39 research outputs found

    Audio Cortical Processing in Blind Individuals

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    This chapter focuses on the cortical processing of auditory spatial information in blindness. Research has demonstrated enhanced auditory processing in blind individuals, suggesting they compensate for lacking vision with greater sensitivity in other senses. A few years ago, we demonstrated severely impaired auditory precision in congenitally blind individuals when performing an auditory spatial metric task: participants’ thresholds for spatially bisecting three consecutive, spatially distributed sound sources were seriously compromised. Here we describe psychophysical and neural correlates of this deficit, and we show that the deficit disappears if blind individuals are presented with coherent spatio-temporal cues (short space associated with short time and vice versa). Instead, when the audio information presents incoherent spatio-temporal cues (short space associated with long time and vice versa), sighted individuals are unaffected by the perturbation while blind individuals are strongly attracted to the temporal cue. These results suggest that blind participants use temporal cues to make audio spatial estimations and that the visual cortex seems to have a functional role in these perceptual tasks. In the present chapter, we illustrate our hypothesis, suggesting that the lack of vision may drive construction of multisensory cortical network coding space based on temporal instead of spatial coordinates

    Are supramodality and cross-modal plasticity the yin and yang of brain development? From blindness to rehabilitation

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    Research in blind individuals has primarily focused for a long time on the brain plastic reorganization that occurs in early visual areas. Only more recently, scientists have developed innovative strategies to understand to what extent vision is truly a mandatory prerequisite for the brain’s fine morphological architecture to develop and function. As a whole, the studies conducted to date in sighted and congenitally blind individuals have provided ample evidence that several ‘visual’ cortical areas develop independently from visual experience and do process information content regardless of the sensory modality through which a particular stimulus is conveyed: a property named supramodality. At the same time, lack of vision leads to a structural and functional reorganization within 'visual' brain areas, a phenomenon known as cross-modal plasticity. Cross-modal recruitment of the occipital cortex in visually deprived individuals represents an adaptative compensatory mechanism that mediates processing of non-visual inputs. Supramodality and cross-modal plasticity appear to be the 'yin and yang' of brain development: supramodal is what takes place despite the lack of vision, whereas cross-modal is what happens because of lack of vision. Here we provide a critical overview of the research in this field and discuss the implications that these novel findings have for the development of educative/rehabilitation approaches and sensory substitution devices in sensory-impaired individuals

    Rapid identification of sound direction in blind footballers

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    Earlier studies have demonstrated that blind footballers are more accurate in identifying sound direction with less front–back confusion than sighted and blind non-football playing individuals. However, it is unknown whether blind footballers are faster than sighted footballers and nonathletes in identifying sound direction using auditory cues. Here, the present study aimed to investigate the auditory reaction times (RTs) and response accuracy of blind footballers during auditory RT tasks, including the identification of sound direction. Participants executed goal-directed stepping towards the loudspeaker as quickly and accurately as possible after identifying the sound direction. Simple, two-choice, and four-choice auditory RT tasks were completed. The results revealed that blind footballers had shorter RTs than sighted footballers in the choice RT tasks, but not in the simple RT task. These findings suggest that blind footballers are faster in identifying sound direction based on auditory cues, which is an essential perceptual-cognitive skill specific to blind football

    The Role of Visual Experience in Auditory Space Perception around the Legs.

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    It is widely accepted that vision plays a key role in the development of spatial skills of the other senses. Recent works have shown that blindness is often associated with auditory spatial deficits. The majority of previous studies have focused on understanding the representation of the upper frontal body space where vision and actions have a central role in mapping the space, however less research has investigated the back space and the space around the legs. Here we investigate space perception around the legs and the role of previous visual experience, by studying sighted and blind participants in an audio localization task (front-back discrimination). Participants judged if a sound was delivered in their frontal or back space. The results showed that blindfolded sighted participants were more accurate than blind participants in the frontal space. However, both groups were similarly accurate when auditory information was delivered in the back space. Blind individuals performed the task with similar accuracy for sounds delivered in the frontal and back space, while sighted people performed better in the frontal space. These results suggest that visual experience influences auditory spatial representations around the legs. Moreover, these results suggest that hearing and vision play different roles in different spaces

    Occipital Cortex of Blind Individuals Is Functionally Coupled with Executive Control Areas of Frontal Cortex

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    In congenital blindness, the occipital cortex responds to a range of nonvisual inputs, including tactile, auditory, and linguistic stimuli. Are these changes in functional responses to stimuli accompanied by altered interactions with nonvisual functional networks? To answer this question, we introduce a data-driven method that searches across cortex for functional connectivity differences across groups. Replicating prior work, we find increased fronto-occipital functional connectivity in congenitally blind relative to blindfolded sighted participants. We demonstrate that this heightened connectivity extends over most of occipital cortex but is specific to a subset of regions in the inferior, dorsal, and medial frontal lobe. To assess the functional profile of these frontal areas, we used an n-back working memory task and a sentence comprehension task. We find that, among prefrontal areas with overconnectivity to occipital cortex, one left inferior frontal region responds to language over music. By contrast, the majority of these regions responded to working memory load but not language. These results suggest that in blindness occipital cortex interacts more with working memory systems and raise new questions about the function and mechanism of occipital plasticity.David & Lucile Packard FoundationNational Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship Progra

    Sensitive Period for a Multimodal Response in Human Visual Motion Area

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    The middle temporal complex (MT/MST) is a brain region specialized for the perception of motion in the visual modality [ [1], [2], [3] and [4]]. However, this specialization is modified by visual experience: after long-standing blindness, MT/MST responds to sound [5]. Recent evidence also suggests that the auditory response of MT/MST is selective for motion [ [6] and [7]]. The developmental time course of this plasticity is not known. To test for a sensitive period in MT/MST development, we used fMRI to compare MT/MST function in congenitally blind, late-blind, and sighted adults. MT/MST responded to sound in congenitally blind adults, but not in late-blind or sighted adults, and not in an individual who lost his vision between ages of 2 and 3 years. All blind adults had reduced functional connectivity between MT/MST and other visual regions. Functional connectivity was increased between MT/MST and lateral prefrontal areas in congenitally blind relative to sighted and late-blind adults. These data suggest that early blindness affects the function of feedback projections from prefrontal cortex to MT/MST. We conclude that there is a sensitive period for visual specialization in MT/MST. During typical development, early visual experience either maintains or creates a vision-dominated response. Once established, this response profile is not altered by long-standing blindness.David and Lucille Packard FoundationNational Center for Research Resources: Harvard-Thorndike General Clinical Research Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (NCRR MO1 RR01032)Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center (UL1 RR025758)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant K24 RR018875)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant RO1-EY12091

    Cross-Modal Plasticity in Cuban Visually-Impaired Child Cochlear Implant Candidates: Topography of Somatosensory Evoked Potentials

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    ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Studies of neuroplasticity have shown that the brain's neural networks change in the absence of sensory input such as hearing or vision. However, little is known about what happens when both sensory modalities are lost (deaf-blindness). Hence, this study of cortical reorganization in visually-impaired child cochlear implant (CI) candidates

    Learning to find spatially reversed sounds

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    Adaptation to systematic visual distortions is well-documented but there is little evidence of similar adaptation to radical changes in audition. We use a pseudophone to transpose the sound streams arriving at the left and right ears, evaluating the perceptual effects it provokes and the possibility of learning to locate sounds in the reversed condition. Blindfolded participants remain seated at the center of a semicircular arrangement of 7 speakers and are asked to orient their head towards a sound source. We postulate that a key factor underlying adaptation is the self-generated activity that allows participants to learn new sensorimotor schemes. We investigate passive listening conditions (very short duration stimulus not permitting active exploration) and dynamic conditions (continuous stimulus allowing participants time to freely move their heads or remain still). We analyze head movement kinematics, localization errors, and qualitative reports. Results show movement-induced perceptual disruptions in the dynamic condition with static sound sources displaying apparent movement. This effect is reduced after a short training period and participants learn to find sounds in a left-right reversed field for all but the extreme lateral positions where motor patterns are more restricted. Strategies become less exploratory and more direct with training. Results support the hypothesis that self-generated movements underlie adaptation to radical sensorimotor distortions.Fil: Bermejo, Fernando Raul. Universidad TecnolĂłgica Nacional. Facultad Regional CĂłrdoba. Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y Transferencia en AcĂșstica. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - CĂłrdoba. Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y Transferencia en AcĂșstica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de CĂłrdoba. Facultad de PsicologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Di Paolo, Ezequiel Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentina. FundaciĂłn Vasca para la Ciencia; España. University of Sussex; Reino Unido. Universidad del PaĂ­s Vasco; EspañaFil: Gilberto, Lucas Guillermo. Universidad TecnolĂłgica Nacional. Facultad Regional CĂłrdoba. Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y Transferencia en AcĂșstica. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - CĂłrdoba. Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y Transferencia en AcĂșstica; ArgentinaFil: Lunati, ValentĂ­n Ignacio. Universidad TecnolĂłgica Nacional. Facultad Regional CĂłrdoba. Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y Transferencia en AcĂșstica. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - CĂłrdoba. Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y Transferencia en AcĂșstica; ArgentinaFil: Barrios, Maria Virginia. Universidad TecnolĂłgica Nacional. Facultad Regional CĂłrdoba. Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y Transferencia en AcĂșstica. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - CĂłrdoba. Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y Transferencia en AcĂșstica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de CĂłrdoba. Facultad de PsicologĂ­a; Argentin

    Réponse auditive oscillatoire chez le non-voyant : investigation par magnétoencéphalographie

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    Les personnes non-voyantes montrent dans les diffĂ©rents aspects de leurs vies qu’elles sont capables de s’adapter Ă  la privation visuelle en utilisant les capacitĂ©s intactes comme l’ouĂŻ ou le toucher. Elles montrent qu’elles peuvent bien Ă©voluer dans leur environnement en absence de vision et dĂ©montrent mĂȘme des fois des habiletĂ©s supĂ©rieures Ă  celles des personnes voyantes. La recherche de ces derniĂšres dĂ©cennies s’est beaucoup intĂ©ressĂ©e aux capacitĂ©s adaptatives des non-voyants surtout avec l’avĂšnement des nouvelles techniques d’imagerie qui ont permis d’investiguer des domaines qui ne l’étaient pas ou l’étaient difficilement avant. Les capacitĂ©s supĂ©rieures des non voyants dans l’utilisation plus efficace des informations auditives et tactiles semblent avoir leur base neuronale dans le dans le cortex visuel dĂ©saffĂ©rentĂ©, qui continu Ă  ĂȘtre fonctionnel aprĂšs la privation sensorielle et s’en trouve recrutĂ© pour le traitement de stimulations dites intermodales : auditives, tactiles et mĂȘme montre une implication dans des processus de plus haut niveau, comme la mĂ©moire ou le langage. Cette implication fonctionnelle intermodale rĂ©sulte de la plasticitĂ© du cortex visuel c'est-Ă -dire sa capacitĂ© Ă  changer sa structure, sa fonction et d’adapter ses interactions avec les autres systĂšmes en l’absence de vision. La plasticitĂ© corticale n’est pas exclusive au cortex visuel mais est un Ă©tat permanent de tout le cerveau. Pour mesurer l’activitĂ© du cortex visuel des non voyants, une mesure d’excitabilitĂ© de ses neurones consiste Ă  mesurer le temps de recouvrement de l’onde N1 en potentiels Ă©voquĂ©s, qui est plus rapide chez les non voyants dans la modalitĂ© auditive. En effet, les rĂ©ponses en potentiels et champs Ă©voquĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s en EEG/MEG pour mettre en Ă©vidence des changements plastiques dans le cortex visuel des non-voyants pour le traitement de stimuli dans les modalitĂ©s auditives et tactiles. Ces rĂ©ponses Ă©taient localisĂ©es dans les rĂ©gions postĂ©rieures chez les non voyants contrairement aux contrĂŽles voyants. Un autre type de rĂ©ponse auditive a reçu moins d’intĂ©rĂȘt dans la recherche concernant la rĂ©organisation fonctionnelle en relation avec la privation sensorielle, il s’agit de la rĂ©ponse auditive oscillatoire (Auditory Steady-State Response ASSR). C’est une rĂ©ponse qui a l’avantage d’osciller au rythme de stimulation et d’ĂȘtre caractĂ©risĂ© par une rĂ©ponse des aires auditives Ă©tiquetĂ©e Ă  la frĂ©quence de stimulation. Cette Ă©tiquette se prĂ©sente sous la forme qu’un pic d’énergie spectrale important qui culmine aux frĂ©quences prĂ©sentes dans la stimulation. Elle a Ă©galement l’avantage d’ĂȘtre localisĂ©e dans les rĂ©gions auditives primaires, de lĂ  tout changement de localisation de cette rĂ©ponse chez des non voyants en faveur des rĂ©gions visuelles pourrait ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme une Ă©vidence de la rĂ©organisation fonctionnelle qui s’opĂšre aprĂšs une privation sensorielle prĂ©coce. Le but de cette thĂšse est donc d’utiliser la rĂ©ponse oscillatoire Ă  l’écoute des sons modulĂ©s en amplitude (MA) pour mettre en Ă©vidence les corrĂ©lats de la rĂ©organisation fonctionnelle dans le cortex visuel des non-voyants prĂ©coces. La modulation de la rĂ©ponse auditive dans les rĂ©gions visuelles nous permettra de montrer qu’une rĂ©organisation est possible chez les non-voyants pour ce traitement intermodal. La premiĂšre Ă©tude est une validation du paradigme expĂ©rimental «frequency tagged sounds». Il s’agit de montrer qu’une tĂąche de dĂ©tection de changement dans la stimulation, permet de moduler la rĂ©ponse ASSR aux sons modulĂ©s en amplitude en vue de l’utiliser dans les Ă©tudes chez les non voyants et dans les conditions d’une privation visuelle transitoire (avec les yeux bandĂ©s). Un groupe de sujets voyants ont rĂ©alisĂ© une tĂąche de dĂ©tection de changement dans la stimulation les yeux ouverts dans deux conditions : Ă©coute active qui consiste Ă  dĂ©tecter un changement dans la frĂ©quence porteuse de la modulation en appuyant avec l’index droit sur un bouton de rĂ©ponse et une condition d’écoute passive. Les sons Ă©taient prĂ©sentĂ©s en Ă©coute monaurale et dichotique. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© une diffĂ©rence significative Ă  l’occurrence du changement dans la stimulation en Ă©coute dichotique seulement. Les schĂ©mas de plus grande rĂ©ponse controlatĂ©rale et de suppression binaurale dĂ©crit dans la littĂ©rature ont Ă©tĂ© confirmĂ©s. La deuxiĂšme Ă©tude avait pour but de mettre en Ă©vidence une rĂ©organisation rapide de la rĂ©ponse ASSR chez un groupe de sujets voyants dans les conditions de privation visuelle transitoire de courte durĂ©e, par bandage des yeux pendant six heures. Le mĂȘme protocole expĂ©rimental que la premiĂšre Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© en Ă©coute active seulement. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que dans ces conditions une modulation de la rĂ©ponse corticale en Ă©coute dichotique dans les rĂ©gions visuelles est possible. Ces sources d’activitĂ© occipitale adoptent une propriĂ©tĂ© du cortex auditif qui est le battement binaural, c'est-Ă -dire l’oscillation de la rĂ©ponse ASSR Ă  la diffĂ©rence des frĂ©quences prĂ©sentĂ©es dans chaque oreille. Cet effet est prĂ©sent chez la moitiĂ© des sujets testĂ©s. La reprĂ©sentation corticale des sources occipitales Ă©volue durant la pĂ©riode de privation et montre un dĂ©placement des sources d’activitĂ© dans la direction antĂ©ropostĂ©rieure Ă  la fin de la pĂ©riode de privation. La troisiĂšme Ă©tude a permis de comparer le traitement de la rĂ©ponse ASSR dans un groupe de non-voyants congĂ©nitaux Ă  un groupe de voyants contrĂŽles, pour investiguer les corrĂ©lats de la rĂ©organisation fonctionnelle de cette rĂ©ponse aprĂšs une privation sensorielle de longue durĂ©e c'est-Ă -dire chez des non voyants congĂ©nitaux. Les rĂ©sultats montrent des diffĂ©rences significatives dans la reprĂ©sentation spectrale de la rĂ©ponse entre les deux groupes avec nĂ©anmoins des activations temporales importantes aussi bien chez les non voyants que chez les contrĂŽles voyants. Des sources distribuĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© localisĂ©es dans les rĂ©gions associatives auditives dans les deux groupes Ă  la diffĂ©rence des non voyants oĂč il y avait en plus l’implication des rĂ©gions temporales infĂ©rieures, connues comme Ă©tant activĂ©es par la vision des objets chez les voyants et font partie de la voie visuelle du quoi. Les rĂ©sultats prĂ©sentĂ©s dans le cadre de cette thĂšse vont dans le sens d’une rĂ©organisation rapide de la rĂ©ponse auditive oscillatoire aprĂšs une privation visuelle transitoire de courte durĂ©e par l’implication des rĂ©gions visuelles dans le traitement de la rĂ©ponse ASSR par l’intermĂ©diaire du dĂ©masquage de connections existantes entre le cortex visuel et le cortex auditif. La privation visuelle de longue durĂ©e, elle conduit Ă  des changements plastiques, d’une part intra modaux par l’extension de l’activitĂ© aux rĂ©gions temporales supĂ©rieures et mĂ©dianes. D’autre part, elle induit des changements inter modaux par l’implication fonctionnelle des rĂ©gions temporales infĂ©rieures visuelles dans le traitement des sons modulĂ©s en amplitude comme objets auditifs alors qu’elles sont normalement dĂ©diĂ©es au traitement des objets visuels. Cette rĂ©organisation passe probablement par les connections cortico-corticales.Blind persons show in their everyday life that they can efficiently adapt to visual deprivation by relying on their spared senses like touch or the sense of hearing. They also show they can challenge their environment without vision and sometimes even demonstrate superior abilities compared to sighted counterparts. In the last decades, research got more interested in adaptive capabilities of the blinds especially with the advent of new imaging techniques which made it possible to make giant steps investigating new avenues in the field of brain plasticity after sensory loss. The superior abilities of blind individuals take the form of a more efficient use of auditory and tactile information and find their neuronal correlates in the deafferented visual cortex. The visual cortex of the blind is still highly functional after visual deprivation and is recruited for the processing of cross modal auditory and tactile stimulations. It can even show implication in higher level memory or language processes. This functional involvement results from the plasticity of the visual cortex which is its ability to change its structure, its function and to adapt its interactions with the other systems in the absence of vision. Cortical plasticity is not exclusive to the visual cortex of the blind but is a permanent state of the brain. To appreciate cortical activity in the visual cortex of blind individuals, a measure of excitability of its neurons is used. This measure is represented by the recovery of the N1 component in ERPs to target detection, which is shorter in the auditory modality for the blind. Evoked potentials and evoked fields components in EEG and MEG have been shown to be reorganized in favour of the visual cortex of blind individuals compared to sighted ones for the auditory and tactile modalities. Posterior location for such components was found in the blind. The auditory steady-state response is another brain response that received less interest in the study of cortical reorganization after sensory loss. The ASSR has the advantage of oscillating at the stimulation rhythm and is characterized by a response in the auditory cortices tagged to the stimulation frequencies. The tag takes the form of an important spectral energy peak at the frequencies of stimulation in auditory areas. The ASSR is localized in left and right primary auditory areas, with this regard any posterior shift in the location of source activity in blind individuals also tagged to stimulation frequencies would be considered as an evidence of functional reorganization following sensory deprivation. The objectives of this work are to make use of the characteristics of the ASSR to amplitude modulated tones (AM) to investigate neural correlates of cross modal functional reorganization in the visual cortex of the blind for the processing of AM tones. The first study is a validation of the frequency tagging paradigm. A change detection auditory task can modulate the envelope amplitude of the ASSR response. The same paradigm is used to investigate cross modal reorganisation after long and short term visual deprivation. In this first study a group of healthy sighted individuals detected a change in the carrier frequency of AM tones, with eyes opened during monaural and dichotic listening. Two conditions were tested an active condition where they had to press a button each time they hear the change and a passive condition. Results show a significant increase in the envelope amplitude of the ASSR to the onset of the carrier frequency change, only for dichotic presentation. Patterns of activations of the ASSR were maintained, with larger responses in the hemisphere contralateral to the stimulated ear and binaural suppression for the ipsilateral inputs for the dichotic presentation. The second study was aimed to show that rapid changes in the ASSR to amplitude modulated tones (MA) are possible after short term sensory deprivation, by blindfolding sighted individuals for six hours. The same detection task was used but not the passive condition. Results show a modulation of the dichotic response in visual areas. The occipital source activity found, showed an auditory property as a binaural beat, which means an oscillating ASSR at a frequency equal to the difference of the frequencies presented to each ear. This effect was present in half of the participants and took place at the end of the blindfolding time. Cortical representation of the occipital sources showed a displacement of source activities in the antero-posterior direction at the end of transitory deprivation period. In the third study we compared the ASSR processing between early blind individuals (congenitally blind) group and healthy sighted controls group, to investigate the neural correlates of functional reorganization of this response after long term visual deprivation. Results show significant differences in the spectral representation of the response between the two groups. Important auditory temporal activations were found in the two groups. Distributed sources were localized in primary and secondary auditory areas for the two groups. A difference was found in blind individuals who showed additional activations of inferior temporal areas, known to be activated by objects vision in sighted individuals and being part of the what visual pathway. The results presented here are in line with a rapid reorganization of the ASSR after short term visual deprivation, and the implication of visual areas in the processing of AM tones for long term sensory deprivation in the congenitally blind. This was made possible by the unmasking of existing connections between auditory and visual cortices. Long term deprivation leads to plastic changes, in the auditory modality as a first step by the extension of activity to superior and middle temporal areas, then to cross modal changes with the functional involvement of inferior temporal areas in the processing of AM tones, considered as visual objects. This reorganization is likely to be mediated through lateral cortico-cortical connections

    Visual cortex recruitment during language processing in blind individuals is explained by Hebbian learning

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    In blind people, the visual cortex takes on higher cognitive functions, including language. Why this functional organisation mechanistically emerges at the neuronal circuit level is still unclear. Here, we use a biologically constrained network model implementing features of anatomical structure, neurophysiological function and connectivity of fronto-temporal-occipital areas to simulate word-meaning acquisition in visually deprived and undeprived brains. We observed that, only under visual deprivation, distributed word-related neural circuits ‘grew into’ the deprived visual areas, which therefore adopted a linguistic-semantic role. Three factors are crucial for explaining this deprivation-related growth: changes in the network’s activity balance brought about by the absence of uncorrelated sensory input, the connectivity structure of the network, and Hebbian correlation learning. In addition, the blind model revealed long-lasting spiking neural activity compared to the sighted model during word recognition, which is a neural correlate of enhanced verbal working memory. The present neurocomputational model offers a neurobiological account for neural changes followed by sensory deprivation, thus closing the gap between cellular-level mechanisms, system-level linguistic and semantic function