1,121 research outputs found

    Simulating the deep decarbonisation of residential heating for limiting global warming to 1.5C

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    Whole-economy scenarios for limiting global warming to 1.5C suggest that direct carbon emissions in the buildings sector should decrease to almost zero by 2050, but leave unanswered the question how this could be achieved by real-world policies. We take a modelling-based approach for simulating which policy measures could induce an almost-complete decarbonisation of residential heating, the by far largest source of direct emissions in residential buildings. Under which assumptions is it possible, and how long would it take? Policy effectiveness highly depends on behavioural decision- making by households, especially in a context of deep decarbonisation and rapid transformation. We therefore use the non-equilibrium bottom-up model FTT:Heat to simulate policies for a transition towards low-carbon heating in a context of inertia and bounded rationality, focusing on the uptake of heating technologies. Results indicate that the near-zero decarbonisation is achievable by 2050, but requires substantial policy efforts. Policy mixes are projected to be more effective and robust for driving the market of efficient low-carbon technologies, compared to the reliance on a carbon tax as the only policy instrument. In combination with subsidies for renewables, near-complete decarbonisation could be achieved with a residential carbon tax of 50-200Euro/tCO2. The policy-induced technology transition would increase average heating costs faced by households initially, but could also lead to cost reductions in most world regions in the medium term. Model projections illustrate the uncertainty that is attached to household behaviour for prematurely replacing heating systems

    Demographic Profiles and Procrastination of Employees: Relationships and Determinants

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    Procrastination is a plague that affects an individual’s working attitude and behavior. In relation, the organization will also suffer and its constituents along the way. This study assessed the demographic profile and the degree of procrastination among selected employees from a higher education institution in Central Luzon, Philippines. The study used a descriptive-correlational design with an adapted questionnaire from McCloskey (2011) as an instrument. A total of 70 individuals took part in the survey wherein the researcher used convenience sampling. The study found that the respondents from the administrative office and faculty were equal in number; they belong to the age bracket of 21-30 years old; dominated by males and are single with 1-5 years in service. Also, based on their response, the respondents often subject themselves to procrastination. In addition, there was also an indirect relationship between procrastination and civil status. Furthermore, regression analysis determined that age and civil status is a significant predictor of procrastination. Based on the aforementioned results, the researcher concluded that certain demographic profiles determine the procrastination of an employee. Lastly, the study provided some pertinent recommendation which will benefit both the employees and the organization

    Fear of Failure, Mindfulness, and Procrastination

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    Procrastination is a complex behavior with often negative consequences. Prior studies have found a positive correlation between procrastination and various negative emotional states, such as fear of failure. Conversely, specific mindfulness techniques, have been negatively associated with procrastination in prior research. The current study set out to examine the correlations of fear of failure and procrastination as well as those of mindfulness and procrastination. A sample of university students (n=310) were assessed using three scales: the Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory (PFAI), the Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS), and the Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS). Results indicated a significant positive correlation between total fear of failure and total procrastination; total fear of failure and decisional procrastination; total fear of failure and timeliness/lateness; fear of important others losing interest and total procrastination; fear of important others losing interest and timeliness/lateness; fear of having an uncertain future and timeliness/lateness; and fear of experiencing shame or embarrassment and total procrastination. Findings indicated a significant negative correlation between acting with awareness and total procrastination; acting with awareness and delay in implementation; and describing and decisional procrastination. These findings support the view that, overall, fear of failure and procrastination are positively correlated and mindfulness and procrastination are inversely correlated. They point to further research being needed relative to whether mindfulness can play an intermediary role between the experience of fear of failure and procrastinatory behavior

    August 31, 1989

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    The Breeze is the student newspaper of James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia

    Learning to build a sustainable peace: "local ownership" and peacebuilding practices. The case of justice reform in Haiti

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    The debate on local ownership in peacebuilding policies is relatively recent, inherited from the reflection on aid efficiency and sustainability. When focusing on its application at the field level, like in the Haitian case, it becomes evident that its inclusion in the peacebuilding doctrine of all major donors has not had a correspondence at the strategic and operative levels. This article is the result of a research in the field on how the concept of “local ownership” in peacebuilding efforts is put into practice and perceived by different stakeholders. The authors focused on the on-going Justice reform in Haiti before the Earthquake of January 2010 to better understand the dynamics between international and local actors, from the policy definition stage to their application at the country level

    Applying Insights from Behavioral Economics to Policy Design

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    The premise of this article is that an understanding of psychology and other social science disciplines can inform the effectiveness of the eco- nomic tools traditionally deployed in carrying out the functions of government, which include remedying market failures, redistributing income, and collecting tax revenue. An understanding of psychology can also lead to the development of different policy tools that better motivate desired behavior change or that are more cost-effective than traditional policy tools. The article outlines a framework for thinking about the psychology of behavior change in the context of market fail- ures. It then describes the research on the effects of a variety of interven- tions rooted in an understanding of psychology that have policy-relevant applications. The article concludes by discussing how an understanding of psychology can also inform the use and design of traditional policy tools for behavior change, such as financial incentives

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    A General Framework of Flawed Decision Making

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    Ubiquitous empirical evidence suggests that economic agents strive towards but often fail to maximize utility. Yet there is no consensus on how to best model deviations from optimal behaviour. This paper reviews and analyses the foundation of the utility maximization model and proposes a more general framework that is consistent with – but also allows for deviations from – utility maximization. The framework assumes a complete, reflexive, transitive and continuous binary preference relation, guaranteeing the existence of a utility function. This approach provides a clear theoretical perspective on behaviour that appears to be inconsistent with utility maximization. When applied to a standard supply-demand schedule, the framework implies that market clearing quantities are inefficiently low, even when agents make optimal decisions on average but deviate from optimal decisions in general

    Методичні вказівки для підготовки аспірантів та здобувачів до складання кандидатського іспиту з англійської мови

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    Тести з лексики, граматики та читання призначені для аудиторної та самостійної роботи аспірантів та здобувачів, які готуються складати кандидатський іспит з англійської мови. Тести мають за мету перевірити рівень досягнення мовних знань та навичок на кінцевому етапі підготовки до іспиту. Тести можуть бути також застосовані для самоконтролю та самооцінки умінь ознайомлювального читання загальнонаукової літератури