1,063 research outputs found

    Uncovering the social interaction network in swarm intelligence algorithms

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Swarm intelligence is the collective behavior emerging in systems with locally interacting components. Because of their self-organization capabilities, swarm-based systems show essential properties for handling real-world problems, such as robustness, scalability, and flexibility. Yet, we fail to understand why swarm-based algorithms work well, and neither can we compare the various approaches in the literature. The absence of a common framework capable of characterizing these several swarm-based algorithms, transcending their particularities, has led to a stream of publications inspired by different aspects of nature without a systematic comparison over existing approaches. Here we address this gap by introducing a network-based framework—the swarm interaction network—to examine computational swarm-based systems via the optics of the social dynamics. We investigate the structure of social interaction in four swarm-based algorithms, showing that our approach enables researchers to study distinct algorithms from a common viewpoint. We also provide an in-depth case study of the Particle Swarm Optimization, revealing that different communication schemes tune the social interaction in the swarm, controlling the swarm search mode. With the swarm interaction network, researchers can study swarm algorithms as systems, removing the algorithm particularities from the analyses while focusing on the structure of the swarm social interaction

    A new multi-swarm multi-objective particle swarm optimization based on pareto front set

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    Abstract: In this paper, a new multi-swarm method is proposed for multiobjective particle swarm optimization. To enhance the Pareto front searching ability of PSO, the particles are divided into many swarms. Several swarms are dynamically searching the objective space around some points of the Pareto front set. The rest of particles are searching the space keeping away from the Pareto front to improve the global search ability. Simulation results and comparisons with existing Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization methods demonstrate that the proposed method effectively enhances the search efficiency and improves the search quality.Originally presented at 2011 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Zhengzhou, China 11-14 August, 2011

    Nature-inspired algorithms for solving some hard numerical problems

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    Optimisation is a branch of mathematics that was developed to find the optimal solutions, among all the possible ones, for a given problem. Applications of optimisation techniques are currently employed in engineering, computing, and industrial problems. Therefore, optimisation is a very active research area, leading to the publication of a large number of methods to solve specific problems to its optimality. This dissertation focuses on the adaptation of two nature inspired algorithms that, based on optimisation techniques, are able to compute approximations for zeros of polynomials and roots of non-linear equations and systems of non-linear equations. Although many iterative methods for finding all the roots of a given function already exist, they usually require: (a) repeated deflations, that can lead to very inaccurate results due to the problem of accumulating rounding errors, (b) good initial approximations to the roots for the algorithm converge, or (c) the computation of first or second order derivatives, which besides being computationally intensive, it is not always possible. The drawbacks previously mentioned served as motivation for the use of Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for root-finding, since they are known, respectively, for their ability to explore high-dimensional spaces (not requiring good initial approximations) and for their capability to model complex problems. Besides that, both methods do not need repeated deflations, nor derivative information. The algorithms were described throughout this document and tested using a test suite of hard numerical problems in science and engineering. Results, in turn, were compared with several results available on the literature and with the well-known Durand–Kerner method, depicting that both algorithms are effective to solve the numerical problems considered.A Optimização é um ramo da matemática desenvolvido para encontrar as soluções óptimas, de entre todas as possíveis, para um determinado problema. Actualmente, são várias as técnicas de optimização aplicadas a problemas de engenharia, de informática e da indústria. Dada a grande panóplia de aplicações, existem inúmeros trabalhos publicados que propõem métodos para resolver, de forma óptima, problemas específicos. Esta dissertação foca-se na adaptação de dois algoritmos inspirados na natureza que, tendo como base técnicas de optimização, são capazes de calcular aproximações para zeros de polinómios e raízes de equações não lineares e sistemas de equações não lineares. Embora já existam muitos métodos iterativos para encontrar todas as raízes ou zeros de uma função, eles usualmente exigem: (a) deflações repetidas, que podem levar a resultados muito inexactos, devido ao problema da acumulação de erros de arredondamento a cada iteração; (b) boas aproximações iniciais para as raízes para o algoritmo convergir, ou (c) o cálculo de derivadas de primeira ou de segunda ordem que, além de ser computacionalmente intensivo, para muitas funções é impossível de se calcular. Estas desvantagens motivaram o uso da Optimização por Enxame de Partículas (PSO) e de Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNAs) para o cálculo de raízes. Estas técnicas são conhecidas, respectivamente, pela sua capacidade de explorar espaços de dimensão superior (não exigindo boas aproximações iniciais) e pela sua capacidade de modelar problemas complexos. Além disto, tais técnicas não necessitam de deflações repetidas, nem do cálculo de derivadas. Ao longo deste documento, os algoritmos são descritos e testados, usando um conjunto de problemas numéricos com aplicações nas ciências e na engenharia. Os resultados foram comparados com outros disponíveis na literatura e com o método de Durand–Kerner, e sugerem que ambos os algoritmos são capazes de resolver os problemas numéricos considerados

    Virtual Machine Deployment Strategy Based on Improved PSO in Cloud Computing

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    Energy consumption is an important cost driven by growth of computing power, thereby energy conservation has become one of the major problems faced by cloud system. How to maximize the utilization of physical machines, reduce the number of virtual machine migrations, and maintain load balance under the constraints of physical machine resource thresholds that is the effective way to implement energy saving in data center. In the paper, we propose a multi-objective physical model for virtual machine deployment. Then the improved multi-objective particle swarm optimization (TPSO) is applied to virtual machine deployment. Compared to other algorithms, the algorithm has better ergodicity into the initial stage, improves the optimization precision and optimization efficiency of the particle swarm. The experimental results based on CloudSim simulation platform show that the algorithm is effective at improving physical machine resource utilization, reducing resource waste, and improving system load balance

    Adaptive sharing scheme based sub-swarm multi-objective PSO

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    Abstract: To improve the optimization performance of multi-objective particle swarm optimization, a new sub-swarm method, where the particles are divided into several sub-swarms, is proposed. To enhance the quality of the Pareto front set, a new adaptive sharing scheme, which depends on the distances from nearest neighbouring individuals, is proposed and applied. In this method, the first sub-swarms particles dynamically search their corresponding areas which are around some points of the Pareto front set in the objective space, and the chosen points of the Pareto front set are determined based on the adaptive sharing scheme. The second sub-swarm particles search the rest objective space, and they are away from the Pareto front set, which can promote the global search ability of the method. Moreover, the core points of the first sub-swarms are dynamically determined by this new adaptive sharing scheme. Some Simulations are used to test the proposed method, and the results show that the proposed method can achieve better optimization performance comparing with some existing methods

    Application of a new multi-agent Hybrid Co-evolution based Particle Swarm Optimisation methodology in ship design

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    In this paper, a multiple objective 'Hybrid Co-evolution based Particle Swarm Optimisation' methodology (HCPSO) is proposed. This methodology is able to handle multiple objective optimisation problems in the area of ship design, where the simultaneous optimisation of several conflicting objectives is considered. The proposed method is a hybrid technique that merges the features of co-evolution and Nash equilibrium with a ε-disturbance technique to eliminate the stagnation. The method also offers a way to identify an efficient set of Pareto (conflicting) designs and to select a preferred solution amongst these designs. The combination of co-evolution approach and Nash-optima contributes to HCPSO by utilising faster search and evolution characteristics. The design search is performed within a multi-agent design framework to facilitate distributed synchronous cooperation. The most widely used test functions from the formal literature of multiple objectives optimisation are utilised to test the HCPSO. In addition, a real case study, the internal subdivision problem of a ROPAX vessel, is provided to exemplify the applicability of the developed method
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