272 research outputs found

    Building Scientific Clouds: The Distributed, Peer-to-Peer Approach

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    The Scientific community is constantly growing in size. The increase in personnel number and projects have resulted in the requirement of large amounts of storage, CPU power and other computing resources. It has also become necessary to acquire these resources in an affordable manner that is sensitive to work loads. In this thesis, the author presents a novel approach that provides the communication platform that will support such large scale scientific projects. These resources could be difficult to acquire due to NATs, firewalls and other site-based restrictions and policies. Methods used to overcome these hurdles have been discussed in detail along with other advantages of using such a system, which include: increased availability of necessary computing infrastructure; increased grid resource utilization; reduced user dependability; reduced job execution time. Experiments conducted included local infrastructure on the Clemson University Campus as well as resources provided by other federated grid sites

    Data Communications and Network Technologies

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    This open access book is written according to the examination outline for Huawei HCIA-Routing Switching V2.5 certification, aiming to help readers master the basics of network communications and use Huawei network devices to set up enterprise LANs and WANs, wired networks, and wireless networks, ensure network security for enterprises, and grasp cutting-edge computer network technologies. The content of this book includes: network communication fundamentals, TCP/IP protocol, Huawei VRP operating system, IP addresses and subnetting, static and dynamic routing, Ethernet networking technology, ACL and AAA, network address translation, DHCP server, WLAN, IPv6, WAN PPP and PPPoE protocol, typical networking architecture and design cases of campus networks, SNMP protocol used by network management, operation and maintenance, network time protocol NTP, SND and NFV, programming, and automation. As the world’s leading provider of ICT (information and communication technology) infrastructure and smart terminals, Huawei’s products range from digital data communication, cyber security, wireless technology, data storage, cloud-computing, and smart computing to artificial intelligence

    Teaching networking, hands-on labs

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    This project has been focused on the design and implementation of a hands-on laboratory, where students would be able understand and learn the different network protocols operations. Once dealt with the installation, we have done some tests focused on Wide Area Network emulation and, as a further step, the results have been analyzed and discussed. In order to complete said tests, we have implemented some network traffic analysis tools, such as Traceroute, Ping or Wireshark. The latter in particular, due to its ease to capture, show and filter traffic from many different network protocols. First of all, the theoretical basic concepts, essential to understand network protocols operation, have been properly described. Then, once explained the theoretical fundamentals, the entire laboratory installation has been developed; starting with the hardware components assembly and then following with the software part installation. This second section also includes the setup of each service or protocol needed for the proper network operation. Finally, in the last main section, tests performed in the laboratory have been detailed, once fully configured the network. These tests have been focused on Wide Area Network emulation through the WANem software tool, through which we have introduced some delays and packet loss into our network. At the same time, with the above mentioned network tools (Traceroute, Ping or Wireshark) we have tested protocols’ behaviour when experiencing these delays or packet loss.Este proyecto se ha centrado en el diseño e implementación de un laboratorio de docencia en el que los alumnos puedan comprender y estudiar el funcionamiento de los diferentes protocolos de red. Tras la instalación se han realizado diferentes pruebas, centrándose en la emulación de red de área amplia (WAN – Wide Area Network) para, posteriormente, analizar los resultados de dichas pruebas. Para llevar a cabo las diferentes pruebas se han empleado herramientas de análisis, tales como Traceroute, Ping o Wireshark, esta última en mayor medida, ya que permite capturar tráfico de una gran cantidad de protocolos y mostrar por pantalla el contenido del tráfico capturado. Primeramente, se han descrito los aspectos teóricos fundamentales, necesarios para comprender el funcionamiento de los protocolos empleados. A continuación, una vez sentada la base teórica esencial, se ha desarrollado al completo la implementación del laboratorio, comenzando por el montaje de la parte hardware y siguiendo con la instalación de la parte software, tanto de las herramientas de análisis de tráfico como los servicios o protocolos fundamentales para el correcto funcionamiento de la red. Finalmente, en el último bloque principal se detallan las pruebas realizadas en el laboratorio, una vez que la red ha sido puesta en funcionamiento. Estas pruebas han girado entorno a la emulación de red de área amplia (WAN – Wide Area Network) mediante la herramienta WANem, a través de este software se han introducido en la red retardos y pérdidas de paquetes. A su vez, mediante las herramientas mencionadas anteriormente, se ha analizado el comportamiento de los diferentes protocolos de red (IP, TCP o HTTP) al sufrir estos retardos y pérdidas de paquetes.Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Enhanced Child’s Play LAN Design

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    Child’s Play is a charity event hosted by the student chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery at the University of Akron. This event allows people to compete in various video game tournaments while simultaneously raising money for charity. In order to make this possible, a network is crucial. However, in previous years, the performance has been poor. The goal of this project is to implement a new network design which will offer more functionality and reliability than in previous years. This network will be able to operate completely inside of an existing network on a temporary basis. This design offers potential use in environments other than on the campus of the University of Akron

    Towards high quality and flexible future internet architectures

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    Data Communications and Network Technologies

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    This open access book is written according to the examination outline for Huawei HCIA-Routing Switching V2.5 certification, aiming to help readers master the basics of network communications and use Huawei network devices to set up enterprise LANs and WANs, wired networks, and wireless networks, ensure network security for enterprises, and grasp cutting-edge computer network technologies. The content of this book includes: network communication fundamentals, TCP/IP protocol, Huawei VRP operating system, IP addresses and subnetting, static and dynamic routing, Ethernet networking technology, ACL and AAA, network address translation, DHCP server, WLAN, IPv6, WAN PPP and PPPoE protocol, typical networking architecture and design cases of campus networks, SNMP protocol used by network management, operation and maintenance, network time protocol NTP, SND and NFV, programming, and automation. As the world’s leading provider of ICT (information and communication technology) infrastructure and smart terminals, Huawei’s products range from digital data communication, cyber security, wireless technology, data storage, cloud-computing, and smart computing to artificial intelligence

    Mobile Voice Over IP (MVOIP): An Application-level Protocol

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    Current Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) protocols require participating hosts to have fixed IP addresses for the duration of a VOIP call. When using a wireless-enabled host, such as a tablet computer on an 802.11 wireless network, it is possible for a participant in a VOIP call to roam around the network, moving from one subnet to another and needing to change IP addresses. This address change creates the need for mobility support in VOIP applications. We present the design of Mobile Voice over IP (MVOIP), an application-level protocol that enables such mobility in a VOIP application based on the ITU H.323 protocol stack. An MVOIP application uses hints from the surrounding network to determine that it has switched subnets. It then initiates a hand-off procedure that comprises pausing its current calls, obtaining a valid IP address for the current subnet, and reconnecting to the remote party with whom it was in a call. Testing the system shows that on a Windows 2000 platform there is a perceivable delay in the hand-off process, most of which is spent in the Windows API for obtaining DHCP addresses. Despite this bottleneck, MVOIP works well on a wireless network

    An SNMP-based audio distribution service architecture

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de Redes e Serviços TelemáticosThe constant growth of integration and popularity of “Internet of Things” devices is affecting home automation systems, where new technologies were introduced, in the recent years for this particular sector. These automation systems integrate devices that can be anywhere in the house, connected to a home network, either through a wire or wireless connection. A home automation system can be used to control air conditioning, lighting, pool control systems, home-entertainment systems and much more. Within the field of home-entertainment systems, the best known technologies are the Digital Living Network Alliance and the Digital Audio Access Protocol, which provide interoperability to allow sharing of digital media content between devices across a home network. However, these technologies have the disadvantage of being proprietary, maintaining restrict documentation access, complex architectures and concepts and not optimal to specific purposes, like audio distribution. The main goal of this project was to prove that is possible to use standardized protocols, such as the Simple Network Manager Protocol and open source tools in order to develop a music distribution service that allows the implementation of similar features than the ones already existing proprietary technologies. As such, the implementation prototype system allows a user to manage and play audio from a music collection that is stored in a single home audio server. The system architecture enables audio streaming between the server and the various devices in the same local network. Further more, the music collection, can integrate virtual audio files that are available from external music sources, like iTunes, etc.O constante crescimento de integração e popularidade da “Internet das coisas” tem atualmente afetado sistemas de domótica, onde cada vez mais tecnologias têm vindo a ser desenvolvidas nos últimos anos para este sector em particular. Estes sistemas de domótica integram dispositivos que podem estar em qualquer parte de uma casa, ligados à rede seja através de um cabo ou por wireless. Um sistema de domótica pode ser usado para controlar: ar condicionado, iluminação, sistemas de controlo de piscinas, sistemas de entretenimento, entre outros. Na área de sistemas de entretenimento, as tecnologias mais conhecidas são Digital Living Network Alliance e Digital Audio Access Protocol, que fornecem interoperabilidade de modo a permitir a partilha de conteúdos digitais multimédia entre dispositivos que se encontram na mesma rede local. Contudo, possuem a desvantagem de serem tecnologias proprietárias, com documentação e manuais restritos, arquiteturas e conceitos complexos, e não otimizados para fins específicos, tal distribuição de áudio. O principal objetivo deste projeto foi provar que é possível usar protocolos normalizados, como o Simple Network Manager Protocol e ferramentas open source de forma a desenvolver um serviço de distribuição de música que permite a implementação de funcionalidades semelhantes às tecnologias proprietárias já existentes. Assim, o protótipo implementado permite a um utilizador gerir e reproduzir áudio de uma coleção de música que se esteja armazenada num servidor de áudio domestico. A arquitetura permite streaming de áudio entre o servidor e os diferentes dispositivos que se encontram na mesma rede local. Consequentemente, a coleção de música pode integrar ficheiros de áudio visuais que estejam acessíveis através de fontes externas de música, como por exemplo: iTunes, etc