7,802 research outputs found

    Study of dynamics of structured knowledge: Qualitative analysis of different mapping approaches

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    The authors compared three methods of mapping, considering the maps as a visual interface for the exploration of scientific articles related to computer science. Data were classified according to the original Computing Classification System (CCS) classification and co-categories were used for similarity metrics calculation. The authors’ approach based on MDS was enriched by algorithm mapping to spherical topology. Three other methods were based on VOS, VxOrd and SOM mapping techniques. Visualization of the classified collection was done for three different decades. Tracking the changes in visualization patterns, the authors sought the method that would reveal the real evolution of the CCS scheme, which is still being updated by the editorial board. Comparative analysis is based on qualitative methods. Changes in those properties over two decades were evaluated for the benefit of the authors’ method of mapping. The qualitative analysis shows clustering of proper categories and overlapping of other ones in the authors’ approach, which corresponds to the current changes in the classification scheme and computer science literature

    AMADA-Analysis of Multidimensional Astronomical Datasets

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    We present AMADA, an interactive web application to analyse multidimensional datasets. The user uploads a simple ASCII file and AMADA performs a number of exploratory analysis together with contemporary visualizations diagnostics. The package performs a hierarchical clustering in the parameter space, and the user can choose among linear, monotonic or non-linear correlation analysis. AMADA provides a number of clustering visualization diagnostics such as heatmaps, dendrograms, chord diagrams, and graphs. In addition, AMADA has the option to run a standard or robust principal components analysis, displaying the results as polar bar plots. The code is written in R and the web interface was created using the Shiny framework. AMADA source-code is freely available at https://goo.gl/KeSPue, and the shiny-app at http://goo.gl/UTnU7I.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Computin

    A Multidimensional Perceptual Map Approach to Project Prioritization and Selection

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    When prioritizing projects, managers usually have to evaluate multiple attributes (dimensions) of project data. However, these dimensions are usually condensed into one or two indicators in many existing analysis processes. For example, projects are commonly prioritized using a scoring approach: they are evaluated according to predefined categories, which are then aggregated into one or two priority numbers. We argue that aggregated scores may only offer a limited view of project importance. This often leads decision makers to ignore the possible differences masked by the aggregation. Following the design science research paradigm, this paper presents a visual exploration approach based on multi-dimensional perceptual maps. It incorporates human intuition in the process and maintains the multidimensionality of project data as a decision basis for project prioritization and selection. A prototype system based on the approach was developed and qualitatively evaluated by a group of project managers. A qualitative analysis of the data collected shows its utility and usability

    Unveiling the multimedia unconscious: implicit cognitive processes and multimedia content analysis

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    One of the main findings of cognitive sciences is that automatic processes of which we are unaware shape, to a significant extent, our perception of the environment. The phenomenon applies not only to the real world, but also to multimedia data we consume every day. Whenever we look at pictures, watch a video or listen to audio recordings, our conscious attention efforts focus on the observable content, but our cognition spontaneously perceives intentions, beliefs, values, attitudes and other constructs that, while being outside of our conscious awareness, still shape our reactions and behavior. So far, multimedia technologies have neglected such a phenomenon to a large extent. This paper argues that taking into account cognitive effects is possible and it can also improve multimedia approaches. As a supporting proof-of-concept, the paper shows not only that there are visual patterns correlated with the personality traits of 300 Flickr users to a statistically significant extent, but also that the personality traits (both self-assessed and attributed by others) of those users can be inferred from the images these latter post as "favourite"

    A review of data visualization: opportunities in manufacturing sequence management.

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    Data visualization now benefits from developments in technologies that offer innovative ways of presenting complex data. Potentially these have widespread application in communicating the complex information domains typical of manufacturing sequence management environments for global enterprises. In this paper the authors review the visualization functionalities, techniques and applications reported in literature, map these to manufacturing sequence information presentation requirements and identify the opportunities available and likely development paths. Current leading-edge practice in dynamic updating and communication with suppliers is not being exploited in manufacturing sequence management; it could provide significant benefits to manufacturing business. In the context of global manufacturing operations and broad-based user communities with differing needs served by common data sets, tool functionality is generally ahead of user application

    A Comparison of Display Techniques for Large Graphs

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    Visualizing information focuses on the display of data in order to provide the user a representation that provides understanding of the data. Information visualization systems typically couple interaction mechanisms for providing overviews of the data with more detailed information through a zooming interface. This thesis compares three different techniques for displaying graphs provided by the prefuse visualization system: force-directed node positioning, radial node positioning, and a tree view of graphs. Using a large, real world data set from the South Texas College’s Distance Education department, the three visualization techniques are compared for a set of tasks that users routinely need to perform using standard data access techniques. Though the tree view visualization is the most limited in generality of the three techniques, it is found to best provide support for the tasks, in part because of its ability to provide the abstractions that best match the tasks

    Perceptually smooth timbral guides by state-space analysis of phase-vocoder parameters

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    Sculptor is a phase-vocoder-based package of programs that allows users to explore timbral manipulation of sound in real time. It is the product of a research program seeking ultimately to perform gestural capture by analysis of the sound a performer makes using a conventional instrument. Since the phase-vocoder output is of high dimensionality — typically more than 1,000 channels per analysis frame—mapping phase-vocoder output to appropriate input parameters for a synthesizer is only feasible in theory
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