1,400 research outputs found

    Adaptive pattern recognition by mini-max neural networks as a part of an intelligent processor

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    In this decade and progressing into 21st Century, NASA will have missions including Space Station and the Earth related Planet Sciences. To support these missions, a high degree of sophistication in machine automation and an increasing amount of data processing throughput rate are necessary. Meeting these challenges requires intelligent machines, designed to support the necessary automations in a remote space and hazardous environment. There are two approaches to designing these intelligent machines. One of these is the knowledge-based expert system approach, namely AI. The other is a non-rule approach based on parallel and distributed computing for adaptive fault-tolerances, namely Neural or Natural Intelligence (NI). The union of AI and NI is the solution to the problem stated above. The NI segment of this unit extracts features automatically by applying Cauchy simulated annealing to a mini-max cost energy function. The feature discovered by NI can then be passed to the AI system for future processing, and vice versa. This passing increases reliability, for AI can follow the NI formulated algorithm exactly, and can provide the context knowledge base as the constraints of neurocomputing. The mini-max cost function that solves the unknown feature can furthermore give us a top-down architectural design of neural networks by means of Taylor series expansion of the cost function. A typical mini-max cost function consists of the sample variance of each class in the numerator, and separation of the center of each class in the denominator. Thus, when the total cost energy is minimized, the conflicting goals of intraclass clustering and interclass segregation are achieved simultaneously

    Density-based clustering: A 'landscape view' of multi-channel neural data for inference and dynamic complexity analysis

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    Two, partially interwoven, hot topics in the analysis and statistical modeling of neural data, are the development of efficient and informative representations of the time series derived from multiple neural recordings, and the extraction of information about the connectivity structure of the underlying neural network from the recorded neural activities. In the present paper we show that state-space clustering can provide an easy and effective option for reducing the dimensionality of multiple neural time series, that it can improve inference of synaptic couplings from neural activities, and that it can also allow the construction of a compact representation of the multi-dimensional dynamics, that easily lends itself to complexity measures. We apply a variant of the 'mean-shift' algorithm to perform state-space clustering, and validate it on an Hopfield network in the glassy phase, in which metastable states are largely uncorrelated from memories embedded in the synaptic matrix. In this context, we show that the neural states identified as clusters' centroids offer a parsimonious parametri-zation of the synaptic matrix, which allows a significant improvement in inferring the synaptic couplings from the neural activities. Moving to the more realistic case of a multi-modular spiking network, with spike-frequency adaptation inducing history-dependent effects, we propose a procedure inspired by Boltzmann learning, but extending its domain of application, to learn inter-module synaptic couplings so that the spiking network reproduces a prescribed pattern of spatial correlations; we then illustrate, in the spiking network, how clustering is effective in extracting relevant features of the network's state-space landscape. Finally, we show that the knowledge of the cluster structure allows casting the multi-dimensional neural dynamics in the form of a symbolic dynamics of transitions between clusters; as an illustration of the potential of such reduction, we define and analyze a measure of complexity of the neural time series.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológico

    Advances in quantum machine learning

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    Here we discuss advances in the field of quantum machine learning. The following document offers a hybrid discussion; both reviewing the field as it is currently, and suggesting directions for further research. We include both algorithms and experimental implementations in the discussion. The field's outlook is generally positive, showing significant promise. However, we believe there are appreciable hurdles to overcome before one can claim that it is a primary application of quantum computation.Comment: 38 pages, 17 Figure

    The Automatic Clustering of A Rule Base for Its Maintenance

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    This paper introduces a way of clustering a rule base for the purpose of aiding any future maintenance. The automatic clustering is done implementing the Hopfield neural net. Clustering rules should facilitate the understanding of a rule base, which makes the maintenance job easie

    A survey of outlier detection methodologies

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    Outlier detection has been used for centuries to detect and, where appropriate, remove anomalous observations from data. Outliers arise due to mechanical faults, changes in system behaviour, fraudulent behaviour, human error, instrument error or simply through natural deviations in populations. Their detection can identify system faults and fraud before they escalate with potentially catastrophic consequences. It can identify errors and remove their contaminating effect on the data set and as such to purify the data for processing. The original outlier detection methods were arbitrary but now, principled and systematic techniques are used, drawn from the full gamut of Computer Science and Statistics. In this paper, we introduce a survey of contemporary techniques for outlier detection. We identify their respective motivations and distinguish their advantages and disadvantages in a comparative review

    A binary neural k-nearest neighbour technique

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    K-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) is a widely used technique for classifying and clustering data. K-NN is effective but is often criticised for its polynomial run-time growth as k-NN calculates the distance to every other record in the data set for each record in turn. This paper evaluates a novel k-NN classifier with linear growth and faster run-time built from binary neural networks. The binary neural approach uses robust encoding to map standard ordinal, categorical and real-valued data sets onto a binary neural network. The binary neural network uses high speed pattern matching to recall the k-best matches. We compare various configurations of the binary approach to a conventional approach for memory overheads, training speed, retrieval speed and retrieval accuracy. We demonstrate the superior performance with respect to speed and memory requirements of the binary approach compared to the standard approach and we pinpoint the optimal configurations

    Close range three-dimensional position sensing using stereo matching with Hopfield neural networks.

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    In recent years Vision Systems have found their ways into many real-world applications. This includes such fields as surveillance and tracking, computer graphics and various factory settings such as assembly line inspection and object manipulation. The application of Computer Vision techniques to factory automation, Machine Vision, is a growing field. However in most Machine Vision systems an algorithm is needed to infer 3D information regarding the objects in the field of view. Such a task can be accomplished using a Stereo Vision algorithm. In this thesis a new Machine Vision Algorithm for Close-Range Position Sensing is presented where a Hopfield Neural Network is used for the Stereo Matching stage: stereo Matching is formulated as an energy minimization task which is accomplished using the Hopfield Neural Networks. Various other important aspects of this Vision System are discussed including camera calibration and objects localization. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 45-01, page: 0423. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2006

    A Study in Image Watermarking Schemes using Neural Networks

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    The digital watermarking technique, an effective way to protect image, has become the research focus on neural network. The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief study on broad theories and discuss the different types of neural networks for image watermarking. Most of the research interest image watermarking based on neural network in discrete wavelet transform or discrete cosine transform. Generally image watermarking based on neural network to solve the problem on to reduce the error, improve the rate of the learning, achieves goods imperceptibility and robustness. It will be useful for researches to implement effective image watermarking by using neural network