8 research outputs found

    Auditing Symposium XIII: Proceedings of the 1996 Deloitte & Touche/University of Kansas Symposium on Auditing Problems

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    Meeting the challenge of technological change -- A standard setter\u27s perspective / James M. Sylph, Gregory P. Shields; Technological change -- A glass half empty or a glass half full: Discussion of Meeting the challenge of technological change, and Business and auditing impacts of new technologies / Urton Anderson; Opportunities for assurance services in the 21st century: A progress report of the Special Committee on Assurance Services / Richard Lea; Model of errors and irregularities as a general framework for risk-based audit planning / Jere R. Francis, Richard A. Grimlund; Discussion of A Model of errors and irregularities as a general framework for risk-based audit planning / Timothy B. Bell; Framing effects and output interference in a concurring partner review context: Theory and exploratory analysis / Karla M. Johnstone, Stanley F. Biggs, Jean C. Bedard; Discussant\u27s comments on Framing effects and output interference in a concurring partner review context: Theory and exploratory analysis / David Plumlee; Implementation and acceptance of expert systems by auditors / Maureen McGowan; Discussion of Opportunities for assurance services in the 21st century: A progress report of the Special Committee on Assurance Services / Katherine Schipper; CPAS/CCM experiences: Perspectives for AI/ES research in accounting / Miklos A. Vasarhelyi; Discussant comments on The CPAS/CCM experiences: Perspectives for AI/ES research in accounting / Eric Denna; Digital analysis and the reduction of auditor litigation risk / Mark Nigrini; Discussion of Digital analysis and the reduction of auditor litigation risk / James E. Searing; Institute of Internal Auditors: Business and auditing impacts of new technologies / Charles H. Le Grandhttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/dl_proceedings/1012/thumbnail.jp

    Advanced analytical methods for fraud detection: a systematic literature review

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    The developments of the digital era demand new ways of producing goods and rendering services. This fast-paced evolution in the companies implies a new approach from the auditors, who must keep up with the constant transformation. With the dynamic dimensions of data, it is important to seize the opportunity to add value to the companies. The need to apply more robust methods to detect fraud is evident. In this thesis the use of advanced analytical methods for fraud detection will be investigated, through the analysis of the existent literature on this topic. Both a systematic review of the literature and a bibliometric approach will be applied to the most appropriate database to measure the scientific production and current trends. This study intends to contribute to the academic research that have been conducted, in order to centralize the existing information on this topic

    Razvoj metodike za računalno podržanu reviziju informacijskih sustava

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    Praksa pokazuje da brojne prijevare zasnovane na računalnoj tehnologiji predstavljaju novi i sofisticirani oblik suvremenog kriminala koji po svojim posljedicama može biti dramatičan, ne samo za pojedine poslovne sustave, već i globalno. Budući da se ovaj oblik kriminala realizira kroz informacijske sustave, njihova revizija, kao sastavni dio potrebnih kontrolnih mehanizama, danas postaje nezaobilazna. No, postojeće metode revizije informacijskih sustava tek se razvijaju i u ovom trenutku još ne postoji njihova metodika. Zbog toga je temeljni cilj ovog rada pokušati razviti računalno podržanu metodiku revizije informacijskih sustava. Polazna osnova za njeno oblikovanje je primjena Benfordovog zakona, kao poveznice postojećih revizijskih metoda. Analiza literature pokazuje da je ovo područje još nedovoljno istraženo. Zbog toga je navedena problematika temeljito obrađena, izrađen je model i razvijena je konkretna metodika za računalno podržanu reviziju informacijskih sustava, načinjen je niz testova i drugih ispitivanja, razvijena metodika je provjerena na reprezentativnom uzorku, te su dani naputci za daljnji razvoj ovog područja i pratećih revizijskih programskih alata. Područje istraživanja u disertaciji je financijska industrija (sustav deviznog platnog prometa), jer su se u ovom gospodarskom segmentu dogodile najveće pronevjere, koje su i bile moguće upravo zbog nedostatka adekvatnih kontrola, učinkovite i pravovremene revizije informacijskih sustava.A practice shows that numerous frauds based on computer technology represent new and sophisticated form of modern criminal which can cause dramatic consequences, not only for individual business systems but also globally. Since this criminal form is realized through information systems, their audit, as a constituent part of necessary control measures, becomes indispensable nowadays. However, existing methods for information systems auditing are still in the process of development and at this moment no methodology exists. Consequently, basic objective of this work is to develop such computer assisted information system auditing methodology. Foundation of such methodology is application of Benford's Law which links other existing auditing methods. Analysis of literature shows that this field of research is still insufficiently investigated. Therefore, these issues are thoroughly studied, model of methodology is designed, specificmethodology is developed, a number of tests and other examinations areperformed, methodology is checked on representative sample and recommendations for further development of information systems audit activities and corresponding auditing software tools are presented. A field of research is financial industry (cross border payment system), because major frauds occurred in financial industry segment. These frauds were possible because lack of adequate controls which should have been checked by information systems audit

    A conceptual model for proactive detection of potential fraud enterprise systems: exploiting SAP audit trails to detect asset misappropriation

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    Fraud costs the Australian economy approximately $3 billion annually, and its frequency and financial impact continues to grow. Many organisations are poorly prepared to prevent and detect fraud. Fraud prevention is not perfect therefore fraud detection is crucial. Fraud detection strategies are intended to quickly and efficiently identify frauds that circumvent preventative measures so that an organisation can take appropriate corrective action. Enhancing the ability of organisations to detect potential fraud may have a positive impact on the economy. An effective model that facilitates proactive detection of potential fraud may potentially save costs and reduce the propensity of future fraud by early detection of suspicious user activities. Enterprise systems generate millions of transactions annually. While most of these are legal and routine transactions, a small number may be fraudulent. The enormous number of transactions makes it difficult to find these few instances among legitimate transactions. Without the availability of proactive fraud detection tools, investigating suspicious activities becomes overwhelming. This study explores and develops innovative methods for proactive detection of potential fraud in enterprise systems. The intention is to build a model for detection of potential fraud based on analysis of patterns or signatures building on theories and concepts of continuous fraud detection. This objective is addressed by answering the main question; can a generalised model for proactive detection of potential fraud in enterprise systems be developed? The study proposes a methodology for proactive detection of potential fraud that exploits audit trails in enterprise systems. The concept of proactive detection of otential fraud is demonstrated by developing a prototype. The prototype is a near real-time web based application that uses SAS for its analytics processes. The aim of the prototype is to confirm the feasibility of implementing proactive detection of potential fraud in practice. Verification of the prototype is achieved by performing a series of tests involving simulated activity, followed by a full scale case study with a large international manufacturing company. Validation is achieved by obtaining independent reviews from the case study senior staff, auditing practitioners and a panel of experts. Timing experiments confirm that the prototype is able to handle real data volumes from a real organisation without difficulty thereby providing evidence in support of enhancement of auditor productivity. This study makes a number of contributions to both the literature and auditing practice

    Razvoj metodike za računalno podržanu reviziju informacijskih sustava

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    Praksa pokazuje da brojne prijevare zasnovane na računalnoj tehnologiji predstavljaju novi i sofisticirani oblik suvremenog kriminala koji po svojim posljedicama može biti dramatičan, ne samo za pojedine poslovne sustave, već i globalno. Budući da se ovaj oblik kriminala realizira kroz informacijske sustave, njihova revizija, kao sastavni dio potrebnih kontrolnih mehanizama, danas postaje nezaobilazna. No, postojeće metode revizije informacijskih sustava tek se razvijaju i u ovom trenutku još ne postoji njihova metodika. Zbog toga je temeljni cilj ovog rada pokušati razviti računalno podržanu metodiku revizije informacijskih sustava. Polazna osnova za njeno oblikovanje je primjena Benfordovog zakona, kao poveznice postojećih revizijskih metoda. Analiza literature pokazuje da je ovo područje još nedovoljno istraženo. Zbog toga je navedena problematika temeljito obrađena, izrađen je model i razvijena je konkretna metodika za računalno podržanu reviziju informacijskih sustava, načinjen je niz testova i drugih ispitivanja, razvijena metodika je provjerena na reprezentativnom uzorku, te su dani naputci za daljnji razvoj ovog područja i pratećih revizijskih programskih alata. Područje istraživanja u disertaciji je financijska industrija (sustav deviznog platnog prometa), jer su se u ovom gospodarskom segmentu dogodile najveće pronevjere, koje su i bile moguće upravo zbog nedostatka adekvatnih kontrola, učinkovite i pravovremene revizije informacijskih sustava.A practice shows that numerous frauds based on computer technology represent new and sophisticated form of modern criminal which can cause dramatic consequences, not only for individual business systems but also globally. Since this criminal form is realized through information systems, their audit, as a constituent part of necessary control measures, becomes indispensable nowadays. However, existing methods for information systems auditing are still in the process of development and at this moment no methodology exists. Consequently, basic objective of this work is to develop such computer assisted information system auditing methodology. Foundation of such methodology is application of Benford's Law which links other existing auditing methods. Analysis of literature shows that this field of research is still insufficiently investigated. Therefore, these issues are thoroughly studied, model of methodology is designed, specificmethodology is developed, a number of tests and other examinations areperformed, methodology is checked on representative sample and recommendations for further development of information systems audit activities and corresponding auditing software tools are presented. A field of research is financial industry (cross border payment system), because major frauds occurred in financial industry segment. These frauds were possible because lack of adequate controls which should have been checked by information systems audit

    2023- The Twenty-seventh Annual Symposium of Student Scholars

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    The full program book from the Twenty-seventh Annual Symposium of Student Scholars, held on April 18-21, 2023. Includes abstracts from the presentations and posters.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/sssprograms/1027/thumbnail.jp

    Disseny d'un model d'avaluació de resultats de l'activitat de màrqueting per a empreses competint al mercat català i amb relació contractual amb els seus clients

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    L’objectiu de la tesi doctoral és el de desenvolupar un model que permeti valorar de forma objectiva les actuacions en matèria de màrqueting portades a terme per una organització. Aquest model està constituït per un conjunt de variables descriptives i quantitatives, anomenades variables de control, juntament amb una metodologia de càlcul i un sistema d’indicadors integrat que facilita la traçabilitat de les inversions de màrqueting i explicita la relació causa-efecte entre aquestes i el valor generat per a l’organització. El model s’utilitza per a valorar dades reals d’organitzacions que operin al mercat català i que compleixin la condició de basar la relació amb els seus clients en un model contractual (com veurem més endavant, és inviable aplicar un model comú per a tot tipus d’empresa). L’objectiu, doncs, és la valoració de l’acompliment dels seus objectius en relació als seus actius de mercat (marca i valor de client) i la creació d’un model específic, no generalitzable, per a aquest tipus d’empreses. Un segon objectiu d’aquest treball és l’anàlisi de les principals publicacions especialitzades referents des d’un punt de vista global i local, proposant en primer lloc una terminologia clara en relació a l’activitat de màrqueting, l’acompliment dels seus objectius i la conceptualització d’actius de mercat, i analitzant, en segon, l’impacte d’aquests àmbits i la seva evolució en els últims quinze anys. Alguns estudis previs (Llonch et al., 2002; Ambler i Xiucun, 2003; entre d’altres) es centren a comparar empreses per sectors, funcionalitats i països. És probable, com apunta Llonch et al. (2002) al fer això, que casuístiques atribuïbles a diferències geogràfiques i nacionals es tractin erròniament com a empresarials. A tal efecte, aquest estudi elimina la variabilitat per país i sector (parcialment, aquest darrer), proposant un model acotat, tal com recomanen Ambler et al., (2001), Llonch et al (2002), entre d’altres, que pugui servir de referència en la metodologia i en la validesa conceptual, i no tant en els resultats del model en un context més genèric. Pauwels (2009) demostra la relació entre la creació d’un model predefinit de variables i la millora del càlcul de l’eficiència en la despesa en màrqueting, pel que la creació d’aquest model integrat té l’objectiu d’esdevenir una eina de Gestió del Rendiment Corporatiu (GRC, en endavant1) (Bauer, 2004) aplicada a la gestió de màrqueting i els seus actius. Aquesta particularització del GRC rep el nom de Gestió del Rendiment de Màrqueting (GRM, en endavant2) (Ambler, 2000) i el seu objectiu és el d’augmentar la usabilitat i faciliti la generació d’informació per a la presa de decisions de la línia directiva de les organitzacions. L’abast de la tesi és el de crear el model des d’una perspectiva d’avaluació de l’activitat de màrqueting per part de la línia directiva, i no pas el desenvolupament informàtic d’una eina de suport a la presa de decisions ja que això, com apunten diversos autors (Dover, 2004; Schiff, 2008) i es tractarà amb més profunditat en el capítol 5, implicaria un nivell de personalització per cada empresa que no és objectiu d’aquesta tesi.The thes is aims to develop a practical model to asses m arketing perform ance within an organization. The model is basically structured around control metrics both from a qualitative and quantitatve approach, together with an integrated system of key performance indicators that enables marketing accountability through different organisational divisions, thus stating a solid cause/effect relationship between marketing activities and the value created for the organisation. The aformentioned model is used to assess marketing activites for catalan com panies with a contract-based customer relationship. Final assessment includes also a dynamic valuation of the company's market as sets . A second objective of the thes is is to review the current state of the art of marketing assessment literature from specialized journals both from a global and a local pers pective, defining a comprehensive list of related terms about marketing performance measurement, market-asset description and valuation and an accurate analysis about its evolution throughout the last 15 years.Postprint (published version