164 research outputs found

    A coprocessor design for the architectural support of non-numeric operations

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    Computer Science is concerned with the electronic manipulation of information. Continually increasing amounts of computer time are being expended on information that is not numeric. This is represented in part by modem computing requirements such as the block moves associated with context switching and virtual memory management, peripheral device communication, compilers, editors, word processors, databases, and text retrieval. This dissertation examines the traditional support of non-numeric information from a software, firmware, and hardware perspective and presents a coprocessor design to improve the performance of a set of non-numeric operations. Simple micro-coding of operations can provide a degree of performance improvement through parallel execution of instructions and control store access speeds. New special purpose parallel hardware algorithms can yield complexity improvements. This dissertation presents a parallel hardware regular expression searching algorithm which requires linear time and quadratic space compared to software uniprocessor algorithms which require exponential time and space. A very large scale integration (VLSD implementation of a version of this algorithm was designed, fabricated, and tested. The hardware. searching algorithm is then combined with other special purpose hardware to implement a set of operations. Simulation is then used to quantify the performance improvement of the operations when compared to software solutions. A coprocessor approach allows the optional addition of hardware to accelerate a set of operations. This is appropriate from a complex instruction set computer (CISC) perspective since hardware acceleration is being utilized. It is also appropriate from a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) perspective since the operations are distributed away from the central processing unit (CPU)

    Backdoor detection systems for embedded devices

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    A system is said to contain a backdoor when it intentionally includes a means to trigger the execution of functionality that serves to subvert its expected security. Unfortunately, such constructs are pervasive in software and systems today, particularly in the firmware of commodity embedded systems and “Internet of Things” devices. The work presented in this thesis concerns itself with the problem of detecting backdoor-like constructs, specifically those present in embedded device firmware, which, as we show, presents additional challenges in devising detection methodologies. The term “backdoor”, while used throughout the academic literature, by industry, and in the media, lacks a rigorous definition, which exacerbates the challenges in their detection. To this end, we present such a definition, as well as a framework, which serves as a basis for their discovery, devising new detection techniques and evaluating the current state-of-the-art. Further, we present two backdoor detection methodologies, as well as corresponding tools which implement those approaches. Both of these methods serve to automate many of the currently manual aspects of backdoor identification and discovery. And, in both cases, we demonstrate that our approaches are capable of analysing device firmware at scale and can be used to discover previously undocumented real-world backdoors

    Binary Code Summarization: Benchmarking ChatGPT/GPT-4 and Other Large Language Models

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    Binary code summarization, while invaluable for understanding code semantics, is challenging due to its labor-intensive nature. This study delves into the potential of large language models (LLMs) for binary code comprehension. To this end, we present BinSum, a comprehensive benchmark and dataset of over 557K binary functions and introduce a novel method for prompt synthesis and optimization. To more accurately gauge LLM performance, we also propose a new semantic similarity metric that surpasses traditional exact-match approaches. Our extensive evaluation of prominent LLMs, including ChatGPT, GPT-4, Llama 2, and Code Llama, reveals 10 pivotal insights. This evaluation generates 4 billion inference tokens, incurred a total expense of 11,418 US dollars and 873 NVIDIA A100 GPU hours. Our findings highlight both the transformative potential of LLMs in this field and the challenges yet to be overcome

    File Carving and Malware Identification Algorithms Applied to Firmware Reverse Engineering

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    Modern society depends on critical infrastructure (CI) managed by Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). PLCs depend on firmware, though firmware security vulnerabilities and contents remain largely unexplored. Attackers are acquiring the knowledge required to construct and install malicious firmware on CI. To the defender, firmware reverse engineering is a critical, but tedious, process. This thesis applies machine learning algorithms, from the le carving and malware identification fields, to firmware reverse engineering. It characterizes the algorithms\u27 performance. This research describes and characterizes a process to speed and simplify PLC firmware analysis. The system partitions binary firmwares into segments, labels each segment with a le type, determines the target architecture of code segments, then disassembles and performs rudimentary analysis on the code segments. The research discusses the system\u27s accuracy on a set of pseudo-firmwares. Of the algorithms this research considers, a combination of a byte-value frequency file carving algorithm and a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm using information gain (IG) for feature selection achieve the best performance. That combination correctly identifies the file types of 57.4% of non-code bytes, and the architectures of 85.3% of code bytes. This research applies the Firmware Disassembly System to a real-world firmware and discusses the contents

    Generic Reverse Compilation to Recognize Specific Behavior

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    Práce je zaměřena na rozpoznávání specifického chování pomocí generického zpětného překladu. Generický zpětný překlad je proces, který transformuje spustitelné soubory z různých architektur a formátů objektových souborů na stejný jazyk na vysoké úrovni. Tento proces se vztahuje k nástroji Lissom Decompiler. Pro účely rozpoznání chování práce zavádí Language for Decompilation -- LfD. LfD představuje jednoduchý imperativní jazyk, který je vhodný pro srovnávaní. Konkrétní chování je dáno známým spustitelným souborem (např. malware) a rozpoznání se provádí jako najítí poměru podobnosti s jiným neznámým spustitelným souborem. Tento poměr podobnosti je vypočítán nástrojem LfDComparator, který zpracovává dva vstupy v LfD a rozhoduje o jejich podobnosti.Thesis is aimed on recognition of specific behavior by generic reverse compilation. The generic reverse compilation is a process that transforms executables from different architectures and object file formats to same high level language. This process is covered by a tool Lissom Decompiler. For purpose of behavior recognition the thesis introduces Language for Decompilation -- LfD. LfD represents a simple imperative language, which is suitable for a comparison. The specific behavior is given by the known executable (e.g. malware) and the recognition is performed as finding the ratio of similarity with other unknown executable. This ratio of similarity is calculated by a tool LfDComparator, which processes two sources in LfD to decide their similarity.

    A file server for the DistriX prototype : a multitransputer UNIX system

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    Bibliography: pages 90-94.The DISTRIX operating system is a multiprocessor distributed operating system based on UNIX. It consists of a number of satellite processors connected to central servers. The system is derived from the MINIX operating system, compatible with UNIX Version 7. A remote procedure call interface is used in conjunction with a system wide, end-to-end communication protocol that connects satellite processors to the central servers. A cached file server provides access to all files and devices at the UNIX system call level. The design of the file server is discussed in depth and the performance evaluated. Additional information is given about the software and hardware used during the development of the project. The MINIX operating system has proved to be a good choice as the software base, but certain features have proved to be poorer. The Inmos transputer emerges as a processor with many useful features that eased the implementation

    On Leveraging Next-Generation Deep Learning Techniques for IoT Malware Classification, Family Attribution and Lineage Analysis

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    Recent years have witnessed the emergence of new and more sophisticated malware targeting insecure Internet of Things (IoT) devices, as part of orchestrated large-scale botnets. Moreover, the public release of the source code of popular malware families such as Mirai [1] has spawned diverse variants, making it harder to disambiguate their ownership, lineage, and correct label. Such a rapidly evolving landscape makes it also harder to deploy and generalize effective learning models against retired, updated, and/or new threat campaigns. To mitigate such threat, there is an utmost need for effective IoT malware detection, classification and family attribution, which provide essential steps towards initiating attack mitigation/prevention countermeasures, as well as understanding the evolutionary trajectories and tangled relationships of IoT malware. This is particularly challenging due to the lack of fine-grained empirical data about IoT malware, the diverse architectures of IoT-targeted devices, and the massive code reuse between IoT malware families. To address these challenges, in this thesis, we leverage the general lack of obfuscation in IoT malware to extract and combine static features from multi-modal views of the executable binaries (e.g., images, strings, assembly instructions), along with Deep Learning (DL) architectures for effective IoT malware classification and family attribution. Additionally, we aim to address concept drift and the limitations of inter-family classification due to the evolutionary nature of IoT malware, by detecting in-class evolving IoT malware variants and interpreting the meaning behind their mutations. To this end, we perform the following to achieve our objectives: First, we analyze 70,000 IoT malware samples collected by a specialized IoT honeypot and popular malware repositories in the past 3 years. Consequently, we utilize features extracted from strings- and image-based representations of IoT malware to implement a multi-level DL architecture that fuses the learned features from each sub-component (i.e, images, strings) through a neural network classifier. Our in-depth experiments with four prominent IoT malware families highlight the significant accuracy of the proposed approach (99.78%), which outperforms conventional single-level classifiers, by relying on different representations of the target IoT malware binaries that do not require expensive feature extraction. Additionally, we utilize our IoT-tailored approach for labeling unknown malware samples, while identifying new malware strains. Second, we seek to identify when the classifier shows signs of aging, by which it fails to effectively recognize new variants and adapt to potential changes in the data. Thus, we introduce a robust and effective method that uses contrastive learning and attentive Transformer models to learn and compare semantically meaningful representations of IoT malware binaries and codes without the need for expensive target labels. We find that the evolution of IoT binaries can be used as an augmentation strategy to learn effective representations to contrast (dis)similar variant pairs. We discuss the impact and findings of our analysis and present several evaluation studies to highlight the tangled relationships of IoT malware, as well as the efficiency of our contrastively learned fine-grained feature vectors in preserving semantics and reducing out-of-vocabulary size in cross-architecture IoT malware binaries. We conclude this thesis by summarizing our findings and discussing research gaps that lay the way for future work

    High Availability and Scalability of Mainframe Environments using System z and z/OS as example

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    Mainframe computers are the backbone of industrial and commercial computing, hosting the most relevant and critical data of businesses. One of the most important mainframe environments is IBM System z with the operating system z/OS. This book introduces mainframe technology of System z and z/OS with respect to high availability and scalability. It highlights their presence on different levels within the hardware and software stack to satisfy the needs for large IT organizations
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