16 research outputs found

    Design and Manufacture of Wireless Monitoring system of Photovoltaic Generation Employing Raspberry PI 3

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    This paper recounts design and development the realtime and wireless monitoring systems to observed the characteristics and performanced of the solar photovoltaic (pv) energy generation. The monitoring systems designed used the Raspberry Pi 3 as the data processing center, the voltage divider as the voltage sensor, ACS712 as the current sensor, DHT as the temperature sensor, and BH1750 as the solar irradiation sensor. The measurements of the pv generation characteristics are carried out all the time in real time. The monitoring systems developed has calibrated with standard measuring instruments. The measurement data has processed, sent and stored in the database via the internet. The MySQL database with single user interface using the Web-based programming language has employed. This research has proven that the system designed to functioning properly and correctly to achieve the objectived. The novelty of these project are the pv wireless monitoring systems techniques with the simple device resources, capable of showing maximum performanced

    Android-based Rooftop Solar Power Plant Capacity Calculator Application Development

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    The utilization of solar energy to produce electrical energy in the form of a rooftop solar power generation system (PLTS) is an option to anticipate fossil energy scarcity and reduce pollution. The Indonesian government also urges the public to participate in using PLTS. However, until now there are only 4000 users throughout Indonesia. The main problem with the small number of PV mini-grid users is the difficulty of obtaining information related to the material requirements and costs for building a PV mini-grid system. Therefore, this research then proposes the creation of an application that can provide convenience for the community to calculate the capacity requirements of PLTS and its costs according to the electrical equipment that is operated as needed. This article contains the process of designing, manufacturing and testing an application for calculating the capacity and cost of a PV mini-grid. The design sprint method used in this research is in the design and manufacturing process. While the application testing uses the black box and usability testing. The final result of the testing process shows that with the black box testing method by 3 experts, it is known that all functions of the application are 100% "Valid" which is already functioning according to the design. Meanwhile, the results of usability testing with 30 respondents resulted in a usability level of 82.83. Based on the standard usability scale system, the usability testing results obtained are included in the "Very Useful" predicate and are ready to be used by the community


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    Sampah saat ini menjadi barang wajib setiap rumah tangga dan kalangan lainnya untuk itu ditemukan inovasi yaitu pembangkit listrik tenaga sampah yang bahan bakarnya ialah sampah, namun pemantauan yang efektif diperlukan untuk kinerja yang optimal, sistem ini terdiri dari sensor WZPT PT100, XIDIBEI XDB305, Sensor Level yang di program melalui PLC Haiwell, dan Toky Meter yang di monitoring melalui SCADA. Sensor – sensor ini mengumpulkan data berupa Suhu(ºC), Tekanan(Bar), Level Air, Tegangan(V), Arus(I), Frekuensi(Hz), Daya Aktif(Watt), Daya Reaktif(VAR), Daya Semu(VA), Power Factor, Kwh, yang di dalam PLTSa kampus ITN II Malang, dalam sistem ini kami menggunakan PLC Haiwell sebagai pembaca sensor analog dan Toky Meter, data yang terbaca di PLC Haiwell, dan Toky Meter akan diambil register addres nya dan di setting di Scada Haiwell yang menggunakan komunikasi Ethernet. Hasil dari skripsi ini diharapkan dapat memberi wawasan dan kontribusi dalam sistem Scada Haiwell dalam pengelolaan pembangkit listrik tenaga sampah mikro. Sistem ini memiliki potensi bagus dalam hal monitoring dan kontrol, serta dapat bermanfaat untuk di pltsa lain. Kata Kunci : PLC Haiwell, Scada Haiwell, PLTs

    Design and Implementation of Distributed Identity and Access Management Framework for Internet of Things (IoT) Enabled Distribution Automation

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    The smart grid and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies play vital roles in improving the quality of services offered in traditional electrical grid. They open a room for the introduction of new services like distribution automation (DA) that has a significant advantage to both utility companies and final consumers. DA integrates sensors, actuators, intelligent electrical devices (IED) and information and communication technologies to monitor and control electrical grid. However, the integration of these technologies poses security threats to the electrical grid like Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, false data injection attacks, and masquerading attacks like system node impersonation that can transmit wrong readings, resulting in false alarm reports and hence leading to incorrect node actuation. To overcome these challenges, researchers have proposed a centralized public key infrastructure (PKI) with bridged certificate authority (CA) which is prone to DoS attacks. Moreover, the proposed blockchain based distributed identity and access management (DIAM) in IoT domain at the global scale is adding communicational and computational overheads. Also. It is imposing new security threats to the DA system by integrating it with online services like IoTEX and IoTA. For those reasons, this study proposes a DIAM security scheme to secure IoT-enabled distribution automation. The scheme divides areas into clusters and each cluster has a device registry and a registry controller. The registry controller is a command line tool to access and manage a device registry. The results show that the scheme can prevent impersonated and non-legitimate system nodes and users from accessing the system by imposing role-based access control (RBAC) at the cluster level. Keywords: Distributed Identity and Access Management; Electrical Secondary Distribution Network; Internet of Things; IoT Enabled Distribution Automation; Smart Grid Securit

    Pengembangan Cloud SCADA 1.3 sebagai otomasi industri jarak jauh

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    Kegiatan produksi industry sangat tergantung oleh kemajuan teknologi dan otomasinya. Kemajuan otomasi industri sangat mempengaruhi kualitas dan kuantitas hasil produksi. SCADA Automation system merupakan teknologi yang digunakan untuk otomasi industry. Pengoperasian SCADA memerlukan tenaga ahli yang menguasai dasar, desain, dan pengaturan semua unit yang akan dikontrol. Untuk mencetak tenaga ahli yang berkompenten diperlukan alat pembelajaran yang tepat untuk mewadahi sarana pendidikan di universitas dan sekolah kejuruan. Minimnya produksi alat praktikum SCADA dalam negeri menjadi kendala besar untuk menvisualisasi kurikulum. Tuntutan perubahan kurikulum disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan kemajuan teknologi masa kini. Jika mengandalkan alat pratikum buatan luar negeri maka diperlukan waktu dan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Pembelajaran alat praktikum yang didatangkan dari luar negeri kadangkala tidak selaras dengan kurikulum di indonesia. Untuk menunjang SDM yang sesuai dengan tuntutan industry maka kurikulum pembelajaran harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan industry. Berdasar latar belakang tersebut maka penelitian ini mengembangkan alat praktikum SCADA sebagai otomasi industry dengan kurikulum yang sesuai dengan pembelajaran di Indonesia. Pengembangan Cloud SCADA 1.3 dikembangkan dengan mengaplikasikan revolusi teknologi 4.0 sebagai teknologi monitoring dan kendali jarak jauh. Hasil produk memberikan inovasi training kits produk dalam negeri yang sesuai dengan kurikulum dan tuntutan industry sebagai penunjang pembalajaran. Kata kunci: Training kits, SCADA, Otomasi industri, Io

    Remote Monitoring, Control and Data Visualization for a Solar Water Pumping System

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    Access to clean water is a significant challenge in many regions, including Sukkur, Pakistan. The effective management of water resources is a critical challenge, particularly in areas with limited access to surface water sources. This paper presents a remote monitoring of water pumping system designed to address water distribution challenges in Sukkur, Pakistan. The system utilizes a combination of hardware components, including Arduino Uno, Raspberry Pi 2, ultrasonic sensor, and GSM modules, to enable remote monitoring, control, and data visualization. The system architecture incorporates Node-RED, a powerful flow-based programming tool, to facilitate data communication, storage, and visualization. To enable remote monitoring and control, users can send SMS commands to the Arduino Uno, connected to the GSM module, to query the system's status and control the pump's operation. Additionally, a mobile application developed using the MIT App Inventor platform allows users to interact with the system, visualize real-time and historical data, and receive updates on water levels and pump status. The Raspberry Pi 2 serves as a server and cloud storage for the system

    Impact of IoT on Renewable Energy

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    The emerging computing technology in this era is the Internet of Things. The network of intelligence that bridges various devices, systems located in remote locations together by means of cloud portal. IoT maybe equipped with millions or billions of devices. IoT handles large volume of data, process the huge data and performs useful control actions to make our life safe and simple. IoT evolves Human-human communication with thing-thing communication. IoT applications are not confined to a particular sector. In the fields such as health care, smart homes, industries, transportation, etc., the technology which is more influential is IoT. Energy sectors are now undergoing transformation. The transformation is driven by IOT. Green energy without IoT cannot be imagined in this energy sector. Renewable energy sources will be the major power producers among all the other sources due to the depletion of conventional energy sources. Among the renewable energy sources, Solar and Wind contributes more when compared to geothermal, biomass, etc. Renewable energy power production depends on environmental factors such as temperature, wind speed, light intensity etc. These factors affect the performance of energy conversion in renewable energy sources. Since our future generation will depend only on renewable energy, it becomes necessary for the researchers to integrate IOT to provide reliable and affordable energy. Renewable power generation helps in reducing the toxic level of gases which may be produced by thermal power stations during power generation. IoT brings about changes from generation to transmission to distribution. For example, let us compare the traditional grid with that of the smart grid. In the case of traditional one-way communication exists that is power produced from the power station is transmitted to the customer. The customer has to pay for the energy consumed. But smart grid has two-way communication. The customer has the capability to pay for the energy consumed only and if excess power produced can be transmitted to the grid. IoT helps in analyzing the demand as well the wastage of energy, helps in scheduling the load in order to reduce the cost. The sensors and data sciences with IOT helps in achieving the automation and intelligent operation of renewable energy farms, increases the efficiency and reliability of the farms to meet our future power demand

    Monitoring and Control Design of Automatic Transfer Switch-Automatic Main Failure with Human Machine Interface (HMI)

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    Automatic transfer switch-Automatic main failure is a commonly used technology for shifting supply from PLN to a generator in the case of a PLN blackout. The ATS-AMF module system frequently employs a PLC, which comes at a high cost, and the system alarm information only is seen by the user close to the system. The purpose of this research is to design an automatic transfer switch-automatic main failure system that used SCADA to improve the reliability of electricity supply by providing notification alarm information and buzzers. This research contribution is a development of an automatic transfer switch-automatic main failure, which can be used as a simulator for studies on measuring voltage, current, power, and frequency of main power supply in real cases. Furthermore, this instrument is used fuel level and temperature measures for its backup power (Genset), the result of measures will be monitored SCADA system with the available failure data, alarm logs, and status logs recorded in historical data, which is designed at a low cost and is easy to use. This information result of the measured sensor will be transferred in real-time to the SCADA system, so can be directly obtained for analysis. The main components for this system are microcontroller STM32 Nucleo, PZEM 004T sensor, ultrasonic sensor, DS18B20 sensor, ethernet, and VTSCADA. The result of this system is the temperature detects 89oC, and alarm information has been sounded with the statement “Genset Temperature Warning HIGH” thus instructing the generator to turn off the system. Meanwhile, based on the results of the fuel adjustment test, SCADA gives the information “Genset Fuel Level Warning LOW” when setting the fuel at 36%. The data historical viewer that stores up to 6 months and alarm information for the warning system on the SCADA has been successfully designed

    Sistema de acceso y monitoreo remoto a un servidor en la nube para gestionar los datos del procesamiento de línea de harina en Chimú Agropecuaria - Trujillo

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    Este proyecto de investigación tuvo como objetivo desarrollar un sistema de acceso y monitoreo remoto a un servidor en la nube. La población fue la empresa Chimú Agropecuaria S.A. y la muestra la línea de procesamiento de harina. Además, podríamos mencionar que el tipo de investigación fue aplicada tecnológica con un enfoque cuantitativo - descriptivo. Luego de analizar las opciones disponibles para desarrollar el servidor en la nube, se optó por utilizar la plataforma Ubidots, donde además de almacenar la información del procesamiento de harina, se diseñó una interfaz gráfica para la visualización de datos previo registro para permitir el acceso solo al personal autorizado. También se optó por utilizar Google Drive para exportar la información del proceso en varios formatos de presentación para la elaboración de reportes. Mientras que para segmentar la red administrativa de la red de automatización se emplearon VLAN’s configuradas con el software Packet Tracer. Los resultados de las pruebas realizadas demostraron que la información del proceso fue accesible,se mantuvo la integridad de los datos y se presentaron en formato legible conforme a lo requerido por el departamento de TI. Además, el sistema solo permitió el acceso a usuarios registrados previamente y rechazó a los que no se encontraban en su base de datos. Asimismo, se logró segmentar la red administrativa de la red de automatización para evitar accesos no autorizados

    Remote control and monitoring of a solar water pumping system using cellular network for Sukkur Pakistan

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    In an era marked by increasing global concerns about sustainability and the responsible use of natural resources, the demand for efficient water management systems has taken center stage. This demand is particularly pronounced in regions like Sukkur, Pakistan, where access to surface water is limited, and the need for innovative irrigation solutions is paramount. Addressing this critical challenge head-on, this thesis presents a groundbreaking approach to the design and implementation of a renewable energy-driven water pumping system. At its core, this research seeks to confront environmental issues, drive cost-effectiveness, and promote sustainability by seamlessly integrating solar energy with cutting-edge technological advancements. In the context of Sukkur's unique landscape, this system harnesses the power of photovoltaic energy, augmented by energy storage capabilities in batteries. This symbiotic relationship between solar power and energy storage ensures uninterrupted operation of a submersible AC pump, thus guaranteeing the efficient and sustainable delivery of water—an essential component in meeting Sukkur's irrigation needs. One of the standout features of this research is the development of an integrated microcontroller-based system. This system enables real-time monitoring and the logging of critical operational parameters such as solar irradiance, water levels, and pump status. The inclusion of a GSM module takes system functionality to the next level by providing immediate visibility into the system's status and allowing for remote control. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also ensures convenience for end-users, who can now manage the system from afar. Moreover, this research leverages sophisticated data analysis software and custom-built applications to create user-friendly interfaces for data visualization. These interfaces empower users with comprehensive insights into system performance, making it easier to make informed decisions and optimize system operation. Highlighting quantitative results and economic benefits underscores the practical implications of the proposed system. By quantifying the impact in terms of energy savings, cost reductions, and environmental benefits, this work reinforces the significance of adopting such innovative approaches. Furthermore, this research contributes not only to the immediate challenge of sustainable water pumping in Sukkur but also sets a precedent for the broader utilization of renewable energy resources in addressing critical irrigation needs worldwide. It serves as a testament to the power of innovative thinking and technology in shaping a more sustainable and resource-conscious future. As the global community grapples with the urgent need to balance economic development with environmental preservation, this thesis stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating how cutting-edge solutions can lead us toward a more sustainable and prosperous future