15 research outputs found

    Noise adaptive training for subspace Gaussian mixture models

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    Noise adaptive training (NAT) is an effective approach to normalise the environmental distortions in the training data. This paper investigates the model-based NAT scheme using joint uncertainty decoding (JUD) for subspace Gaussian mixture models (SGMMs). A typical SGMM acoustic model has much larger number of surface Gaussian components, which makes it computationally infeasible to compensate each Gaussian explicitly. JUD tackles the problem by sharing the compensation parameters among the Gaussians and hence reduces the computational and memory demands. For noise adaptive training, JUD is reformulated into a generative model, which leads to an efficient expectation-maximisation (EM) based algorithm to update the SGMM acoustic model parameters. We evaluated the SGMMs with NAT on the Aurora 4 database, and obtained higher recognition accuracy compared to systems without adaptive training. Index Terms: adaptive training, noise robustness, joint uncertainty decoding, subspace Gaussian mixture model

    Subspace Gaussian mixture models for automatic speech recognition

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    In most of state-of-the-art speech recognition systems, Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) are used to model the density of the emitting states in the hidden Markov models (HMMs). In a conventional system, the model parameters of each GMM are estimated directly and independently given the alignment. This results a large number of model parameters to be estimated, and consequently, a large amount of training data is required to fit the model. In addition, different sources of acoustic variability that impact the accuracy of a recogniser such as pronunciation variation, accent, speaker factor and environmental noise are only weakly modelled and factorized by adaptation techniques such as maximum likelihood linear regression (MLLR), maximum a posteriori adaptation (MAP) and vocal tract length normalisation (VTLN). In this thesis, we will discuss an alternative acoustic modelling approach — the subspace Gaussian mixture model (SGMM), which is expected to deal with these two issues better. In an SGMM, the model parameters are derived from low-dimensional model and speaker subspaces that can capture phonetic and speaker correlations. Given these subspaces, only a small number of state-dependent parameters are required to derive the corresponding GMMs. Hence, the total number of model parameters can be reduced, which allows acoustic modelling with a limited amount of training data. In addition, the SGMM-based acoustic model factorizes the phonetic and speaker factors and within this framework, other source of acoustic variability may also be explored. In this thesis, we propose a regularised model estimation for SGMMs, which avoids overtraining in case that the training data is sparse. We will also take advantage of the structure of SGMMs to explore cross-lingual acoustic modelling for low-resource speech recognition. Here, the model subspace is estimated from out-domain data and ported to the target language system. In this case, only the state-dependent parameters need to be estimated which relaxes the requirement of the amount of training data. To improve the robustness of SGMMs against environmental noise, we propose to apply the joint uncertainty decoding (JUD) technique that is shown to be efficient and effective. We will report experimental results on the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) database and GlobalPhone corpora to evaluate the regularisation and cross-lingual modelling of SGMMs. Noise compensation using JUD for SGMM acoustic models is evaluated on the Aurora 4 database

    Joint Uncertainty Decoding for Noise Robust Subspace Gaussian Mixture Models

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    Abstract—Joint uncertainty decoding (JUD) is a model-based noise compensation technique for conventional Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) based speech recognition systems. Unlike vector Taylor series (VTS) compensation which operates on the individual Gaussian components in an acoustic model, JUD clusters the Gaussian components into a smaller number of classes, sharing the compensation parameters for the set of Gaussians in a given class. This significantly reduces the computational cost. In this paper, we investigate noise compensation for subspace Gaussian mixture model (SGMM) based speech recognition systems using JUD. The total number of Gaussian components in an SGMM is typically very large. Therefore direct compensation of the individual Gaussian components, as performed by VTS, is computationally expensive. In this paper we show that JUDbased noise compensation can be successfully applied to SGMMs in a computationally efficient way. We evaluate the JUD/SGMM technique on the standard Aurora 4 corpus. Our experimental results indicate that the JUD/SGMM system results in lower word error rates compared with a conventional GMM system with either VTS-based or JUD-based noise compensation. Index Terms—subspace Gaussian mixture model, vector Taylor series, joint uncertainty decoding, noise robust ASR, Aurora

    Noise Compensation for Subspace Gaussian Mixture Models.

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    Joint uncertainty decoding (JUD) is an effective model-based noise compensation technique for conventional Gaussian mixture model (GMM) based speech recognition systems. In this paper, we apply JUD to subspace Gaussian mixture model (SGMM) based acoustic models. The total number of Gaussians in the SGMM acoustic model is usually much larger than for conventional GMMs, which limits the application of approaches which explicitly compensate each Gaussian, such as vector Taylor series (VTS). However, by clustering the Gaussian components into a number of regression classes, JUD-based noise compensation can be successfully applied to SGMM systems. We evaluate the JUD/SGMM technique using the Aurora 4 corpus, and the experimental results indicated that it is more accurate than conventional GMM-based systems using either VTS or JUD noise compensation. 1

    Statistical models for noise-robust speech recognition

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    A standard way of improving the robustness of speech recognition systems to noise is model compensation. This replaces a speech recogniser's distributions over clean speech by ones over noise-corrupted speech. For each clean speech component, model compensation techniques usually approximate the corrupted speech distribution with a diagonal-covariance Gaussian distribution. This thesis looks into improving on this approximation in two ways: firstly, by estimating full-covariance Gaussian distributions; secondly, by approximating corrupted-speech likelihoods without any parameterised distribution. The first part of this work is about compensating for within-component feature correlations under noise. For this, the covariance matrices of the computed Gaussians should be full instead of diagonal. The estimation of off-diagonal covariance elements turns out to be sensitive to approximations. A popular approximation is the one that state-of-the-art compensation schemes, like VTS compensation, use for dynamic coefficients: the continuous-time approximation. Standard speech recognisers contain both per-time slice, static, coefficients, and dynamic coefficients, which represent signal changes over time, and are normally computed from a window of static coefficients. To remove the need for the continuous-time approximation, this thesis introduces a new technique. It first compensates a distribution over the window of statics, and then applies the same linear projection that extracts dynamic coefficients. It introduces a number of methods that address the correlation changes that occur in noise within this framework. The next problem is decoding speed with full covariances. This thesis re-analyses the previously-introduced predictive linear transformations, and shows how they can model feature correlations at low and tunable computational cost. The second part of this work removes the Gaussian assumption completely. It introduces a sampling method that, given speech and noise distributions and a mismatch function, in the limit calculates the corrupted speech likelihood exactly. For this, it transforms the integral in the likelihood expression, and then applies sequential importance resampling. Though it is too slow to use for recognition, it enables a more fine-grained assessment of compensation techniques, based on the KL divergence to the ideal compensation for one component. The KL divergence proves to predict the word error rate well. This technique also makes it possible to evaluate the impact of approximations that standard compensation schemes make.This work was supported by Toshiba Research Europe Ltd., Cambridge Research Laboratory

    Noise-Robust Speech Recognition Using Deep Neural Network

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    Temporally Varying Weight Regression for Speech Recognition

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    Design of reservoir computing systems for the recognition of noise corrupted speech and handwriting

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    Enhancing the effectiveness of automatic speech recognition

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    V práci jsou identifikovány příčiny nedostatečné spolehlivosti současných systémů pro automatické rozpoznávání řeči při jejich nasazení v náročných podmínkách. U jednotlivých rušivých vlivů je popsán jejich dopad na úspěšnost rozpoznávání a je podán výčet známých postupů pro identifikaci těchto vlivů analýzou rozpoznávaného signálu. Je též uveden přehled obvyklých metod používaných k omezení dopadu rušivých vlivů na funkci rozpoznávače řeči. Vlastní přínos tkví v navržení nových postupů pro vytváření akustických modelů zašuměné řeči a modelů nestacionárního šumu, díky kterým je možné dosáhnout vysoké úspěšnosti rozpoznávání v náročných akustických podmínkách. Účinnost navržených opatření byla otestována na rozpoznávači izolovaných slov s využitím nahrávky reálného akustického pozadí operačního sálu pořízené na Uniklinikum Marburg v Německu při několikahodinové neurochirurgické operaci. Tato práce jako první přináší popis dopadu změn v hlasovém úsilí mluvčích na spolehlivost rozpoznávání řeči v celém rozsahu, tj. od šepotu až po křik. Je navržena koncepce rozpoznávače řeči, který je imunní vůči změnám v hlasovém úsilí mluvčích. Pro účely zkoumání změn v hlasovém úsilí byla v rámci řešení práce sestavena nová řečová databáze BUT-VE1.This work identifies the causes for unsatisfactory reliability of contemporary systems for automatic speech recognition when deployed in demanding conditions. The impact of the individual sources of performance degradation is documented and a list of known methods for their identification from the recognized signal is given. An overview of the usual methods to suppress the impact of the disruptive influences on the performance of speech recognition is provided. The essential contribution of the work is the formulation of new approaches to constructing acoustical models of noisy speech and nonstationary noise allowing high recognition performance in challenging conditions. The viability of the proposed methods is verified on an isolated-word speech recognizer utilizing several-hour-long recording of the real operating room background acoustical noise recorded at the Uniklinikum Marburg in Germany. This work is the first to identify the impact of changes in speaker’s vocal effort on the reliability of automatic speech recognition in the full vocal effort range (i.e. whispering through shouting). A new concept of a speech recognizer immune to the changes in vocal effort is proposed. For the purposes of research on changes in vocal effort, a new speech database, BUT-VE1, was created.