3,617 research outputs found

    Deep Neural Network and Data Augmentation Methodology for off-axis iris segmentation in wearable headsets

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    A data augmentation methodology is presented and applied to generate a large dataset of off-axis iris regions and train a low-complexity deep neural network. Although of low complexity the resulting network achieves a high level of accuracy in iris region segmentation for challenging off-axis eye-patches. Interestingly, this network is also shown to achieve high levels of performance for regular, frontal, segmentation of iris regions, comparing favorably with state-of-the-art techniques of significantly higher complexity. Due to its lower complexity, this network is well suited for deployment in embedded applications such as augmented and mixed reality headsets

    Designing mobile augmented reality art applications:addressing the views of the galleries and the artists

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    The utilization of mobile augmented reality to display gallery artworks or museum content in novel ways is a well-established concept in the augmented reality research community. However, the focus of these systems is generally technologically driven or only addresses the end user and not the views of the gallery or the original artist. In this paper we discuss the design and development of the mobile application ?Taking the Artwork Home?, which allows people to digitally curate their own augmented reality art exhibitions in their own homes by digitally ?replacing? the pictures they have on their walls with content from the Peter Scott Gallery in Lancaster. In particular, we present the insights gained from a research through design methodology that allowed us to consider how the views of the gallery and artists impacted on the system design and therefore the user experience. Thus the final artifact is the result of an iterative evaluation process with over 100 users representing a broad range of demographics and continues to be evaluated/enhanced by observing its operation ?in the wild?. Further, we consider the effect the project has had on gallery practices to enable both augmented reality designers, and galleries and museums to maximize the potential application of the technology when working together on such project

    Augmented Reality: Hard Problems of Law and Policy

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    Augmented reality (AR) technologies are poised to enter the commercial mainstream. Using an interdisciplinary research team, we describe our vision of AR and explore the unique and difficult problems AR presents for law and policy—including around privacy, free speech, discrimination, and safety.https://digitalcommons.law.uw.edu/techlab/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Superar el límite de la pantalla:el futuro integrado del diseño industrial e innovación de la interfaz

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Bellas Artes, leída el 27-11-2019The goals of this thesis are to streamline the design process of CDDs for both theirhardware and software, simplify the process of their conception, creation andproduction, motivate the design and interactive innovations for the next generationof CDDs.Starting with the process of investigating the design history of CDDs, we noticed theincreasing bi-directional influence between the graphical interface design and theindustrial design of these products. We started to work on the hypothesis:“A connection point between classical industrial design theories and moderninnovations in the world of interface design can be found, and the future of CDDrequires a universal design system for both its hardware and software.”In order to put our hypothesis into practice, it is important to clarify the generic andspecific objectives...El fin de esta tesis es mejorar el proceso de diseño de DDC tanto para su hardware como para su software, simplificar el proceso de concepción, creación y producción,así como motivar el diseño y las innovaciones interactivas para la próxima generación de DDC. Comenzando con un proceso de investigación que respete la historia del diseño de los DDC, notamos un incremento en la influencia bidireccional entre el diseño de interfaz gráfica y el diseño industrial de estos productos. Trabajamos sobre esta hipótesis: “Se puede encontrar un punto de conexión entre las teorías clásicas de diseño industrial y las innovaciones modernas en el mundo del diseño de interfaz. El futuro de los DDC requiere un sistema de diseño unificado para ambos: hardware y software.”Para poner nuestra hipótesis en práctica, es importante aclarar los objetivos genéricos y específicos...Fac. de Bellas ArtesTRUEunpu

    Optimization of Computer generated holography rendering and optical design for a compact and large eyebox Augmented Reality glass

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    Thesis (Master of Science in Informatics)--University of Tsukuba, no. 41288, 2019.3.2

    Augmented reality and its aspects: a case study for heating systems

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáThanks to the advances of technology in various domains, and the mixing between real and virtual worlds. Allowed this master’s thesis to explore concepts related to virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and extended reality (XR). The development and comparison of Android applications and Microsoft HoloLens aimed to solve a deadlock in the recognition of instructions by the users. We used an interactive manual of assembly and disassembly for taps of residential heaters. Therefore, this work deals with three main parts. Firstly, the exploration of the concepts of VR, AR, MR, and XR. Secondly, 3D modeling and animations techniques. Finally, the development of applications using Vuforia, Wikitude, and MRTK. The users tried our application “HeaterGuideAR” to verify the effectiveness of the instruction passed by the interactive manual. Only a few users had some difficulties at the beginning of the trials. Thus, it was necessary to provide aid tools. However, other users were able to disassemble the faucet without any external help. We suggest continuing this work with more explorations, models, and situations.Graças aos últimos avanços tecnológicos em diversas áreas deram a possibilidade de fazer a mistura do mundo real com o virtual. É com este intuito que esta tese de mestrado veio expor os conceitos relacionados à realidade virtual (RV), realidade aumentada (RA), realidade mista (RM) e realidade estendida (RE). O desenvolvimento e comparação de aplicativos Android e Microsoft HoloLens teve como objetivo resolver um impasse no entendimento de instruções por parte dos usuários. Utilizamos um manual interativo para montagem e desmontagem de torneiras de aquecedores residenciais. Este trabalho, portanto, lida com três partes principais. Na primeira, a exploração dos conceitos de RV, RA, RM e RE. Na segunda, modelagem 3D e técnicas de animações. E por fim, o desenvolvimento de aplicações usando Vuforia, Wikitude e MRTK. A aplicação “HeaterGuideAR” foi testada pelos usuários afim de verificar a eficácia da instrução passada pelo manual interativo. Apenas alguns usuários tiveram algumas dificuldades no início dos testes. Sendo que, foi necessário fornecer algumas ferramentas de auxílio. Mesmo assim, outros usuários conseguiram desmontar a torneira sem ajuda externa. Sugerimos continuar este trabalho com mais explorações, modelos e situações.Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paran

    Augmented reality over maps

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia InformáticaMaps and Geographic Information System (GIS) play a major role in modern society, particularly on tourism, navigation and personal guidance. However, providing geographical information of interest related to individual queries remains a strenuous task. The main constraints are (1) the several information scales available, (2) the large amount of information available on each scale, and (3) difficulty in directly infer a meaningful geographical context from text, pictures, or diagrams that are used by most user-aiding systems. To that extent, and to overcome the aforementioned difficulties, we develop a solution which allows the overlap of visual information over the maps being queried — a method commonly referred to as Augmented Reality (AR). With that in mind, the object of this dissertation is the research and implementation of a method for the delivery of visual cartographic information over physical (analogue) and digital two-dimensional (2D) maps utilizing AR. We review existing state-of-art solutions and outline their limitations across different use cases. Afterwards, we provide a generic modular solution for a multitude of real-life applications, to name a few: museums, fairs, expositions, and public street maps. During the development phase, we take into consideration the trade-off between speed and accuracy in order to develop an accurate and real-time solution. Finally, we demonstrate the feasibility of our methods with an application on a real use case based on a map of the city of Oporto, in Portugal.Mapas e Sistema de Informação Geográfica (GIS) desempenham um papel importante na sociedade, particularmente no turismo, navegação e orientação pessoal. No entanto, fornecer informações geográficas de interesse a consultas dos utilizadores é uma tarefa árdua. Os principais dificuldades são (1) as várias escalas de informações disponíveis, (2) a grande quantidade de informação disponível em cada escala e (3) dificuldade em inferir diretamente um contexto geográfico significativo a partir dos textos, figuras ou diagramas usados. Assim, e para superar as dificuldades mencionadas, desenvolvemos uma solução que permite a sobreposição de informações visuais sobre os mapas que estão a ser consultados - um método geralmente conhecido como Realidade Aumentada (AR). Neste sentido, o objetivo desta dissertação é a pesquisa e implementação de um método para a visualização de informações cartográficas sobre mapas 2D físicos (analógicos) e digitais utilizando AR. Em primeiro lugar, analisamos o estado da arte juntamente com as soluções existentes e também as suas limitações nas diversas utilizações possíveis. Posteriormente, fornecemos uma solução modular genérica para uma várias aplicações reais tais como: museus, feiras, exposições e mapas públicos de ruas. Durante a fase de desenvolvimento, tivemos em consideração o compromisso entre velocidade e precisão, a fim de desenvolver uma solução precisa que funciona em tempo real. Por fim, demonstramos a viabilidade de nossos métodos com uma aplicação num caso de uso real baseado num mapa da cidade do Porto (Portugal)

    Localization, tracking and guidance with Android app

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    Nowadays the total or partial evacuation of a building in the event of an alarm is based on the user knowledge of the evacuation plan. The purpose of this project is to provide a complementary solution to the emergency evacuation plan. It will help the user during the evacuation process to reach the designated assembly area through mobile technologies and indoor location. Therefore, an Augmented Reality mobile application has been developed for smartphones with Android OS. The application detects the user position by indoor positioning technology and guides him through the building by visual signals in order to reach the designed assembly area.Avui en dia la evacuació total o parcial d'un edifici en cas d'alarma es basa en el coneixement dels usuaris del pla d'evacuació. En aquest projecte es proposa una solució que complementi el pla d'evacuació i ajudi als usuaris durant el procés d'evacuació a arribar al punt de reunió amb l'ajuda de tecnologies mòbils i de localització indoor. Per això es proposa el desenvolupament d'una aplicació mòbil de Realitat Augmentada per fer servir en smartphones amb Android OS. Aquesta aplicació detecta la posició de l'usuari mitjançant tecnologia de posicionament indoor i el guia per l'edifici mitjançant senyals visuals per arribar a un punt de reunió.Hoy en día la evacuación total o parcial de un edificio en caso de alarma se basa en el conocimiento de los usuarios del plan de evacuación. En este proyecto se propone una solución que complemente al plan de evacuación y ayude al usuario durante el proceso de evacuación a llegar al punto de reunión con la ayuda de tecnologías móviles y de localización indoor. Para ello se propone el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil de Realidad Aumentada para utilizar en smartphones con Android OS. La aplicación detecta la posición del usuario mediante tecnología de posicionamiento indoor y le guía a través del edificio mediante señales visuales para llegar a un punto de reunión