106 research outputs found

    Dynamic self-organization in holonic multi-agent manufacturing systems: The ADACOR evolution

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    Nowadays, systems are becoming increasingly complex, mainly due to an exponential increase in the number of entities and their interconnections. Examples of these complex systems can be found in manufacturing, smart-grids, traffic control, logistics, economics and biology, among others. Due to this complexity, particularly in manufacturing, a lack of responsiveness in coping with demand for higher quality products, the drastic reduction in product lifecycles and the increasing need for product customization are being observed. Traditional solutions, based on central monolithic control structures, are becoming obsolete as they are not suitable for reacting and adapting to these perturbations. The decentralization of the complexity problem through simple, intelligent and autonomous entities, such as those found in multi-agent systems, is seen as a suitable methodology for tackling this challenge in industrial scenarios. Additionally, the use of biologically inspired self-organization concepts has proved to be suitable for being embedded in these approaches enabling better performances to be achieved. According to these principals, several approaches have been proposed but none can be truly embedded and extract all the potential of self-organization mechanisms. This paper proposes an evolution to the ADACOR holonic control architecture inspired by biological and evolutionary theories. In particular, a two-dimension al self-organization mechanism was designed taking the behavioural and structural vectors into consideration, thus allowing truly evolutionary and reconfigurable systems to be achieved that can cope with emergent requirements. The approach proposed is validated with two simulation use cases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis and evaluation of multi-agent systems for digital production planning and control

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    Industrial manufacturing companies have different IT control functions that can be represented with a so-called hierarchical automation pyramid. While these conventional software systems especially support the mass production with consistent demand, the future project “Industry 4.0” focuses on customer-oriented and adaptable production processes. In order to move from conventional production systems to a factory of the future, the control levels must be redistributed. With the help of cyber-physical production systems, an interoperable architecture must be, implemented which removes the hierarchical connection of the former control levels. The accompanied digitalisation of industrial companies makes the transition to modular production possible. At the same time, the requirements for production planning and control are increasing, which can be solved with approaches such as multi-agent systems (MASs). These software solutions are autonomous and intelligent objects with a distinct collaborative ability. There are different modelling methods, communication and interaction structures, as well as different development frameworks for these new systems. Since multi-agent systems have not yet been established as an industrial standard due to their high complexity, they are usually only tested in simulations. In this bachelor thesis, a detailed literature review on the topic of MASs in the field of production planning and control is presented. In addition, selected multi-agent approaches are evaluated and compared using specific classification criteria. In addition, the applicability of using these systems in digital and modular production is assessed

    Agent-based distributed manufacturing control: a state-of-the-art survey

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    Manufacturing has faced significant changes during the last years, namely the move from a local economy towards a global and competitive economy, with markets demanding for highly customized products of high quality at lower costs, and with short life cycles. In this environment, manufacturing enterprises, to remain competitive, must respond closely to customer demands by improving their flexibility and agility, while maintaining their productivity and quality. Dynamic response to emergence is becoming a key issue in manufacturing field because traditional manufacturing control systems are built upon rigid control architectures, which cannot respond efficiently and effectively to dynamic change. In these circumstances, the current challenge is to develop manufacturing control systems that exhibit intelligence, robustness and adaptation to the environment changes and disturbances. The introduction of multi-agent systems and holonic manufacturing systems paradigms addresses these requirements, bringing the advantages of modularity, decentralization, autonomy, scalability and re- usability. This paper surveys the literature in manufacturing control systems using distributed artificial intelligence techniques, namely multi-agent systems and holonic manufacturing systems principles. The paper also discusses the reasons for the weak adoption of these approaches by industry and points out the challenges and research opportunities for the future

    Skill-based reconfiguration of industrial mobile robots

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    Caused by a rising mass customisation and the high variety of equipment versions, the exibility of manufacturing systems in car productions has to be increased. In addition to a exible handling of production load changes or hardware breakdowns that are established research areas in literature, this thesis presents a skill-based recon guration mechanism for industrial mobile robots to enhance functional recon gurability. The proposed holonic multi-agent system is able to react to functional process changes while missing functionalities are created by self-organisation. Applied to a mobile commissioning system that is provided by AUDI AG, the suggested mechanism is validated in a real-world environment including the on-line veri cation of the recon gured robot functionality in a Validity Check. The present thesis includes an original contribution in three aspects: First, a recon - guration mechanism is presented that reacts in a self-organised way to functional process changes. The application layer of a hardware system converts a semantic description into functional requirements for a new robot skill. The result of this mechanism is the on-line integration of a new functionality into the running process. Second, the proposed system allows maintaining the productivity of the running process and exibly changing the robot hardware through provision of a hardware-abstraction layer. An encapsulated Recon guration Holon dynamically includes the actual con guration each time a recon guration is started. This allows reacting to changed environment settings. As the resulting agent that contains the new functionality, is identical in shape and behaviour to the existing skills, its integration into the running process is conducted without a considerable loss of productivity. Third, the suggested mechanism is composed of a novel agent design that allows implementing self-organisation during the encapsulated recon guration and dependability for standard process executions. The selective assignment of behaviour-based and cognitive agents is the basis for the exibility and e ectiveness of the proposed recon guration mechanism

    Proposition d’une architecture holonique auto-organisée et évolutive pour le pilotage des systèmes de production

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    The manufacturing world is being deeply challenged with a set of ever demanding constraints where from one side, the costumers are requiring products to be more customizable, with higher quality at lower prices, and on other side, companies have to deal on a daily basis with internal disturbances that range from machine breakdown to worker absence and from demand fluctuation to frequent production changes. This dissertation proposes a manufacturing control architecture, following the holonic principles developed in the ADAptive holonic COntrol aRchitecture (ADACOR) and extending it taking inspiration in evolutionary theories and making use of self- organization mechanisms. The use of evolutionary theories enrich the proposed control architecture by allowing evolution in two distinct ways, responding accordingly to the type and degree of the disturbance that appears. The first component, named behavioural self- organization, allows each system’s entity to dynamically adapt its internal behaviour, addressing small disturbances. The second component, named structural self-organization, addresses bigger disturbances by allowing the system entities to re-arrange their rela- tionships, and consequently changing the system in a structural manner. The proposed self-organized holonic manufacturing control architecture was validated at a AIP-PRIMECA flexible manufacturing cell. The achieved experimental results have also shown an improvement of the key performance indicators over the hierarchical and heterarchical control architecture.Le monde des entreprises est profondément soumis à un ensemble de contraintes toujours plus exigeantes provenant d’une part des clients, exigeant des produits plus personnalisables, de qualité supérieure et à faible coût, et d’autre part des aléas internes auxentreprises, comprenant les pannes machines, les défaillances humaines, la fluctuation de la demande, les fréquentes variations de production. Cette thèse propose une architecture de contrôle de systèmes de production, basée sur les principes holoniques développées dans l’architecture ADACOR (ADAptive holonic COntrol aRchitecture), et l’étendant en s’inspirant des théories de l’évolution et en utilisant des mécanismes d’auto-organisation. L’utilisation des théories de l’évolution enrichit l’architecture de contrôle en permettant l’évolution de deux manières distinctes, en réponse au type et au degré de la perturbation apparue. Le premier mode d’adaptation, appelé auto-organisation comportementale, permet à chaque entité qui compose le système d’adapter dynamiquement leur comportement interne, gérant de cette façon de petites perturbations. Le second mode, nommé auto-organisation structurelle, traite de plus grandes perturbations, en permettant aux entités du système de ré-organiser leurs relations, et par conséquent modifier structurellement le système. L’architecture holonique auto-organisée de contrôle de systèmes de production proposée dans cette thèse a été validée sur une cellule de production flexible AIP-PRIMECA. Les résultats ont montré une amélioration des indicateurs clés de performance par rapport aux architectures de contrôle hiérarchiques et hétérarchiques

    An agent based architecture to support monitoring in plug and produce manufacturing systems using knowledge extraction

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    In recent years a set of production paradigms were proposed in order to capacitate manufacturers to meet the new market requirements, such as the shift in demand for highly customized products resulting in a shorter product life cycle, rather than the traditional mass production standardized consumables. These new paradigms advocate solutions capable of facing these requirements, empowering manufacturing systems with a high capacity to adapt along with elevated flexibility and robustness in order to deal with disturbances, like unexpected orders or malfunctions. Evolvable Production Systems propose a solution based on the usage of modularity and self-organization with a fine granularity level, supporting pluggability and in this way allowing companies to add and/or remove components during execution without any extra re-programming effort. However, current monitoring software was not designed to fully support these characteristics, being commonly based on centralized SCADA systems, incapable of re-adapting during execution to the unexpected plugging/unplugging of devices nor changes in the entire system’s topology. Considering these aspects, the work developed for this thesis encompasses a fully distributed agent-based architecture, capable of performing knowledge extraction at different levels of abstraction without sacrificing the capacity to add and/or remove monitoring entities, responsible for data extraction and analysis, during runtime

    An agile and adaptive holonic architecture for manufacturing control

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. 2004. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Port

    Multi-behavior agent model for supply chain management

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    Recent economic and international threats to occidental industries have encouraged companies to rethink their planning systems. Due to consolidation, the development of integrated supply chains and the use of inter-organizational information systems have increased business interdependencies and the need for collaboration. Thus, agility and the ability to deal quickly with disturbances in supply chains are critical to maintain overall performance. In order to develop tools to increase the agility of the supply chain and to promote the collaborative management of such disturbances, agent-based technology takes advantage of the ability of agents to make autonomous decisions in a distributed network. This paper proposes a multi-behavior agent model using different decision making approaches in a context where planning decisions are supported by a distributed advanced planning system (d-APS). The implementation of this solution is realized through the FOR@C experimental agent-based platform, dedicated to the supply chain planning for the forest products industry

    Multi-Behavior Agent Model for Supply Chain Management

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    Recent economic and international threats to occidental industries have encouraged companies to rethink their planning systems. Due to consolidation, the development of integrated supply chains and the use of inter-organizational information systems have increased business interdependencies and the need for collaboration. Thus, agility and the ability to deal quickly with disturbances in supply chains are critical to maintain overall performance. In order to develop tools to increase the agility of the supply chain and to promote the collaborative management of such disturbances, agent-based technology takes advantage of the ability of agents to make autonomous decisions in a distributed network. This paper proposes a multi-behavior agent model using different decision making approaches in a context where planning decisions are supported by a distributed advanced planning system (d-APS). The implementation of this solution is realized through the FOR@C experimental agent-based platform, dedicated to the supply chain planning for the forest products industry