845 research outputs found

    GeoTrackNet-A Maritime Anomaly Detector using Probabilistic Neural Network Representation of AIS Tracks and A Contrario Detection

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    Representing maritime traffic patterns and detecting anomalies from them are key to vessel monitoring and maritime situational awareness. We propose a novel approach-referred to as GeoTrackNet-for maritime anomaly detection from AIS data streams. Our model exploits state-of-the-art neural network schemes to learn a probabilistic representation of AIS tracks, then uses a contrario detection to detect abnormal events. The neural network helps us capture complex and heterogeneous patterns in vessels' behaviors, while the a contrario detection takes into account the fact that the learned distribution may be location-dependent. Experiments on a real AIS dataset comprising more than 4.2 million AIS messages demonstrate the relevance of the proposed method

    Machine Learning for Enhanced Maritime Situation Awareness: Leveraging Historical AIS Data for Ship Trajectory Prediction

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    In this thesis, methods to support high level situation awareness in ship navigators through appropriate automation are investigated. Situation awareness relates to the perception of the environment (level 1), comprehension of the situation (level 2), and projection of future dynamics (level 3). Ship navigators likely conduct mental simulations of future ship traffic (level 3 projections), that facilitate proactive collision avoidance actions. Such actions may include minor speed and/or heading alterations that can prevent future close-encounter situations from arising, enhancing the overall safety of maritime operations. Currently, there is limited automation support for level 3 projections, where the most common approaches utilize linear predictions based on constant speed and course values. Such approaches, however, are not capable of predicting more complex ship behavior. Ship navigators likely facilitate such predictions by developing models for level 3 situation awareness through experience. It is, therefore, suggested in this thesis to develop methods that emulate the development of high level human situation awareness. This is facilitated by leveraging machine learning, where navigational experience is artificially represented by historical AIS data. First, methods are developed to emulate human situation awareness by developing categorization functions. In this manner, historical ship behavior is categorized to reflect distinct patterns. To facilitate this, machine learning is leveraged to generate meaningful representations of historical AIS trajectories, and discover clusters of specific behavior. Second, methods are developed to facilitate pattern matching of an observed trajectory segment to clusters of historical ship behavior. Finally, the research in this thesis presents methods to predict future ship behavior with respect to a given cluster. Such predictions are, furthermore, on a scale intended to support proactive collision avoidance actions. Two main approaches are used to facilitate these functions. The first utilizes eigendecomposition-based approaches via locally extracted AIS trajectory segments. Anomaly detection is also facilitated via this approach in support of the outlined functions. The second utilizes deep learning-based approaches applied to regionally extracted trajectories. Both approaches are found to be successful in discovering clusters of specific ship behavior in relevant data sets, classifying a trajectory segment to a given cluster or clusters, as well as predicting the future behavior. Furthermore, the local ship behavior techniques can be trained to facilitate live predictions. The deep learning-based techniques, however, require significantly more training time. These models will, therefore, need to be pre-trained. Once trained, however, the deep learning models will facilitate almost instantaneous predictions

    Extracting Maritime Traffic Networks from AIS Data Using Evolutionary Algorithm

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    The presented method reconstructs a network (a graph) from AIS data, which reflects vessel traffic and can be used for route planning. The approach consists of three main steps: maneuvering points detection, waypoints discovery, and edge construction. The maneuvering points detection uses the CUSUM method and reduces the amount of data for further processing. The genetic algorithm with spatial partitioning is used for waypoints discovery. Finally, edges connecting these waypoints form the final maritime traffic network. The approach aims at advancing the practice of maritime voyage planning, which is typically done manually by a ship’s navigation officer. The authors demonstrate the results of the implementation using Apache Spark, a popular distributed and parallel computing framework. The method is evaluated by comparing the results with an on-line voyage planning application. The evaluation shows that the approach has the capacity to generate a graph which resembles the real-world maritime traffic network

    Multiple-Aspect Analysis of Semantic Trajectories

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    This open access book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the First International Workshop on Multiple-Aspect Analysis of Semantic Trajectories, MASTER 2019, held in conjunction with the 19th European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, ECML PKDD 2019, in Würzburg, Germany, in September 2019. The 8 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 12 submissions. They represent an interesting mix of techniques to solve recurrent as well as new problems in the semantic trajectory domain, such as data representation models, data management systems, machine learning approaches for anomaly detection, and common pathways identification

    Workflow to detect ship encounters at sea with GIS support

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Geographic Information Systems and ScienceAccording to the United Nations, more than 80% of the global trade is currently transported by sea. The Portuguese EEZ has a very extensive area with high maritime traffic, among which illicit activities may occur. This work aims to contribute to the official control of illegal transshipment actions by studying and proposing a new way of detecting encounters between ships. Ships with specific characteristics use an Automatic Identification System (AIS) on board which transmits a signal via radio frequencies, allowing shore stations to receive static and dynamic data from the ship. Thus, there is an increase in maritime situational awareness and, consequently, in the safety of navigation. The methodology of this dissertation employs monthly and daily AIS data in the study area, which is located in southern mainland Portugal. A bibliometric and content analysis was performed in order to assess the state of the art concerning geospatial analysis models of maritime traffic, based on AIS data, and focus on anomalous behaviour detection. Maritime traffic density maps were created with the support of a GIS (QGIS software), which allowed to characterize the maritime traffic in the study area and, subsequently, to pattern the locations where ship encounters occur. The algorithm to detect ship-to-ship meetings at sea was developed using a rule-based methodology. After analysis and discussion of results, it was found that the areas where the possibility of ship encounters at sea is greatest are away from the main shipping lanes, but close to areas with fishing vessels. The study findings and workflow are useful for decision making by the competent authorities for patrolling the maritime areas, focusing on the detection of illegal transhipment actions.Segundo as Nações Unidas, mais de 80% do comércio global é, atualmente, transportado por via marítima. A ZEE portuguesa tem uma área muito extensa, com tráfego marítimo elevado, entre o qual podem ocorrer atividades ilícitas. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para o controlo oficial de ações de transbordo ilegal, estudando e propondo uma nova forma de deteção de encontros entre navios. Os navios com determinadas características, utilizam a bordo um Automatic Identification System (AIS) que transmite sinal através de frequências rádio, permitindo que estações em terra recebam dados estáticos e dinâmicos do navio. Deste modo, verifica-se um aumento do conhecimento situacional marítimo e, consequentemente, da segurança da navegação. Foi realizada uma análise bibliométrica e de conteúdo a fim de avaliar o estado da arte referente a modelos de análise geoespacial do tráfego marítimo, com base em dados AIS, e foco na deteção de comportamentos anómalos. Na metodologia desta dissertação, são utilizados dados AIS mensais e diários na área de estudo, situada a sul de Portugal Continental. Foram criados mapas de densidade de tráfego marítimo com o apoio de um SIG (software QGIS), o que permitiu caracterizar o tráfego marítimo na área de estudo e, posteriormente, padronizar os locais onde ocorrem encontros entre navios. O algoritmo para detetar encontros entre navios no mar foi desenvolvido através de uma metodologia baseada em regras. Após análise e discussão de resultados, constatou-se que as áreas onde a possibilidade de ocorrer encontros de navios no mar é maior, encontram-se afastadas dos corredores principais de navegação, mas próximas de zonas com embarcações de pesca. Os resultados do estudo e o workflow desenvolvidos são úteis à tomada de decisão pelas autoridades competentes por patrulhar as áreas marítimas, com incidência na deteção de ações de transbordo ilegal

    A Dimensionality Reduction-Based Multi-Step Clustering Method for Robust Vessel Trajectory Analysis

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    The Shipboard Automatic Identification System (AIS) is crucial for navigation safety and maritime surveillance, data mining and pattern analysis of AIS information have attracted considerable attention in terms of both basic research and practical applications. Clustering of spatio-temporal AIS trajectories can be used to identify abnormal patterns and mine customary route data for transportation safety. Thus, the capacities of navigation safety and maritime traffic monitoring could be enhanced correspondingly. However, trajectory clustering is often sensitive to undesirable outliers and is essentially more complex compared with traditional point clustering. To overcome this limitation, a multi-step trajectory clustering method is proposed in this paper for robust AIS trajectory clustering. In particular, the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), a similarity measurement method, is introduced in the first step to measure the distances between different trajectories. The calculated distances, inversely proportional to the similarities, constitute a distance matrix in the second step. Furthermore, as a widely-used dimensional reduction method, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is exploited to decompose the obtained distance matrix. In particular, the top k principal components with above 95% accumulative contribution rate are extracted by PCA, and the number of the centers k is chosen. The k centers are found by the improved center automatically selection algorithm. In the last step, the improved center clustering algorithm with k clusters is implemented on the distance matrix to achieve the final AIS trajectory clustering results. In order to improve the accuracy of the proposed multi-step clustering algorithm, an automatic algorithm for choosing the k clusters is developed according to the similarity distance. Numerous experiments on realistic AIS trajectory datasets in the bridge area waterway and Mississippi River have been implemented to compare our proposed method with traditional spectral clustering and fast affinity propagation clustering. Experimental results have illustrated its superior performance in terms of quantitative and qualitative evaluation

    Application research on the integrated navigation guarantee information service platform in North China Sea Area

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    Reliable Navigational Scene Perception for Autonomous Ships in Maritime Environment

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    Due to significant advances in robotics and transportation, research on autonomous ships has attracted considerable attention. The most critical task is to make the ships capable of accurately, reliably, and intelligently detecting their surroundings to achieve high levels of autonomy. Three deep learning-based models are constructed in this thesis to perform complex perceptual tasks such as identifying ships, analysing encounter situations, and recognising water surface objects. In this thesis, sensors, including the Automatic Identification System (AIS) and cameras, provide critical information for scene perception. Specifically, the AIS enables mid-range and long-range detection, assisting the decision-making system to take suitable and decisive action. A Convolutional Neural Network-Ship Movement Modes Classification (CNN-SMMC) is used to detect ships or objects. Following that, a Semi- Supervised Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network (SCEDN) is developed to classify ship encounter situations and make a collision avoidance plan for the moving ships or objects. Additionally, cameras are used to detect short-range objects, a supplementary solution to ships or objects not equipped with an AIS. A Water Obstacle Detection Network based on Image Segmentation (WODIS) is developed to find potential threat targets. A series of quantifiable experiments have demonstrated that these models can provide reliable scene perception for autonomous ships

    Data mining for anomaly detection in maritime traffic data

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    For the past few years, oceans have become once again, an important means of communication and transport. In fact, traffic density throughout the globe has suffered a substantial growth, which has risen some concerns. With this expansion, the need to achieve a high Maritime Situational Awareness (MSA) is imperative. At the present time, this need may be more easily fulfilled thanks to the vast amount of data available regarding maritime traffic. However, this brings in another issue: data overload. Currently, there are so many data sources, so many data to obtain information from, that the operators cannot handle it. There is a pressing need for systems that help to sift through all the data, analysing and correlating, helping in this way the decision making process. In this dissertation, the main goal is to use different sources of data in order to detect anomalies and contribute to a clear Recognised Maritime Picture (RMP). In order to do so, it is necessary to know what types of data exist and which ones are available for further analysis. The data chosen for this dissertation was Automatic Identification System (AIS) and Monitorização Contínua das Atividades da Pesca (MONICAP) data, also known as Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) data. In order to store 1 year worth of AIS and MONICAP data, a PostgreSQL database was created. To analyse and draw conclusions from the data, a data mining tool was used, namely, Orange. Tests were conducted in order to assess the correlation between data sources and find anomalies. The importance of data correlation has never been so important and with this dissertation the aim is to show that there is a simple and effective way to get answers from great amounts of data.Nos últimos anos, os oceanos tornaram-se, mais uma vez, um importante meio de comunicação e transporte. De facto, a densidade de tráfego global sofreu um crescimento substancial, o que levantou algumas preocupações. Com esta expansão, a necessidade de atingir um elevado Conhecimento Situacional Marítimo (CSM) é imperativa. Hoje em dia, esta necessidade pode ser satisfeita mais facilmente graças à vasta quantidade de dados disponíveis de tráfego marítimo. No entanto, isso leva a outra questão: sobrecarga de dados. Atualmente existem tantas fontes de dados, tantos dados dos quais extrair informação, que os operadores não conseguem acompanhar. Existe uma necessidade premente para sistemas que ajudem a escrutinar todos os dados, analisando e correlacionando, contribuindo desta maneira ao processo de tomada de decisão. Nesta dissertação, o principal objetivo é usar diferentes fontes de dados para detetar anomalias e contribuir para uma clara Recognised Maritime Picture (RMP). Para tal, é necessário saber que tipos de dados existem e quais é que se encontram disponíveis para análise posterior. Os dados escolhidos para esta dissertação foram dados Automatic Identification System (AIS) e dados de Monitorização Contínua das Atividades da Pesca (MONICAP), também conhecidos como dados de Vessel Monitoring System (VMS). De forma a armazenar dados correspondentes a um ano de AIS e MONICAP, foi criada uma base de dados em PostgreSQL. Para analisar e retirar conclusões, foi utilizada uma ferramenta de data mining, nomeadamente, o Orange. De modo a que pudesse ser avaliada a correlação entre fontes de dados e serem detetadas anomalias foram realizados vários testes. A correlação de dados nunca foi tão importante e pretende-se com esta dissertação mostrar que existe uma forma simples e eficaz de obter respostas de grandes quantidades de dado