286 research outputs found

    Unmanned aerial vehicle based tree canopy characteristics measurement for precision spray applications

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    The critical components for applying the correct amount of agrochemicals are fruit tree characteristics such as canopy height, canopy volume, and canopy coverage. An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based tree canopy characteristics measurement system was developed using image processing approaches. The UAV captured images using a high-resolution red-green-blue (RGB) camera. A digital surface model (DSM) and a digital terrain model (DTM) were generated from the captured images. A tree canopy height map was generated from the subtraction of DSM and DTM. A total of 24 apple trees were randomly targeted to measure the canopy characteristics. Region of interest (ROI) was generated across the boundary of each targeted tree. The height of all pixels within each ROI was computed separately. The pixel with maximum height was considered as the height of the respective tree. For computing canopy volume, the sum of all pixel heights from individual ROI was multiplied by the square of ground sample distance (GSD) of 5.69 mm·pixel−1. A segmentation method was employed to calculate the canopy coverage of the individual trees. The segmented canopy pixel area was divided by the total pixel area within the ROI. The results showed an average relative error of 0.2 m(6.64%) while comparing automatically measured tree height with ground measurements. For tree canopy volume, a mean absolute error of 0.25 m3 and a root mean square error of 0.33 m3 were achieved. The study estimated the possible agrochemical requirement for spraying the fruit trees, ranging from 0.1 to 0.32 l based on tree canopy volumes. The overall investigations suggest that the UAV-based tree canopy characteristics measurements could be a potential tool to calculate the pesticide requirement for precision spraying applications in tree fruit orchards

    Julius-KĂŒhn-Archiv 448

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    Strategies for the optimization of the efficiency in the plant protection product applications in olive canopies

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    Pesticide applications are necessary to guarantee the proper development of crops and, therefore, to ensure the profitability for the farmer. However, their mismanagement in last years has led to important environmental problems, triggering the emergence of a generalized animosity towards these practices. The European Administration, by taking into account this social concern, has developed a restrictive legal framework to guarantee the sustainability of treatments through their rationalization. In the case of olive, a very important crop in Spain, this problem is especially critical because of three main reasons. First, it is very concentrated in the Guadalquivir river basin, what makes the negative impacts to be very intense in the area, Next, the lack of knowledge and training makes farmers and technicians to not to be able to properly plan the treatments, generally overdosing to ensure biological efficiency. Last, the traditional nature of this crop and their structural characteristics (big-sized trees with very irregular tree crown shapes, wide tree and row spacing, high slope conditions
) make it especially complex with respect to spray applications to the tree canopy. The objective of this thesis is to develop new strategies to increase the efficiency of pesticide applications to olive tree crowns, through the simultaneous action on three key lines: to determine the influence of the variations in the main working parameters on the application quality, to obtain a simple model to adjust the sprayed volume to the canopy characteristics and to test new solutions to adapt the spraying equipment to the canopy shape, These objectives are developed along four main chapters. In chapter II, the influence of the spray volume and the airflow rate on the efficiency, coverage, penetration and spray homogeneity is studied. The results show that it is appropriate to reduce these parameters with respect to those usually applied in the field, reducing in this way the applied volumes and the power needs in tractors. In chapter III, different manual canopy characterization methods are compared to the most accurate technology: a LiDAR scanner. It is demonstrated that manual methods are reliable and, therefore, they can be useful to farmers and technicians to make adjustments to the spray volumes to be applied. The Mean Vector method showed to be the most polyvalent for different olive plantation systems. In chapter IV, two trials were undertaken to determine the optimum specific spray volume (sprayed L per m3 canopy volume) in isolated trees. It was determined that the specific volume of 0.12 L · m-3 resulted in an optimum coverage, in addition to improve the homogeneity of deposition throughout the crown and the spray penetration. This finding can lead to an important reduction in the volumes to be applied by farmers. In chapter V, the development of three new air-assisted sprayers adapted to the particular conditions of traditional and intensive olive orchards is explained. Each one presents some particularities that make it to be more appropriate for one system or the other, but they all showed to have the potential to improve the efficiency of the conventional airblast sprayer. Coverage increases up to 61% were achieved with these new sprayers. Keywords: olive, working parameters, pesticides, spray volume, airflow rate, LiDAR, canopy characterization, dose adjustment, specific spray volume, prototype development.La aplicaciĂłn de productos fitosanitarios resulta necesaria para el correcto desarrollo de los cultivos y, por tanto, para asegurar su rentabilidad. No obstante, su mala gestiĂłn en los Ășltimos años ha llevado a la apariciĂłn de problemas medioambientales de gran calado, lo que ha propiciado que haya una animadversion generalizada contra esta prĂĄctica. La AdministraciĂłn europea se ha hecho eco de esta preocupaciĂłn social y ha impulsado un restrictivo marco legal para garantizar la sostenibilidad de los tratamientos mediante su racionalizaciĂłn. El caso del olivar, un cultivo de gran importancia en España, es especialmente crĂ­tico por tres motivos: por una parte, el cultivo se halla muy concentrado en la Cuenca del rĂ­o Guadalquivir, con lo que la importancia de los impactos es muy alta. En segundo lugar, la escasez de investigaciĂłn y transferencia hace que los agricultores y tĂ©cnicos difĂ­cilmente estĂ©n en condiciones de llevar a cabo sus tratamientos de forma segura, optando generalmente por la sobre-dosificaciĂłn para garantizar su eficacia biolĂłgica. Por ultimo, su carĂĄcter tradicional y sus caracterĂ­sticas estructurales (copas de gran dimensiĂłn y de forma muy irregular, amplios anchos de calle, alta pendiente
) lo hacen especialmente complejo de cara a la pulverizaciĂłn sobre la copa de los ĂĄrboles. El objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar nuevas estrategias para aumentar la eficiencia de las aplicaciones de fitosanitarios a la copa de los olivos, mediante la actuaciĂłn simultĂĄnea sobre tres lĂ­neas clave: determinar la influencia de las variaciones en los principales parĂĄmetros de trabajo sobre la calidad de las aplicaciones, obtener un modelo simple para ajustar el volumen de caldo empleado a las caracterĂ­sticas de la vegetaciĂłn y ensayar nuevas soluciones para adaptar los equipos de pulverizaciĂłn a la forma de la copa de los ĂĄrboles. Se establecen cuatro capĂ­tulos principales que desarrollan estos objetivos. En el capĂ­tulo II, se estudia la influencia del volumen de caldo y del caudal de aire en la eficiencia, cobertura, penetraciĂłn y homogeneidad de la pulverizaciĂłn. Los resultados muestran que es deseable reducir estos parĂĄmetros respecto a los comĂșnmente empleados en el campo, reduciendo asĂ­ los volĂșmenes aplicados y las necesidades de potencia en los tractores. En el capĂ­tulo III se comparan diversos mĂ©todos de caracterizaciĂłn del volumen de copa manuales con la tecnologĂ­a mĂĄs precisa disponible en la actualidad: el escĂĄner LiDAR. Se muestra que los mĂ©todos manuales son precisos y, por tanto, pueden ser Ăștiles a agricultores y tĂ©cnicos para realizar ajustes sobre el volumen de caldo a aplicar. Se establece el mĂ©todo del ‘Mean Vector’ como el mĂĄs polivalente para los diferentes tipos de olivar. En el capĂ­tulo IV se llevan a cabo dos ensayos para determinar el Ăłptimo volumen de aplicaciĂłn especĂ­fico (L de caldo por m3 de volumen de copa) en ĂĄrboles aislados. Se determina que el volumen de 0.12 L · m-3 resulta en un grado de cobertura Ăłptimo, ademĂĄs de mejorar la homogeneidad en la copa y la penetraciĂłn. Esto supone una importante reducciĂłn en los volĂșmenes a aplicar por parte de los agricultores. En el capĂ­tulo V se detalla el desarrollo de tres nuevos equipos de pulverizaciĂłn adaptados a las condiciones particulares del olivar tradicional e intensivo. Cada equipo presenta unas particularidades que hace que trabaje major en un sistema o en otro, pero mejoran en todo caso al equipo comercial en tĂ©rminos de eficiencia. Incrementos de cobertura de hasta el 61% pueden ser conseguidos con estos nuevos atomizadores

    Assessment of the Accuracy of a Multi-Beam LED Scanner Sensor for Measuring Olive Canopies

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    MDPI. CC BYCanopy characterization has become important when trying to optimize any kind of agricultural operation in high-growing crops, such as olive. Many sensors and techniques have reported satisfactory results in these approaches and in this work a 2D laser scanner was explored for measuring canopy trees in real-time conditions. The sensor was tested in both laboratory and field conditions to check its accuracy, its cone width, and its ability to characterize olive canopies in situ. The sensor was mounted on a mast and tested in laboratory conditions to check: (i) its accuracy at different measurement distances; (ii) its measurement cone width with different reflectivity targets; and (iii) the influence of the target’s density on its accuracy. The field tests involved both isolated and hedgerow orchards, in which the measurements were taken manually and with the sensor. The canopy volume was estimated with a methodology consisting of revolving or extruding the canopy contour. The sensor showed high accuracy in the laboratory test, except for the measurements performed at 1.0 m distance, with 60 mm error (6%). Otherwise, error remained below 20 mm (1% relative error). The cone width depended on the target reflectivity. The accuracy decreased with the target density

    Advanced technologies for the improvement of spray application techniques in spanish viticulture: an overview

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    Spraying techniques have been undergoing continuous evolution in recent decades. This paper presents part of the research work carried out in Spain in the field of sensors for characterizing vineyard canopies and monitoring spray drift in order to improve vineyard spraying and make it more sustainable. Some methods and geostatistical procedures for mapping vineyard parameters are proposed, and the development of a variable rate sprayer is described. All these technologies are interesting in terms of adjusting the amount of pesticides applied to the target canopy.Postprint (published version

    Digitalna procjena lisne povrĆĄine kroĆĄnje stijenke vinove loze (Vitis vinifera cv. Sauvignon) koriĆĄtenjem LIDAR mjerne tehnologije

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    A dosage rate reduction of plant protection products mixed with water, i.e. spray mixture, in a prescribed concentration in the vineyard will only be possible in the future, if the natural characteristics of vine canopy structures (leaf wall area) and canopy management are taken into account. In a practical experiment in the vineyard we evaluated the leaf wall area of the vine cv. Sauvignon on different segments on the left and right side of the vine canopy. We compared the results of manual measurements and laser measuring technology (LIDAR) with the corresponding algorithm, with which we enabled the digital reconstruction of the leaf wall area of the vine. The manual measurement of the leaf wall area was carried out using an automated image analyser. The digital system for measuring the leaf wall area on different segments consisted of a LIDAR sensor and a Differential Global Positioning System (hereinafter DGPS). To determine the exact DGPS position of the LIDAR sensor during the measurement, we set up a DGPS base station. Using the Excel software (CORREL function), we estimated the relationship between the dependent variable (digital number of points in the cloud) and an independent variable (leaf wall area, manually measured). An analysis of six randomly selected vines in the vineyard revealed the maximum value of the correlation coefficient r = 0.80 for the left side and r = 0.90 for the right side of the leaf wall area of the vine, respectively. In the near future the virtual three-dimensional space will provide more even control of spray mixture over the entire structure of the leaf wall area in the vineyard based on autonomous decision-making models.Smanjenje količine utroĆĄka sredstava za zaĆĄtitu bilja i same smjese za prskanje u budućnosti će biti moguće samo ako se uzmu u obzir prirodne karakteristike kroĆĄnje vinove loze tj. lisne povrĆĄine kroĆĄnje trsa. U praktičnom pokusu u vinogradu procijenjena je lisna povrĆĄinu kroĆĄnje vinove loze cv. Sauvignon na različitim segmentima s lijeve i desne strane kroĆĄnje uz pomoć ručnih mjerenja i laserske mjerne tehnologije (LIDAR). Dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su s pripadajućim algoritmom čime je dobivena digitalna rekonstrukcija lisne povrĆĄine vinove loze. Ručno mjerenje povrĆĄine listova provedeno je u laboratoriju pomoću digitalnog lisnog skenera nakon ĆĄto je liơće ručno pobrano s trsova i dopremljeno u sam laboratorij. Digitalni sustav za mjerenje lisne povrĆĄine na različitim segmentima kroĆĄnje sastojao se od LIDAR senzora i DGPS navigacijskog sustava. Da bi se odredio točan DGPS poloĆŸaj LIDAR senzora tijekom mjerenja, postavljena je DGPS bazna stanica. Pomoću regresijske metode utvrđen je odnos između zavisne varijable (digitalni broj točaka u oblaku) i nezavisne varijable (povrĆĄina listova izmjerena skenerom). Rezultati analize imeđu dvije uspoređivane metode na ĆĄest slučajno odabranih trsova vinove loze otkrivaju vrijednost koeficijenta korelacije r = 0,80 za lijevu i r = 0,90 za desnu stranu kroĆĄnje. U bliskoj budućnosti virtualni trodimenzionalni prostor pruĆŸit će ravnomjerniju kontrolu smjese rasprĆĄivača preko cijele strukture područja stijenke liơča u vinogradu na temelju autonomnih modela odlučivanja
