13,283 research outputs found

    Hasil ekskavasi situs Malangsari, Banyuwangi: data baru dolmen di Jawa Timur

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    Di Indonesia pada umumnya dan Jawa khususnya, selama ini diketahui bahwa dolmen banyak ditemukan di Jawa Timur, yaitu di Bondowoso dan Besuki. Akhir-akhir ini diketahui bahwa dolmen ditemukan pula di daerah Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Salah satu monumen dari tradisi megalitik ini ditemukan di kawasan PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XII Malangsari, Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur. Berdasarkan informasi dari masyarakat setempat diperkirakan bahwa kawasan Perkebunan Malangsari merupakan situs kubur dolmen. Secara fisik, konstruksi dolmen–dolmen di kawasan ini hanya sedikit mengalami gangguan karena tertimbun tanah antara 50 – 60 cm dan tertutup kebun kopi milik PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XII. Namun, rupanya sebagian dari dolmen tersebut telah digali oleh masyarakat yang bertujuan mencari harta karun. Mereka mampu membuka kubur dolmen cukup dengan membuka sebuah batu tanpa membongkar konstruksinya. Dolmen temuan hasil ekskavasi di Petak D 55 Blok Sidomaju, Afdeling Mulyosari, Malangsari, secara fisik dan konstruksi masih terlihat utuh, tetapi baik sisa rangka manusia maupun artefak bekal kuburnya tidak ditemukan. Keadaan semacam ini menunjukkan kemungkinan bahwa dolmen ini pernah dibuka. Luasnya areal sebaran serta belum dilakukannya penelitian secara menyeluruh, menjadikan dolmen Malangsari sebagai objek baru yang sangat menarik untuk diteliti lebih lanjut. Kelak di kemudian hari objek baru ini penting untuk dikaji baik bagi perkembangan penelitian arkeologi, maupun untuk kepentingan pengelolaan sumberdaya arkeologi di Indonesia

    Reuse of ancient megalithics monuments during Metal Ages: the dolmen of Serrinha (Monforte, Portugal).

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    The set of funerary megalithic monuments in the Alentejo region (Portugal) presents a great variety in its architectures, but also in their uses and reuses. Although often undocumented (in the case of ancient excavations), the collections in the Museums prove their use between the Neolithic Age and at least the Iron Age. The Dolmen of Serrinha (Monforte) recently excavated by the signatories, is a good example of the reuse of necropolis spaces during Metal Ages

    Lobbying in Malta : environmental NGOs and social capital

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    This paper explores the usage of social capital by Maltese Environmental Non-Governmental Organisations in their lobbying strategies and access to resources, particularly within the context of Malta as a new EU member state. The findings of the empirical research carried out in this regard show that as regards lobbying, Maltese ENGOs tend to prefer forming homogenous alliances with similar organisations. Besides, there is no direct link between access to resources and usage of social capital.peer-reviewe

    Construction raw materials in the Dolmen of Alberite II. Petrologic analysis and geological source areas: archaeological contributions to the definition of a megalith destroyed in the necropolis of Villamartin

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    El presente trabajo muestra los resultados de una investigación que tenía como objetivo delimitar las posibles áreas de aprovisionamiento de las materias primas pétreas que se emplearon para la construcción del sepulcro megalítico de Alberite II, situado muy próximo al Dolmen de Alberite I, e integrante de esta necrópolis de Villamartín, Cádiz. Para ello, se realizó un estudio arqueométrico de cada uno de los ortostatos que se conservan en la actualidad, que representan una parte indeterminada de los que configuraron originalmente este dolmen, para poder conocer su petrología y caracterizar las distintas litologías. Esto permite plantear alguna hipótesis sobre la definición arqueológica de este megalito a partir de los restos conservados, con una cronología y estructura similar a la del dolmen de Alberite I.This report shows the results of a research which tried to delimit the supplying possible areas of stone raw materials which were used to build the megalithic grave of Alberite II. Alberite II is very close to the dolmen Alberite I and is part of the necropolis complex of Villamartin, Cadiz. In order to study the petrology and determine the different lithologies of the orthostate, an archaeometric study of every orthostate that still remains today – an indefinite part of those that originally made up the dolmen - was carried out. This allows us to suggest some hypotheses about the archaeological definition of this megalith from the preserved remains, with a chronology and similar structure to the dolmen of Alberite I

    El dolmen del Alto de Lodos (Rasines, Cantabria)

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    La excavación del dolmen del Alto de Lodos ha proporcionado los primeros datos para el estudio del Fenómeno Megalítico en Cantabria. Se trata de un dolmen sencillo con cámara de tipo cistoide y un túmulo formado por acumulación de piedras, con algunas lajas colocadas en sentido oblícuo, cuya función debió ser la contención de la masa pétrea. La violación del monumento que ha deteriorado parte de su estructura no ha permitido documentar depósitos intactos; no obstante, algunos de los elementos líticos recuperados corresponden a restos de ajuar y permiten sugerir, por relación con los aparecidos en contextos relacionables, una datación para la utilización del dolmen quizá en la transición del cuarto al tercer milenio a.e.The excavation of the dolmen Alto de Lodos has provided the first data for the study of the Megalithic Phenomenon in Cantabria. It is a simple dolmen with a cystoid type chamber and a tomb formed by accumulation of stones, with some slabs placed obliquely, whose function must have been the containment of the stone mass. The violation of the monument, that has deteriorated part of its structure, has not allowed us to document intact deposits. However, some of the lithic elements recovered correspond to remains of trousseau and allow us to suggest, by relation with those found in nearby contexts, a dating for the use of the dolmen, perhaps in the transition from the fourth to the third millennium a.e

    Pengelompokan Masyarakat Negeri Tuhaha Pulau Saparua, Maluku Tengah Tinjauan Etnoarkeologis

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    The Meaning of Tuhaha community’s grouping based on archaeological remains can not be separated from one another, due to the partial temporal nature. This study used a literature study, in order to examine the issue of research, how society grouping Tuhaha State, based on archaeological remains. Archaeological remains is meant here is a dolmen, menhirs and the old village/ancient settlements. The objective of this study is to know and understand the patterns of grouping Tuhaha State community based archaeological remains. The results showed that grouping State community/village Tuhaha archaeological remains contextually based culture has symbolic interaction, integration and socio-cultural systems on the basis of grouping patterns in the structure of the dolmen, menhirs(micro scale) and Old village Huhule (macro scale). Huhule as anintegral unity of the social system, in which there are parts of the system dolmen, menhirs, as well as the concepts of cultural mapping (monodualisme). Integration between the dolmen of five, symbolizing Patalima community groups, and soa of nine (patasiwa).Pemaknaan pengelompokan  masyarakat Tuhaha berdasarkan tinggalan arkeologis tidak dapat dipisahkan satu dengan yang lain, disebabkan oleh sifat temporal parsial. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian kepustakaan, guna menelaah permasalahan penelitian, yaitu bagaimana pengelompokan masyarakat Negeri Tuhaha, berdasarkan tinggalan arkeologi. tinggalan arkeologis yang dimaksudkan di sini adalah dolmen, menhir serta kampung lama/permukiman kuno. Tujuan daripada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan memahami pola pengelompokan masyarakat Negeri Tuhaha berdasarkan tinggalan arkeologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Pengelompokan masyarakat Negeri/Desa Tuhaha berdasarkan tinggalan arkeologis secara kontekstual budaya memiliki hubungan interaksi simbolik, integrasi dan sistem sosial budaya atas dasar pola pengelompokan pada struktur dolmen, menhir (skala Mikro) dan kampung Lama Huhule (skala Makro). Huhule sebagai kesatuan sistem sosial integral, yang di dalamnya terdapat bagian sistem dolmen, menhir, serta konsep-konsep pemetaan budaya (monodualisme). Integrasi antara dolmen berjumlah lima, melambangkan kelompok masyarakat patalima, dan soa berjumlah sembilan (patasiwa)

    Megaliths, monuments and materiality

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    Stones, and especially the arrangement of large stones in relation to one another, have long been the focus of attention in megalith studies, a concern reflected in the name itself. It is, however, a blinkered view. Many so-called megalithic monuments embody other carefully selected materials in their construction, including turf, soil, rubble, and timber. In considering long barrows, Paul Ashbee noted that it was a false distinction to separate earthen long barrows from stone-chambered long barrows as the builders of long barrows inevitably used materials available within their local environments. Alternatively, writing mainly about the Irish material, Arthur ApSimon suggested a development from timber to stone implying an onological progression in the preferred use of materials. Whether environmental or evolutionary, it is certain that many monuments interchangeably combine stone and wood in their construction in a way that forces us to consider what these and other materials meant to the megalith builders. Was it simply about what was available? Or what was fashionable? Or were there deeper sets of meanings relating to how different materials were perceived and understood within the cosmological systems that lie behind the design, construction,and use of long barrows, passage graves, dolmens and other related monuments? Focusing upon wood and stone, it is argued here that both were components of a cyclical world view of life and death that was embedded in the fabric and structure of monuments

    Batu Teong di Pegunungan Kota Ambon, Kepulauan Ambon Lease

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    This paper discusses the traces of prehistoric communities in the mountainous region of the Ambon island. This study is more directed to archaeological findings in the form of material culture that is dolmen in expressing their cosmology. Cosmology discussion in this paper is about understanding and views of people in the mountain region of the city of Ambon, Ambon Island on settlement patterns and understanding symbols dolmen. The purpose of writing is to know the and understand the views and understanding of the people in the mountainous region of Ambon City in  Ambon Island on settlement patterns and understanding symbols based on material culture dolmen. Methods ethnoarchaeology the basis for the reviewers' problems referred to with reference to the interview data collection techniques, survey and literature study. The results showed that 1) people in the mountainous region of the city of Ambon, Ambon Island know as stone dolmen Teong, the stone which symbolizes about grouping integrated community. 2) The settlement pattern of people in the mountainous region of the city of Ambon, Ambon Island based cultural material of stone dolmen Teong characterized micro settlements, ie settlements which focuses on the center of the stone dolmen Teong as central settlement. Macro-economic settlement of people in the mountainous region of the city of Ambon, Ambon Island has a characteristic orientation (cosmos) coastal settlement - the mountain. The orientation can be seen in the forms of settlement which extends linearly follow the directions north south and cosmos them about splitting the island, or in other words do not follow geographical settlements length of the island.Tulisan ini membahas tentang bagaimana jejak-jejak prasejarah orang-orang pegunungan di wilayah Pulau Ambon. Kajian ini lebih mengarah kepada temuan arkeologi berupa budaya material yaitu dolmen dalam mengungkapkan kosmologi mereka. Pembahasan kosmologi dalam tulisan ini adalah mengenai pemahaman dan pandangan orang-orang di wilayah pegunungan Kota Ambon, Pulau Ambon tentang pola permukiman dan pemaknaan simbol dolmen. Tujuan penulisan adalah untuk mengatahui dan memahami pandangan dan pemahaman orang-orang di wilayah pegunungan Kota Ambon, Pulau Ambon tentang pola permukiman dan pemaknaan simbol berdasarkan budaya bendawi dolmen. Metode etnoarkeologi menjadi dasar dalam penelaah permasalahan dimaksud dengan mengacu pada teknik pengumpulan data wawancara, survei dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) orang-orang di wilayah pegunungan Kota Ambon, Pulau Ambon mengenal dolmen dengan sebutan batu teong, yaitu batu yang melambangkan tentang pengelompokkan masyarakat yang terintegrasi. 2) Pola permukiman orang-orang di wilayah pegunungan Kota Ambon, Pulau Ambon berdasarkan budaya bendawi dolmen batu teong memiliki ciri permukiman mikro, yaitu permukiman yang menitik beratkan pusat dolmen batu teong sebagai sentral permukiman. Permukiman makro yaitu orang-orang di wilayah pegunungan Kota Ambon, Pulau Ambon memiliki ciri orientasi (kosmos) permukiman pantai–gunung. Orientasi tersebut dapat dilihat pada bentuk-bentuk permukiman yang linear memanjang mengikuti arah utara selatan serta kosmos mereka tentang membelah pulau, atau kata lain permukiman tidak mengikuti geografis panjang pulau