13 research outputs found

    Aprendizaje móvil: perspectivas

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    El futur de l’aprenentatge, des d’una perspectiva tècnica, està integrat per quatre eixos que el defineixen i sobre els quals s’articulen esforços tecnològics i metodològics. Aquests eixos són: la mobilitat, la interacció, la intel·ligència artificial i recursos basats en tecnologia com la realitat augmentada i els jocs aplicats a l’aprenentatge. La seva combinació suposa la creació d’un model d’escenaris mòbils, interactius i intel·ligents que aprofiten tots els espais i temps disponibles per a l’aprenent. Les diferents tecnologies, cadascuna per la seva banda, ja estan disponibles i són utilitzades en diverses experiències educatives; el que cal és la conjugació d’aquestes experiències a través de models didàctics en els quals l’aprenentatge assolit pels estudiants sigui significatiu. En aquest article es discuteixen aquestes tecnologies i es planteja un model d’integració que possibilita l’establiment d’un marc referencial de treball didàctic. Es conclou la necessitat d’experimentar tecnologies i plasmar-ne els resultats en models d’ensenyament-aprenentatge que utilitzin esquemes d’interacció alternatius i la urgència de disposar de sistemes tutorials intel·ligents per a massificar la tutoria.From a technical perspective, the future of learning is defined by four axes around which technological and methodological efforts revolve. These axes are mobility, interaction, artificial intelligence and technology-based resources such as augmented reality and games applied to learning. Combining them means creating a model of mobile, interactive and intelligent scenarios that take advantage of the spaces and times available to the learner. The various technologies are already available yet used separately in different educational experiences. It is therefore crucial to combine and integrate them into didactic models wherein the learning attained by students is significant. This article discusses these technologies and proposes an integrative model that enables a framework of reference for didactic work to be established. It concludes by highlighting the need to experiment with technologies and to apply the results to teaching-learning models using alternative interaction schema, and the urgency of having intelligent tutoring systems to make tutoring available on a massive scale.El futuro del aprendizaje, desde una perspectiva técnica, está integrado por cuatro ejes que lo definen y sobre los que se articulan esfuerzos tecnológicos y metodológicos. Estos ejes son: la movilidad, la interacción, la inteligencia artificial y recursos basados en tecnología como la realidad aumentada y los juegos aplicados al aprendizaje. Su combinación supone la creación de un modelo de escenarios móviles, interactivos e inteligentes que aprovechan todos los espacios y tiempos disponibles para el aprendiente. Las distintas tecnologías, cada una por su lado, ya están disponibles y son utilizadas en diversas experiencias educativas; lo que se hace necesario es la conjugación de estas a través de modelos didácticos en los que el aprendizaje alcanzado por los estudiantes sea significativo. En este artículo se discuten estas tecnologías y se plantea un modelo de integración que posibilita el establecimiento de un marco referencial de trabajo didáctico. Se concluye la necesidad de experimentar tecnologías y plasmar los resultados en modelos de enseñanza-aprendizaje que utilicen esquemas de interacción alternativos y la urgencia de contar con sistemas tutoriales inteligentes para masificar la tutoría

    Corporate Learning Preparing the Implementation of Corporate Strategy

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    Abstract: At present there are needs to transform how organizations develops their human resources, to be more technological savy, efficient and implement alternative approach such as e-learning. Cor-porate e-learning provides the option for organizations to holds training anywhere, anytime and for anyone. By maximizing these facilities, organizations should be able to distribute training and critical information to multiple locations easily and conveniently. Thus, ensuring access of human capital development from work or even from home. This paper discusses the Electronic Learning Circles in FETA Learning Network in the light of corporate learning theory. According to the paper, the benefits of e-Learning are as follows ; 1) the substantial saving of resources from the elimination of travel ex-penses; 2) just-in-time access to timely information; 3) the creation of higher retention of content through personalized learning for the employees; 4) corporate e-Learning improve collaboration and interaction between students and lecturers; 5) online training is less intimidating than instructor-led courses.Key Words: corporate learning strategy, e-learning, cost efficient training, human capital developmentAbstrak: Sekarang ini kebutuhan suatu organisasi dalam transformasi pengembangkan sumber da-ya manusia, untuk lebih melek teknologi, efisien, adalah dengan alternatif  penerapan menggunakan pendekatan seperti e-learning. Corporate e-learning memberikan pilihan bagi organisasi untuk melaku-kan pelatihan di mana saja, kapan saja dan untuk siapa saja. Dengan memaksimalkan fasilitas ini, or-ganisasi mampu mendistribusikan pelatihan dan informasi penting untuk beberapa lokasi dengan mudah dan nyaman. Sebuah organisasi dapat memastikan akses dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia dari tempat kerja atau bahkan dari rumah. Tulisan ini membahas Siklus Pembelajaran Elektronik pada Jaringan Belajar di Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan tentang corporate learning theory. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa manfaat dari e-learning adalah sebagai berikut. 1) Penghematan besar sumber daya dari penghapusan biaya perjalanan. 2) Just-in-time akses ke informasi yang tepat waktu. 3) Tempat penyimpanan konten yang lebih besar untuk pembelajaran pribadi bagi karyawan. 4) Corporate e-learning meningkatkan kolaborasi dan interaksi antara mahasiswa dan dosen. 5) Pe-latihan online kurang mengintimidasi daripada program yang dipimpin oleh instruktur.Kata kunci: strategi pembelajaran perusahaan, e-learning, biaya pelatihan yang efisien, pengembang-an sumber daya manusi

    Affordances of PDAs: Undergraduate Student Perceptions

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    This paper reports on an empirical study of undergraduate students’ exploration and use of PDAs for educational purposes over a period of six months. In previous studies, educational applications of PDAs have focused mainly on exploring designed research or experiments, in which students have used this technology for prescribed learning tasks. Students have fewer opportunities to explore how PDAs can be used effectively for general educational and study purposes. How students perceive and use PDAs on their own is not well understood. This study explores student understandings and use of PDAs to support their academic studies at a university. It investigates students’ free exploration and use of PDAs for various educational purposes through applying rich, descriptive qualitative research methodology. Two cases are reported in this study. Data collection methods included: interviews with students, a review of student artifacts created using the PDA, student electronic journals and observation of student PDA uses. Seven emerging categories of PDA affordances were identified. They include: multimedia collection, multimedia access, communication, scheduling, data processing , connectivity and representation. Each category is presented both at rich descriptive and interpretive levels. I mplications regarding findings are explored.published_or_final_versio

    Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on different settings of learning process in developing countries

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    Information and communication technology have changed the traditional learning approaches to modern and interactive environment. ICTs are the keys of the revolution in education. ICTs in this study were divided into five parts: theory and practice, infrastructure, techniques and methods, devices and tools and educational applications. Learning process were examined in three different levels which are: Secondary schools, undergraduate and postgraduate. This study included main objective which is: analysis the impact of ICT on learning process in different settings of learning in developing countries. Applications of ICT have been explained as part of this study. Quantitative method (surveys) was used in this study. Participants of this study were 144 students of high school (junior and senior levels), 155 students of undergraduate level and 137 of postgraduate were selected randomly. Data were analyzed by SPSS for different surveys. The results of this study were: ICT have positive and significant impact on learning process in high school. ICT factors have positive and significant impact on learning process in undergraduate and postgraduate level except devices and tools of ICT was negative in undergraduate level and insignificant in both levels. In addition to Techniques and methods of undergraduate level was positive but insignificant and infrastructure of higher education was insignificant as well. There is a positive relationship between using of ICT and learning process. Usage and benefits of using ICT applications is more effective in higher levels of education related to many factors such as: policies of learning, difference of abilities, capacity of absorption, specification of studies, extent of need and complexity

    Collaborative behavior, performance and engagement with visual analytics tasks using mobile devices

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    Interactive visualizations are external tools that can support users’ exploratory activities. Collaboration can bring benefits to the exploration of visual representations or visu‐ alizations. This research investigates the use of co‐located collaborative visualizations in mobile devices, how users working with two different modes of interaction and view (Shared or Non‐Shared) and how being placed at various position arrangements (Corner‐to‐Corner, Face‐to‐Face, and Side‐by‐Side) affect their knowledge acquisition, engagement level, and learning efficiency. A user study is conducted with 60 partici‐ pants divided into 6 groups (2 modes×3 positions) using a tool that we developed to support the exploration of 3D visual structures in a collaborative manner. Our results show that the shared control and view version in the Side‐by‐Side position is the most favorable and can improve task efficiency. In this paper, we present the results and a set of recommendations that are derived from them

    Characteristics of whatsapp interactions of undergraduate students

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the characteristics of interactions of students when using WhatsApp, their perception towards this tool, the kinds of academic activities they undertake when using it and the interaction patterns in these chat conversations. This study was carried out through a qualitative case study research design which involved nineteen BA in Foreign Language students in a public university in the northern coast of Colombia with ethnographic data collection methods which included an interview, a questionnaire and document analysis based on their WhatsApp chats. The analysis revealed that the implementation of mobile devices in the classroom seems to be an interesting feature to respond the way the educational system is evolving, besides, considering this application helps not only teachers but also students to facilitate the teaching and learning process even outside the classroom and it turns out to be an innovative trend that derives in better outcomes for both. Also the analysis revealed that the use of a WhatsApp chat group represented a step given to combine technology with an innovative methodology addressed to enrich the learning process of students. Contextual factors were also analyzed in this study since these become essential part of the analysis done.MaestríaMagister en la Enseñanza del Ingle

    A constructivist, mobile and principled approach to the learning and teaching of programming

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    Novices in programming courses need to acquire a theoretical understanding of programming concepts as well as practical skills for applying them, but in traditional learning environments students passively listen to the lecture without proactive practice-based learning. There is a need for a constructivist approach to learning based on the ability of the learner to construct his or her own knowledge from the concepts provided by the instructors. Therefore, learning that uses a practical approach offers more in-depth understanding to students and sustains students’ attention as well as encourages students to be active players in their own learning process. The ubiquitous use of mobile devices and the evolution of mobile device technologies have led to a growing interest in these devices as pedagogical aids in a constructivist learning approach where students can immediately practice the concepts being taught in the lecture on their mobile devices

    Comparative effect of interactive mobiles (clickers) and communicative approach on the learning outcomes of the educationally disadvantaged Nigerian pupils in ESL classrooms

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    Effective teaching that promotes learners’ active engagement and the development of communicative proficiency has been a challenge to teachers of English as a second language (ESL). Previous research on second language (L2) teaching has shown that L2 learners improve better in communicative skills when they are actively engaged, participate in communicative tasks that facilitate interaction and are provided with the opportunity to use the target language in the classroom. This study focuses on improving ESL learners’ learning outcomes in remotely-located primary schools in Nigeria. The study aimed to test whether the introduction of Personal Response System (PRS) and communicative approach can improve pupils’ English-language communicative competences and their attitudes towards English learning. Specifically, this study examined the extent to which significant differences exist in pupils’ communicative competence performance scores and learning gains based on teachers’ use of a communicative approach, PRS and lecture methods in the ESL classroom. Furthermore, the research also attempted to find out whether pupils’ attitudes towards the learning of English would significantly differ based on teaching strategy. Attitudes of pupils and teachers towards the interventions were also investigated. A pre-test and post-test non-randomised control group design was adopted in this study. Some qualitative data were also collected to augment the quantitative main data. Ninety nine pupils from three intact classes in different schools in Ijebu-North local government, Ogun-State, Nigeria were assigned to two experimental groups and one control group. In addition to the traditional use of textbooks, one of the experimental groups was taught using communicative activities, while the second experimental group experienced communicative tasks blended with the use of a personal response system. The control group received the conventional classroom instruction (lecture method), including the use of the English language textbook. In order to provide answers to the research questions and the hypothesis of this study, English Language Listening Tests and English Language Speaking Tests, Pupils’ Attitude to English Language Lesson Questionnaire, Pupils’ Attitude to Clickers’ Questionnaire and Pupils’ Attitude to Communicative Approach Questionnaire were administered at the pre-and post-test stages of the research. These instruments were also complemented with data from classroom observation, video recording of the instructional process, and audio-recorded interviews with the teachers and selected pupils in the experimental groups. The results indicate that the two experimental groups showed greater improvement in communicative competence than did the control group; but the PRS group improved more than the communicative approach group both in listening and speaking skills development. Moreover, pupils’ learning gains were statistically different, with the PRS group having the highest gain scores above the communicative approach group, while the control group did not experience increased learning gains. The results also reveal pupils’ mixed-reactions with respect to their attitudes toward the English language lesson and the interventions. Teachers’ attitudes toward the interventions were in the positive direction