265 research outputs found

    Diagnosability of Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems

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    In order to more effectively cope with the real-world problems of vagueness, {\it fuzzy discrete event systems} (FDESs) were proposed recently, and the supervisory control theory of FDESs was developed. In view of the importance of failure diagnosis, in this paper, we present an approach of the failure diagnosis in the framework of FDESs. More specifically: (1) We formalize the definition of diagnosability for FDESs, in which the observable set and failure set of events are {\it fuzzy}, that is, each event has certain degree to be observable and unobservable, and, also, each event may possess different possibility of failure occurring. (2) Through the construction of observability-based diagnosers of FDESs, we investigate its some basic properties. In particular, we present a necessary and sufficient condition for diagnosability of FDESs. (3) Some examples serving to illuminate the applications of the diagnosability of FDESs are described. To conclude, some related issues are raised for further consideration.Comment: 14 pages; revisions have been mad

    Probabilistic Analysis of Predictability in Discrete Event Systems

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    International audiencePredictability is a key property allowing one to expect in advance the occurrence of a fault in a system based on its observed events. Existing works give a binary answer to the question of knowing whether a system is predictable or not. In this paper, we consider discrete event systems where probabilities of the transitions are available. We show how to take advantage of this information to perform a Markov chain based analysis and extract a variety of probability values that give a finer appreciation of the degree of predictability. This analysis is particularly important in case of non predictable systems. We consider a "light" analysis that focuses only on predictability as well as a "deep" analysis that handles in a uniform framework both predictability and diagnosability

    Diagnosability of stochastic discreteevent systems,”

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    Abstract-We investigate diagnosability of stochastic discrete-event systems where the observation of certain events is unreliable, that is, there are non-zero probabilities of the misdetection and misclassification of events based on faulty sensor readings. Such sensor unreliability is unavoidable in applications such as nuclear energy generation. We propose the notions of uA-and uAA-diagnosability for stochastic automata and demonstrate their relationship with the concepts of A-and AA-diagnosabilty defined in [1]. We extend the concept of the stochastic diagnoser to the unreliable observation paradigm and find conditions for uA-and uAA-diagnosability


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    Dynamical systems can be classified into two groups. One group is continuoustime systems that describe the physical system behavior, and therefore are typically modeled by differential equations. The other group is discrete event systems (DES)s that represent the sequential and logical behavior of a system. DESs are therefore modeled by discrete state/event models.DESs are widely used for formal verification and enforcement of desired behaviors in embedded systems. Such systems are naturally prone to faults, and the knowledge about each single fault is crucial from safety and economical point of view. Fault diagnosability verification, which is the ability to deduce about the occurrence of all failures, is one of the problems that is investigated in this thesis. Another verification problem that is addressed in this thesis is security/privacy. The two notions currentstate opacity and current-state anonymity that lie within this category, have attracted great attention in recent years, due to the progress of communication networks and mobile devices.Usually, DESs are modular and consist of interacting subsystems. The interaction is achieved by means of synchronous composition of these components. This synchronization results in large monolithic models of the total DES. Also, the complex computations, related to each specific verification problem, add even more computational complexity, resulting in the well-known state-space explosion problem.To circumvent the state-space explosion problem, one efficient approach is to exploit the modular structure of systems and apply incremental abstraction. In this thesis, a unified abstraction method that preserves temporal logic properties and possible silent loops is presented. The abstraction method is incrementally applied on the local subsystems, and it is proved that this abstraction preserves the main characteristics of the system that needs to be verified.The existence of shared unobservable events means that ordinary incremental abstraction does not work for security/privacy verification of modular DESs. To solve this problem, a combined incremental abstraction and observer generation is proposed and analyzed. Evaluations show the great impact of the proposed incremental abstraction on diagnosability and security/privacy verification, as well as verification of generic safety and liveness properties. Thus, this incremental strategy makes formal verification of large complex systems feasible

    Failure diagnosis and prognosis in stochastic discrete-event and cyber-physical systems

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    In this dissertation we study the problem of fault diagnosis in both discrete event systems and cyber physical systems. Discrete event systems (DESs) are event-driven systems with discrete states that evolve in response to abrupt occurrences of discrete changes (called events). The stochastic DESs are used to characterize the quantitative behavior of the system, by modeling the uncertainty on the occurrence of events as random variables with certain distribution. A stochastic DES is similar to the Markov chain models, with the difference being that, in stochastic DESs, the transition is labeled with the event while the event information is omitted in a Markov chain. Many physical systems, such as manufacturing systems, communication protocols, reactive software, telephone networks, traffic systems, robotics and digital hardware, can be modeled as DESs at a certain level of abstraction. Fault diagnosis is to detect the occurrence of a fault so as to enable any fault tolerant actions. It is a crucial and challenging problem that has attracted considerable attentions in the literature of software engineering, automotive systems, power systems and nuclear engineering. In this dissertation, we propose the online detection schemes for stochastic DESs and also introduce the notions of missed detections (MDs) and false alarms (FAs), or equivalently, false-negatives and false-positives, for the schemes. The idea is that given any observation (of partially observed events), the detector recursively computes the conditional probability of the nonoccurrence of a fault and issues a fault decision if the probability of the nonoccurrence of a fault falls below an appropriately chosen threshold, and issues no-decision otherwise. We establish that S-Diagnosability is a necessary and sufficient condition for achieving any desired levels of MD and FA rates, where the notion of S-Diagnosability was proposed by Thorsley, et al. in 2005, requiring that given any tolerable ambiguity level &rho and error bound &tau , there must exist a delay bound n such that for any fault trace, its extensions, longer than n and probability of ambiguity higher than &rho, occur with probability smaller than &tau . Algorithms for determining the detection scheme parameters of detection threshold and detection delay bound for the specified MD and FA rates requirement are also presented, based on the construction of an extended observer, which computes, for each observation sequence, the set of states reached in the system model, along with their probabilities and the number of post-fault transitions executed. This dissertation also studies the fault diagnosis in cyber physical systems, where the dynamics of the physical systems over discrete sample instances are described by stochastic difference equations, and the nonfault behaviors are specified by linear-time temporal logic (LTL) formulas over sequences of requirement variables that are functions of inputs and states (just as the outputs). We first introduce the notion of an input-output stochastic hybrid automaton (I/O-SHA), and then show that it can be used to model the refinement of a given discrete-time stochastic system against its LTL specification so as to identify the system behaviors that satisfy the nonfault specification versus the ones that violate it in form of reachability of a fault location. For this we propose a refinement algorithm that refines the system model in form of discrete-time stochastic equations with respect to its specification model in form of a Buchi acceptor, and the resulting refinement can be modeled as an I/O-SHA. We further show that the fault detection problem then reduces to a state estimation problem for the I/O-SHA. The performance of the detection protocol is evaluated in terms of its FA and MD rates. We additionally propose the notion of S-Diagnosability for I/O-SHA, which can guarantee the existence of detectors that can achieve any desired FA and MD rates. We further consider the fault prognosis problem, where the goal is to predict a fault prior to its occurrence, for stochastic DESs. We introduce m-steps Stochastic-Prognosability, or simply Sm-Prognosability, requiring for any tolerance level &rho and error bound &tau , there exists a reaction bound k &ge m, such that the set of fault traces for which a fault cannot be predicted k steps in advance with tolerance level &rho, occurs with probability smaller than &tau . Similar to the fault diagnosis problem, we formalize the notion of a prognoser that maps observations to decisions by comparing a suitable statistic with a threshold, and show that Sm-Prognosability is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a prognoser with reaction bound at least m (i.e., prediction at least m-steps prior to the occurrence of a fault) that can achieve any specified FA and MD rate requirement. Moreover, we provide a polynomial algorithm for verifying Sm-Prognosability

    Diagnosability-Based Sensor Placement through Structural Model Decomposition

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    Systems health management, and in particular fault diagnosis, is important for ensuring safe, correct, and efficient operation of complex engineering systems. The performance of an online health monitoring system depends critically on the available sensors of the system. However, the set of selected sensors is subject to many constraints, such as cost and weight, and hence, these sensors must be selected judiciously. This paper presents an offline design-time sensor placement approach for complex systems. Our diagnosis method is built upon the analysis of model-based residuals, which are computed using structural model decomposition. Sensor placement in this framework manifests as a residual selection problem, and we aim to find the set of residuals that achieves single-fault diagnosability of the system, uses the minimum number of sensors, and corresponds to the best model decomposition for the best distribution of the diagnosis system. We present a set of algorithms for solving this problem and compare their performance in terms of computational complexity and optimality of solutions. We demonstrate the approach using a benchmark multi-tank system

    Supervisory Control and Analysis of Partially-observed Discrete Event Systems

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    Nowadays, a variety of real-world systems fall into discrete event systems (DES). In practical scenarios, due to facts like limited sensor technique, sensor failure, unstable network and even the intrusion of malicious agents, it might occur that some events are unobservable, multiple events are indistinguishable in observations, and observations of some events are nondeterministic. By considering various practical scenarios, increasing attention in the DES community has been paid to partially-observed DES, which in this thesis refer broadly to those DES with partial and/or unreliable observations. In this thesis, we focus on two topics of partially-observed DES, namely, supervisory control and analysis. The first topic includes two research directions in terms of system models. One is the supervisory control of DES with both unobservable and uncontrollable events, focusing on the forbidden state problem; the other is the supervisory control of DES vulnerable to sensor-reading disguising attacks (SD-attacks), which is also interpreted as DES with nondeterministic observations, addressing both the forbidden state problem and the liveness-enforcing problem. Petri nets (PN) are used as a reference formalism in this topic. First, we study the forbidden state problem in the framework of PN with both unobservable and uncontrollable transitions, assuming that unobservable transitions are uncontrollable. For ordinary PN subject to an admissible Generalized Mutual Exclusion Constraint (GMEC), an optimal on-line control policy with polynomial complexity is proposed provided that a particular subnet, called observation subnet, satisfies certain conditions in structure. It is then discussed how to obtain an optimal on-line control policy for PN subject to an arbitrary GMEC. Next, we still consider the forbidden state problem but in PN vulnerable to SD-attacks. Assuming the control specification in terms of a GMEC, we propose three methods to derive on-line control policies. The first two lead to an optimal policy but are computationally inefficient for large-size systems, while the third method computes a policy with timely response even for large-size systems but at the expense of optimality. Finally, we investigate the liveness-enforcing problem still assuming that the system is vulnerable to SD-attacks. In this problem, the plant is modelled as a bounded PN, which allows us to off-line compute a supervisor starting from constructing the reachability graph of the PN. Then, based on repeatedly computing a more restrictive liveness-enforcing supervisor under no attack and constructing a basic supervisor, an off-line method that synthesizes a liveness-enforcing supervisor tolerant to an SD-attack is proposed. In the second topic, we care about the verification of properties related to system security. Two properties are considered, i.e., fault-predictability and event-based opacity. The former is a property in the literature, characterizing the situation that the occurrence of any fault in a system is predictable, while the latter is a newly proposed property in the thesis, which describes the fact that secret events of a system cannot be revealed to an external observer within their critical horizons. In the case of fault-predictability, DES are modeled by labeled PN. A necessary and sufficient condition for fault-predictability is derived by characterizing the structure of the Predictor Graph. Furthermore, two rules are proposed to reduce the size of a PN, which allow us to analyze the fault-predictability of the original net by verifying that of the reduced net. When studying event-based opacity, we use deterministic finite-state automata as the reference formalism. Considering different scenarios, we propose four notions, namely, K-observation event-opacity, infinite-observation event-opacity, event-opacity and combinational event-opacity. Moreover, verifiers are proposed to analyze these properties

    Discrete and hybrid methods for the diagnosis of distributed systems

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    Many important activities of modern society rely on the proper functioning of complex systems such as electricity networks, telecommunication networks, manufacturing plants and aircrafts. The supervision of such systems must include strong diagnosis capability to be able to effectively detect the occurrence of faults and ensure appropriate corrective measures can be taken in order to recover from the faults or prevent total failure. This thesis addresses issues in the diagnosis of large complex systems. Such systems are usually distributed in nature, i.e. they consist of many interconnected components each having their own local behaviour. These components interact together to produce an emergent global behaviour that is complex. As those systems increase in complexity and size, their diagnosis becomes increasingly challenging. In the first part of this thesis, a method is proposed for diagnosis on distributed systems that avoids a monolithic global computation. The method, based on converting the graph of the system into a junction tree, takes into account the topology of the system in choosing how to merge local diagnoses on the components while still obtaining a globally consistent result. The method is shown to work well for systems with tree or near-tree structures. This method is further extended to handle systems with high clustering by selectively ignoring some connections that would still allow an accurate diagnosis to be obtained. A hybrid system approach is explored in the second part of the thesis, where continuous dynamics information on the system is also retained to help better isolate or identify faults. A hybrid system framework is presented that models both continuous dynamics and discrete evolution in dynamical systems, based on detecting changes in the fundamental governing dynamics of the system rather than on residual estimation. This makes it possible to handle systems that might not be well characterised and where parameter drift is present. The discrete aspect of the hybrid system model is used to derive diagnosability conditions using indicator functions for the detection and isolation of multiple, arbitrary sequential or simultaneous events in hybrid dynamical networks. Issues with diagnosis in the presence of uncertainty in measurements due sensor or actuator noise are addressed. Faults may generate symptoms that are in the same order of magnitude as the latter. The use of statistical techniques,within a hybrid system framework, is proposed to detect these elusive fault symptoms and translate this information into probabilities for the actual operational mode and possibility of transition between modes which makes it possible to apply probabilistic analysis on the system to handle the underlying uncertainty present