252 research outputs found

    VS.Net : Java's killer or Java's prey? an empirical study

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    Includes bibliographical references.This study intends to help businesses decide between using Sun Microsystems's Java 2 platform and Microsoft's Visual Studio .Net. It is intended to determine if Microsoft's product, Visual Studio .Net, is currently being used in businesses and ifit has proven to improve certain business functions. As such, it is expected to determine ifVS.Net has provided increased value added functionality when compared to Java. Quantifying the actual yield from the usage ofVS.Net in businesses was a goal. Utilizing an online survey made in VS.Net, data was gathered and analyzed. After analyzing the data, it was found that Java was the best with regards to scalability, integration, and compatibility, while VS.Net shortened development times and increased worker productivity. In the end, businesses must decide what their business needs are and how the two packages can complement those needs.B.S. (Bachelor of Science

    A messaging system to handle semantic dissonance

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    Enterprises have been compelled to share their data internally and externally, but creating a consistent view of enterprise data has been challenging. Within a typical enterprise, each division uses its own domain specific data model and schema, and different enterprises obviously use their own data models and schema. Integrating these diverse data models and schemas, which have both syntactic and semantic differences, tends to be complex, slow, and inaccurate. Syntactic differences, i.e., differences in names or layout, have received substantial attention in research. Semantic dissonance simply means that the structure may be similar (or even the same) but the meaning associated with the attributes that define each structure are different, has received less attention in the world of practical software development. A practical messaging system for handling semantic dissonance has been developed. The system utilizes the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and SOAP XML Messaging Specification. It is implemented using Jena, a Java API for RDF, and the Apache SOAP, an Open Source SOAP server and client. This report describes the messaging system, its implementation, its strengths and limitations in handling semantic dissonance

    Data Warehouse Technology and Application in Data Centre Design for E-government

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    Portlet Feasibility Study:A report prepared for the GroupLog Project funded by JISC under the eTools Programme

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    GroupLog is a project funded by the JISC under the 03/04 call for projects to develop E-Learning Tools for learners and teachers. This is a report on an assessment of the feasibility of developing GroupLog as a WSRP application, carried out by UKOLN in conjunction with CDNTL. Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) is first reviewed as a standard by covering the background information obtained from desk research. The review contains extensive links to portlet-related resources. Development options are then considered. A test platform that was installed to complement the desk-research by providing hands-on experience is then described, together with a sample application illustrating two different ways in which it could be delivered by WSRP. This report concludes that a solution that involves the use of Java-related technology is the most practical option given the current status of the technology. This approach would require a suitable Java platform to be set up and configured. Significant technical knowledge and programming effort would be required. The time and experience required to implement such a solution does not fit within the immediate plans and timing for GroupLog development. The report ends by drawing some general conclusions that can be used to inform any future decisions regarding the delivery of GroupLog using WSRP

    Web Engineering for Workflow-based Applications: Models, Systems and Methodologies

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    This dissertation presents novel solutions for the construction of Workflow-based Web applications: The Web Engineering DSL Framework, a stakeholder-oriented Web Engineering methodology based on Domain-Specific Languages; the Workflow DSL for the efficient engineering of Web-based Workflows with strong stakeholder involvement; the Dialog DSL for the usability-oriented development of advanced Web-based dialogs; the Web Engineering Reuse Sphere enabling holistic, stakeholder-oriented reuse

    Comparison of composition engines and identification of shortcomings with respect to cloud computing

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    Most workflow engines are currently not Cloud-aware. This is due to multiple reasons like no support for transparent scalability, no multi-tenancy support, no ability to store process related data in a Cloud storage, or no support for quality of service enforcements. Recently Cloud based workflow services appeared in the workflow landscape and promise to run workflows in the Cloud. This student reports evaluates current state of the art BPEL and BPMN workflow engines and Cloud based workflow services according to their Cloud- awareness and general workflow functionalities. Identified shortcomings are described and prioritized. As a result of this evaluation the workflow engine WSO2 Stratos is best suited for running workflows in the Cloud, but it lacks native clustering support and quality of service enforcement
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