5,215 research outputs found

    Fully Dynamic Single-Source Reachability in Practice: An Experimental Study

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    Given a directed graph and a source vertex, the fully dynamic single-source reachability problem is to maintain the set of vertices that are reachable from the given vertex, subject to edge deletions and insertions. It is one of the most fundamental problems on graphs and appears directly or indirectly in many and varied applications. While there has been theoretical work on this problem, showing both linear conditional lower bounds for the fully dynamic problem and insertions-only and deletions-only upper bounds beating these conditional lower bounds, there has been no experimental study that compares the performance of fully dynamic reachability algorithms in practice. Previous experimental studies in this area concentrated only on the more general all-pairs reachability or transitive closure problem and did not use real-world dynamic graphs. In this paper, we bridge this gap by empirically studying an extensive set of algorithms for the single-source reachability problem in the fully dynamic setting. In particular, we design several fully dynamic variants of well-known approaches to obtain and maintain reachability information with respect to a distinguished source. Moreover, we extend the existing insertions-only or deletions-only upper bounds into fully dynamic algorithms. Even though the worst-case time per operation of all the fully dynamic algorithms we evaluate is at least linear in the number of edges in the graph (as is to be expected given the conditional lower bounds) we show in our extensive experimental evaluation that their performance differs greatly, both on generated as well as on real-world instances

    Deterministically Isolating a Perfect Matching in Bipartite Planar Graphs

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    We present a deterministic way of assigning small (log bit) weights to the edges of a bipartite planar graph so that the minimum weight perfect matching becomes unique. The isolation lemma as described in (Mulmuley et al. 1987) achieves the same for general graphs using a randomized weighting scheme, whereas we can do it deterministically when restricted to bipartite planar graphs. As a consequence, we reduce both decision and construction versions of the matching problem to testing whether a matrix is singular, under the promise that its determinant is 0 or 1, thus obtaining a highly parallel SPL algorithm for bipartite planar graphs. This improves the earlier known bounds of non-uniform SPL by (Allender et al. 1999) and NC2NC^2 by (Miller and Naor 1995, Mahajan and Varadarajan 2000). It also rekindles the hope of obtaining a deterministic parallel algorithm for constructing a perfect matching in non-bipartite planar graphs, which has been open for a long time. Our techniques are elementary and simple

    Modeling and optimum time performance for concurrent processing

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    The development of a new graph theoretic model for describing the relation between a decomposed algorithm and its execution in a data flow environment is presented. Called ATAMM, the model consists of a set of Petri net marked graphs useful for representing decision-free algorithms having large-grained, computationally complex primitive operations. Performance time measures which determine computing speed and throughput capacity are defined, and the ATAMM model is used to develop lower bounds for these times. A concurrent processing operating strategy for achieving optimum time performance is presented and illustrated by example

    On functional module detection in metabolic networks

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    Functional modules of metabolic networks are essential for understanding the metabolism of an organism as a whole. With the vast amount of experimental data and the construction of complex and large-scale, often genome-wide, models, the computer-aided identification of functional modules becomes more and more important. Since steady states play a key role in biology, many methods have been developed in that context, for example, elementary flux modes, extreme pathways, transition invariants and place invariants. Metabolic networks can be studied also from the point of view of graph theory, and algorithms for graph decomposition have been applied for the identification of functional modules. A prominent and currently intensively discussed field of methods in graph theory addresses the Q-modularity. In this paper, we recall known concepts of module detection based on the steady-state assumption, focusing on transition-invariants (elementary modes) and their computation as minimal solutions of systems of Diophantine equations. We present the Fourier-Motzkin algorithm in detail. Afterwards, we introduce the Q-modularity as an example for a useful non-steady-state method and its application to metabolic networks. To illustrate and discuss the concepts of invariants and Q-modularity, we apply a part of the central carbon metabolism in potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum) as running example. The intention of the paper is to give a compact presentation of known steady-state concepts from a graph-theoretical viewpoint in the context of network decomposition and reduction and to introduce the application of Q-modularity to metabolic Petri net models

    Exact Computation of Influence Spread by Binary Decision Diagrams

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    Evaluating influence spread in social networks is a fundamental procedure to estimate the word-of-mouth effect in viral marketing. There are enormous studies about this topic; however, under the standard stochastic cascade models, the exact computation of influence spread is known to be #P-hard. Thus, the existing studies have used Monte-Carlo simulation-based approximations to avoid exact computation. We propose the first algorithm to compute influence spread exactly under the independent cascade model. The algorithm first constructs binary decision diagrams (BDDs) for all possible realizations of influence spread, then computes influence spread by dynamic programming on the constructed BDDs. To construct the BDDs efficiently, we designed a new frontier-based search-type procedure. The constructed BDDs can also be used to solve other influence-spread related problems, such as random sampling without rejection, conditional influence spread evaluation, dynamic probability update, and gradient computation for probability optimization problems. We conducted computational experiments to evaluate the proposed algorithm. The algorithm successfully computed influence spread on real-world networks with a hundred edges in a reasonable time, which is quite impossible by the naive algorithm. We also conducted an experiment to evaluate the accuracy of the Monte-Carlo simulation-based approximation by comparing exact influence spread obtained by the proposed algorithm.Comment: WWW'1
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