232 research outputs found

    On the Disambiguation of Weighted Automata

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    We present a disambiguation algorithm for weighted automata. The algorithm admits two main stages: a pre-disambiguation stage followed by a transition removal stage. We give a detailed description of the algorithm and the proof of its correctness. The algorithm is not applicable to all weighted automata but we prove sufficient conditions for its applicability in the case of the tropical semiring by introducing the *weak twins property*. In particular, the algorithm can be used with all acyclic weighted automata, relevant to applications. While disambiguation can sometimes be achieved using determinization, our disambiguation algorithm in some cases can return a result that is exponentially smaller than any equivalent deterministic automaton. We also present some empirical evidence of the space benefits of disambiguation over determinization in speech recognition and machine translation applications

    Tree Regular Model Checking for Lattice-Based Automata

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    Tree Regular Model Checking (TRMC) is the name of a family of techniques for analyzing infinite-state systems in which states are represented by terms, and sets of states by Tree Automata (TA). The central problem in TRMC is to decide whether a set of bad states is reachable. The problem of computing a TA representing (an over- approximation of) the set of reachable states is undecidable, but efficient solutions based on completion or iteration of tree transducers exist. Unfortunately, the TRMC framework is unable to efficiently capture both the complex structure of a system and of some of its features. As an example, for JAVA programs, the structure of a term is mainly exploited to capture the structure of a state of the system. On the counter part, integers of the java programs have to be encoded with Peano numbers, which means that any algebraic operation is potentially represented by thousands of applications of rewriting rules. In this paper, we propose Lattice Tree Automata (LTAs), an extended version of tree automata whose leaves are equipped with lattices. LTAs allow us to represent possibly infinite sets of interpreted terms. Such terms are capable to represent complex domains and related operations in an efficient manner. We also extend classical Boolean operations to LTAs. Finally, as a major contribution, we introduce a new completion-based algorithm for computing the possibly infinite set of reachable interpreted terms in a finite amount of time.Comment: Technical repor

    Exact and Approximate Determinization of Discounted-Sum Automata

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    A discounted-sum automaton (NDA) is a nondeterministic finite automaton with edge weights, valuing a run by the discounted sum of visited edge weights. More precisely, the weight in the i-th position of the run is divided by λi\lambda^i, where the discount factor λ\lambda is a fixed rational number greater than 1. The value of a word is the minimal value of the automaton runs on it. Discounted summation is a common and useful measuring scheme, especially for infinite sequences, reflecting the assumption that earlier weights are more important than later weights. Unfortunately, determinization of NDAs, which is often essential in formal verification, is, in general, not possible. We provide positive news, showing that every NDA with an integral discount factor is determinizable. We complete the picture by proving that the integers characterize exactly the discount factors that guarantee determinizability: for every nonintegral rational discount factor λ\lambda, there is a nondeterminizable λ\lambda-NDA. We also prove that the class of NDAs with integral discount factors enjoys closure under the algebraic operations min, max, addition, and subtraction, which is not the case for general NDAs nor for deterministic NDAs. For general NDAs, we look into approximate determinization, which is always possible as the influence of a word's suffix decays. We show that the naive approach, of unfolding the automaton computations up to a sufficient level, is doubly exponential in the discount factor. We provide an alternative construction for approximate determinization, which is singly exponential in the discount factor, in the precision, and in the number of states. We also prove matching lower bounds, showing that the exponential dependency on each of these three parameters cannot be avoided. All our results hold equally for automata over finite words and for automata over infinite words

    Degree of Sequentiality of Weighted Automata

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    Weighted automata (WA) are an important formalism to describe quantitative properties. Obtaining equivalent deterministic machines is a longstanding research problem. In this paper we consider WA with a set semantics, meaning that the semantics is given by the set of weights of accepting runs. We focus on multi-sequential WA that are defined as finite unions of sequential WA. The problem we address is to minimize the size of this union. We call this minimum the degree of sequentiality of (the relation realized by) the WA. For a given positive integer k, we provide multiple characterizations of relations realized by a union of k sequential WA over an infinitary finitely generated group: a Lipschitz-like machine independent property, a pattern on the automaton (a new twinning property) and a subclass of cost register automata. When possible, we effectively translate a WA into an equivalent union of k sequential WA. We also provide a decision procedure for our twinning property for commutative computable groups thus allowing to compute the degree of sequentiality. Last, we show that these results also hold for word transducers and that the associated decision problem is PSPACE -complete