47 research outputs found

    A non-invasive human-machine interfacing framework for investigating dexterous control of hand muscles

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    The recent fast development of virtual reality and robotic assistive devices enables to augment the capabilities of able-body individuals as well as to overcome the motor missing functions of neurologically impaired or amputee individuals. To control these devices, movement intentions can be captured from biological structures involved in the process of motor planning and execution, such as the central nervous system (CNS), the peripheral nervous system (in particular the spinal motor neurons) and the musculoskeletal system. Thus, human-machine interfaces (HMI) enable to transfer neural information from the neuro-muscular system to machines. To prevent any risks due to surgical operations or tissue damage in implementing these HMIs, a non-invasive approach is proposed in this thesis. In the last five decades, surface electromyography (sEMG) has been extensively explored as a non-invasive source of neural information. EMG signals are constituted by the mixed electrical activity of several recruited motor units, the fundamental components of muscle contraction. High-density sEMG (HD-sEMG) with the use of blind source separation methods enabled to identify the discharge patterns of many of these active motor units. From these decomposed discharge patterns, the net common synaptic input (CSI) to the corresponding spinal motor neurons was quantified with cross-correlation in the time and frequency domain or with principal component analysis (PCA) on one or few muscles. It has been hypothesised that this CSI would result from the contribution of spinal descending commands sent by supra-spinal structures and afferences integrated by spinal interneurons. Another motor strategy implying the integration of descending commands at the spinal level is the one regarding the coordination of many muscles to control a large number of articular joints. This neurophysiological mechanism was investigated by measuring a single EMG amplitude per muscle, thus without the use of HD-sEMG and decomposition. In this case, the aim was to understand how the central nervous system (CNS) could control a large set of muscles actuating a vast set of combinations of degrees of freedom in a modular way. Thus, time-invariant patterns of muscle coordination, i.e. muscle synergies , were found in animals and humans from EMG amplitude of many muscles, modulated by time-varying commands to be combined to fulfil complex movements. In this thesis, for the first time, we present a non-invasive framework for human-machine interfaces based on both spinal motor neuron recruitment strategy and muscle synergistic control for unifying the understanding of these two motor control strategies and producing control signals correlated to biomechanical quantities. This implies recording both from many muscles and using HD-sEMG for each muscle. We investigated 14 muscles of the hand, 6 extrinsic and 8 intrinsic. The first two studies, (in Chapters 2 and 3, respectively) present the framework for CSI quantification by PCA and the extraction of the synergistic organisation of spinal motor neurons innervating the 14 investigated muscles. For the latter analysis, in Chapter 3, we proposed the existence of what we named as motor neuron synergies extracted with non-negative matrix factorisation (NMF) from the identified motor neurons. In these first two studies, we considered 7 subjects and 7 grip types involving differently all the four fingers in opposition with the thumb. In the first study, we found that the variance explained by the CSI among all motor neuron spike trains was (53.0 ± 10.9) % and its cross-correlation with force was 0.67 ± 0.10, remarkably high with respect to previous findings. In the second study, 4 motor neuron synergies were identified and associated with the actuation of one finger in opposition with the thumb, finding even higher correlation values with force (over 0.8) for each synergy associated with a finger during the actuation of the relative finger. In Chapter 4, we then extended the set of analysed movements in a vast repertoire of gestures and repeated the analysis of Chapter 3 by finding a different synergistic organisation during the execution of tens of tasks. We divided the contribution among extrinsic and intrinsic muscles and we found that intrinsic better enable single-finger spatial discrimination, while no difference was found in regression of joint angles by dividing the two groups of muscles. Finally, in Chapter 5 we proposed the techniques of the previous chapters for cases of impairment due both to amputation and stroke. We analysed one case of pre and post rehabilitation sessions of a trans-humeral amputee, the case of a post-stroke trans-radial amputee and three cases of acute stroke, i.e. less than one month from the stroke event. We present future perspectives (Chapter 6) aimed to design and implement a platform for both rehabilitation monitoring and myoelectric control. Thus, this thesis provides a bridge between two extensively studied motor control mechanisms, i.e. motor neuron recruitment and muscle synergies, and proposes this framework as suitable for rehabilitation monitoring and control of assistive devices.Open Acces

    Computational Intelligence in Electromyography Analysis

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    Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. EMG may be used clinically for the diagnosis of neuromuscular problems and for assessing biomechanical and motor control deficits and other functional disorders. Furthermore, it can be used as a control signal for interfacing with orthotic and/or prosthetic devices or other rehabilitation assists. This book presents an updated overview of signal processing applications and recent developments in EMG from a number of diverse aspects and various applications in clinical and experimental research. It will provide readers with a detailed introduction to EMG signal processing techniques and applications, while presenting several new results and explanation of existing algorithms. This book is organized into 18 chapters, covering the current theoretical and practical approaches of EMG research

    Alterations in the preferred direction of individual arm muscle activation after stroke

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    IntroductionStroke survivors have challenges appropriately coordinating the multiple muscles, resulting in a deficit in motor control. Therefore, comprehending the mechanism underlying abnormal intermuscular coordination becomes crucial in developing effective rehabilitation strategies. Quantitative analyses have been employed at pairwise or multi-dimensional levels to understand the underlying mechanism of abnormal intermuscular coordination and its relationship to motor impairment. However, how alterations in individual muscle activation contribute to abnormal intermuscular coordination, motor impairment, and motor performance remains unclear. Thus, we investigated the alterations in the preferred direction of individual muscles after stroke and their relationship with stroke-induced changes in intermuscular coordination, clinical motor impairment, and qualities of motor performance during isometric force generation in the upper extremity.MethodsTwenty-four stroke survivors and six age-matched controls were recruited and performed isometric force target matches while recording electromyographic signals from eight upper limb muscles. We determined the preferred activation direction of each muscle, evaluated abnormal intermuscular coordination through a muscle synergy analysis, assessed motor impairment using upper extremity Fugl-Meyer Assessment scores, and examined motor performance characteristics defined by force trajectory features.ResultsThe post-stroke alterations in the preferred direction of the brachioradialis, anterior, middle, and posterior deltoid were correlated with the motor impairment level and attributed to the changes in muscle synergy characteristics. Only alterations in the preferred direction of the brachioradialis and posterior deltoid activation in forward-backward and upward-downward axes were associated with the qualities of isometric force generation, respectively.DiscussionThese findings imply that alterations in the preferred direction of individual muscle activation contribute to various aspects of motor deficit following stroke. This insight may serve as a foundation for the development of innovative stroke neurorehabilitation approaches that take into account specific attributes of individual muscle activation, including their preferred activation direction

    Investigation into the control of an upper-limb myoelectric prosthesis

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DXN053608 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    A Biomimetic Approach to Controlling Restorative Robotics

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    Movement is the only way a person can interact with the world around them. When trauma to the neuromuscular systems disrupts the control of movement, quality of life suffers. To restore limb functionality, active robotic interventions and/or rehabilitation are required. Unfortunately, the primary obstacle in a person’s recovery is the limited robustness of the human-machine interfaces. Current systems rely on control approaches that rely on the person to learn how the system works instead of the system being more intuitive and working with the person naturally. My research goal is to design intuitive control mechanisms based on biological processes termed the biomimetic approach. I have applied this control scheme to problems with restorative robotics focused on the upper and lower limb control. Operating an advanced active prosthetic hand is a two-pronged problem of actuating a high-dimensional mechanism and controlling it with an intuitive interface. Our approach attempts to solve these problems by going from muscle activity, electromyography (EMG), to limb kinematics calculated through dynamic simulation of a musculoskeletal model. This control is more intuitive to the user because they attempt to move their hand naturally, and the prosthetic hand performs that movement. The key to this approach was validating simulated muscle paths using both experimental measurements and anatomical constraints where data is missing. After the validation, simulated muscle paths and forces are used to decipher the intended movement. After we have calculated the intended movement, we can move a prosthetic hand to match. This approach required minimal training to give an amputee the ability to control prosthetic hand movements, such as grasping. A more intuitive controller has the potential to improve how people interact and use their prosthetic hands. Similarly, the rehabilitation of the locomotor system in people with damaged motor pathways or missing limbs require appropriate interventions. The problem of decoding human motor intent in a treadmill walking task can be solved with a biomimetic approach. Estimated limb speed is essential for this approach according to the theoretical input-output computation performed by spinal central pattern generators (CPGs), which represents neural circuitry responsible for autonomous control of stepping. The system used the locomotor phases, swing and stance, to estimate leg speeds and enable self-paced walking as well as steering in virtual reality with congruent visual flow. The unique advantage of this system over the previous state-of-art is the independent leg speed control, which is required for multidirectional movement in VR. This system has the potential to contribute to VR gait rehab techniques. Creating biologically-inspired controllers has the potential to improve restorative robotics and allow people a better opportunity to recover lost functionality post-injury. Movement is the only way a person can interact with the world around them. When trauma to the neuromuscular systems disrupts the control of movement, quality of life suffers. To restore limb functionality, active robotic interventions and/or rehabilitation are required. Unfortunately, the primary obstacle in a person’s recovery is the limited robustness of the human-machine interfaces. Current systems rely on control approaches that rely on the person to learn how the system works instead of the system being more intuitive and working with the person naturally. My research goal is to design intuitive control mechanisms based on biological processes termed the biomimetic approach. I have applied this control scheme to problems with restorative robotics focused on the upper and lower limb control.Operating an advanced active prosthetic hand is a two-pronged problem of actuating a high-dimensional mechanism and controlling it with an intuitive interface. Our approach attempts to solve these problems by going from muscle activity, electromyography (EMG), to limb kinematics calculated through dynamic simulation of a musculoskeletal model. This control is more intuitive to the user because they attempt to move their hand naturally, and the prosthetic hand performs that movement. The key to this approach was validating simulated muscle paths using both experimental measurements and anatomical constraints where data is missing. After the validation, simulated muscle paths and forces are used to decipher the intended movement. After we have calculated the intended movement, we can move a prosthetic hand to match. This approach required minimal training to give an amputee the ability to control prosthetic hand movements, such as grasping. A more intuitive controller has the potential to improve how people interact and use their prosthetic hands.Similarly, the rehabilitation of the locomotor system in people with damaged motor pathways or missing limbs require appropriate interventions. The problem of decoding human motor intent in a treadmill walking task can be solved with a biomimetic approach. Estimated limb speed is essential for this approach according to the theoretical input-output computation performed by spinal central pattern generators (CPGs), which represents neural circuitry responsible for autonomous control of stepping. The system used the locomotor phases, swing and stance, to estimate leg speeds and enable self-paced walking as well as steering in virtual reality with congruent visual flow. The unique advantage of this system over the previous state-of-art is the independent leg speed control, which is required for multidirectional movement in VR. This system has the potential to contribute to VR gait rehab techniques.Creating biologically-inspired controllers has the potential to improve restorative robotics and allow people a better opportunity to recover lost functionality post-injury

    Description of motor control using inverse models

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    Humans can perform complicated movements like writing or running without giving them much thought. The scientific understanding of principles guiding the generation of these movements is incomplete. How the nervous system ensures stability or compensates for injury and constraints – are among the unanswered questions today. Furthermore, only through movement can a human impose their will and interact with the world around them. Damage to a part of the motor control system can lower a person’s quality of life. Understanding how the central nervous system (CNS) forms control signals and executes them helps with the construction of devices and rehabilitation techniques. This allows the user, at least in part, to bypass the damaged area or replace its function, thereby improving their quality of life. CNS forms motor commands, for example a locomotor velocity or another movement task. These commands are thought to be processed through an internal model of the body to produce patterns of motor unit activity. An example of one such network in the spinal cord is a central pattern generator (CPG) that controls the rhythmic activation of synergistic muscle groups for overground locomotion. The descending drive from the brainstem and sensory feedback pathways initiate and modify the activity of the CPG. The interactions between its inputs and internal dynamics are still under debate in experimental and modelling studies. Even more complex neuromechanical mechanisms are responsible for some non-periodic voluntary movements. Most of the complexity stems from internalization of the body musculoskeletal (MS) system, which is comprised of hundreds of joints and muscles wrapping around each other in a sophisticated manner. Understanding their control signals requires a deep understanding of their dynamics and principles, both of which remain open problems. This dissertation is organized into three research chapters with a bottom-up investigation of motor control, plus an introduction and a discussion chapter. Each of the three research chapters are organized as stand-alone articles either published or in preparation for submission to peer-reviewed journals. Chapter two introduces a description of the MS kinematic variables of a human hand. In an effort to simulate human hand motor control, an algorithm was defined that approximated the moment arms and lengths of 33 musculotendon actuators spanning 18 degrees of freedom. The resulting model could be evaluated within 10 microseconds and required less than 100 KB of memory. The structure of the approximating functions embedded anatomical and functional features of the modelled muscles, providing a meaningful description of the system. The third chapter used the developments in musculotendon modelling to obtain muscle activity profiles controlling hand movements and postures. The agonist-antagonist coactivation mechanism was responsible for producing joint stability for most degrees of freedom, similar to experimental observations. Computed muscle excitations were used in an offline control of a myoelectric prosthesis for a single subject. To investigate the higher-order generation of control signals, the fourth chapter describes an analytical model of CPG. Its parameter space was investigated to produce forward locomotion when controlled with a desired speed. The model parameters were varied to produce asymmetric locomotion, and several control strategies were identified. Throughout the dissertation the balance between analytical, simulation, and phenomenological modelling for the description of simple and complex behavior is a recurrent theme of discussion

    Effect of age and gender on sEMG signals and force steadiness

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    Challenges encountered during daily activities are easily overcome by young adults but may be potential risk for falls and injuries among the elderly due to age-associated sensorimotor deficits. To mitigate these risks, early detection of neuromuscular changes is essential and it is important for these to be cost-efficient, non-invasive, high throughput and non-hazardous. Electromyogram (EMG) is a non-invasive recording of the muscle activity that uses inexpensive equipment and hence may be considered for this purpose. However, it is a gross non-specific signal and thus there is need for careful investigation to identify its suitability for studying age-associated changes to the muscles. This research has investigated non-invasive, superficially recorded EMG signals to identify the differences between young healthy adults (20-35 years) and older (60-80 years) subjects of both genders while they were performing isometric ankle plantar flexion and dorsiflexion. The study also studied age and gender differences in the maximal voluntary force, its steadiness, the time to reach steadiness and modulus of the force output prior to steadiness as measured at the foot plate during dorsi- and plantar-flexion. This study has experimentally demonstrated the significant increase in co-activation index around the ankle joint, decrease in the agonistic activity and increase in antagonistic activity in the major lower leg muscles due to ageing. Female participants were noted to have a higher co-activation index in comparison to the males of corresponding age group. From the analysis, it was observed that ageing causes an overall decline in muscle signal complexity affecting the whole muscle strength in both genders. Furthermore, it was also established that within the triceps surae muscle group, Soleus and the gastrocnemii showed varied effects of aging. Another key finding is the significant age and gender difference in the maximal force and its steadiness around the ankle joint during dorsiflexion. However, these differences are less significant during plantarflexion. Results of this study revealed that with age, there was an increase in the total modulus of the force used by the participant to stabilize the foot at a desired level of contraction, difference being more significant during dorsiflexion. This study highlights the age associated neuromuscular adaptations in plantarflexor and dorsiflexor muscles. This is reflected in the altered activity of agonistic and antagonistic muscles during isometric contractions, the reduction in the overall muscle signal complexity, and decreased strength and steadiness of the force exerted by the calf muscles. It has established gender differences in the reduction of the co-activation index and decreased force strength during ankle flexion movements

    Analysis of forearm muscles activity by means of new protocols of multichannel EMG signal recording and processing

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    Los movimientos voluntarios del cuerpo son controlados por el sistema nervioso central y periférico a través de la contracción de los músculos esqueléticos. La contracción se inicia al liberarse un neurotransmisor sobre la unión neuromuscular, iniciando la propagación de un biopotencial sobre la membrana de las fibras musculares que se desplaza hacia los tendones: el Potencial de Acción de la Unidad Motora (MUAP). La señal electromiográfica de superficie registra la activación continua de dichos potenciales sobre la superficie de la piel y constituye una valiosa herramienta para la investigación, diagnóstico y seguimiento clínico de trastornos musculares, así como para la identificación de la intención movimiento tanto en términos de dirección como de potencia. En el estudio de las enfermedades del sistema neuromuscular es necesario analizar el nivel de actividad, la capacidad de producción de fuerza, la activación muscular conjunta y la predisposición a la fatiga muscular, todos ellos asociados con factores fisiológicos que determinan la resultante contracción mioeléctrica. Además, el uso de matrices de electrodos facilita la investigación de las propiedades periféricas de las unidades motoras activas, las características anatómicas del músculo y los cambios espaciales en su activación, ocasionados por el tipo de tarea motora o la potencia de la misma. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el diseño e implementación de protocolos experimentales y algoritmos de procesado para extraer información fiable de señales sEMG multicanal en 1 y 2 dimensiones del espacio. Dicha información ha sido interpretada y relacionada con dos patologías específicas de la extremidad superior: Epicondilitis Lateral y Lesión de Esfuerzo Repetitivo. También fue utilizada para identificar la dirección de movimiento y la fuerza asociada a la contracción muscular, cuyos patrones podrían ser de utilidad en aplicaciones donde la señal electromiográfica se utilice para controlar interfaces hombre-máquina como es el caso de terapia física basada en robots, entornos virtuales de rehabilitación o realimentación de la actividad muscular. En resumen, las aportaciones más relevantes de esta tesis son: * La definición de protocolos experimentales orientados al registro de señales sEMG en una región óptima del músculo. * Definición de índices asociados a la co-activación de diferentes músculos * Identificación de señales artefactuadas en registros multicanal * Selección de los canales mas relevantes para el análisis Extracción de un conjunto de características que permita una alta exactitud en la identificación de tareas motoras Los protocolos experimentales y los índices propuestos permitieron establecer que diversos desequilibrios entre músculos extrínsecos del antebrazo podrían desempeñar un papel clave en la fisiopatología de la epicondilitis lateral. Los resultados fueron consistentes en diferentes ejercicios y pueden definir un marco de evaluación para el seguimiento y evaluación de pacientes en programas de rehabilitación motora. Por otra parte, se encontró que las características asociadas con la distribución espacial de los MUAPs mejoran la exactitud en la identificación de la intención de movimiento. Lo que es más, las características extraídas de registros sEMG de alta densidad son más robustas que las extraídas de señales bipolares simples, no sólo por la redundancia de contacto implicada en HD-EMG, sino también porque permite monitorizar las regiones del músculo donde la amplitud de la señal es máxima y que varían con el tipo de ejercicio, permitiendo así una mejor estimación de la activación muscular mediante el análisis de los canales mas relevantes.Voluntary movements are achieved by the contraction of skeletal muscles controlled by the Central and Peripheral Nervous system. The contraction is initiated by the release of a neurotransmitter that promotes a reaction in the walls of the muscular fiber, producing a biopotential known as Motor Unit Action Potential (MUAP) that travels from the neuromuscular junction to the tendons. The surface electromyographic signal records the continuous activation of such potentials over the surface of the skin and constitutes a valuable tool for the diagnosis, monitoring and clinical research of muscular disorders as well as to infer motion intention not only regarding the direction of the movement but also its power. In the study of diseases of the neuromuscular system it is necessary to analyze the level of activity, the capacity of production of strength, the load-sharing between muscles and the probably predisposition to muscular fatigue, all of them associated with physiological factors determining the resultant muscular contraction. Moreover, the use of electrode arrays facilitate the investigation of the peripheral properties of the active Motor Units, the anatomical characteristics of the muscle and the spatial changes induced in their activation of as product of type of movement or power of the contraction.The main objective of this thesis was the design and implementation of experimental protocols, and algorithms to extract information from multichannel sEMG signals in 1 and 2 dimensions of the space. Such information was interpreted and related to pathological events associated to two upper-limb conditions: Lateral Epicondylitis and Repetitive Strain Injury. It was also used to identify the direction of movement and contraction strength which could be useful in applications concerning the use of biofeedback from EMG like in robotic- aided therapies and computer-based rehabilitation training.In summary, the most relevant contributions are:§The definition of experimental protocols intended to find optimal regions for the recording of sEMG signals. §The definition of indices associated to the co- activation of different muscles. §The detection of low-quality signals in multichannel sEMG recordings.§ The selection of the most relevant EMG channels for the analysis§The extraction of a set of features that led to high classification accuracy in the identification of tasks.The experimental protocols and the proposed indices allowed establishing that imbalances between extrinsic muscles of the forearm could play a key role in the pathophysiology of lateral epicondylalgia. Results were consistent in different types of motor task and may define an assessment framework for the monitoring and evaluation of patients during rehabilitation programs.On the other hand, it was found that features associated with the spatial distribution of the MUAPs improve the accuracy of the identification of motion intention. What is more, features extracted from high density EMG recordings are more robust not only because it implies contact redundancy but also because it allows the tracking of (task changing) skin surface areas where EMG amplitude is maximal and a better estimation of muscle activity by the proper selection of the most significant channels

    Rehabilitation Engineering

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    Population ageing has major consequences and implications in all areas of our daily life as well as other important aspects, such as economic growth, savings, investment and consumption, labour markets, pensions, property and care from one generation to another. Additionally, health and related care, family composition and life-style, housing and migration are also affected. Given the rapid increase in the aging of the population and the further increase that is expected in the coming years, an important problem that has to be faced is the corresponding increase in chronic illness, disabilities, and loss of functional independence endemic to the elderly (WHO 2008). For this reason, novel methods of rehabilitation and care management are urgently needed. This book covers many rehabilitation support systems and robots developed for upper limbs, lower limbs as well as visually impaired condition. Other than upper limbs, the lower limb research works are also discussed like motorized foot rest for electric powered wheelchair and standing assistance device

    Analysis of the backpack loading efects on the human gait

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    Gait is a simple activity of daily life and one of the main abilities of the human being. Often during leisure, labour and sports activities, loads are carried over (e.g. backpack) during gait. These circumstantial loads can generate instability and increase biomechanicalstress over the human tissues and systems, especially on the locomotor, balance and postural regulation systems. According to Wearing (2006), subjects that carry a transitory or intermittent load will be able to find relatively efficient solutions to compensate its effects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio