A messaging system to handle semantic dissonance


Enterprises have been compelled to share their data internally and externally, but creating a consistent view of enterprise data has been challenging. Within a typical enterprise, each division uses its own domain specific data model and schema, and different enterprises obviously use their own data models and schema. Integrating these diverse data models and schemas, which have both syntactic and semantic differences, tends to be complex, slow, and inaccurate. Syntactic differences, i.e., differences in names or layout, have received substantial attention in research. Semantic dissonance simply means that the structure may be similar (or even the same) but the meaning associated with the attributes that define each structure are different, has received less attention in the world of practical software development. A practical messaging system for handling semantic dissonance has been developed. The system utilizes the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and SOAP XML Messaging Specification. It is implemented using Jena, a Java API for RDF, and the Apache SOAP, an Open Source SOAP server and client. This report describes the messaging system, its implementation, its strengths and limitations in handling semantic dissonance

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