284 research outputs found

    Low thrust viscous nozzle flow fields prediction

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    A Navier-Stokes code was developed for low thrust viscous nozzle flow field prediction. An implicit finite volume in an arbitrary curvilinear coordinate system lower-upper (LU) scheme is used to solve the governing Navier-Stokes equations and species transportation equations. Sample calculations of carbon dioxide nozzle flow are presented to verify the validity and efficiency of this code. The computer results are in reasonable agreement with the experimental data

    Elasto-plastic deformations within a material point framework on modern GPU architectures

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    Plastic strain localization is an important process on Earth. It strongly influ- ences the mechanical behaviour of natural processes, such as fault mechanics, earthquakes or orogeny. At a smaller scale, a landslide is a fantastic example of elasto-plastic deformations. Such behaviour spans from pre-failure mech- anisms to post-failure propagation of the unstable material. To fully resolve the landslide mechanics, the selected numerical methods should be able to efficiently address a wide range of deformation magnitudes. Accurate and performant numerical modelling requires important compu- tational resources. Mesh-free numerical methods such as the material point method (MPM) or the smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) are particu- larly computationally expensive, when compared with mesh-based methods, such as the finite element method (FEM) or the finite difference method (FDM). Still, mesh-free methods are particularly well-suited to numerical problems involving large elasto-plastic deformations. But, the computational efficiency of these methods should be first improved in order to tackle complex three-dimensional problems, i.e., landslides. As such, this research work attempts to alleviate the computational cost of the material point method by using the most recent graphics processing unit (GPU) architectures available. GPUs are many-core processors originally designed to refresh screen pixels (e.g., for computer games) independently. This allows GPUs to delivers a massive parallelism when compared to central processing units (CPUs). To do so, this research work first investigates code prototyping in a high- level language, e.g., MATLAB. This allows to implement vectorized algorithms and benchmark numerical results of two-dimensional analysis with analytical solutions and/or experimental results in an affordable amount of time. After- wards, low-level language such as CUDA C is used to efficiently implement a GPU-based solver, i.e., ep2-3De v1.0, can resolve three-dimensional prob- lems in a decent amount of time. This part takes advantages of the massive parallelism of modern GPU architectures. In addition, a first attempt of GPU parallel computing, i.e., multi-GPU codes, is performed to increase even more the performance and to address the on-chip memory limitation. Finally, this GPU-based solver is used to investigate three-dimensional granular collapses and is compared with experimental evidences obtained in the laboratory. This research work demonstrates that the material point method is well suited to resolve small to large elasto-plastic deformations. Moreover, the computational efficiency of the method can be dramatically increased using modern GPU architectures. These allow fast, performant and accurate three- dimensional modelling of landslides, provided that the on-chip memory limi- tation is alleviated with an appropriate parallel strategy

    Remote access for NAS: Supercomputing in a university environment

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    The experiment was designed to assist the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) Project Office in the testing and evaluation of long haul communications for remote users. The objectives of this work were to: (1) use foreign workstations to remotely access the NAS system; (2) provide NAS with a link to a large university-based computing facility which can serve as a model for a regional node of the Long-Haul Communications Subsystem (LHCS); and (3) provide a tail circuit to the University of Colorado a Boulder thereby simulating the complete communications path from NAS through a regional node to an end-user

    Parallel Scalability of Adaptive Mesh Refinement in a Finite Difference Solution to the Shallow Water Equations

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    The Shallow Water Equations model the fluid dynamics of deep ocean flow, and are used to simulate tides, tsunamis, and storm surges. Numerical solutions using finite difference methods are computationally expensive enough to mandate the use of large computing clusters, and the cost grows not only with the amount of fluid, but also the duration of the simulated event, and the resolution of the approximation. The benefits of increased resolution are mostly connected to regions where complex fluid interactions occur, and are not required globally for the entire simulation. In this paper, we nvestigate the potential for conserving computational resources by applying Adaptive Mesh Refinement to dynamically determined areas of the fluid urface. We implement adaptive mesh refinement in a MacCormack finite difference solver, develop a performance model to predict its behavior on large-scale parallel platforms, and validate its predictions experimentally on two computing clusters. We find that the solver itself has highly favorable parallel scalability, and that the addition of refined areas introduces a performance penalty due to load imbalance that is at most proportional to the refinement degree raised to the third power

    Numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations about three-dimensional configurations: A survey

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    The numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations about three-dimensional configurations is reviewed. Formulational and computational requirements for the various Navier-Stokes approaches are examined for typical problems including the viscous flow field solution about a complete aerospace vehicle. Recent computed results, with experimental comparisons when available, are presented to highlight the presentation. The future of Navier-Stokes applications in three-dimensions is seen to be rapidly expanding across a broad front including internal and external flows, and flows across the entire speed regime from incompressible to hypersonic applications. Prospects for the future are described and recommendations for areas of concentrated research are indicated

    Parallelization of implicit finite difference schemes in computational fluid dynamics

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    Implicit finite difference schemes are often the preferred numerical schemes in computational fluid dynamics, requiring less stringent stability bounds than the explicit schemes. Each iteration in an implicit scheme involves global data dependencies in the form of second and higher order recurrences. Efficient parallel implementations of such iterative methods are considerably more difficult and non-intuitive. The parallelization of the implicit schemes that are used for solving the Euler and the thin layer Navier-Stokes equations and that require inversions of large linear systems in the form of block tri-diagonal and/or block penta-diagonal matrices is discussed. Three-dimensional cases are emphasized and schemes that minimize the total execution time are presented. Partitioning and scheduling schemes for alleviating the effects of the global data dependencies are described. An analysis of the communication and the computation aspects of these methods is presented. The effect of the boundary conditions on the parallel schemes is also discussed

    Finite element analysis of aerodynamic heating in three dimensional viscous high speed compressible flow: An assessment

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    The current capability of the finite element method for solving problems of viscous flow is reviewed. Much work has been directed to the simulation of incompressible flows and the relevant features are described. The methods available for, and the problems associated with, the finite element solution of high speed viscous compressible flows are analyzed. A plan for developing finite element research in this area with experimental support is presented

    Development and application of the GIM code for the Cyber 203 computer

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    The GIM computer code for fluid dynamics research was developed. Enhancement of the computer code, implicit algorithm development, turbulence model implementation, chemistry model development, interactive input module coding and wing/body flowfield computation are described. The GIM quasi-parabolic code development was completed, and the code used to compute a number of example cases. Turbulence models, algebraic and differential equations, were added to the basic viscous code. An equilibrium reacting chemistry model and implicit finite difference scheme were also added. Development was completed on the interactive module for generating the input data for GIM. Solutions for inviscid hypersonic flow over a wing/body configuration are also presented

    Combined Structural and Compositional Evolution of Planetary Rings Due to Micrometeoroid Impacts and Ballistic Transport

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    We introduce improved numerical techniques for simulating the structural and compositional evolution of planetary rings due to micrometeoroid bombardment and subsequent ballistic transport of impact ejecta. Our current, robust code is capable of modeling structural changes and pollution transport simultaneously over long times on both local and global scales. In this paper, we describe the methodology based on the original structural code of Durisen et al. (1989, Icarus 80, 136-166) and on the pollution transport code of Cuzzi and Estrada (1998, Icarus 132, 1-35). We provide demonstrative simulations to compare with, and extend upon previous work, as well as examples of how ballistic transport can maintain the observed structure in Saturn's rings using available Cassini occultation optical depth data. In particular, we explicitly verify the claim that the inner B (and presumably A) ring edge can be maintained over long periods of time due to an ejecta distribution that is heavily biased in the prograde direction through a balance between the sharpening effects of ballistic transport and the broadening effects of viscosity. We also see that a "ramp"-like feature forms over time just inside that edge. However, it does not remain linear for the duration of the runs presented here unless a less steep ejecta velocity distribution is adopted. We also model the C ring plateaus and find that their outer edges can be maintained at their observed sharpness for long periods due to ballistic transport. We hypothesize that the addition of a significant component of a retrograde-biased ejecta distribution may help explain the linearity of the ramp and is probably essential for maintaining the sharpness of C ring plateau inner edges. This component would arise for the subset of micrometeoroid impacts which are destructive rather than merely cratering. Such a distribution will be introduced in future work