80 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Berbasis Gamifikasi untuk Guru-Guru di Lingkungan Pondok Pesantren Al Amin Sindangkasih-Ciamis

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    Di era revolusi industri 4.0, teknologi harus menjadi alternatif pilihan yang digunakan oleh guru dalam menyampaikan materi kepada siswanya, sehingga pembelajaran menjadi lebih kontekstual, faktual, dan mampu membangun kemandirian belajar para siswa. Seperti contoh pengajaran berbasis gamifikasi menjadi sangat penting ketika lingkungan belajar yang ditunjang dengan teknologi dapat membantu para siswa memperoleh pengetahuan dengan cara-cara yang menantang dan menyenangkan. Kemandirian belajar dan berpikir kritis dapat terbentuk dan ditingkatkan melalui pembelajaran berbasis gamifikasi ketika pembelajaran menghendaki siswa berperan aktif dan bertanggung jawab terhadap keberhasilan belajarnya sendiri, di samping berkat bantuan bimbingan guru. Workshop pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis gamifikasi terbukti dapat memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi para guru, khususnya guru-guru di lingkungan pondok pesantren Al Amin Sindangkasih Kabupaten Ciamis yang berkenaan dengan kemampuan menciptakan pembelajaran bahasa berbantuan teknologi (technology-aided teaching) yang masih rendah. Program ini dapat membantu para guru dalam memanfaatkan teknologi untuk kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas, bahkan di luar kelas. Workshop ini diikuti oleh 20 orang peserta yang berasal dari MTs dan MA Persis-Pondok Pesantren Al Amin Sindangkasih Kabupaten Ciamis selama dua bulan. Materi yang diberikan berkenaan dengan pemilihan materi belajar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan peserta didik (material selection) dan pengembangan media pengajaran dengan bantuan teknologi gamifikasi. Program ini dikemas dalam bentuk workshop pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis gamifikasi dengan tahapan: orientasi, diskusi, ekplorasi materi, aksi, tes, dan refleksi. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, interview, dan dokumen, sehingga kinerja peserta dan instruktur selama pelaksanaan program dapat terkontrol dengan baik dan menghasilkan kualitas pembelajaran berbasis teknologi yang efektif dan terukur. Program ini diharapkan pula mampu membantu pemerintah, sekolah atau guru dalam bidang peningkatan profesionalitas guru seperti yang diamanatkan dalam UU No. 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen, khususnya di lingkungan Pondok Pesantren Al Amin Sindangkasih Kabupaten Ciamis

    The Development Process of Innovation of Accounting Cycle Simulation

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    Basic accounting learning is about the accounting cycle. One of the competency achievements of undergraduate accounting students is to be able to understand the accounting cycle and make financial reports. However, not a few accounting students who when they graduate from the course still do not understand the accounting cycle and make financial reports, especially with the open distance learning system. This paper aims to create learning innovations about the accounting cycle so that students easily understand the accounting cycle and can make financial reports. This learning innovation uses virtual reality and gamification technology. The methods used in this study is research and development study and ADDIE model used to the development model. The result of this study is the development of innovation of accounting cycle simulation can make more interesting and easier to understand about accounting cycle learning for student

    How gamification influences employees to be more productive: a meta-analysis

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementIn an increasingly competitive environment, companies are seeking to find competitive advantages, through new ways of working. Gamification has showed some proofs that can have an impact in performance in enterprise information systems context. Especially after a pandemic context and during a global crisis, finding motivation and engagement, when people find themselves apart from each other, can be a true challenge. The purpose of this work is to analyse the gamification impact on employees’ performance and productivity, relating employees’ motivation and engagement with the gamification implementation in enterprises. A meta-analysis was performed from previous quantitative studies connected to gamification implementation in enterprises. A total of 20 articles from the last 7 years were used as input for the meta-analysis. Strong constructs were found: behavioural intention, engagement, gamification consent, intrinsic motivation, enjoyment, performance. A motivated and satisfied employee is more productive in the workplace, therefore the research carried out provides a model that supports its main purpose: gamification influences employees’ engagement and performance

    Using “Hay Day” game to support students learning

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    Game based learning is one of the innovative approaches to complement classroom teaching. It utilizes game related technology and features to support and facilitate students learning. This paper discusses the deployment of game in teaching Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) topic. After the students attended the face-to-face lecture, they are given a task to implement ERP using a game called Hay Day. Hay Day game simulate the agricultural activities, where students can apply ERP concept to manage the resources in their farm in order to obtain optimum production and profit. Student’s feedback on their experience applying ERP on Hay Day game is recorded using a set of questionnaires with 7-likert scale. At the end of the course the students take the final examination which including the ERP topic. The marks for that topic is taken and compared with previous semester students. The findings show that students are very positive towards Hay Day as a tool for their learning. Furthermore, their achievement on ERP topic is superior compared to the previous semester

    Exploring achievement gamification on online medical quality based on machine learning and empirical analysis

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    How to improve online medical quality is an important challenge for practitioners of digital health platforms. Gamification creates new opportunities to deal with the problem persistent in online health services. To better understand the role of gamification in online health services context, this study intends to use the research method of machine learning and natural experiment to explore the impact of achievement gamification on online medical quality in online health services, as well as the moderating effects of doctors’ personality and image. Theoretically, this study will expand the application of game strategy in the field of healthcare, and make up for the deficiency of the effects of gamification on online medical quality. Practically, it provides guidance for promoting doctors\u27 online participation behavior, improves the quality of online health services, and suggests ways for optimizing the rational allocation of online health resources

    Analysis of the impact of various gamification factors on the level of player satisfaction

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    Gamification has become a very popular term for a wide range of opportunities to increase customer interest and satisfaction. This has many uses, including science, commerce and everyday life. Despite the widespread use of gamification mechanisms, the scale of possible benefits is still unknown. The following work examines the influence of various gamification factors on a player's playing time and satisfaction in order to find the factor that brings the greatest benefit. The research was carried out using a game specially created for this purpose and on the basis of the results of the survey presented to the players. The results show that the five selected gamification factors are the challenges and the badges awarded for them have the greatest impact on both examined metrics

    Gamification of Information Systems: Ten Years of Research

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    The paper reviews the ten years of research on Information Systems gamification, investigating the changes in the overall interest in the topic, checking its geographic spread, classifying the published research with regard to its character and scope, and analysing the feedback of research community it has caused. The obtained results are discussed in the context of the research agenda proposed in 2013, pointing to advances made and research directions which are still valid in 2022. The relevant publications were searched for in two large bibliographic databases (Scopus and Web of Science)

    Influence of internal and external motivation of staff on organizational results

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    Introducción. La motivación al personal constituye una inversión para las organizaciones que buscan crecer, para lo cual satisfacer las necesidades internas y externas del personal se convierte en un reto. Objetivo. Identificar si las necesidades internas y externas influyen en los resultados organizacionales. Método. Se aplicó el Test Individual de la Teoría de las necesidades de Abraham Maslow a 700 colaboradores de diferentes empresas del Ecuador. Resultados y conclusiones. El presente estudio demostró que las necesidades de Maslow no se satisfacen en orden, cada trabajador satisface sus necesidades conforme el momento y la oportunidad; las necesidades internas motivan mejor a los colaboradores siendo la de mayor relevancia la de pertenencia y amor. Se concluye que las organizaciones deben invertir en planes de incentivos enfocados en las necesidades internas para mantener motivados a los colaboradores y poder cumplir satisfactoriamente con los objetivos organizacionales

    Gamification elements in e-commerce - a review

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    The implementation of gamification is driven by a range of factors, including the environment of the application, the elements involved and the types of users. The best practical method for effective gamification application still remains unclear, making it difficult to determine the most effective elements for an e-commerce website. This paper aims to present the literature review conducted to classify the gamification elements in e-commerce that have been investigated in previous studies which were published within the last four years (20182021). This is done to identify the most appropriate and relevant gamification elements to use in our future study. The findings from previous studies showed that gamification improved positive consumer behaviour in e-commerce, particularly in terms of engagement, and at the same time helped to boost business profitability. Furthermore, previous studies in this field have also found that rewards, badges and leaderboards were the most widely used gamification elements. This study may be used as a foundation for the researchers to build and develop a gamification framework for e-commerce in the future

    Unethical Gamification: A Literature Review

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    Gamification has become a mainstay approach in designing engaging systems, practices, and cultures across practically all walks of human life. However, as gamification mainly attempts to affect individual psychological states, motivations, attitudes, and behaviors, conscious consideration of ethical aspects, as well as underlying values and premises, is very much warranted. However, gamification research and practice have sprung up rather rapidly and myopically as boosted by the contemporary hype related to technology and games, which has led to the relative dismissal of ethical considerations in relation to gamification. In order to map these considerations and the current state of the discussion in gamification literature, we systematically reviewed research related to ethics, and particularly, possible identified and discussed harms of gamification. The corpus reveals that psychological distress, exploitation, lack of performance, and privacy issues are the most commonly contemplated possible harms, with different frequencies based on the game elements, types, and contexts