645 research outputs found

    Toward an optimizing compiler for a very high level language

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    Development of an MSC language and compiler, volume 1

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    Higher order programming language and compiler for advanced computer software system to be used with manned space flights between 1972 and 198

    ALPS: A Linear Program Solver

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    ALPS is a computer program which can be used to solve general linear program (optimization) problems. ALPS was designed for those who have minimal linear programming (LP) knowledge and features a menu-driven scheme to guide the user through the process of creating and solving LP formulations. Once created, the problems can be edited and stored in standard DOS ASCII files to provide portability to various word processors or even other linear programming packages. Unlike many math-oriented LP solvers, ALPS contains an LP parser that reads through the LP formulation and reports several types of errors to the user. ALPS provides a large amount of solution data which is often useful in problem solving. In addition to pure linear programs, ALPS can solve for integer, mixed integer, and binary type problems. Pure linear programs are solved with the revised simplex method. Integer or mixed integer programs are solved initially with the revised simplex, and the completed using the branch-and-bound technique. Binary programs are solved with the method of implicit enumeration. This manual describes how to use ALPS to create, edit, and solve linear programming problems. Instructions for installing ALPS on a PC compatible computer are included in the appendices along with a general introduction to linear programming. A programmers guide is also included for assistance in modifying and maintaining the program

    Type determination in an optimizing compiler for APL

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    This was produced from a copy of a document sent to us for microfilming. While the most advanced technological means to photograph and reproduce this document have been used, the quality is heavily dependent upon the quality of the material submitted. The following explanation of techniques is provided to help you understand markings or notations which may appear on this reproduction. 1. The sign or "target " for pages apparently lacking from the document photographed is "Missing Page(s)". If it was possible to obtain the missing page(s) or section, they are spliced into the film along with adjacent pages. This may have necessitated cutting through an image and duplicating adjacent pages to assure you of complete continuity. 2. When an image on the film is obliterated with a round black mark it is an indication that the film inspector noticed either blurred copy because of movement during exposure, or dupUcate copy. Unless we meant to delete copyrighted materials that should not have been filmed, you will find

    Cracking the 500-Language Problem

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    FAST : a fault detection and identification software tool

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    The aim of this work is to improve the reliability and safety of complex critical control systems by contributing to the systematic application of fault diagnosis. In order to ease the utilization of fault detection and isolation (FDI) tools in the industry, a systematic approach is required to allow the process engineers to analyze a system from this perspective. In this way, it should be possible to analyze this system to find if it provides the required fault diagnosis and redundancy according to the process criticality. In addition, it should be possible to evaluate what-if scenarios by slightly modifying the process (f.i. adding sensors or changing their placement) and evaluating the impact in terms of the fault diagnosis and redundancy possibilities. Hence, this work proposes an approach to analyze a process from the FDI perspective and for this purpose provides the tool FAST which covers from the analysis and design phase until the final FDI supervisor implementation in a real process. To synthesize the process information, a very simple format has been defined based on XML. This format provides the needed information to systematically perform the Structural Analysis of that process. Any process can be analyzed, the only restriction is that the models of the process components need to be available in the FAST tool. The processes are described in FAST in terms of process variables, components and relations and the tool performs the structural analysis of the process obtaining: (i) the structural matrix, (ii) the perfect matching, (iii) the analytical redundancy relations (if any) and (iv) the fault signature matrix. To aid in the analysis process, FAST can operate stand alone in simulation mode allowing the process engineer to evaluate the faults, its detectability and implement changes in the process components and topology to improve the diagnosis and redundancy capabilities. On the other hand, FAST can operate on-line connected to the process plant through an OPC interface. The OPC interface enables the possibility to connect to almost any process which features a SCADA system for supervisory control. When running in on-line mode, the process is monitored by a software agent known as the Supervisor Agent. FAST has also the capability of implementing distributed FDI using its multi-agent architecture. The tool is able to partition complex industrial processes into subsystems, identify which process variables need to be shared by each subsystem and instantiate a Supervision Agent for each of the partitioned subsystems. The Supervision Agents once instantiated will start diagnosing their local components and handle the requests to provide the variable values which FAST has identified as shared with other agents to support the distributed FDI process.Per tal de facilitar la utilització d'eines per la detecció i identificació de fallades (FDI) en la indústria, es requereix un enfocament sistemàtic per permetre als enginyers de processos analitzar un sistema des d'aquesta perspectiva. D'aquesta forma, hauria de ser possible analitzar aquest sistema per determinar si proporciona el diagnosi de fallades i la redundància d'acord amb la seva criticitat. A més, hauria de ser possible avaluar escenaris de casos modificant lleugerament el procés (per exemple afegint sensors o canviant la seva localització) i avaluant l'impacte en quant a les possibilitats de diagnosi de fallades i redundància. Per tant, aquest projecte proposa un enfocament per analitzar un procés des de la perspectiva FDI i per tal d'implementar-ho proporciona l'eina FAST la qual cobreix des de la fase d'anàlisi i disseny fins a la implementació final d'un supervisor FDI en un procés real. Per sintetitzar la informació del procés s'ha definit un format simple basat en XML. Aquest format proporciona la informació necessària per realitzar de forma sistemàtica l'Anàlisi Estructural del procés. Qualsevol procés pot ser analitzat, només hi ha la restricció de que els models dels components han d'estar disponibles en l'eina FAST. Els processos es descriuen en termes de variables de procés, components i relacions i l'eina realitza l'anàlisi estructural obtenint: (i) la matriu estructural, (ii) el Perfect Matching, (iii) les relacions de redundància analítica, si n'hi ha, i (iv) la matriu signatura de fallades. Per ajudar durant el procés d'anàlisi, FAST pot operar aïlladament en mode de simulació permetent a l'enginyer de procés avaluar fallades, la seva detectabilitat i implementar canvis en els components del procés i la topologia per tal de millorar les capacitats de diagnosi i redundància. Per altra banda, FAST pot operar en línia connectat al procés de la planta per mitjà d'una interfície OPC. La interfície OPC permet la possibilitat de connectar gairebé a qualsevol procés que inclogui un sistema SCADA per la seva supervisió. Quan funciona en mode en línia, el procés està monitoritzat per un agent software anomenat l'Agent Supervisor. Addicionalment, FAST té la capacitat d'implementar FDI de forma distribuïda utilitzant la seva arquitectura multi-agent. L'eina permet dividir sistemes industrials complexes en subsistemes, identificar quines variables de procés han de ser compartides per cada subsistema i generar una instància d'Agent Supervisor per cadascun dels subsistemes identificats. Els Agents Supervisor un cop activats, començaran diagnosticant els components locals i despatxant les peticions de valors per les variables que FAST ha identificat com compartides amb altres agents, per tal d'implementar el procés FDI de forma distribuïda.Postprint (published version

    Parallelism in declarative languages

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    Imperative programming languages were initially built for uniprocessor systems that evolved out of the Von Neumann machine model. This model of storage oriented computation blocks parallelism and increases the cost of parallel program development and porting. Declarative languages based on mathematical models of computation, seem more suitable for the development of parallel programs. In the first part of this thesis we examine different language families under the declarative paradigm: functional, logic, and constraint languages. Functional languages are based on the abstract model of functions and (lamda)-calculus. They were initially developed for symbolic computation, but today they are commonly used in numerical analysis and many other application areas. Pure lisp is a widely known member of this class. Logic languages are based on first order predicate calculus. Although they were initially developed for theorem proving, fifth generation operating systems are written in them. Most logic languages are descendants or distant relatives of Prolog. Constraint languages are related to logic languages. In a constraint language you define a program object by placing constraints on its structure and its behavior. They were initially used in graphics applications, but today researchers work on using them in parallel computation. Here we will compare and contrast the language classes above, locate advantages and deficiencies, and explain different choices made by language implementors. In the second part of thesis we describe a front end for the CONSUL, a prototype constraint language for programming multiprocessors. The most important features of the front end are compact representation of constraints, type definitions, functional use of relations, and the ability to split programs into multiple files