11 research outputs found

    The influence of cognition and emotion on Nigerian undergraduates frustration during e-Registration

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    This study was designed to investigate the relative and combined contributions of cognition and emotion to Nigerian undergraduates’ level of computer frustration in online environments. The 1972 students who participated in the study were randomly selected from the two state-owned universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. The data for the study were collected through the use of the Students’ Cognition Scale, Students’ Emotion Scale, and Students’ Computer Frustration Scale. Data analysis involved the use of mean and standard deviation as descriptive statistics, as well as the Pearson Product Moment Correlation and regression analysis as inferential statistics. The research findings revealed that students encountered various frustrating experiences during e-Registration and that a combination of the predictor variables, cognition and emotion, significantly accounted for 2.5% of the variance in the students’ level of frustration. Cognition was found to be the more potent contributor to this frustration. The results of this study further indicated that there was a statistically significant difference in the level of computer frustration among students at the two universities, potentially due to the relative differences in the schools’ technology facilities. Recommendations are made at the end of this paper in accordance with the findings of the study

    Impact of Accessibility Barriers on the Mood of Blind, Low-vision and Sighted Users

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    Two versions of a website, a non-accessible site (NA-website) and an accessible site (A-website), were tested by 13 participants who were: a) blind users, b) low-vision users and c) users without identified disabilities. The mood of the users and their interaction efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction were recorded as they encountered several web content accessibility barriers. Results show which elements were the major causes of frustration to each user group, and how blind users displayed less criticism than expected to the barriers

    Impact of accessibility barriers on the mood of users with motor and dexterity impairments

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    With the aim of knowing the impact of accessibility problems on persons with motor impairments, we did a user test with this user group. The focus of the test was the analysis of a user’s mood relative to different accessibility barriers comparing two parallel web pages: an accessible one and a non-accessible one. The study identified web forms and Flash elements as the most important aspects for this kind of users. On the one hand these elements are useful to users, and on the other, they raise many accessibility issues. The analysis of results indicate that persons with severe motor impairments are more efficient and effective interacting with web pages, than users with mild motor impairments; a possible explanation for this would be that they use technical aids adapted to their needs while users with mild impairments use standard devices. Overall, users had a positive mood while navigating the accessible web site, and were more negative when interacting with the non-accessible web site. Our investigation contributes to a better understanding of users with motor impairments confronting accessibility barriers.Peer Reviewe

    Impact of accesibility barriers on the mood of users with motor and dexterity impairments

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    With the aim of knowing the impact of accessibility problems on persons with motor impairments, we did a user test with this user group. The focus of the test was the analysis of a user’s mood relative to different accessibility barriers comparing two parallel web pages: an accessible one and a non-accessible one. The study identified web forms and Flash elements as the most important aspects for this kind of users. On the one hand these elements are useful to users, and on the other, they raise many accessibility issues. The analysis of results indicate that persons with severe motor impairments are more efficient and effective interacting with web pages, than users with mild motor impairments; a possible explanation for this would be that they use technical aids adapted to their needs while users with mild impairments use standard devices. Overall, users had a positive mood while navigating the accessible web site, and were more negative when interacting with the non-accessible web site. Our investigation contributes to a better understanding of users with motor impairments confronting accessibility barriers

    Impact of accesibility barriers on the mood of users with motor and dexterity impairments

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    With the aim of knowing the impact of accessibility problems on persons with motor impairments, we did a user test with this user group. The focus of the test was the analysis of a user’s mood relative to different accessibility barriers comparing two parallel web pages: an accessible one and a non-accessible one. The study identified web forms and Flash elements as the most important aspects for this kind of users. On the one hand these elements are useful to users, and on the other, they raise many accessibility issues. The analysis of results indicate that persons with severe motor impairments are more efficient and effective interacting with web pages, than users with mild motor impairments; a possible explanation for this would be that they use technical aids adapted to their needs while users with mild impairments use standard devices. Overall, users had a positive mood while navigating the accessible web site, and were more negative when interacting with the non-accessible web site. Our investigation contributes to a better understanding of users with motor impairments confronting accessibility barriers

    A Process and Tool for Evaluation of Accessible User Expereince with Websites and Apps for Screen Reader Users who are Blind

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    Evaluating user experience (UX) during usability testing is an established practice towards designing more enjoyable information systems for end users. Currently no published process or tool exists for UX evaluation for users with disabilities. Accessible User Experience (AUX) focuses on integrating accessibility into UX design to create enjoyable digital experiences for everyone, regardless of age or ability. An exploration of the emotional experiences of six individuals who are blind was done through interviews, including hands- on sessions with websites/apps using their laptops/phones. An AUX evaluation tool was developed to measure Comfort,Likability, Autonomy, Agency and Pleasure, and feedback was obtained from interviewees. This study also is an examination of‘pleasure points’, presenting an inclusive process for conducting AUX studies with participants who are blind

    Case study of information searching experiences of high school students with visual impairments in Taiwan

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    Understanding accessibility problems of blind users on the web

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    The web is an eminently visual medium. However, not everyone accesses web content visually. Research shows that using the web is challenging for blind users. To create a good user experience for blind users on the web, we need a comprehensive understanding of the users’ problems. Currently, there is little knowledge about the problem differences between blind and sighted users, which makes it difficult to suggest and test design solutions that address these problems. This research aims to provide a further understanding of the problems blind users have on the web by comparing and contrasting problems between blind and sighted users and testing how design solutions to prevalent problems benefit blind users’ experience. The first study draws together the research literature into a common unified definition of web accessibility that was used to operationalise studies. The second study compared which verbal protocol (concurrent or retrospective) is better in user-based studies. The results showed that retrospective verbal protocol is a better option for eliciting problems on the web for blind and sighted users. Then, an empirical study compared the problems between blind and sighted users on the web. The results showed that the problems the two user groups encounter largely differ. There are specific problem types distinct to blind users, but also the characteristics of the problem types that had instances by both user groups were very different. Moreover, many problems blind users encounter were in relation to the search and browse features of the websites. A further investigation by two studies with blind users of how specific design solutions to prevalent problems users had (poor page structure, lack of feedback and excessive effort) in this specific design aspect showed that simple design solutions improve specific aspects of users’ experience. Although, for major improvements in the overall user experience a combination of design solutions is needed

    Accesibilidad en entornos web interactivos: superación de las barreras digitales

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    A diario, millones de personas sin conocimientos técnicos publican contenido en la web en blogs, wikis, redes sociales, etc. A pesar de existir recomendaciones de accesibilidad, como las pautas WCAG y ATAG de la W3C y que estas se han convertido en normativas (la norma ISO/IEC 40500:2012, la norma UNE 139803:2012 en España, o la Sección 508 en Estados Unidos) e incluso leyes de obligado cumplimiento, la accesibilidad de la web es todavía una característica raramente implementada hoy en día. Los usuarios, inconscientemente, siguen publicando contenido que presenta barreras a las personas con discapacidad y que afectan sus derechos civiles. Esta tesis doctoral explora esta problemática y, con la intención de solucionarla, pone el foco en la comunicación de las barreras de accesibilidad a las personas que publican contenido en la web sin conocimientos técnicos. La hipótesis que fundamenta la tesis es que «reduciendo la complejidad de la información relacionada con la accesibilidad, se propiciaría la aplicación de criterios de autoría accesibles, aumentando la calidad general del contenido web». A partir de técnicas relacionadas con el DCU y la Ingeniería Semiótica (IngSem) se hace una propuesta de comunicación de las barreras de accesibilidad, que se demuestra en una prueba de concepto, el sistema Emphatic Editor for Accessibility (EE4A).Diàriament, milions de persones sense coneixements tècnics publiquen contingut a la web a blogs, wikis, xarxes socials, etc. Tot i que existeixen recomanacions d’accessibilitat, com les pautes WCAG i ATAG de la W3A i que aquestes s’han convertit en normativa (la norma ISO/IEC 40500:2012, la norma UNE 139803:2012 a Espanya, o la Secció 508 als Estats Units) i a més hi ha lleis d’obligat compliment, l’accessibilitat de la web és encara una característica rarament implementada avui en dia. Els usuaris, inconscientment, segueixen publicant continguts que presenten barreres per a les persones amb discapacitat i que afecta als seus drets civils. Aquesta tesi doctoral explora aquest problemàtica i, amb la intenció de solucionar-la, posa el focus en la comunicació de les barreres d’accessibilitat a les persones que publiquen contingut a la web sense coneixement tècnics. La hipòtesis que fonamenta la tesi és que « reduint la complexitat de la informació relacionada amb l’accessibilitat, es propiciaria l’aplicació de criteris d’autoria accessibles, augmentant la qualitat general del contingut web». A partir de tècniques relacionades amb el DCU i l’Enginyeria Semiòtica (IngSem) es fa una proposta de comunicació de les barreres d’accessibilitat, que es demostra en una prova de concepte, el sistema Emphatic Editor for Accessibility (EE4A).Every day, thousands of users with non-technical knowledge publish web content on blogs, wikis, social networks, etc. Although there are accessibility recommendations, such as WCAG and ATAG W3C guidelines, and that they have become standards (ISO/IEC 40500: 2012, UNE 139803: 2012 in Spain, or Section 508 in United States) and even mandatory laws, web accessibility is still a feature rarely implemented today. Users, unconscious of accessibility requirements, keep on publishing content which presents barriers to people with disabilities, and which impact their civil rights. This PhD explores this issue, aiming at find a solution, and puts the focus on the communication of accessibility barriers to people who publish web content without technical knowledge. The hypothesis underlying the thesis is that «reducing the complexity of the information related with accessibility would help the application of accessible criteria in authoring, and would increase the overall quality of web content». With techniques related with DCU and Semiotics Engineering (IngSem), the PhD thesis makes a proposal of communication of accessibility barriers, demonstrated through a proof of concept, the Emphatic Editor for Accessibility (EE4A)