347 research outputs found

    Direct jet coaxial electrospinning of axon-mimicking fibers for diffusion tensor imaging

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    Hollow polymer microfibers with variable microstructural and hydrophilic properties were proposed as building elements to create axon-mimicking phantoms for validation of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). The axon-mimicking microfibers were fabricated in a mm-thick 3D anisotropic fiber strip, by direct jet coaxial electrospinning of PCL/polysiloxane-based surfactant (PSi) mixture as shell and polyethylene oxide (PEO) as core. Hydrophilic PCL-PSi fiber strips were first obtained by carefully selecting appropriate solvents for the core and appropriate fiber collector rotating and transverse speeds. The porous cross-section and anisotropic orientation of axon-mimicking fibers were then quantitatively evaluated using two ImageJ plugins—nearest distance (ND) and directionality based on their scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. Third, axon-mimicking phantom was constructed from PCL-PSi fiber strips with variable porous-section and fiber orientation and tested on a 3T clinical MR scanner. The relationship between DTI measurements (mean diffusivity [MD] and fractional anisotropy [FA]) of phantom samples and their pore size and fiber orientation was investigated. Two key microstructural parameters of axon-mimicking phantoms including normalized pore distance and dispersion of fiber orientation could well interpret the variations in DTI measurements. Two PCL-PSi phantom samples made from different regions of the same fiber strips were found to have similar MD and FA values, indicating that the direct jet coaxial electrospun fiber strips had consistent microstructure. More importantly, the MD and FA values of the developed axon-mimicking phantoms were mostly in the biologically relevant range

    Pore size estimation in axon-mimicking microfibers with diffusion-relaxation MRI

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    PURPOSE: This study aims to evaluate two distinct approaches for fiber radius estimation using diffusion-relaxation MRI data acquired in biomimetic microfiber phantoms that mimic hollow axons. The methods considered are the spherical mean power-law approach and a T2 -based pore size estimation technique. THEORY AND METHODS: A general diffusion-relaxation theoretical model for the spherical mean signal from water molecules within a distribution of cylinders with varying radii was introduced, encompassing the evaluated models as particular cases. Additionally, a new numerical approach was presented for estimating effective radii (i.e., MRI-visible mean radii) from the ground truth radii distributions, not reliant on previous theoretical approximations and adaptable to various acquisition sequences. The ground truth radii were obtained from scanning electron microscope images. RESULTS: Both methods show a linear relationship between effective radii estimated from MRI data and ground-truth radii distributions, although some discrepancies were observed. The spherical mean power-law method overestimated fiber radii. Conversely, the T2 -based method exhibited higher sensitivity to smaller fiber radii, but faced limitations in accurately estimating the radius in one particular phantom, possibly because of material-specific relaxation changes. CONCLUSION: The study demonstrates the feasibility of both techniques to predict pore sizes of hollow microfibers. The T2 -based technique, unlike the spherical mean power-law method, does not demand ultra-high diffusion gradients, but requires calibration with known radius distributions. This research contributes to the ongoing development and evaluation of neuroimaging techniques for fiber radius estimation, highlights the advantages and limitations of both methods, and provides datasets for reproducible research

    Double diffusion encoding and applications for biomedical imaging

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    Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) is one of the most important contemporary non-invasive modalities for probing tissue structure at the microscopic scale. The majority of dMRI techniques employ standard single diffusion encoding (SDE) measurements, covering different sequence parameter ranges depending on the complexity of the method. Although many signal representations and biophysical models have been proposed for SDE data, they are intrinsically limited by a lack of specificity. Advanced dMRI methods have been proposed to provide additional microstructural information beyond what can be inferred from SDE. These enhanced contrasts can play important roles in characterizing biological tissues, for instance upon diseases (e.g. neurodegenerative, cancer, stroke), aging, learning, and development. In this review we focus on double diffusion encoding (DDE), which stands out among other advanced acquisitions for its versatility, ability to probe more specific diffusion correlations, and feasibility for preclinical and clinical applications. Various DDE methodologies have been employed to probe compartment sizes (Section 3), decouple the effects of microscopic diffusion anisotropy from orientation dispersion (Section 4), probe displacement correlations, study exchange, or suppress fast diffusing compartments (Section 6). DDE measurements can also be used to improve the robustness of biophysical models (Section 5) and study intra-cellular diffusion via magnetic resonance spectroscopy of metabolites (Section 7). This review discusses all these topics as well as important practical aspects related to the implementation and contrast in preclinical and clinical settings (Section 9) and aims to provide the readers a guide for deciding on the right DDE acquisition for their specific application

    Coaxial electrospun biomimetic copolymer fibres for application in diffusion magnetic resonance imaging

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    OBJECTIVE: The use of diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) opens the door to characterise brain microstructure because water diffusion is anisotropic in axonal fibres in brain white matter and is sensitive to tissue microstructural changes. As dMRI becomes more sophisticated and microstructurally informative, it has become increasingly important to use a reference object (usually called imaging phantom) for validation of dMRI. This study aims to develop axon-mimicking physical phantoms from biocopolymers and assess their feasibility to validate dMRI measurements. APPROACH: We employed a simple and one-step method-coaxial electrospinning-to prepare axon-mimicking hollow microfibres from polycaprolactone-b-polyethylene glycol (PCL-b-PEG) and poly(D, L-lactide-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA), and used them as building elements to create axon-mimicking phantoms. Electrospinning was firstly conducted using two types of PCL-b-PEG and two types of PLGA with different molecular weights in various solvents with different polymer concentrations for determining their spinnability. The polymer/solvent-concentration combinations with good fibre spinnability were used as the shell material in the following co-electrospinning process in which the polyethylene oxide (PEO) polymer was used as the core material. Following microstructural characterisation of both electrospun and co-electrospun fibres using optical and electron microscopy, two prototype phantoms were constructed from co-electrospun anisotropic hollow microfibres after inserting them into water-filled test tubes. MAIN RESULTS: Hollow microfibres that mimic the axon microstructure were successfully prepared from the appropriate core and shell material combinations. dMRI measurements of two phantoms on a 7 tesla (T) pre-clinical scanner revealed that diffusivity and anisotropy measurements are in the range of brain white matter. SIGNIFICANCE: This feasibility study showed that co-electrospun PCL-b-PEG and PLGA microfibres-based axon-mimicking phantoms could be used in the validation of dMRI methods which seek to characterise white matter microstructure

    Physical and digital phantoms for validating tractography and assessing artifacts

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    Fiber tractography is widely used to non-invasively map white-matter bundles in vivo using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI). As it is the case for all scientific methods, proper validation is a key prerequisite for the successful application of fiber tractography, be it in the area of basic neuroscience or in a clinical setting. It is well-known that the indirect estimation of the fiber tracts from the local diffusion signal is highly ambiguous and extremely challenging. Furthermore, the validation of fiber tractography methods is hampered by the lack of a real ground truth, which is caused by the extremely complex brain microstructure that is not directly observable non-invasively and that is the basis of the huge network of long-range fiber connections in the brain that are the actual target of fiber tractography methods. As a substitute for in vivo data with a real ground truth that could be used for validation, a widely and successfully employed approach is the use of synthetic phantoms. In this work, we are providing an overview of the state-of-the-art in the area of physical and digital phantoms, answering the following guiding questions: “What are dMRI phantoms and what are they good for?”, “What would the ideal phantom for validation fiber tractography look like?” and “What phantoms, phantom datasets and tools used for their creation are available to the research community?”. We will further discuss the limitations and opportunities that come with the use of dMRI phantoms, and what future direction this field of research might take

    Stability and reproducibility of co-electrospun brain-mimicking phantoms for quality assurance of diffusion MRI sequences

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    Grey and white matter mimicking phantoms are important for assessing variations in diffusion MR measures at a single time point and over an extended period of time. This work investigates the stability of brain-mimicking microfibre phantoms and reproducibility of their MR derived diffusion parameters. The microfibres were produced by co-electrospinning and characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Grey matter and white matter phantoms were constructed from random and aligned microfibres, respectively. MR data were acquired from these phantoms over a period of 33 months. SEM images revealed that only small changes in fibre microstructure occurred over 30 months. The coefficient of variation in MR measurements across all time-points was between 1.6% and 3.4% for MD across all phantoms and FA in white matter phantoms. This was within the limits expected for intra-scanner variability, thereby confirming phantom stability over 33 months. These specialised diffusion phantoms may be used in a clinical environment for intra and inter-site quality assurance purposes, and for validation of quantitative diffusion biomarkers

    The effect of noise and lipid signals on determination of Gaussian and non-Gaussian diffusion parameters in skeletal muscle

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    This work characterizes the effect of lipid and noise signals on muscle diffusion parameter estimation in several conventional and non-Gaussian models, the ultimate objectives being to characterize popular fat suppression approaches for human muscle diffusion studies, to provide simulations to inform experimental work and to report normative non-Gaussian parameter values. The models investigated in this work were the Gaussian monoexponential and intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) models, and the non-Gaussian kurtosis and stretched exponential models. These were evaluated via simulations, and in vitro and in vivo experiments. Simulations were performed using literature input values, modeling fat contamination as an additive baseline to data, whereas phantom studies used a phantom containing aliphatic and olefinic fats and muscle-like gel. Human imaging was performed in the hamstring muscles of 10 volunteers. Diffusion-weighted imaging was applied with spectral attenuated inversion recovery (SPAIR), slice-select gradient reversal and water-specific excitation fat suppression, alone and in combination. Measurement bias (accuracy) and dispersion (precision) were evaluated, together with intra- and inter-scan repeatability. Simulations indicated that noise in magnitude images resulted in <6% bias in diffusion coefficients and non-Gaussian parameters (α, K), whereas baseline fitting minimized fat bias for all models, except IVIM. In vivo, popular SPAIR fat suppression proved inadequate for accurate parameter estimation, producing non-physiological parameter estimates without baseline fitting and large biases when it was used. Combining all three fat suppression techniques and fitting data with a baseline offset gave the best results of all the methods studied for both Gaussian diffusion and, overall, for non-Gaussian diffusion. It produced consistent parameter estimates for all models, except IVIM, and highlighted non-Gaussian behavior perpendicular to muscle fibers (α ~ 0.95, K ~ 3.1). These results show that effective fat suppression is crucial for accurate measurement of non-Gaussian diffusion parameters, and will be an essential component of quantitative studies of human muscle quality


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    The cerebellum contains most of the central nervous system neurons and it is classically known to be a key region for sensorimotor coordination and learning. However, its role in higher cognitive functions has been increasingly recognised, thus raising the interest of neuroscience and neuroimaging communities. Despite this, knowledge of cerebellar structure and function is still incomplete and the interpretation of experimental results is often problematic. For these and also technical reasons the cerebellum is still frequently disregarded in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies. Therefore, the principal aim of this work was to use MRI to investigate cerebellar microstructure and macrostructural connectivity in health and pathology, focusing also on technical aspects of image acquisition. The starting point of each project described in the present thesis were techniques, models and pipelines currently accepted in clinical practice. The meeting of inadequacies or problems of such techniques raised questions that pushed research to a more fundamental level. This thesis has three main contributions. The first part presents a clinical study of cerebellar involvement in processing speed deficits in multiple sclerosis, where combined tractography and network science highlighted the importance of the cerebellum in patients\u2019 cognitive performance. Then a deeper investigation conducted on high-quality diffusion MRI data with advanced diffusion signal models showed that subregions of the cerebellar cortex are characterised by different microstructural features: this represents one of the very first attempts to use diffusion MRI to face the widespread idea of cerebellar cortex uniformity, which has been recently challenged by findings from other research fields, thus providing new perspectives for the study of cerebellar information processing in health and pathology. Finally, the emerging technical problems that hamper the study of small structures within the cerebellum were tackled by developing dedicated acquisition protocols that exploit reduced field-of-view techniques for 3T and 7T MRI scanners

    Controlling the Transverse Proton Relaxivity of Magnetic Graphene Oxide

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    The engineering of materials with controlled magnetic properties by means other than a magnetic feld is of great interest in nanotechnology. In this study, we report engineered magnetic graphene oxide (MGO) in the nanocomposite form of iron oxide nanoparticles (IO)-graphene oxide (GO) with tunable core magnetism and magnetic resonance transverse relaxivity (r2). These tunable properties are obtained by varying the IO content on GO. The MGO series exhibits r2 values analogous to those observed in conventional single core and cluster forms of IO in diferent size regimes—motional averaging regime (MAR), static dephasing regime (SDR), and echo-limiting regime (ELR) or slow motion regime (SMR). The maximum r2 of 162±5.703mM−1s−1 is attained for MGO with 28 weight percent (wt%) content of IO on GO and hydrodynamic diameter of 414 nm, which is associated with the SDR.These fndings demonstrate the clear potential of magnetic graphene oxide for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) applications

    Optimized non-invasive MRI protocols for characterizing tissue microstructures: applications in humans to prostate cancer and fetal brain development

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    This PhD project was aimed to optimize MRI protocols for pelvis imaging, in particular for the diagnosis of prostate cancer (PCa) and for the fetal brain development. Different non-invasive MRI techniques were employed to investigate biological tissues, with the purpose to obtain information on microstructures and potentially metabolism. Prostate cancer is the second most common malignancy and the fifth leading cause of death in men worldwide. Due to the high incidence of PCa and the limitations of current diagnostic methods, the primary goal of this work was to develop an MRI protocol able to improve the sensitivity of the diagnostic. The investigation of prostate cancer started with ex-vivo experiments conducted on specimens of human prostate gland, obtained after radical prostatectomy, with the 9.4T scanner at the NMR and Medical Physics Laboratory of CNR-ISC (Sapienza). Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) were performed at high-resolution (70x70 micrometers in plane) to evaluate diffusion metrics in the different prostate compartment and directly compare measurements with the histopathology results. This study proceeded with in-vivo experiments with a 3T clinical MR scanner (Philips Achieva at Policlinico Tor Vergata) on subjects with diagnosed PCa. DTI was performed with the purpose to assess its diagnostic ability in individuating and classifying PCa with different ranges of diffusion weightings, i.e. b-values. Our results showing that the diagnostic accuracy of DTI is improved with high diffusion weightings motivated our interest in performing DKI, a technique that captures water diffusion features when high b-values are employed, providing additional information on tissue microstructures, inaccessible to DTI technique. The second part of this PhD project was conducted at the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research (CMRR) in Minneapolis and was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Curie grant agreement No 691110 (MICROBRADAM). The study was dedicated to perform prostate cancer imaging with new contrast mechanisms, based on T1rho and T2rho relaxation times. T1rho and T2rho characterize the relaxation of the nuclear magnetization in the rotating frame and they are sensitive to molecular dynamics occurring at frequencies in the range of kHz, characteristic of several in-vivo processes, enabling the access to important information on tissue microenvironment. T1rho and T2rho imaging is limited by the intensive energy deposited by the acquisition sequence, which it is usually overcome by increasing the acquisition time, preventing the possibility of diagnostic applications. Therefore the aim of this work was to develop a new approach to perform imaging in the rotating frame with a three-dimensional acquisition method, recently developed at the CMRR, in order to address the aforementioned shortcomings. Given the incidence of PCa, this research has international interest and potentially contributes to improve not only the sensitivity of PCa diagnostic but also the knowledge of the tissue micro-changing caused by the tumor development. A part of this project was dedicated to Diffusion MRI application in woman pelvis to image fetuses during gestation. The aim of this work was to develop a fast and reliable protocol for fetal imaging to minimize mother-fetal motion artifact and perfusion effects. The protocol designed for acquisition and post-processing was employed to successfully study fetal brain development during the second and third trimester of gestation, in normal cases and in fetuses affected by ventriculomegaly disease. These preliminary data can contribute to delineate a reference standard to assess the normal progress of sulcation and myelination as well as the normative biometry of the fetal brain, improving the knowledge of brain maturation. Globally, the impact of this research lies in having demonstrated that the sensitivity of DMRI for microstructural changes in body tissue caused by cancer, brain disease or normal condition like brain maturation can be fruitfully utilized in combination with artifact correction methods. Moreover, new strategy of image reconstruction, such as 3D gradient echo, can be successfully employed to perform abdominal imaging, enriching the investigation of in-vivo systems with information on tissue microenvironment and metabolism
