16 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Practical Experiences in Using Digital Pedagogies in Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis

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    Higher education institutions are trying to give a greater flexibility and individualization, generally through the use of new digital pedagogies. The goal of the meta-analysis is to evaluate the efficacy of a real-world experiences using digital pedagogies in higher education. To that end, the PubMed and Medline databases have been combed for relevant research through December 2021, and the eligible papers were selected using the PRISMA-based selection approach. One compared digital pedagogies to traditional teaching approaches. Various digital pedagogy technologies, such as video tutorials/social media, mobile app/computer software, flipped classroom, and virtual reality/simulation, were applied in this research. As a consequence of the present search, twenty-three research with a total of 1450 participants adopting digital pedagogies for higher education were discovered. The findings advised that higher education stakeholders use an innovative teaching strategy based on digital pedagogies. This integration of digital tools generates an effective learning environment and encourages the self-learning, which enhances the pedagogical performance of students and teachers

    Do mobile learning devices enhance learning in higher education anatomy classrooms?

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    Recently there has been an increased volume of research and practice of mobile Learning (mLearning) and in particular of the tablet device. The question of how, when and where to best incorporate the tablet device into the learning environment in Higher Education remains largely unanswered. The article presents the findings of an empirical study that examined the effect of integrating mobile learning tablet devices into first year University anatomy seminars in a group of Sport and Exercise students. Data on student achievement, attendance and feedback was collected over two academic years and two cohorts, comparing seminar groups taught with tablet devices (iPads) integrated with traditionally taught anatomy seminars. The results indicate that the iPads had a positive effect on attendance, achievement and progression, highlighting the need for a framework as to how the tablet should be incorporated to maximise the learner experience. This article offers insight into the implications of successful mLearning using tablets and into how we, as educators might use the tablet device as a tool to provide a more engaging, successful learning environment which positively impacts on student achievement and independent truly mobile learning outside of the classroom

    Do mobile learning devices enhance learning in higher education anatomy classrooms?

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    Recently there has been an increased volume of research and practice of mobile Learning (mLearning) and in particular of the tablet device. The question of how, when and where to best incorporate the tablet device into the learning environment in Higher Education remains largely unanswered. The article presents the findings of an empirical study that examined the effect of integrating mobile learning tablet devices into first year University anatomy seminars in a group of Sport and Exercise students. Data on student achievement, attendance and feedback was collected over two academic years and two cohorts, comparing seminar groups taught with tablet devices (iPads) integrated with traditionally taught anatomy seminars. The results indicate that the iPads had a positive effect on attendance, achievement and progression, highlighting the need for a framework as to how the tablet should be incorporated to maximise the learner experience. This article offers insight into the implications of successful mLearning using tablets and into how we, as educators might use the tablet device as a tool to provide a more engaging, successful learning environment which positively impacts on student achievement and independent truly mobile learning outside of the classroom

    Comparative Analysis of Mobile Applications for its Integration in College Mathematics Subjects

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate potential mobile applications that can be utilized to help college students learn mathematical ideas and principles. The considered mobile applications include those that have a solving feature and are named as follows: MalMath, MyScript Calculator, Photomath, iMathematics, Microsoft Math Solver, Mathway, Socratic, WolframAplha, and Cymath. These mobile applications were evaluated subjectively and statistically to identify which is/are the most suitable for utilization in a flexible learning environment, while also considering their benefits and drawbacks in the teaching-learning process. This study took into account various app features such as subject coverage, interface, accessibility, and so on, which will serve as the common criteria for evaluation. Each criterion was rated and ranked accordingly. The Related-Samples Friedman's Two-Way Analysis of Variance by Ranks, a nonparametric statistical test, was used to evaluate the rank-ordered data set of numerous mobile applications premised on a common criterion. In the case that there is a significant tendency for a math solving application/s to rank systematically higher or lower based on the results of Statistical test employed, Pairwise Comparisons was conducted. Following that, a comparative analysis was performed to get findings and recommendations for the prospective integration of mobile apps. Furthermore, this research will help with information distribution and creating awareness regarding the utilization of mobile applications in the teaching-learning process. The advantages and disadvantages of adopting mobile applications will help educators successfully facilitate the teaching-learning process. While the students will be encouraged to use the mobile application/s to enhance their mathematics literacy and problem-solving skills

    Factors affecting students’ continuance intention to use teaching performance assessment application from technology continuance theory

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    This study aims to determine university students’ continuance intention in using an android-based teaching performance assessment (TPA) application. For the data gathering instrument, we employed an online structured questionnaire. Two hundred and forty students from four faculties were selected and assigned a five-scale survey. All completed questionnaires were analyzed using analysis of moment structure (AMOS). The findings show that the factors of productivity, performance, relevancy, quality and mobility of the android-based TPA have significantly influenced students’ continuance intention to use the application. The results highlighted that when an android-based system was developed based on the criteria, the long-term use of the android-based TPA application can be consistently maintained to improve universities’ teaching quality assessment. However, our study needs to improve in that the university students may evaluate teaching staffs who are not teaching a subject in their class because all teaching staff has appeared in the application database. In addition, further research needs to limit each lecture based on a specific course to be assessed by a particular student’s class

    The effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students' learning performance: A meta-analysis and research synthesis

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    AbstractMobile devices such as laptops, personal digital assistants, and mobile phones have become a learning tool with great potential in both classrooms and outdoor learning. Although there have been qualitative analyses of the use of mobile devices in education, systematic quantitative analyses of the effects of mobile-integrated education are lacking. This study performed a meta-analysis and research synthesis of the effects of integrated mobile devices in teaching and learning, in which 110 experimental and quasiexperimental journal articles published during the period 1993–2013 were coded and analyzed. Overall, there was a moderate mean effect size of 0.523 for the application of mobile devices to education. The effect sizes of moderator variables were analyzed and the advantages and disadvantages of mobile learning in different levels of moderator variables were synthesized based on content analyses of individual studies. The results of this study and their implications for both research and practice are discussed

    Riesgos de la comunicación interactiva en la población adolescente: diagnóstico e intervención de alfabetización digital

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    [EN]The present thesis dissertation has several original contributions. First, we have validated the Digital Literacy Scale. Despite some room for improvement in the measurement, we argue that, even in its current state, this is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring digital skills in adolescents and, as such, fills a gap in the field of digital literacy research. Second, to our knowledge this is the first study to examine how digital skills mediate the relationship between parental mediation and online risks and online opportunities. Our study builds a theoretical model explaining the mediation role of adolescents’ digital skills on the relationship between parental mediation and online risks and opportunities. Thus, our research helps us understand how digital skills have a mediating role between (restrictive) parental behaviours and adolescents’ online experiences that previous studies have not addressed. Third, this study shows that narrative persuasion and mobile learning can be combined successfully for promoting online safety and developing digital literacy in young people, and that mobile learning can be effective regardless of adolescents’ individual characteristics. As for every study, the present doctoral thesis suffers from several limitations that should be considered in future studies. Therefore, future research should look for improvement of the scale; should investigate relationships between parental mediation, digital skills, online opportunities and online risks longitudinally; and should test the developed theoretical model in other countries. Despite these limitations, we consider that this dissertation sheds light on the research on digital literacy in adolescents by developing a useful tool for measuring this construct and by highlighting its importance for an effective use of information and communication technology.[ES]La presente tesis doctoral proporciona varias contribuciones originales. En primer lugar, a través del primer estudio empírico hemos validado la Escala de Alfabetización Digital. A pesar de existir margen de mejora en dicha herramienta metodológica, consideramos que en su estado actual es una herramienta válida y fiable para medir competencias digitales en adolescentes y, de esta forma, llena un vacío en la investigación en alfabetización digital. En segundo lugar, según nuestro conocimiento, este es el primer estudio que examina como las competencias digitales median en la relación entre mediación parental y riesgos y oportunidades online. De esta forma, nuestra investigación construye un modelo teórico que explica el rol de mediador de las competencias digitales de los adolescentes en la relación entre mediación parental y riesgos y oportunidades. Así, nuestra investigación ayuda a explicar cómo las competencias digitales tienen un rol mediador entre las iniciativas de mediación (restrictiva) y las experiencias online de los adolescentes que ningún estudio previo había analizado. En tercer lugar, esta investigación demuestra que la persuasión narrativa y el aprendizaje móvil pueden combinarse de forma exitosa para promover la seguridad online y desarrollar la alfabetización digital en la población adolescente; y que el aprendizaje móvil puede ser efectivo independientemente de las características individuales de los adolescentes. Como en cualquier investigación, la presente tesis doctoral sufre de algunas limitaciones que deberán ser tenidas en cuentas en investigaciones futuras. Así, los próximos estudios deberían tratar de mejorar la escala; deberían investigar la relación entre mediación parental, competencias digitales, oportunidades online y riesgos online de forma longitudinal; y deberían testar el modelo teórico desarrollado en otros países o contextos culturales. A pesar de estas limitaciones, consideramos que esta tesis arroja luz en la investigación sobre alfabetización digital en adolescentes al desarrollar una herramienta para medir este constructo y al destacar su importancia para poder llevar a cabo un uso efectivo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of using a mobile app-based sky map to teach college students about constellations, stars, nebulae, and star clusters. The name of the app was Star Chart. The setting for the study was a community college in West Tennessee. Twenty out of 60 participants were males, with 83% of all being less than 25 years old. The first effect studied was concerning students level of attitude toward astronomy after they used the mobile app to learn about sky constellations, stars, nebulae, and star clusters. The second effect investigated in the study was regarding the ability of participating college students to identify the above astronomical objects after using the mobile app. For comparison purposes, the same measurements were taken for a control group that used a conventional print-based sky map, commonly known as a planisphere. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was used to compare the experimental or app-users group (n = 30) and control group (n = 30).The results of the study showed that Star Chart app users developed significantly more positive attitude toward astronomy than the planisphere users (Hotellings Trace = 0.132, F (2, 57) = 3.751, p \u3c .05, multivariate effect size 2 = 0.12). The multivariate effect size obtained showed that the difference was substantial. On the other hand, both Star Chart and planisphere groups learned comparable skills of identifying constellations, stars, nebulae, and star clusters.Since app-based sky maps are available freely for various platforms of mobile devices, they can be added to the technology repertoire of teachers and other community members involved in astronomy education. Due to time constraints, the researcher used planetarium software to simulate the sky. Hence, future researchers are recommended to replicate this study in the context of real night sky observations

    Tablet-Based Training for Open Reduction Internal Fixation: A Model for Complex Pelvic Trauma Surgery

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    Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF) surgery of the pelvis is a highly complex procedure that should only be performed by the most highly skilled and experienced orthopaedic surgeons. To develop the appropriate skills, surgeons must complete at least five years of orthopaedic residency training including mentorship and exposure to a wide array of surgical cases. The expectation of residency training is that new surgeons will develop the skills and competencies, and attain the experience that will enable them to be proficient in their future role. However, the current training system is outdated and often does not provide sufficient opportunities to master skills, particularly those that require surgeons to convert 2D information into 3D mental models. As a result, some orthopaedic surgeons may be inadequately prepared to perform ORIF surgeries. This thesis explores the design of a tablet-based 3D interactive surgical training tool that teaches ORIF procedures. It will allow orthopaedic residents to improve geometric and spatial understanding of fractures, skeletal anatomy, and surgical hardware, in the context of ORIF surgery; enable investigation of optimal positioning of plates and screws, and allows users to confirm their placement by means of x-ray views; promote higher levels of confidence in reduction and fixation of unstable pelvic fractures. The overarching goal of this interactive surgical training tool is to enable surgical residents to practice ORIF surgery on virtual patients created from Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) derived anatomical models and virtual surgical hardware. This approach allows DICOM data to be developed into virtual cases and used as training material, thus allowing residents to increase their exposure to relevant surgeries and improve their skills in ORIF procedures. The research project is a work in progress. It is part of a larger study at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The interactive surgical training tool has the potential to truly impact the quality of patient care by helping orthopaedic residents gain the skills and experience necessary while using simulated cases. Once fully tested and developed, this interactive surgical training tool has the potential to be used by orthopaedic residency programs around the globe