28,445 research outputs found

    Numerical Verification of Affine Systems with up to a Billion Dimensions

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    Affine systems reachability is the basis of many verification methods. With further computation, methods exist to reason about richer models with inputs, nonlinear differential equations, and hybrid dynamics. As such, the scalability of affine systems verification is a prerequisite to scalable analysis for more complex systems. In this paper, we improve the scalability of affine systems verification, in terms of the number of dimensions (variables) in the system. The reachable states of affine systems can be written in terms of the matrix exponential, and safety checking can be performed at specific time steps with linear programming. Unfortunately, for large systems with many state variables, this direct approach requires an intractable amount of memory while using an intractable amount of computation time. We overcome these challenges by combining several methods that leverage common problem structure. Memory is reduced by exploiting initial states that are not full-dimensional and safety properties (outputs) over a few linear projections of the state variables. Computation time is saved by using numerical simulations to compute only projections of the matrix exponential relevant for the verification problem. Since large systems often have sparse dynamics, we use Krylov-subspace simulation approaches based on the Arnoldi or Lanczos iterations. Our method produces accurate counter-examples when properties are violated and, in the extreme case with sufficient problem structure, can analyze a system with one billion real-valued state variables

    Casimir Forces at Tricritical Points: Theory and Possible Experiments

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    Using field-theoretical methods and exploiting conformal invariance, we study Casimir forces at tricritical points exerted by long-range fluctuations of the order-parameter field. Special attention is paid to the situation where the symmetry is broken by the boundary conditions (extraordinary transition). Besides the parallel-plate configuration, we also discuss the geometries of two separate spheres and a single sphere near a planar wall, which may serve as a model for colloidal particles immersed in a fluid. In the concrete case of ternary mixtures a quantitative comparison with critical Casimir and van der Waals forces shows that, especially with symmetry-breaking boundaries, the tricritical Casimir force is considerably stronger than the critical one and dominates also the competing van der Waals force.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, 3 postscript figures, uses Elsevier style file

    Stable Generalized Finite Element Method (SGFEM)

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    The Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) is a Partition of Unity Method (PUM), where the trial space of standard Finite Element Method (FEM) is augmented with non-polynomial shape functions with compact support. These shape functions, which are also known as the enrichments, mimic the local behavior of the unknown solution of the underlying variational problem. GFEM has been successfully used to solve a variety of problems with complicated features and microstructure. However, the stiffness matrix of GFEM is badly conditioned (much worse compared to the standard FEM) and there could be a severe loss of accuracy in the computed solution of the associated linear system. In this paper, we address this issue and propose a modification of the GFEM, referred to as the Stable GFEM (SGFEM). We show that the conditioning of the stiffness matrix of SGFEM is not worse than that of the standard FEM. Moreover, SGFEM is very robust with respect to the parameters of the enrichments. We show these features of SGFEM on several examples.Comment: 51 pages, 4 figure

    Two-dimensional hydrodynamic lattice-gas simulations of binary immiscible and ternary amphiphilic fluid flow through porous media

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    The behaviour of two dimensional binary and ternary amphiphilic fluids under flow conditions is investigated using a hydrodynamic lattice gas model. After the validation of the model in simple cases (Poiseuille flow, Darcy's law for single component fluids), attention is focussed on the properties of binary immiscible fluids in porous media. An extension of Darcy's law which explicitly admits a viscous coupling between the fluids is verified, and evidence of capillary effects are described. The influence of a third component, namely surfactant, is studied in the same context. Invasion simulations have also been performed. The effect of the applied force on the invasion process is reported. As the forcing level increases, the invasion process becomes faster and the residual oil saturation decreases. The introduction of surfactant in the invading phase during imbibition produces new phenomena, including emulsification and micellisation. At very low fluid forcing levels, this leads to the production of a low-resistance gel, which then slows down the progress of the invading fluid. At long times (beyond the water percolation threshold), the concentration of remaining oil within the porous medium is lowered by the action of surfactant, thus enhancing oil recovery. On the other hand, the introduction of surfactant in the invading phase during drainage simulations slows down the invasion process -- the invading fluid takes a more tortuous path to invade the porous medium -- and reduces the oil recovery (the residual oil saturation increases).Comment: 48 pages, 26 figures. Phys. Rev. E (in press

    User-friendly Support for Common Concepts in a Lightweight Verifier

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    Machine verification of formal arguments can only increase our confidence in the correctness of those arguments, but the costs of employing machine verification still outweigh the benefits for some common kinds of formal reasoning activities. As a result, usability is becoming increasingly important in the design of formal verification tools. We describe the "aartifact" lightweight verification system, designed for processing formal arguments involving basic, ubiquitous mathematical concepts. The system is a prototype for investigating potential techniques for improving the usability of formal verification systems. It leverages techniques drawn both from existing work and from our own efforts. In addition to a parser for a familiar concrete syntax and a mechanism for automated syntax lookup, the system integrates (1) a basic logical inference algorithm, (2) a database of propositions governing common mathematical concepts, and (3) a data structure that computes congruence closures of expressions involving relations found in this database. Together, these components allow the system to better accommodate the expectations of users interested in verifying formal arguments involving algebraic and logical manipulations of numbers, sets, vectors, and related operators and predicates. We demonstrate the reasonable performance of this system on typical formal arguments and briefly discuss how the system's design contributed to its usability in two case studies

    Current distribution modelling in electroconductive fabrics

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    In this paper the current distribution within woven electroconductive textile sheets is investigated.The iterative method of solving very large resistor networks, which is used to model current density in textile sheets, is discussed. Factors taken into account are the conductivity of the fibres, the contact resistance between the fibres, the contact angle between the fibres and supply electrodes, as well as the size and aspect ratio of textile sheets. The influence of these factors on sheet resistivity is discussed. Maps of the current distribution generated with a computer program are included

    Continuum limit of amorphous elastic bodies: A finite-size study of low frequency harmonic vibrations

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    The approach of the elastic continuum limit in small amorphous bodies formed by weakly polydisperse Lennard-Jones beads is investigated in a systematic finite-size study. We show that classical continuum elasticity breaks down when the wavelength of the sollicitation is smaller than a characteristic length of approximately 30 molecular sizes. Due to this surprisingly large effect ensembles containing up to N=40,000 particles have been required in two dimensions to yield a convincing match with the classical continuum predictions for the eigenfrequency spectrum of disk-shaped aggregates and periodic bulk systems. The existence of an effective length scale \xi is confirmed by the analysis of the (non-gaussian) noisy part of the low frequency vibrational eigenmodes. Moreover, we relate it to the {\em non-affine} part of the displacement fields under imposed elongation and shear. Similar correlations (vortices) are indeed observed on distances up to \xi~30 particle sizes.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, 3 table

    Performance and scalability of indexed subgraph query processing methods

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    Graph data management systems have become very popular as graphs are the natural data model for many applications. One of the main problems addressed by these systems is subgraph query processing; i.e., given a query graph, return all graphs that contain the query. The naive method for processing such queries is to perform a subgraph isomorphism test against each graph in the dataset. This obviously does not scale, as subgraph isomorphism is NP-Complete. Thus, many indexing methods have been proposed to reduce the number of candidate graphs that have to underpass the subgraph isomorphism test. In this paper, we identify a set of key factors-parameters, that influence the performance of related methods: namely, the number of nodes per graph, the graph density, the number of distinct labels, the number of graphs in the dataset, and the query graph size. We then conduct comprehensive and systematic experiments that analyze the sensitivity of the various methods on the values of the key parameters. Our aims are twofold: first to derive conclusions about the algorithms’ relative performance, and, second, to stress-test all algorithms, deriving insights as to their scalability, and highlight how both performance and scalability depend on the above factors. We choose six wellestablished indexing methods, namely Grapes, CT-Index, GraphGrepSX, gIndex, Tree+∆, and gCode, as representative approaches of the overall design space, including the most recent and best performing methods. We report on their index construction time and index size, and on query processing performance in terms of time and false positive ratio. We employ both real and synthetic datasets. Specifi- cally, four real datasets of different characteristics are used: AIDS, PDBS, PCM, and PPI. In addition, we generate a large number of synthetic graph datasets, empowering us to systematically study the algorithms’ performance and scalability versus the aforementioned key parameters