1,307 research outputs found

    Low Power, Low Delay: Opportunistic Routing meets Duty Cycling

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    Traditionally, routing in wireless sensor networks consists of two steps: First, the routing protocol selects a next hop, and, second, the MAC protocol waits for the intended destination to wake up and receive the data. This design makes it difficult to adapt to link dynamics and introduces delays while waiting for the next hop to wake up. In this paper we introduce ORW, a practical opportunistic routing scheme for wireless sensor networks. In a dutycycled setting, packets are addressed to sets of potential receivers and forwarded by the neighbor that wakes up first and successfully receives the packet. This reduces delay and energy consumption by utilizing all neighbors as potential forwarders. Furthermore, this increases resilience to wireless link dynamics by exploiting spatial diversity. Our results show that ORW reduces radio duty-cycles on average by 50% (up to 90% on individual nodes) and delays by 30% to 90% when compared to the state of the art

    Let the Tree Bloom: Scalable Opportunistic Routing with ORPL

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    Routing in battery-operated wireless networks is challenging, posing a tradeoff between energy and latency. Previous work has shown that opportunistic routing can achieve low-latency data collection in duty-cycled networks. However, applications are now considered where nodes are not only periodic data sources, but rather addressable end points generating traffic with arbitrary patterns. We present ORPL, an opportunistic routing protocol that supports any-to-any, on-demand traffic. ORPL builds upon RPL, the standard protocol for low-power IPv6 networks. By combining RPL's tree-like topology with opportunistic routing, ORPL forwards data to any destination based on the mere knowledge of the nodes' sub-tree. We use bitmaps and Bloom filters to represent and propagate this information in a space-efficient way, making ORPL scale to large networks of addressable nodes. Our results in a 135-node testbed show that ORPL outperforms a number of state-of-the-art solutions including RPL and CTP, conciliating a sub-second latency and a sub-percent duty cycle. ORPL also increases robustness and scalability, addressing the whole network reliably through a 64-byte Bloom filter, where RPL needs kilobytes of routing tables for the same task

    RECOMAC: a cross-layer cooperative network protocol for wireless ad hoc networks

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    A novel decentralized cross-layer multi-hop cooperative protocol, namely, Routing Enabled Cooperative Medium Access Control (RECOMAC) is proposed for wireless ad hoc networks. The protocol architecture makes use of cooperative forwarding methods, in which coded packets are forwarded via opportunistically formed cooperative sets within a region, as RECOMAC spans the physical, medium access control (MAC) and routing layers. Randomized coding is exploited at the physical layer to realize cooperative transmissions, and cooperative forwarding is implemented for routing functionality, which is submerged into the MAC layer, while the overhead for MAC and route set up is minimized. RECOMAC is shown to provide dramatic performance improvements of eight times higher throughput and one tenth of end-to-end delay than that of the conventional architecture in practical wireless mesh networks

    Towards Opportunistic Data Dissemination in Mobile Phone Sensor Networks

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    Recently, there has been a growing interest within the research community in developing opportunistic routing protocols. Many schemes have been proposed; however, they differ greatly in assumptions and in type of network for which they are evaluated. As a result, researchers have an ambiguous understanding of how these schemes compare against each other in their specific applications. To investigate the performance of existing opportunistic routing algorithms in realistic scenarios, we propose a heterogeneous architecture including fixed infrastructure, mobile infrastructure, and mobile nodes. The proposed architecture focuses on how to utilize the available, low cost short-range radios of mobile phones for data gathering and dissemination. We also propose a new realistic mobility model and metrics. Existing opportunistic routing protocols are simulated and evaluated with the proposed heterogeneous architecture, mobility models, and transmission interfaces. Results show that some protocols suffer long time-to-live (TTL), while others suffer short TTL. We show that heterogeneous sensor network architectures need heterogeneous routing algorithms, such as a combination of Epidemic and Spray and Wait

    Optimum Node Placement in Wireless Opportunistic Routing Networks

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    In recent years there has been a growing interest in opportunistic routing as a way to increase the capacity of wireless networks by exploiting its broadcast nature. In contrast to traditional uni-path routing, in opportunistic routing the nodes overhearing neighborÂżs transmissions can become candidates to forward the packets towards the destination. In this paper we address the question: What is the maximum performance that can be obtained using opportunistic routing? To answer this question we use an analytical model that allows to compute the optimal position of the nodes, such that the progress towards the destination is maximized. We use this model to compute bounds to the minimum expected number of transmissions that can be achieved in a network using opportunistic routing.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion through the Projects TIN2010-21378-C02-01 and TIN2010-21378-C02-02 and by the Generalitat de Catalunya through Project 2009-SGR-1167.CerdĂĄ Alabern, L.; Darehshoorzadeh, A.; Pla, V. (2013). Optimum Node Placement in Wireless Opportunistic Routing Networks. Ad Hoc Networks. 11(8):2273-2287. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adhoc.2013.05.010S2273228711

    Opportunistic routing in wireless mesh networks

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    Advances in communication and networking technologies are rapidly making ubiquitous network connectivity a reality. In recent years, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have already become very popular and been receiving an increasing amount of attention by the research community. Basically, a WMN consists of simple mesh routers and mesh clients, where mesh routers form the backbone of WMN. Due to the limited transmission range of the radio, many pairs of nodes in WMN may not be able to communicate directly, hence they need other intermediate nodes to forward packets for them. Routing in such networks is an important issue and it poses great challenges. Opportunistic Routing (OR) has been investigated in recent years as a way to increase the performance of WMNs by exploiting its broadcast nature. In OR, in contrast to traditional routing, instead of pre-selecting a single specic node to be the next-hop as a forwarder for a packet, an ordered set of nodes (referred to as candidates) is selected as the potential next-hop forwarders. Thus, the source can use multiple potential paths to deliver the packets to the destination. More specically, when the current node transmits a packet, all the candidates that successfully receive it will coordinate with each other to determine which one will actually forward it, while the others will simply discard the packet. This dissertation studies the properties, performance, maximum gain, candidate selection algorithms and multicast delivery issues about Opportunistic Routing in WMNs. Firstly, we focus on the performance analysis of OR by proposing a Discrete Time Markov Chain (DTMC). This model can be used to evaluate OR in terms of expected number of transmissions from the source to the destination. Secondly, we apply our Markov model to compare relevant candidate selection algorithms that have been proposed in the literature. They range from non-optimum, but simple, to optimum, but with a high computational cost. Thirdly, the set of candidates which a node uses and priority order of them have a signicant impact on the performance of OR. Therefore, using a good metric and algorithm to select and order the candidates are key factors in designing an OR protocol. As the next contribution we propose a new metric that measures the expected distance progress of sending a packet using a set of candidates. Based on this metric we propose a candidate selection algorithm which its performance is very close to the optimum algorithm although our algorithm runs much faster. Fourthly, we have investigated the maximum gain that can be obtained using OR. We have obtained some equations that yield the distances of the candidates in OR such that the per transmission progress towards the destination is maximized. Based on these equations we have proposed a novel candidate selection algorithm. Our new algorithm only needs the geographical location of nodes. The performance of our proposal is very close to the optimum candidate selection algorithm although our algorithm runs much faster. Finally, using OR to support multicast is an other issue that we have investigated in this thesis. We do so by proposing a new multicast protocol which uses OR. Unlike traditional multicast protocols, there is no designated next-hop forwarder for each destination in our protocol, thus the delivery ratio is maximized by taking advantage of spatial diversity
