6 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Information Security Risks of E-Learning Systems: A Case Study on UUM Learning Zone

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    This project is conducted with the purpose of identifying security risks associated with E-Learning Systems in UUM Learning Zone by using OCTAVE Allegro. To narrow down the scope of the project, Computer Centre staffs from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) are targeted. The information security risks of E-Learning Systems will be predicted and classified based on OCTAVE Allegro approach by focusing primarily on information assets in the context of how they are used, where they are stored, transported and processed and how they are exposed to threats, vulnerabilities and disruptions as a result. This project will show the OCTAVE Allegro approach which consists of eight steps that are organized into four phases. Detail descriptions of the OCTAVE Allegro methodology applied is also included in the report. The findings of the project such as highlighting the possible security risks are expected to provide UUM’s Computer Centre management an in-depth view on the information security risks in UUM Learning Zone

    Handling privacy and concurrency in an online educational evaluation system

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    Nowadays, all academic institutions exhibit and distribute their material over Internet. Moreover, e-learning and e-evaluation products is one of the most rapidly expanding areas of education and training, with nearly 30% of U.S. college and university students now taking at least one online course. However, Internet increases the vulnerability of digital educational content exploitation since it is a potential hostile environment for secure data management. The challenge is that providing current online educational tools that are accessible by a large number of users, these educational environments handle data of varying sensitivity thus it is increasingly important to reason about and enforce information privacy guarantees in the presence of concurrency. The present paper provides a privacy preserving approach in a concurrent online educational evaluation system. It introduces a privacy preserving approach for utilizing online concurrent evaluation of acquired student competencies that handles the increasingly complex issues of designing, developing and e-competence evaluation systems suitable for educational and e-learning environments. The proposed architecture for an online competence evaluation system offers access control and protect users' private data while, it provides concurrent procedures for evaluating competencies. © 2019 International Press of Boston, Inc. All rights reserved.European Commission, ECThis work has been partially supported by the “Implementation of Software Engineering Com-petence Remote Evaluation for Master Program Graduates (iSECRET)” project No 2015-1-LVo1-KA203-013439 funded by ERASMUS+ of the European Commission

    A Security and Privacy Framework for e-Learning

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    Prior research in the e-learning area has appeared with a focus on its adoption aspects. Limited research has been carried out solely on the interplay between e-learning and security and privacy. Considering the wide acceptance of e-learning, and a plethora of cybersecurity breach incidents, it is surprising that the two topics have not been discussed together. An effective e-learning environment depends on stakeholders who understand the importance of security and behave responsibly within it. In this paper, we present a conceptual model that looks at some of the information security and privacy factors related to e-learning

    Digital identity design and privacy preservation for e-learning

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    More and more learners tend to utilise e-learning as their learning platform. The privacy of the users’ digital identities of e-learning has become a big concern. This paper proposes a new approach, which can effectively protect the privacy of e-learning users’ digital identity. Through the approach, a unique alias represents the real e-learning user to communicate with each other. This approach can be very simple and efficient to be implemented in the e-learning system by well designed meta-formats of digital identities of four types of e-learning users

    Student relationship management model in e-education

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    савременим системима електронског образовања студент представља кључни субјекат који има најзначајнији утицај на исход образовног процеса. Управљање односима са студентима се разматра као један од метода за унапређење процеса комуникације између образовне институције и студената. Развој и свеприсутност информационо-комуникационих технологија омогућује примену напредних алата и сервиса за управљање односима са студентима. Системи електронског образовања обезбеђују нове начине комуникације и сарадње са студентима. Предмет истраживања докторске дисертације је развој модела за управљање односима са студентима у електронском образовању. Главна хипотеза која је развијена и доказана у оквиру докторске дисертације јесте да се имплементацијом система за управљање односима са студентима и његовом интеграцијом у систем електронског образовања побољшавају перформансе образовног процеса, остварује висок степен колаборације међу учесницима у образовању и постиже веће задовољство и лојалност студената. Систем за управљање односима са студентима обезбеђује низ сервиса и алата који омогућују комуникацију и сарадњу свих учесника у образовном процесу, промоцију образовних институција и одржавање успешних односа са студентима током и након студирања. У дисертацији се разматрају различите технологије и платформе које се могу применити у развоју система за управљање односима са студентима: cloud computing, управљање дигиталним идентитетима, друштвени медији, технологије за аналитику, мобилне технологије. Анализирана су софтверска решења за управљање односима са студентима и системи за управљање учењем на даљину. Дата је детаљна анализа досадашњих резултата истраживања из области управљања односима са студентима. У централном делу дисертације дефинисан је модел за управљање односима са студентима, као и метод за интеграцију са постојећим системом за управљање учењем. Предложени модел обухвата Докторска дисертација: Модел управљања односима са студентима у електронском образовању инфраструктуру и архитектуру система за управљање односима са студентима, модел реализације пословних процеса, као и модел евалуације система...In modern e-learning systems student is the key subject that has the most important impact on learning process outcome. Student relationship management is considered as one of the methods for improving process of communication between educational institutions and students. Development and ubiquity of ICT foster application of sophisticated tools and services for student relationship management. Further, e-learning systems provide new ways of communication and collaboration with students. The subject of this thesis is development of model for student relationship management in e-education. Main hypothesis that is developed and proved in the dissertation is that implementation of system for student relationship management and integration into a learning management system improve performance of the educational process, provide high degree of collaboration among stakeholders in education and increase student satisfaction and loyalty. System for student relationship management provides plethora of services and tools that enable communication and collaboration among all entities in educational process, promotion of educational institutions and maintaining good relationships with students before and after graduating. Different technologies and platforms are discussed as solutions for development of system for student relationship management: cloud computing, digital identity management, social media, technologies for data analytics and mobile technologies. Software solutions for student relationship management and learning management systems are analyzed. Detailed analysis of scientific researches and results within the area of student relationship management was provided. In the central part of the dissertation, model for student relationship management was defined in details. Further, method for integration of the model and existing learning management system, Moodle. Suggested model included both infrastructure and architecture of the system for student relationship management, model for business processes realization, as well as model for evaluation. Докторска дисертација: Модел управљања односима са студентима у електронском образовању In experimental part of the doctoral thesis developed model for student relationship management was used in realization of educational process at Laboratory for e- Business, Faculty of Organizational Sciences. The research results showed that implemented model and its integration with system for e-learning contribute to better collaboration and communication between students and educational institution and increase performances of the educational process. Analysis of results showed that model was flexible, extensible, modular and enabled integration of different services within student relationship management system. The model can be applied as standard system and pattern for improvement of e-education process within higher institutions for higher education in Serbia..

    Ресурсно-орієнтоване навчання в «3D»: доступність, діалог, динаміка : збірник тез доповідей ІІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції (м. Полтава, 22–23 лютого 2023 року)

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    Збірник містить матеріали виступів учасників ІІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції «Ресурсно-орієнтоване навчання в «3D»: доступність, діалог, динаміка», присвячені висвітленню актуальних питань теорії та практики реалізації концепції ресурсно-орієнтованого навчання як нової освітньої парадигми й особливостям створення сучасних електронних освітніх ресурсів, педагогічних технологій, авторських методик навчання в Україні та за її кордонами