1,036 research outputs found

    Ionospheric Channel Modeling and Estimation

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    abstract: The goal is to provide accurate measurement of the channel between a ground source and a receiving satellite. The effects of the the ionosphere for ground to space propagation for radio waves in the 3-30 MHz HF band is an unstudied subject. The effects of the ionosphere on radio propagation is a long studied subject, the primary focus has been ground to ground by means of ionospheric reflection and space to ground corrections of ionospheric distortions of GPS. Because of the plasma properties of the ionosphere there is a strong dependence on the frequency of use. GPS L1 1575.42 MHz and L2 1227.60 MHz are much less effected than the 3-30 MHz HF band used for skywave propagation. The channel between the ground transmitter and the satellite receiver is characterized by 2 unique polarization modes with respective delays and Dopplers. Accurate estimates of delay and Doppler are done using polynomial fit functions. The application of polarimetric separation of the two propagating polarizations allows improved estimate quality of delay and Doppler of the respective mode. These methods yield good channel models and an effective channel estimation method well suited for the ground to space propagation.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Electrical Engineering 201

    Application of Seismic Array Processing to Earthquake Early Warning

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    Earthquake early warning (EEW) systems that issue warnings prior to the arrival of strong shaking are essential in mitigating earthquake hazard. Currently operating EEW systems work on point‐source assumptions and are of limited effectiveness for large events, for which ignoring finite‐source effects result in magnitude underestimation. Here, we explore the concept of characterizing rupture dimensions in real time for EEW using small‐aperture seismic arrays located near active faults. Back tracing array waveforms allow estimation of the extent of the rupture front (as a proxy of the rupture size) and directivity in real time, providing complementary EEW capabilities for M>7 earthquakes to existing EEW systems. We implement it in a simulated real‐time environment and analyze the 2004 M 6 Parkfield, California, earthquake recordings by the U.S. Geological Survey Parkfield dense Seismograph ARray (UPSAR) array and the 2010 M 7.2 El Mayor–Cucapah earthquake recordings by strong‐motion sensors in San Diego, California. We find it important to correct for the bias in back azimuth induced by dipping structures beneath the UPSAR array, based on data from smaller events. Our estimated rupture length is 30% shorter than those inferred from other studies but still reasonable for EEW purposes. We attribute this difference to rupture directivity effects and the limited field of view of a single array. The accuracy of the approach may be improved with a network of arrays with overlapping fields of view. We demonstrate this by tracking the 2011 Tohoku earthquake rupture with two clusters of Hi‐net stations in Kyushu and northern Hokkaido. The obtained results are consistent with teleseismic back‐projection results and yield reasonable estimates of rupture length and directivity. Compared with other proposed finite‐fault EEW approaches, the array method is less affected by the coarseness of a Global Positioning System or seismic network and provides a high‐frequency characterization of the rupture that yields more suitable predictors of ground shaking for certain structures

    Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995)

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    The files on this record represent the various databases that originally composed the CD-ROM issue of "Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding" database, which is now part of the Dudley Knox Library's Abstracts and Selected Full Text Documents on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995) Collection. (See Calhoun record https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/57364 for further information on this collection and the bibliography). Due to issues of technological obsolescence preventing current and future audiences from accessing the bibliography, DKL exported and converted into the three files on this record the various databases contained in the CD-ROM. The contents of these files are: 1) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_xls.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.xls: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format; RDFA_Glossary.xls: Glossary of terms, in Excel 97-2003 Workbookformat; RDFA_Biographies.xls: Biographies of leading figures, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format]; 2) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_csv.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.TXT: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in CSV format; RDFA_Glossary.TXT: Glossary of terms, in CSV format; RDFA_Biographies.TXT: Biographies of leading figures, in CSV format]; 3) RDFA_CompleteBibliography.pdf: A human readable display of the bibliographic data, as a means of double-checking any possible deviations due to conversion

    High-resolution backprojection at regional distance: Application to the Haiti M7.0 earthquake and comparisons with finite source studies

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    A catastrophic M_w7 earthquake ruptured on 12 January 2010 on a complex fault system near Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Offshore rupture is suggested by aftershock locations and marine geophysics studies, but its extent remains difficult to define using geodetic and teleseismic observations. Here we perform the multitaper multiple signal classification (MUSIC) analysis, a high-resolution array technique, at regional distance with recordings from the Venezuela National Seismic Network to resolve high-frequency (about 0.4 Hz) aspects of the earthquake process. Our results indicate westward rupture with two subevents, roughly 35 km apart. In comparison, a lower-frequency finite source inversion with fault geometry based on new geologic and aftershock data shows two slip patches with centroids 21 km apart. Apparent source time functions from USArray further constrain the intersubevent time delay, implying a rupture speed of 3.3 km/s. The tips of the slip zones coincide with subevents imaged by backprojections. The different subevent locations found by backprojection and source inversion suggest spatial complementarity between high- and low-frequency source radiation consistent with high-frequency radiation originating from rupture arrest phases at the edges of main slip areas. The centroid moment tensor (CMT) solution and a geodetic-only inversion have similar moment, indicating most of the moment released is captured by geodetic observations and no additional rupture is required beyond where it is imaged in our preferred model. Our results demonstrate the contribution of backprojections of regional seismic array data for earthquakes down to M ≈ 7, especially when incomplete coverage of seismic and geodetic data implies large uncertainties in source inversions

    Spatial referencing and satellite based positioning

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    Design and Implementation of a Software Defined Ionosonde. A contribution to the development of distributed arrays of small instruments

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    In order to make advances in studies of mesoscale ionospheric phenomena, a new type of ionosonde is needed. This ionosonde should be relatively inexpensive and small form factor. It should also be well suited for operation in a network of transmit and receiver sites that are operated cooperatively in order to measure vertical and oblique paths between multiple transmitters and receivers in the network. No such ionosonde implementation currently exists. This thesis describes the design and implementation of a coded continuous wave ionosonde, which utilizes long pseudo-random transmit waveforms. Such radar waveforms have several advantages: they can be used at low peak power, they can be used in multi-static cooperative radar networks, they can be used to measure range-Doppler overspread targets, they are relatively robust against external interference, and they produce relatively low interference to other users that share the same portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The new ionosonde design is thus well suited for use in ionosonde networks. The technical design relies on the software defined radio paradigm and the hardware design is based on commercially available inexpensive hardware. The hardware and software implementation is shown to meet the technical and scientific requirements that were set for the instrument. The operation of the instrument is demonstrated in practice in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. With this new ionosonde design and proof of concept implementation, it has been possible to re-establish routine ionospheric soundings at Longyearbyen, Svalbard; to replace the Dynasonde instrument that was decommissioned several years ago. It is also possible to use this new design as a basis for larger networks of ionosondes. The software and hardware design is made publicly available as open source, so that anyone interested can reproduce the instrument and also contribute to the project in the future

    Localization and litigation of radio frequency interference for interferometric arrays

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    Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Radio telescopes have increased exponentially in sensitivity ever since the first single dish radio telescopes were built in the 1930's. This trend continues with the development of next generation telescopes such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). Parallel to the development of radio telescopes, has been the rapid expansion of telecommunication technologies. Consequently, radio telescopes are becoming more sensitive in an environment with ever increasing radio frequency interference (RFI). The ideal solution to RFI that is detected by a radio telescope is to locate its source and then have it removed. Removal of the source is usually only possible if it is occurring in a protected band or the radio telescope is in a radio quiet zone. Unfortunately, most of the radio spectrum has been allocated to active communication services and not all radio telescopes are in radio quiet zones. The alternative is to mitigate its effect using methods such as spatial RFI mitigation. The contributions of this PhD dissertation are twofold: firstly, a source localization algorithm that takes into account the constraints and advantages of the arrays used for radio astronomy has been developed; and secondly, existing spatial RFI mitigation techniques have been adapted to take into account the bandwidth of the RFI signals. The computationally efficient localization algorithm that was developed is best suited for interferometric arrays with low array beam sidelobes. Two variants of the algorithm were developed, one that works for sources in the near-field and the other for far-field sources. In the near-field, the computational complexity of the algorithm is linear with search grid size compared to cubic scaling of the state-of-the-art 3-D MUSIC method. The trade-off is that the proposed algorithm requires a once-off a priori calculation and storing of weighting matrices. In an experiment using a station of the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) a hexacopter was flown around the array, at a mean radial distance of 190 m, broadcasting a signal. The mean error in distance between the estimated position of the hexacopter and the GPS position of the hexacopter was 2 m for a wavelength of 6.7 m. The non-narrowband RFI mitigation method developed consists of a second order filter that is used to mitigate powerful RFI with bandwidth sufficient to cause aberrations that are below the noise, but with power that competes with the astronomical sources. The second order filter consists of a first order subspace subtraction filter combined with a flat frequency response model for the RFI source. Taking into account mutual coupling as well as a calibration step to account for unknown complex gains, the algorithm was found to process approximately 1.6 times more bandwidth than using just a first order subspace subtraction filter.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die eerste enkelskottel radioteleskope in die 1930's gebou is, het die sensitiwiteit van radioteleskope eksponensieël toegeneem. Hierdie tendens gaan voort met die ontwikkeling van volgende generasie teleskope, soos byvoorbeeld die Square Kilometer Array (SKA). In parallel met die ontwikkeling van radioteleskope, het telekommunikasietegnologieë ook vinnig uitgebrei. Gevolglik word radioteleskope meer sensitief in 'n omgewing met toenemende radiofrekwensie-inmenging (RFI). Die optimale oplossing vir RFI is om die bron daarvan op te spoor en te verwyder. Verwydering van die bron is gewoonlik net moontlik as dit teenwoording is in 'n beskermde band of as die radio teleskoop in 'n radio-stil gebied is. Ongelukkig is meeste van die radio spectrum toegeken aan kommunikasiedienste en nie alle radio teleskope is in radio-stil gebiede nie. Die alternatief om die effek daarvan te mitigeer deur middel van metodes soos ruimtelike RFI-mitigasie. Die bydraes van hierdie doktorale proefskrif is tweeledig: eerstens, die ontwikkeling van 'n bronlokaliseringsalgoritme wat die beperkings en voordele van die skikkings wat gebruik word vir radio astronomie in ag neem en tweedens, die aanpassing van bestaande ruimtelike RFI mitigeringstegnieke om die bandwydte van die RFI seine in ag te neem. Die berekeningsdoeltreffende lokaliseringsalgoritme wat ontwikkel is, is die beste geskik vir interferometriese skikkings met lae samestelling-bundel sylobbe. Twee weergawes van die algoritme is ontwikkel, die eerste hanteer bronne in die nabyveld en die ander hanteer vêrveld bronne. In die nabyveld is die berekeningskompleksiteit van die algoritme lineêr met soektogroostergrootte in vergelyking met die kubieke skalering van die 3-D MUSIC-metode. Die nadeel is dat die voorgestelde algoritme 'n eenmalige a priori berekening en stoor van gewigsmatrikse vereis. In 'n eksperiment by 'n stasie van die Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), het 'n heksakopter oor die skikking gevlieg met 'n gemiddelde radiale afstand van 190 m en 'n sein uitgesaai. Die gemiddelde fout in die afstand tussen die beraamde posisie van die heksakopter en die GPS-posisie van die heksakopter was 2 m vir 'n golflengte van 6.7 m. Die nie-smalband RFI mitigasie metode wat ontwikkel is, fasiliteer die de-finieering van 'n tweede-orde filter wat gebruik word om kragtige RFI met bandwydte verwante krag onder die geruis, maar met krag wat met die astronomiese bronne kompeteer, te mitigeer. Die tweede order filter bestaan uit 'n eerste orde subruimte verminderingsfilter gekombineer met 'n plat frekwensie responsmodel vir die RFI bron. Met inagneming van wedersydse koppeling asook 'n kalibrasie stap om vir onbekende komplekse antenna aanwinste voorsiening te maak, is gevind dat die algoritme ongeveer 1.6 meer bandwydte kan verwerk as 'n eerste orde subruimte verminderingsfiter

    Report on TID algorithms

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    This deliverable presents the TID detection algorithms as improved in response to design principles stated in T2.1 and their testing in the lab environment, verification against measurements taken during quiet and disturbed periods of time, benchmarking for their transition to operations, and final validation to the user requirements of accuracy, timeliness, and coverage.TechTIDE project, funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 research and innovation program [AD-1], will establish a pre-operational system to demonstrate reliability of a set of TID (Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances) detection methodologies to issue warnings of the occurrence of TIDs over the region extending from Europe to South Africa. TechTIDE warning system will estimate the parameters that specify the TID characteristics and the inferred perturbation, with all additional geophysical information to the users to help them assess the risks and to develop mitigation techniques, tailored to their application. This document is TechTIDE D2.2 “Report on the TID algorithms” and it is an output of TechTIDE Task 2.2 (Development of the TID identification algorithms and products) of the WP2 (TID identification methodologies) which has the final goal to release the basic algorithms for the TID identification and to test a first version of the value-added products for implementation in the TechTIDE warning system. The document highlights four aspects of the TID algorithm release process, (1) Developmentbased on the concept, techniques, and algorithms as stated in TechTIDE D2.1, (2) Verification, an internal testing process that ensures algorithm correctness, (3) Benchmarkingneeded to prepare algorithms to transition to operations, and (4) Validation, an external process of ensuring that developed algorithms are compliant with the stated end user expectations.Postprint (published version

    The Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna Ultra-high Energy Neutrino Detector Design, Performance, and Sensitivity for 2006-2007 Balloon Flight

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    We present a detailed report on the experimental details of the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) long duration balloon payload, including the design philosophy and realization, physics simulations, performance of the instrument during its first Antarctic flight completed in January of 2007, and expectations for the limiting neutrino detection sensitivity. Neutrino physics results will be reported separately.Comment: 50 pages, 49 figures, in preparation for PR