208 research outputs found

    Direct Dynamics Simulations Using Hessian-Based Predictor-Corrector Integration Algorithms

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    In previous research [J. Chem. Phys.111, 3800 (1999)] a Hessian-based integration algorithm was derived for performing direct dynamics simulations. In the work presented here, improvements to this algorithm are described. The algorithm has a predictor step based on a local second-order Taylor expansion of the potential in Cartesian coordinates, within a trust radius, and a fifth-order correction to this predicted trajectory. The current algorithm determines the predicted trajectory in Cartesian coordinates, instead of the instantaneous normal mode coordinates used previously, to ensure angular momentumconservation. For the previous algorithm the corrected step was evaluated in rotated Cartesian coordinates. Since the local potential expanded in Cartesian coordinates is not invariant to rotation, the constants of motion are not necessarily conserved during the corrector step. An approximate correction to this shortcoming was made by projecting translation and rotation out of the rotated coordinates. For the current algorithm unrotated Cartesian coordinates are used for the corrected step to assure the constants of motion are conserved. An algorithm is proposed for updating the trust radius to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of the numerical integration. This modified Hessian-based integration algorithm, with its new components, has been implemented into the VENUS/NWChem software package and compared with the velocity-Verlet algorithm for the H2CO→H2+CO, O3+C3H6, and F−+CH3OOH chemical reactions

    Ab initio quantum direct dynamics simulations of ultrafast photochemistry with Multiconfigurational Ehrenfest approach

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    The Multiconfigurational Ehrenfest (MCE) method is a quantum dynamics technique which allows treatment of a large number of quantum nuclear degrees of freedom. This paper presents a review of MCE and its recent applications, providing a summary of the formalisms, including its ab initio direct dynamics versions and also giving a summary of recent results. Firstly, we describe the Multiconfigurational Ehrenfest version 2 (MCEv2) method and its applicability to direct dynamics and report new calculations which show that the approach converges to the exact result in model systems with tens of degrees of freedom. Secondly, we review previous “on the fly” ab initio Multiple Cloning (AIMC-MCE) MCE dynamics results obtained for systems of a similar size, in which the calculations treat every electron and every nucleus of a polyatomic molecule on a fully quantum basis. We also review the Time Dependent Diabatic Basis (TDDB) version of the technique and give an example of its application. We summarise the details of the sampling techniques and interpolations used for calculation of the matrix elements, which make our approach efficient. Future directions of work are outlined

    On-the-fly CASPT2 surface hopping dynamics

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    We report the development of programs for on-the-fly surface hopping dynamics simulations in the gas and condensed phases on the potential energy surfaces computed by multistate multireference perturbation theory (XMS-CASPT2) with full internal contraction. On-the-fly nonadiabatic dynamics simulations are made possible by improving the algorithm for XMS-CASPT2 nuclear energy gradient and derivative coupling evaluation. The program is interfaced to a surface hopping dynamics program, Newton-X, and a classical molecular dynamics package, tinker, to realize such simulations. On-the-fly XMS-CASPT2 surface-hopping dynamics simulations of 9H-adenine and an anionic GFP model chromophore (para-hydroxybenzilideneimidazolin-5-one) in water are presented to demonstrate the applicability of our program to sizable systems. Our program is implemented in the bagel package, which is publicly available under the GNU General Public License

    Analytic gradients for state-averaged multiconfiguration pair-density functional theory

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    Analytic gradients are important for efficient calculations of stationary points on potential energy surfaces, for interpreting spectroscopic observations, and for efficient direct dynamics simulations. For excited electronic states, as are involved in UV–Vis spectroscopy and photochemistry, analytic gradients are readily available and often affordable for calculations using a state-averaged complete active space self-consistent-field (SA-CASSCF) wave function. However, in most cases, a post-SA-CASSCF step is necessary for quantitative accuracy, and such calculations are often too expensive if carried out by perturbation theory or configuration interaction. In this work, we present the analytic gradients for multiconfiguration pair-density functional theory based on SA-CASSCF wave functions, which is a more affordable alternative. A test set of molecules has been studied with this method, and the stationary geometries and energetics are compared to values in the literature as obtained by other methods. Excited-state geometries computed with state-averaged pair-density functional theory have similar accuracy to those from complete active space perturbation theory at the second-order

    Influence of O2 and N2 on the conductivity of carbon nanotube networks

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    We have performed experiments on single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) networks and compared with density-functional theory (DFT) calculations to identify the microscopic origin of the observed sensitivity of the network conductivity to physisorbed O2 and N2. Previous DFT calculations of the transmission function for isolated pristine SWNTs have found physisorbed molecules have little influence on their conductivity. However, by calculating the four-terminal transmission function of crossed SWNT junctions, we show that physisorbed O2 and N2 do affect the junction's conductance. This may be understood as an increase in tunneling probability due to hopping via molecular orbitals. We find the effect is substantially larger for O2 than for N2, and for semiconducting rather than metallic SWNTs junctions, in agreement with experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Potential energy surfaces for the HBr+ + CO2 → Br + HOCO+ reaction in the HBr+ 2Π3/2 and 2Π1/2 spin-orbit states

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    Quantum mechanical (QM) + molecular mechanics (MM) models are developed to represent potential energy surfaces (PESs) for the HBr+ + CO2 → Br + HOCO+ reaction with HBr+ in the 2Π3/2 and 2Π1/2 spin-orbit states. The QM component is the spin-free PES and spin-orbit coupling for each state is represented by a MM-like analytic potential fit to spin-orbit electronic structure calculations. Coupled-cluster single double and perturbative triple excitation (CCSD(T)) calculations are performed to obtain “benchmark” reaction energies without spin-orbit coupling. With zero-point energies removed, the “experimental” reaction energy is 44 ± 5 meV for HBr+(2Π3/2) + CO2 → Br(2P3/2) + HOCO+, while the CCSD(T) value with spin-orbit effects included is 87 meV. Electronic structure calculations were performed to determine properties of the BrHOCO+ reaction intermediate and [HBr· · ·OCO]+ van der Waals intermediate. The results of different electronic structure methods were compared with those obtained with CCSD(T), and UMP2/cc-pVTZ/PP was found to be a practical and accurate QM method to use in QM/MM direct dynamics simulations. The spin-orbit coupling calculations show that the spin-free QM PES gives a quite good representation of the shape of the PES originated by 2Π3/2HBr+. This is also the case for the reactant region of the PES for 2Π1/2 HBr+, but spin-orbit coupling effects are important for the exit-channel region of this PES. A MM model was developed to represent these effects, which were combined with the spin-free QM PES
