119 research outputs found

    Chip Based Optical Nanoscopy: System Integration and Automation

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    An integrated photonic chip based nanoscopy system has previously been developed at UiT, which allows for several advantages over conventional total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and nanoscopy (i.e. super-resolutionnanoscopy). While the proof-of-concept has been demonstrated, there were several important system optimization tasks that were needed for making the system practical and more usable. This thesis tackles three major system optimization tasks, namely efficient and automatic coupling of light into waveguide in the photonic chip, precise control and stablization of feed point into the waveguide, and synchronization of illumination and collection arms of the photonic chip based microscope. For a novel and more flexible light feed setup designed at the department, a new mechanism for measuring the coupling efficiency was designed, an initial coupling and parasitic interaxis cross-talk compensation mechanism was designed, and two optimiztion algorithms were explored for the final fine coupling. Testing of the implementation showed promising results with close to optimal coupling efficiency achieved in a reasonable amount of time. A piezoelectric stage with large travel range was tuned to provide the best possible performance for controlling illumination. This was used to adapt a nanoscopy algorithm named multiple signal classification algorithm (MUSICAL) for exploiting the variable illumination property of multimode waveguides on the photonic chip. Lastly, imaging and illumination control was inplemented in software allowing the capture of datasets suitable for use with MUSICAL. Thus, the goals of this thesis were achieved successfully and the practical use ofthe photonic-chip for microscopy and nanoscopy was greatly enhanced

    Surface Parameter Estimation by Inverse Modeling of Ground Penetrating Radar

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    Ground Penetrating Radar is a high resolution electromagnetic technique to analyse the soil sub-surface. This requires accurate forward modeling of the GPR soil sub-surface system. Depending upon the application and the environment in which GPR is to be employed several forward analytical or numerical modeling methods are proposed by the researchers. Some of the analytical methods include standard reflection coefficient modeling, full waveform inversion modeling, transmission line modeling etc. Inverse modeling of GPR, which is getting back the electromagnetic parameters of targets based on the electromagnetic responses of the soil sub-surface, requires objective function to be defined and optimized. The objective function is defined as an error function which is minimum for the actual soil parameters. The accuracy and efficiency of the GPR system depends on the accuracy of the forward modeling and accuracy and efficiency of the inverse modeling. In this thesis work the common reflection coefficient method is explored for forward modeling and a spectral domain inversion technique is implemented for a layered ground surface. A three layered synthetic model of ground media is defined. The objective function is defined as an error function between the actual reflection coefficient and the modeled reflection coefficient. The variation of the objective function for different soil parameters like permittivity, height, conductivity is studied. Finally soil parameters are extracted with good accuracy by using global search techniques like Pattern Search and GA combined with Nelder-Mead Simplex method. It is also observed that the step by step detection of few parameters of first and second layer based on the properties of the reflection coefficient spectrum enhances the process of extracting complete electrical profile of the ground sub-surface

    Biomechanical analysis and model development applied to table tennis forehand strokes

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    Table tennis playing involves complex spatial movement of the racket and human body. It takes much effort for the novice players to better mimic expert players. The evaluation of motion patterns during table tennis training, which is usually achieved by coaches, is important for novice trainees to improve faster. However, traditional coaching relies heavily on coaches qualitative observation and subjective evaluation. While past literature shows considerable potential in applying biomechanical analysis and classification for motion pattern assessment to improve novice table tennis players, little published work was found on table tennis biomechanics. To attempt to overcome the problems and fill the gaps, this research aims to quantify the movement of table tennis strokes, to identify the motion pattern differences between experts and novices, and to develop a model for automatic evaluation of the motion quality for an individual. Firstly, a novel method for comprehensive quantification and measurement of the kinematic motion of racket and human body is proposed. In addition, a novel method based on racket centre velocity profile is proposed to segment and normalize the motion data. Secondly, a controlled experiment was conducted to collect motion data of expert and novice players during forehand strokes. Statistical analysis was performed to determine the motion differences between the expert and the novice groups. The experts exhibited significantly different motion patterns with faster racket centre velocity and smaller racket plane angle, different standing posture and joint angular velocity, etc. Lastly, a support vector machine (SVM) classification technique was employed to build a model for motion pattern evaluation. The model development was based on experimental data with different feature selection methods and SVM kernels to achieve the best performance (F1 score) through cross-validated and Nelder-Mead method. Results showed that the SVM classification model exhibited good performance with an average model performance above 90% in distinguishing the stroke motion between expert and novice players. This research helps to better understand the biomechanical mechanisms of table tennis strokes, which will ultimately aid the improvement of novice players. The phase segmentation and normalization methods for table tennis strokes are novel, unambiguous and straightforward to apply. The quantitative comparison identified the comprehensive differences in motion between experts and novice players for racket and human body in continuous phase time, which is a novel contribution. The proposed classification model shows potential in the application of SVM to table tennis biomechanics and can be exploited for automatic coaching

    Optimized fractional-order Butterworth filter design in complex F-plane

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    This paper introduces a new technique to optimally design the fractional-order Butterworth low-pass filter in the complex F-plane. Design stability is assured by incorporating the critical phase angle as an inequality constraint. The poles of the proposed approximants reside on the unit circle in the stable region of the F-plane. The improved accuracy of the suggested scheme as compared to the recently published literature is demonstrated. A mixed-integer genetic algorithm which considers the parallel combinations of resistors and capacitors for the Valsa network is used to optimize the frequency responses of the fractional-order capacitor emulators as part of the experimental verification using the Sallen–Key filter topology. The total harmonic distortion and spurious-free dynamic range of the practical 1.5th-order Butterwoth filter are measured as 0.13% and 62.18 dBc, respectively; the maximum and mean absolute relative magnitude errors are 0.03929 and 0.02051, respectively.Publisher's VersionQ1WOS:00085474580000

    Characterization of uterine activity by electrohysterography

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    A growing number of pregnancies is complicated by miscarriage, preterm delivery, and birth defects, with consequent health problems later in life. It is therefore increasingly important to monitor the health status of mother and fetus, so as to permit timely medical intervention when acute health risks are detected. For timely recognition of complications, quantitative assessment of uterine activity can be fundamental during both pregnancy and delivery. During pregnancy, timely prediction of preterm delivery can improve the effectiveness of the required treatments. Unfortunately, the prognostic techniques employed in current obstetrical practice, namely, uterine contraction measurements using an elastic belt (external tocography), cervical change evaluation, and the use of biomarkers like fetal fibronectin, have been demonstrated to be inaccurate for the prediction of preterm delivery. In the last stage of pregnancy and during labor, contractions are routinely and constantly monitored. Especially when complications occur, e.g., when labor shows poor progress, quantitative assessment of uterine activity can guide the physician to choose a uterine contraction induction or augmentation, a cesarean section, or other therapies. Furthermore, monitoring the fetal heart response to the uterine activity (cardiotography) is widely used as a screening test for timely recognition of fetal distress (e.g. asphyxia). However, in current obstetrical practice, accurate quantitative assessment of the uterine contractions can be provided only invasively and during labor. The current golden standard for contraction monitoring, which is based on the direct internal uterine pressure (IUP) measurement by an intrauterine catheter, can be risky and its use is generally limited to very complicated deliveries. The contractile element of the uterus is the myometrium, which is composed of smooth muscle cells. Uterine contractions are caused by electrical activity in the form of action potentials (AP) that propagate through the myometrium cells. Electrohysterography is the measurement of the uterine electrical activity and can be performedby electrodes placed on the abdomen. Electrohysterographic (EHG) measurements are inexpensive and noninvasive. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the noninvasively recorded EHG signal is representative of those APs that, by propagating from cell to cell, are the root cause of a uterine contraction. Therefore, in view of the limitation of current obstetrical practice, significant benefits could be expected from the introduction of EHG signal analysis for routine contraction monitoring. Previous studies highlighted the potential prognostic and diagnostic value of EHG signal analysis, but did not investigate the possibility of accurately estimating the IUP from noninvasive EHG recordings. Moreover, important issues like the effect of the tissues interposed between the uterus and the skin (volume conductor) on EHG recordings have not been studied. Besides, EHG signal interpretation has been typically based on single-channel measurements, while the use of multiple electrodes conveys additional information (e.g., distribution and dynamics of the electrical activation) that can possibly be predictive of delivery. In this thesis, we focus on the analysis of the EHG signal as an alternative to existing techniques for predicting preterm delivery and monitoring uterine contractions during both pregnancy and delivery. The main goal of this work is to contribute to the technical basis which is required for the introduction of electrohysterography in everyday clinical practice. A major part of this thesis investigates the possibility of using electrohysterography to replace invasive IUP measurements. A novel method for IUP estimation from EHG recordings is developed in the first part of this thesis. The estimates provided by the method are compared to the IUP invasively recorded on women during delivery and result in a root mean squared error (RMSE) with respect to the reference invasive IUP recording as low as 5 mmHg, which is comparable to the accuracy of the invasive golden standard. Another important objective of this thesis work is to contribute to the introduction of novel techniques for timely prediction of preterm delivery. As the spreading of electrical activity at the myometrium is the root cause of coordinated and effective contractions, i.e., contractions that are capable of pushing the fetus down into the birth canal ultimately leading to delivery, a multichannel analysis of the spatial propagation properties of the EHG signal could provide a fundamental contribution for predicting delivery. A thorough study of the EHG signal propagation properties is therefore carried out in this work. Parameters related to the EHG that are potentially predictive of delivery, such as the uterine area where the contraction originates (pacemaker area) or the distribution and dynamics of the EHG propagation vector, can be derived from the delay by which the signal is detected at multiple locations over the whole abdomen. To analyze the propagation of EHG signals on a large scale (cm), a method is designed for calculating the detection delay among the EHG signals recorded by by electrodes placed on the abdomen. Electrohysterographic (EHG) measurements are inexpensive and noninvasive. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the noninvasively recorded EHG signal is representative of those APs that, by propagating from cell to cell, are the root cause of a uterine contraction. Therefore, in view of the limitation of current obstetrical practice, significant benefits could be expected from the introduction of EHG signal analysis for routine contraction monitoring. Previous studies highlighted the potential prognostic and diagnostic value of EHG signal analysis, but did not investigate the possibility of accurately estimating the IUP from noninvasive EHG recordings. Moreover, important issues like the effect of the tissues interposed between the uterus and the skin (volume conductor) on EHG recordings have not been studied. Besides, EHG signal interpretation has been typically based on single-channel measurements, while the use of multiple electrodes conveys additional information (e.g., distribution and dynamics of the electrical activation) that can possibly be predictive of delivery. In this thesis, we focus on the analysis of the EHG signal as an alternative to existing techniques for predicting preterm delivery and monitoring uterine contractions during both pregnancy and delivery. The main goal of this work is to contribute to the technical basis which is required for the introduction of electrohysterography in everyday clinical practice. A major part of this thesis investigates the possibility of using electrohysterography to replace invasive IUP measurements. A novel method for IUP estimation from EHG recordings is developed in the first part of this thesis. The estimates provided by the method are compared to the IUP invasively recorded on women during delivery and result in a root mean squared error (RMSE) with respect to the reference invasive IUP recording as low as 5 mmHg, which is comparable to the accuracy of the invasive golden standard. Another important objective of this thesis work is to contribute to the introduction of novel techniques for timely prediction of preterm delivery. As the spreading of electrical activity at the myometrium is the root cause of coordinated and effective contractions, i.e., contractions that are capable of pushing the fetus down into the birth canal ultimately leading to delivery, a multichannel analysis of the spatial propagation properties of the EHG signal could provide a fundamental contribution for predicting delivery. A thorough study of the EHG signal propagation properties is therefore carried out in this work. Parameters related to the EHG that are potentially predictive of delivery, such as the uterine area where the contraction originates (pacemaker area) or the distribution and dynamics of the EHG propagation vector, can be derived from the delay by which the signal is detected at multiple locations over the whole abdomen. To analyze the propagation of EHG signals on a large scale (cm), a method is designed for calculating the detection delay among the EHG signals recorded by multiple electrodes. Relative to existing interelectrode delay estimators, this method improves the accuracy of the delay estimates for interelectrode distances larger than 5-10 cm. The use of a large interelectrode distance aims at the assessment of the EHG propagation properties through the whole uterine muscle using a limited number of sensors. The method estimates values of velocity within the physiological range and highlights the upper part of the uterus as the most frequent (65%) pacemaker area during labor. Besides, our study suggests that more insight is needed on the effect that tissues interposed between uterus and skin (volume conductor) have on the EHG signal. With the aim of improving the current interpretation and measurement accuracy of EHG parameters with potential clinical relevance, such as the conduction velocity (CV), a volume conductor model for the EHG signal is introduced and validated. The intracellular AP at the myometrium is analytically modeled in the spatial domain by a 2-parameter exponential in the form of a Gamma variate function. The unknown atomical parameters of the volume conductor model are the thicknesses of the biological tissues interposed between the uterus and the abdominal surface. These model parameters can be measured by echography for validation. The EHG signal is recorded by an electrode matrix on women with contractions. In order to increase the spatial resolution of the EHG measurements and reduce the geometrical and electrical differences among the tissues below the recording locations, electrodes with a reduced surface and smaller interelectrode distance are needed relative to the previous studies on electrohysterography. The EHG signal is recorded, for the first time, by a 64-channel (8×8) high-density electrode grid, comprising 1 mm diameter electrodes with 4 mm interelectrode distance. The model parameters are estimated in the spatial frequency domain from the recorded EHG signal by a least mean square method. The model is validated by comparing the thickness of the biological tissues recorded by echography to the values estimated using the mathematical model. The agreement between the two measures (RMSE = 1 mm and correlation coefficient, R = 0.94) suggests the model to be representative of the underlying physiology. In the last part of this dissertation, the analysis of the EHG signal propagation focuses on the CV estimation of single APs. As on a large scale this parameter cannot be accurately derived, the propagation analysis is here carried out on a small scale (mm). Also for this analysis, the EHG signal is therefore recorded by a 3×3 cm2 high-density electrode grid containing 64 electrodes (8×8). A new method based on maximum likelihood estimation is then applied in two spatial dimensions to provide an accurate estimate of amplitude and direction of the AP CV. Simulation results prove the proposed method to be more robust to noise than the standard techniques used for other electrophysiological signals, leading to over 56% improvement of the RMS CV estimate accuracy. Furthermore, values of CV between 2 cm/s and 12 cm/s, which are in agreement with invasive and in-vitro measurements described in the literature, are obtained from real measurements on ten women in labor. In conclusion, this research provides a quantitative characterization of uterine contractions by EHG signal analysis. Based on an extensive validation, this thesis indicates that uterine contractions can be accurately monitored noninvasively by dedicated analysis of the EHG signal. Furthermore, our results open the way to new clinical studies and applications aimed at improving the understanding of the electrophysiological mechanisms leading to labor, possibly reducing the incidence of preterm delivery and improving the perinatal outcome

    Técnicas alternativas para amplificação de Raman em telecomunicações

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    Doutoramento em FísicaO presente trabalho centra-se no estudo dos amplificadores de Raman em fibra ótica e suas aplicações em sistemas modernos de comunicações óticas. Abordaram-se tópicos específicos como a simulação espacial do amplificador de Raman, a equalização e alargamento do ganho, o uso de abordagens híbridas de amplificação através da associação de amplificadores de Raman em fibra ótica com amplificadores de fibra dopada com Érbio (EDFA) e os efeitos transitórios no ganho dos amplificadores. As actividades realizadas basearam-se em modelos teóricos, sendo os resultados validados experimentalmente. De entre as contribuições mais importantes desta tese, destaca-se (i) o desenvolvimento de um simulador eficiente para amplificadores de Raman que suporta arquitecturas de bombeamento contraprogantes e bidirecionais num contexto com multiplexagem no comprimento de onda (WDM); (ii) a implementação de um algoritmo de alocação de sinais de bombeamento usando a combinação do algoritmo genético com o método de Nelder- Mead; (iii) a apreciação de soluções de amplificação híbridas por associação dos amplificadores de Raman com EDFA em cenários de redes óticas passivas, nomeadamente WDM/TDM-PON com extensão a região espectral C+L; e (iv) a avaliação e caracterização de fenómenos transitórios em amplificadores para tráfego em rajadas/pacotes óticos e consequente desenvolvimento de soluções de mitigação baseadas em técnicas de clamping ótico.The present work is based on Raman Fiber Amplifiers and their applications in modern fiber communication systems. Specific topics were approached, namely the spatial simulation of Raman fiber amplifiers, the gain enlargement and equalization the use of hybrid amplification approaches by association of Raman amplifiers with Erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA) and the transient effect on optical amplifiers gain. The work is based on theoretical models, being the obtained results validated experimentally. Among the main contributions, we remark: (i) the development of an efficient simulator for Raman fiber amplifiers that supports backward and bidirectional pumping architectures in a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) context; (ii) the implementation of an algorithm to obtain enlargement and equalization of gain by allocation of pumps based on the association of the genetic algorithm with the Nelder-Mead method; (iii) the assessment of hybrid amplification solutions using Raman amplifiers and EDFA in the context of passive optical networks, namely WDM/TDM-PON with extension the C+L spectral bands; (iv) the assessment and characterization of transient effects on optical amplifiers with bursty/packeted traffic and the development of mitigation solutions based on optical clamping

    Motometrics: A Toolbox for Annotation and Efficient Analysis of Motor Evoked Potentials

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    Stimulating the nervous system and measuring muscle response offers a unique opportunity to interrogate motor system function. Often, this is performed by stimulating motor cortex and recording muscle activity with electromyography; the evoked response is called the motor evoked potential (MEP). To understand system dynamics, MEPs are typically recorded through a range of motor cortex stimulation intensities. The MEPs increase with increasing stimulation intensities, and these typically produce a sigmoidal response curve. Analysis of MEPs is often complex and analysis of response curves is time-consuming. We created an MEP analysis software, called Motometrics, to facilitate analysis of MEPs and response curves. The goal is to combine robust signal processing algorithms with a simple user interface. Motometrics first enables the user to annotate data files acquired from the recording system so that the responses can be extracted and labeled with the correct subject and experimental condition. The software enables quick visual representations of entire datasets, to ensure uniform quality of the signal. It then enables the user to choose a variety of response curve analyses and to perform near real time quantification of the MEPs for quick feedback during experimental procedures. This is a modular open source tool that is compatible with several popular electrophysiological systems. Initial use indicates that Motometrics enables rapid, robust, and intuitive analysis of MEP response curves by neuroscientists without programming or signal processing expertise