methods. Based on the assessment results it is proved that the proposed approach is effective over other methods