177 research outputs found

    A web-based approach to engineering adaptive collaborative applications

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    Current methods employed to develop collaborative applications have to make decisions and speculate about the environment in which the application will operate within, the network infrastructure that will be used and the device type the application will operate on. These decisions and assumptions about the environment in which collaborative applications were designed to work are not ideal. These methods produce collaborative applications that are characterised as being inflexible, working on homogeneous networks and single platforms, requiring pre-existing knowledge of the data and information types they need to use and having a rigid choice of architecture. On the other hand, future collaborative applications are required to be flexible; to work in highly heterogeneous environments; be adaptable to work on different networks and on a range of device types. This research investigates the role that the Web and its various pervasive technologies along with a component-based Grid middleware can play to address these concerns. The aim is to develop an approach to building adaptive collaborative applications that can operate on heterogeneous and changing environments. This work proposes a four-layer model that developers can use to build adaptive collaborative applications. The four-layer model is populated with Web technologies such as Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), the Resource Description Framework (RDF), Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) and Gridkit, a middleware infrastructure, based on the Open Overlays concept. The Middleware layer (the first layer of the four-layer model) addresses network and operating system heterogeneity, the Group Communication layer enables collaboration and data sharing, while the Knowledge Representation layer proposes an interoperable RDF data modelling language and a flexible storage facility with an adaptive architecture for heterogeneous data storage. And finally there is the Presentation and Interaction layer which proposes a framework (Oea) for scalable and adaptive user interfaces. The four layer model has been successfully used to build a collaborative application, called Wildfurt that overcomes challenges facing collaborative applications. This research has demonstrated new applications for cutting-edge Web technologies in the area of building collaborative applications. SVG has been used for developing superior adaptive and scalable user interfaces that can operate on different device types. RDF and RDFS, have also been used to design and model collaborative applications providing a mechanism to define classes and properties and the relationships between them. A flexible and adaptable storage facility that is able to change its architecture based on the surrounding environments and requirements has also been achieved by combining the RDF technology with the Open Overlays middleware, Gridkit

    Secure telemedicine system for home health care

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    This thesis describes a low-cost telemedicine system that provides home based patient care by linking patients with skilled nurses at the home care agency. The system employs compact vital signs sensors and a two-way real-time video conference over telephone lines. It stores the patient\u27s medical records, still images and enforces clinical pathways during the televisits. Physicians, paramedics, and nurses can then have access to these records from anywhere, securely, through a Web browser.;This document discusses the underlying technologies, the features implemented in the prototype, and the methodologies used in developing the software. The prototype uses the Enterprise Java Bean [EJB] architecture and emphasizes security and scalability. Preliminary experience of its use is presented. A performance analysis of the system\u27s behavior if it were scaled up has also been done

    Cross-platform development frameworks : overview of contemporary technologies and methods for cross-platform application development

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    This is paper provides an overview of the technologies currently (2016) available and in development which allow the development of cross-platform applications. Both server-side and client-side applications are considered, as well as applications for web, desktop and mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. A web-based approach is recommended for the development of truly cross-platform applications across devices and operating system. Topics discussed include the contemporary background within which cross-platform technologies are developing, full-stack web development using a MEAN stack, cross-platform mobile development methodologies and web-based desktop application development.peer-reviewe

    Services in pervasive computing environments : from design to delivery

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    The work presented in this thesis is based on the assumption that modern computer technologies are already potentially pervasive: CPUs are embedded in any sort of device; RAM and storage memory of a modern PDA is comparable to those of a ten years ago Unix workstation; Wi-Fi, GPRS, UMTS are leveraging the development of the wireless Internet. Nevertheless, computing is not pervasive because we do not have a clear conceptual model of the pervasive computer and we have not tools, methodologies, and middleware to write and to seamlessly deliver at once services over a multitude of heterogeneous devices and different delivery contexts. Our thesis addresses these issues starting from the analysis of forces in a pervasive computing environment: user mobility, user profile, user position, and device profile. The conceptual model, or metaphor, we use to drive our work is to consider the environment as surrounded by a multitude of services and objects and devices as the communicating gates between the real world and the virtual dimension of pervasive computing around us. Our thesis is thus built upon three main “pillars”. The first pillar is a domain-object-driven methodology which allows developer to abstract from low level details of the final delivery platform, and provides the user with the ability to access services in a multi-channel way. The rationale is that domain objects are self-contained pieces of software able to represent data and to compute functions and procedures. Our approach fills the gap between users and domain objects building an appropriate user interface which is both adapted to the domain object and to the end user device. As example, we present how to design, implement and deliver an electronic mail application over various platforms. The second pillar of this thesis analyzes in more details the forces that make direct object manipulation inadequate in a pervasive context. These forces are the user profile, the device profile, the context of use, and the combinatorial explosion of domain objects. From the analysis of the electronic mail application presented as example, we notice that according to the end user device, or according to particular circumstances during the access to the service (for instance if the user access the service by the interactive TV while he is having his breakfast) some functionalities are not compulsory and do not fit an adequate task sequence. So we decided to make task models explicit in the design of a service and to integrate the capability to automatically generate user interfaces for domain objects with the formal definition of task models adapted to the final delivery context. Finally, the third pillar of our thesis is about the lifecycle of services in a pervasive computing environment. Our solutions are based upon an existing framework, the Jini connection technology, and enrich this framework with new services and architectures for the deployment and discovery of services, for the user session management, and for the management of offline agents

    Mobile Phone as PC-TV Remote Control

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    Mobile Phone PC-TV Remote Control would provide the easiest way and better communication via Bluetooth communication on controlling PC-TV application installed inside a computer. Basically, Bluetooth Mobile Phone PC-TV Remote Control is replacing the usage of the infraredremote control becauseof the better connection by the Bluetooth connectivity instead of using infrared connectivity which requires line-of-sight approach. The scope of study is focuses on the development of the system on the Bluetooth mobile phone as the remote control on controlling the TV application in a computer. However, there are two main application needed and to be installed in the mobile phone side and also in the computer. These applications will be developed using NetBeans IDE 5.0 as Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) toolkit for mobile phone and Microsoft Visual Basic as Graphical User Interface (GUI) development tool for the personal computer

    A graphics software architecture for high-end interactive TV terminals

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    This thesis proposes a graphics architecture for next-generation digital television receivers. The starting assumption is that in the future, a number of multimedia terminals will have access through a number of networks to a variety of content and services. One example of such a device is a media station capable of integrating different kinds of multimedia objects such as 2D/3D graphics and video, reacting to user interaction, and supporting the temporal dimension of applications. Some of the services intended for these devices include, for example, games and enhanced information over broadcasted video. First, this thesis provides an overview of the digital television environment, focusing on the limitations of current receivers and hints at future directions. In addition, this thesis compares different solutions from regional standardisation bodies such as DVB, CableLabs, and ARIB. It proposes the adoption of the most relevant initiative, GEM by DVB. Unfortunately, GEM software middleware only considers Java language as an authoring format, meaning that the declarative environment and advanced functionalities (e.g., 3D graphics support) remain to be standardised. Because in the future different user groups will have different demands with regard to television, this thesis identifies two major extensions to the GEM standard. First, it proposes a declarative environment for GEM that takes into account W3C standardisation efforts. This environment is divided into two configurations: one capable of rendering limited interactive applications such as information services, and another intended for more demanding applications, for example a distance learning portal that synchronises videos of lecturers and slides. Second, this thesis proposes to extend the procedural environment of GEM with 3D graphics support. The potential services of this new profile, High-End Interactive, include games and commercials. Then, based on the requirements the proposed profiles should meet, this thesis defines a graphics architecture model composed of five layers. The hardware abstraction layer is in charge of rendering the final graphics output. The graphical context is a cross-platform abstraction of the rendering region and provides graphics primitives (e.g., rectangles and images). The graphical environment provides the means to control different graphical contexts. The GUI toolkit is a set of ready-made user interface widgets and layout schemes. Finally, high-level languages are easy-to-use tools for developing simple services. The thesis concludes with a report of my experience implementing a digital television receiver based on the proposals described. In addition to testing the application of the proposed graphics architecture to the design and implementation of a next-generation digital television receiver, the implementation permits the analysis of the requirements of such receivers and of the services they can provide.reviewe

    Encoding, Storing and Searching of Analytical Properties and Assigned Metabolite Structures

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    Informationen über Metabolite und andere kleine organische Moleküle sind von entscheidender Bedeutung in vielen verschiedenen Bereichen der Naturwissenschaften. Sie spielen z.B. eine entscheidende Rolle in metabolischen Netzwerken und das Wissen über ihre Eigenschaften, hilft komplexe biologische Prozesse und komplette biologische Systeme zu verstehen. Da in biologischen und chemischen Laboren täglich Daten anfallen, welche diese Moleküle beschreiben, existiert eine umfassende Datengrundlage, die sich kontinuierlich erweitert. Um Wissenschaftlern die Verarbeitung, den Austausch, die Archivierung und die Suche innerhalb dieser Informationen unter Erhaltung der semantischen Zusammenhänge zu ermöglichen, sind komplexe Softwaresysteme und Datenformate nötig. Das Ziel dieses Projektes bestand darin, Anwendungen und Algorithmen zu entwickeln, welche für die effiziente Kodierung, Sammlung, Normalisierung und Analyse molekularer Daten genutzt werden können. Diese sollen Wissenschaftler bei der Strukturaufklärung, der Dereplikation, der Analyse von molekularen Wechselwirkungen und bei der Veröffentlichung des so gewonnenen Wissens unterstützen. Da die direkte Beschreibung der Struktur und der Funktionsweise einer unbekannten Verbindung sehr schwierig und aufwändig ist, wird dies hauptsächlich indirekt, mit Hilfe beschreibender Eigenschaften erreicht. Diese werden dann zur Vorhersage struktureller und funktioneller Charakteristika genutzt. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden Programmmodule entwickelt, welche sowohl die Visualisierung von Struktur- und Spektroskopiedaten, die gegliederte Darstellung und Veränderung von Metadaten und Eigenschaften, als auch den Import und Export von verschiedenen Datenformaten erlauben. Diese wurden durch Methoden erweitert, welche es ermöglichen, die gewonnenen Informationen weitergehend zu analysieren und Struktur- und Spektroskopiedaten einander zuzuweisen. Außerdem wurde ein System zur strukturierten Archivierung und Verwaltung großer Mengen molekularer Daten und spektroskopischer Informationen, unter Beibehaltung der semantischen Zusammenhänge, sowohl im Dateisystem, als auch in Datenbanken, entwickelt. Um die verlustfreie Speicherung zu gewährleisten, wurde ein offenes und standardisiertes Datenformat definiert (CMLSpect). Dieses erweitert das existierende CML (Chemical Markup Language) Vokabular und erlaubt damit die einfache Handhabung von verknüpften Struktur- und Spektroskopiedaten. Die entwickelten Anwendungen wurden in das Bioclipse System für Bio- und Chemoinformatik eingebunden und bieten dem Nutzer damit eine hochqualitative Benutzeroberfläche und dem Entwickler eine leicht zu erweiternde modulare Programmarchitektur

    Application of the internet technology and client/server paradigm for the implementation of REPI

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    There are many problems associated with Requirements Engineering such as defining the system scope, developing understanding among the communities involved in the system to be built, volatility of requirements etc. These problems may lead to poor requirements and therefore cancellation of the system development, or else the development of a system that is unsatisfactory, has high maintenance cost or is unacceptable. By improving Requirements Elicitation, the Requirements Engineering can be improved, leading to a better requirements specification and eventually a better product. Requirements Elicitation requires effective communication among the team members, as communication is the key factor. Easing communications between stakeholders and developers makes the process of Requirements Elicitation easier. REPI guides team members through the elicitation phase using the SEI\u27s framework. REPI forces stakeholders to explicitly describe the requirements resulting in reduced chances of misunderstood requirements, leading to better requirements specification

    A Design Rationale for Pervasive Computing - User Experience, Contextual Change, and Technical Requirements

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    The vision of pervasive computing promises a shift from information technology per se to what can be accomplished by using it, thereby fundamentally changing the relationship between people and information technology. In order to realize this vision, a large number of issues concerning user experience, contextual change, and technical requirements should be addressed. We provide a design rationale for pervasive computing that encompasses these issues, in which we argue that a prominent aspect of user experience is to provide user control, primarily founded in human values. As one of the more significant aspects of the user experience, we provide an extended discussion about privacy. With contextual change, we address the fundamental change in previously established relationships between the practices of individuals, social institutions, and physical environments that pervasive computing entails. Finally, issues of technical requirements refer to technology neutrality and openness--factors that we argue are fundamental for realizing pervasive computing. We describe a number of empirical and technical studies, the results of which have helped to verify aspects of the design rationale as well as shaping new aspects of it. The empirical studies include an ethnographic-inspired study focusing on information technology support for everyday activities, a study based on structured interviews concerning relationships between contexts of use and everyday planning activities, and a focus group study of laypeople’s interpretations of the concept of privacy in relation to information technology. The first technical study concerns the model of personal service environments as a means for addressing a number of challenges concerning user experience, contextual change, and technical requirements. Two other technical studies relate to a model for device-independent service development and the wearable server as a means to address issues of continuous usage experience and technology neutrality respectively
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