315 research outputs found

    Distinguishing sequences for partially specified FSMs

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    Distinguishing Sequences (DSs) are used inmany Finite State Machine (FSM) based test techniques. Although Partially Specified FSMs (PSFSMs) generalise FSMs, the computational complexity of constructing Adaptive and Preset DSs (ADSs/PDSs) for PSFSMs has not been addressed. This paper shows that it is possible to check the existence of an ADS in polynomial time but the corresponding problem for PDSs is PSPACE-complete. We also report on the results of experiments with benchmarks and over 8 * 106 PSFSMs. © 2014 Springer International Publishing

    Automated unique input output sequence generation for conformance testing of FSMs

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    This paper describes a method for automatically generating unique input output (UIO) sequences for FSM conformance testing. UIOs are used in conformance testing to verify the end state of a transition sequence. UIO sequence generation is represented as a search problem and genetic algorithms are used to search this space. Empirical evidence indicates that the proposed method yields considerably better (up to 62% better) results compared with random UIO sequence generation

    Canonical finite state machines for distributed systems

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    There has been much interest in testing from finite state machines (FSMs) as a result of their suitability for modelling or specifying state-based systems. Where there are multiple ports/interfaces a multi-port FSM is used and in testing, a tester is placed at each port. If the testers cannot communicate with one another directly and there is no global clock then we are testing in the distributed test architecture. It is known that the use of the distributed test architecture can affect the power of testing and recent work has characterised this in terms of local s-equivalence: in the distributed test architecture we can distinguish two FSMs, such as an implementation and a specification, if and only if they are not locally s-equivalent. However, there may be many FSMs that are locally s-equivalent to a given FSM and the nature of these FSMs has not been explored. This paper examines the set of FSMs that are locally s-equivalent to a given FSM M. It shows that there is a unique smallest FSM χmin(M) and a unique largest FSM χmax(M) that are locally s-equivalent to M. Here smallest and largest refer to the set of traces defined by an FSM and thus to its semantics. We also show that for a given FSM M the set of FSMs that are locally s-equivalent to M defines a bounded lattice. Finally, we define an FSM that, amongst all FSMs locally s-equivalent to M, has fewest states. We thus give three alternative canonical FSMs that are locally s-equivalent to an FSM M: one that defines the smallest set of traces, one that defines the largest set of traces, and one with fewest states. All three provide valuable information and the first two can be produced in time that is polynomial in terms of the number of states of M. We prove that the problem of finding an s-equivalent FSM with fewest states is NP-hard in general but can be solved in polynomial time for the special case where there are two ports

    Constructing multiple unique input/output sequences using metaheuristic optimisation techniques

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    Multiple unique input/output sequences (UIOs) are often used to generate robust and compact test sequences in finite state machine (FSM) based testing. However, computing UIOs is NP-hard. Metaheuristic optimisation techniques (MOTs) such as genetic algorithms (GAs) and simulated annealing (SA) are effective in providing good solutions for some NP-hard problems. In the paper, the authors investigate the construction of UIOs by using MOTs. They define a fitness function to guide the search for potential UIOs and use sharing techniques to encourage MOTs to locate UIOs that are calculated as local optima in a search domain. They also compare the performance of GA and SA for UIO construction. Experimental results suggest that, after using a sharing technique, both GA and SA can find a majority of UIOs from the models under test

    Checking experiments for stream X-machines

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    This article is a post-print version of the published article which may be accessed at the link below. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Stream X-machines are a state based formalism that has associated with it a particular development process in which a system is built from trusted components. Testing thus essentially checks that these components have been combined in a correct manner and that the orders in which they can occur are consistent with the specification. Importantly, there are test generation methods that return a checking experiment: a test that is guaranteed to determine correctness as long as the implementation under test (IUT) is functionally equivalent to an unknown element of a given fault domain Ψ. Previous work has show how three methods for generating checking experiments from a finite state machine (FSM) can be adapted to testing from a stream X-machine. However, there are many other methods for generating checking experiments from an FSM and these have a variety of benefits that correspond to different testing scenarios. This paper shows how any method for generating a checking experiment from an FSM can be adapted to generate a checking experiment for testing an implementation against a stream X-machine. This is the case whether we are testing to check that the IUT is functionally equivalent to a specification or we are testing to check that every trace (input/output sequence) of the IUT is also a trace of a nondeterministic specification. Interestingly, this holds even if the fault domain Ψ used is not that traditionally associated with testing from a stream X-machine. The results also apply for both deterministic and nondeterministic implementations

    Improved test quality using robust unique input/output circuit sequences (UIOCs)

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    In finite state machine (FSM) based testing, the problem of fault masking in the unique input/ output (UIO) sequence may degrade the test performance of the UIO based methods. This paper investigates this problem and proposes the use of a new type of unique input/output circuit (UIOC) sequence for state verification, which may help to overcome the drawbacks that exist in the UIO based techniques. When constructing a UIOC, overlap and internal state observation schema are used to increase the robustness of a test sequence. Test quality is compared by using the forward UIO method (F-method), the backward UIO method (B-method) and the UIOC method (C-method) separately. Robustness of the UIOCs constructed by the algorithm given in this paper is also compared with those constructed by the algorithm given previously. Experimental results suggest that the C-method outperforms the F- and the B-methods and the UIOCs constructed by the Algorithm given in this paper, are more robust than those constructed by other proposed algorithms

    Testing from a nondeterministic finite state machine using adaptive state counting

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    The problem of generating a checking experiment from a nondeterministic finite state machine has been represented in terms of state counting. However, test techniques that use state counting traditionally produce preset test suites. This paper extends the notion of state counting in order to allow the input/output sequences observed in testing to be utilized: Adaptive state counting is introduced. The main benefit of the proposed approach is that it may result in a reduction in the size of the test suite used. An additional benefit is that, where a failure is observed, it is possible to terminate test generation at this point

    Controllable testing from nondeterministic finite state machines with multiple ports

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    Copyright @ 2011 IEEESome systems have physically distributed interfaces, called ports, at which they interact with their environment. We place a tester at each port and if the testers cannot directly communicate and there is no global clock then we are using the distributed test architecture. It is known that this test architecture introduces controllability problems when testing from a deterministic finite state machine. This paper investigates the problem of testing from a nondeterministic finite state machine in the distributed test architecture and explores controllability. It shows how we can decide in polynomial time whether an input sequence is controllable. It also gives an algorithm for generating such an input sequence bar{x} and shows how we can produce testers that implement bar{x}