20 research outputs found

    Initiation of Information Technology Innovations

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    Investigating the Factors Influencing RFID Adoption Intentions of Retailers: Evidences from Lahore-Pakistan

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    Although there have been many articles emphasizing the common remunerations of the RFID implementation in the supply chain but the progression of instigating the equipment  for the administration tenacity is somewhat on the leisurelier side particularly in likes of Pakistan and other under developed realms. The perseverance of the investigation is to accomplish a scrutiny of the administrative issues which stimulus the RFID implementation intents. The investigation is to be conducted by the mean of a statistical study of the numbers congregated over an opinion poll through different retailers in the Lahore region. The inquiryis done with the assistance of SPSS and for this perseverance the questionnaire is alienated in agreement to some variables explicitly technology competence, social issuesand competitive pressure. The emphasis group for the study is the retail industry as it is supposed to be the most conspicuous field which can develop the maximum improvement from the RFID technology espousal.This research would benefit in enhanced understanding of the aspectsimpelling the RFID implementation aims on the administrative foundation

    Predicting SMEs Willingness to Adopt ERP, CRM, SCM & E-Procurement Systems

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    Though it is contended that mobile value added services (MVAS) can help growth of small and microenterprises, few empirical studies have investigated the drivers of MVAS adoption particularly by women entrepreneurs. Our study fills this important gap in the literature by specifically focusing on women micro-enterprises (WMEs) in a Pacific island country - Fiji. The study aims to investigate the effect of organisational and individual characteristics of the entrepreneurs on the decision to adopt mobile value added services. We also identify the supply-side constraints in the uptake of MVAS. We interviewed 74 women micro entrepreneurs and 10 providers of mobile phone services and policy makers. Age of respondents and mobile network operator used had significant positive association with the decision to adopt MVAS. Many policy barriers, infrastructure constraints and interoperability issues were found to hinder the growth of MVAS in Fiji. Access to finance, insurance, and capital were the three major challenges faced by respondents who desired that business mentoring and information needs to be made available through mobile phones as a top priority. We conclude that appropriate policy framework backed by supporting infrastructure to build high equilibrium ecosystem would help rapid adoption of MVAS in Fiji

    Factors Affecting Investment in IT: A Critical Review

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    In this paper, we present a review of analytical and empirical research studies that analyze the factors impacting the organizational IT investment. We briefly review research studies conducted in the problem areas of justification of IT investments and contribution of IT to organizational performance. Then we develop a framework that enables us to classify the relevant research and understand the different approaches taken on the subject. Finally, we identify possible future research directions that will be of interest to researchers working in the IS field focusing on IT investment related issues

    Manfaat Teknologi Maklumat dalam Industri Kecil dan Sederhana di Negeri Kedah D.A

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    The objective of this study is to determine the benefits derived from using information technology (IT) in the small and medium scale industries (SMI) in Kedah Darul Aman. The benefits which have been ascertained are tangible benefits, intangible benefits and management satisfaction with the IT usage in the organization. Only manufacturing companies are included in this study. The survey research method was used with disproportionate stratified random sampling. Thirty six companies were eligible to be used as the research sample. The industrial sector were divided into six categories, namely food & beverage, electric & electronics, furniture, plastics, basic & fabricated metal, and machines & tools. Twelve hypotheses were generated to determine the benefits of IT and their relationship with the usage of IT. These hypotheses were tested using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The result from those tests showed the main benefits of IT are reducing error, improving staff productivity, improving customer service, providing better management information, providing better management control and increasing management productivity. IT was found to be widely used by bumiputera SMI. However, only 38.97% of SMI managers used computers. The most popular hardware is IBM personal computer or other compatible brands. The most used software is word processing followed by accounting packages. The business function’s most often used IT are the marketing and production functions while the administration functions are the financial & accounting and the general office

    Aceptación empresarial de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación: un análisis del sector servicios

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the level of development reached by some Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) such as web pages, e-mail, EDI, and business management software in the business world. To this end, we have concentrated on the business behaviour of the service sector. Nevertheless, the technological development demanded changes depending on the activity of the firm, so the mediator effect of the industry has been tested in the process of innovation acceptance. Our results show the technology acceptance process is influenced by the perception of both the usefulness and the ease of use of innovations. Moreover, the industry effect mediates the technological behaviour of a firm; meanwhile, if a firm performs a "traditional activity", there are fewer incentives to implement the innovation

    Organizational, Technological, and Environmental Determinants of Electronic Commerce Adoption in Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan

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    In the Internet age, the development of electronic commerce (EC) was considered a major indicator of the overall competitiveness of organizations. Moreover, the EC marketing channel can bring customers more benefits, such as greater shopping convenience and potentially lower prices. In Taiwan, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) represent 98% of the total number of business. Today, most SMEs were forced to adopt EC by their major suppliers and value chain partners in order to carry out business processes more efficiently. Hence, the purpose of this study is to seek the determinants of the extent of EC adoption by SMEs in Taiwan. This study presents a framework based on Tornatzky and Fleischer\u27s (1990) OTE model that includes organizational context, technological context, and environmental context, which have been widely used to examine the factors that influence organizational technology adoption. According to the OTE model, the research model of this study identified nine determinants, including (1) organizational size, (2) CEOs\u27 attitudes toward EC adoption, (3) CEOs\u27 innovativeness, (4) CEOs\u27 technology knowledge, (5) CEOs\u27 perceptions of EC on relative advantages, (6) CEOs\u27 perceptions of EC on compatibility, (7) CEOs\u27 perceptions of EC on complexity, (8) information intensity, and (9) competition intensity. A quantitative, correlational, non-experimental and explanatory research design based on a questionnaire survey was used to collect data, test hypotheses, and answer research questions in this study. 1,500 CEOs of Taiwanese SMEs were randomly selected from the database of E-Volunteer and invited to participate via email on a hyper-link provided to the survey web site. A total of 219 usable questionnaires were obtained for data analysis. The results of this study indicated that all three contexts were important in the decision of EC adoption by Taiwanese SMEs. The findings also supported significance of five determinants that had a positive relationship with the extent of EC adoption. These determinants were organizational size and CEOs\u27 attitudes toward EC adoption, CEOs\u27 perceptions of EC on relative advantage and compatibility, and information intensity. No statistically significant relationship with the extent of EC adoption was established for CEOs\u27 technology knowledge, CEOs\u27 perception of EC on complexity, and competition intensity. This study may not only expand the current body of EC knowledge, but also contribute to the knowledge of CEOs concerning SMEs, EC consultants, suppliers or value chain partners, and government agencies

    A cloud adoption framework for South African SMEs

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    Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have been touted as key enablers to the economic development of most countries. Despite growing evidence that most SMEs fail within their initial years, ICTs have been found to add substantial value in facilitating their success. However, in most developing countries, ICT adoption by SMEs has been plagued with a plethora of challenges ranging from poor electricity supply, high ICT costs, lack of ICT expertise to lack of government support. While this might seem problematic for SMEs, the adoption and the use of cloud services mitigates some of these challenges. The problem, however, is that a limited amount of literature has provided guidance with regard to how the cloud adoption process should be carried out by SMEs. The objective of this research, was therefore, to address this by developing a framework that can be used by SMEs to guide them through the cloud adoption process. To this end, thirteen (13) semi-structured interviews were conducted across nine (9) SMEs in the Eastern Cape. The resultant interview transcripts were analysed using an established thematic approach; the result of which allowed for the development of a rich interpretive narrative about SME cloud adoption. Combined with theory from extant literature, this culminated in the development of a framework for cloud services adoption for SMEs in the Eastern Cape