2,458 research outputs found

    Spare parts planning and control for maintenance operations

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    This paper presents a framework for planning and control of the spare parts supply chain inorganizations that use and maintain high-value capital assets. Decisions in the framework aredecomposed hierarchically and interfaces are described. We provide relevant literature to aiddecision making and identify open research topics. The framework can be used to increasethe e¿ciency, consistency and sustainability of decisions on how to plan and control a spareparts supply chain. This point is illustrated by applying it in a case-study. Applicability of theframework in di¿erent environments is also investigated

    A decision support model to improve rolling stock maintenance scheduling based on reliability and cost

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    Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The demand for rail travel has increased over the years. As a result, it is becoming mandatory for railway industries to maintain very high availability of their assets to ensure that service levels are high. Railway industries require both their infrastructure and rolling stock assets maintained efficiently to sustain reliability. There has been on-going research on how maintenance can be carried out in a cost effective manner. However, the majority of this research has been done for infrastructure and the rolling stock maintenance has not been properly covered. The purpose of this research is to contribute to the maintenance sector of rolling stock for railway industries by developing a decision support model for rolling stock based on reliability and cost. The model is developed as an optimization problem of a system containing several components dependent on each other with different reliability characteristics. In this model, a mixed integer nonlinear problem is developed and solved using an exact method and metaheuristics methods. The Metrorail facility in Cape Town was chosen as a case study. Failure history and cost data were gathered from the facility and the information was applied to the model developed. The case study was investigated and different results were achieved using both exact and metaheuristics methods. The final result from the study is an optimal maintenance schedule based on reliability and cost. The developed model serves as a practical tool railway companies can adopt to schedule rolling stock maintenance to achieve a high level of reliability and at the same time maintaining minimum cost expenditure.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vraag na spoorvervoer het oor die jare toegeneem. Dus het dit belangrik geword dat die spoorweg se bates hoogs toeganklik moet wees om te verseker dat die vlak van dienslewering hoog bly. Die spoorweg industrie besef dat hulle infrastruktuur, lokomotiewe, waens ens. effektief in stand gehou moet word sodat dit betroubaar kan wees. Navorsing word nog steeds gedoen oor hoe instandhouding op ’n koste-effektiewe wyse gedoen kan word. Die meeste van hierdie navorsing gaan egter oor infrastruktuur en instandhouding word nie ordentlik gedek nie. Die doel met hierdie navorsing is om by te dra tot die instandhoudingsektor van die spoorweg deur om ’n besluit-ondersteunende model vir lokomotiewe, waens, ens wat op betroubaarheid en koste gegrond is, te ontwikkel. Die model is ontwikkel as ’n optimasie probleem van ’n sisteem wat verskillende komponente wat van mekaar afhanklik is maar oor verskillende betroubaarheidskenmerke beskik, inluit. In hierdie model word ’n gemengde, heeltal nie-lineêre probleem ontwikkel en met ’n eksakte metode en metaheuristiese metodes opgelos. Die Metrorail fasiliteit in Kaapstad is vir die gevalle studie gekies. Die geskiedenis van mislukkings en koste data is by die fasiliteit versamel en die inligting is op die model wat ontwikkel is, toegepas. Die gevalle studie is ondersoek, en verskillende resultate is met eksakte en metaheuristiese metodes bereik. Die finale uitkomste van die studie is ’n optimale instandhoudingskedule wat op betroubaarheid en koste gegrond is. Die model wat ontwikkel is dien as ’n praktiese instrument wat spoormaatskappye kan gebruik om die instandhouding van lokomotiewe, waens ens. te reël sodat ’n hoë vlak van betroubaarheid bereik kan word en kostes terselfdertyd tot ’n minimum beperk kan word

    Contracting for Infrequent Restoration and Recovery of Mission-Critical Systems

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    Firms that rely on functioning mission-critical equipment for their businesses cannot afford significant operational downtime due to system disruptions. To minimize the impact of disruptions, a proper incentive mechanism has to be in place so that the suppliers provide prompt restoration and recovery services to the customer. A widely adopted incentive mechanism is performance-based contracting (PBC), in which suppliers receive compensation based on realized system uptime. A key obstacle is that disruptions occur infrequently, making it very expensive for a supplier to commit the necessary resources for recovery because they will be idle most of the time. In this paper, we show that designing a successful PBC creates nontrivial challenges that are unique to this environment. Namely, because of the infrequent and random nature of disruptions, a seemingly innocuous choice of performance measures used in contracts may create unexpected incentives, resulting in counterintuitive optimal behavior. We compare the efficiencies of two widely used contracts, one based on sample-average downtime and the other based on cumulative downtime, and identify the supplier\u27s ability to influence the frequency of disruptions as an important factor in determining which contract performs better. We also show that implementing PBC may create high agency cost when equipment is very reliable. This counterintuitive situation arises because the realized downtimes from which the customer might intuit about the supplier\u27s capacity investment are highly uncertain when there are not many samples of downtimes, i.e., when disruptions occur rarely

    Забезпечення надійності авіаційного транспорту через збережність авіаційної техніки

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу ректора від 27.05.2021 р. №311/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт вищої освіти в репозиторії НАУ". Керівник дипломної роботи: доцент кафедри авіоніки, Кожохіна Олена ВолодимирівнаThe apparent easing of COVID-19 prompts airlines to resume normal passenger schedules after a year of storing unused aircraft. Unfortunately, getting these airliners online is not as easy as starting a parked car. There are many steps that should be taken to achieve this safely and follow Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) recommendations. The return of stored aircraft to service is only the latest stage in a process that began last year. It was then that these airliners were stopped due to the suspension of routes due to COVID, border closures and a general decrease in passenger traffic. They then had to be kept in storage, during which there were problems associated with prolonged inactivity. Now that these planes are needed again, more work needs to be done so that they can resume flights safely and reliably.Очевидне пом'якшення пандемії COVID-19 спонукає авіакомпанії відновити звичайні пасажирські перевезення розклади після року зберігання невикористаних літаків. На жаль, отримати ці авіалайнери онлайн не так просто, як завести припаркований автомобіль. Для досягнення потрібно зробити багато кроків це безпечно та дотримуйтеся рекомендацій виробників оригінального обладнання (OEM). Повернення збережених літаків до експлуатації є лише останнім етапом процесу, який розпочався минулого року. Саме тоді ці авіалайнери були зупинені через призупинення маршрутів через COVID, закриття кордонів і загальне зменшення пасажиропотоку. Вони тоді мали бути зберігалися на зберіганні, під час якого виникали проблеми, пов'язані з тривалою бездіяльністю. Тепер, коли ці літаки знову потрібні, потрібно зробити більше, щоб вони могли відновити роботу польоти безпечні та надійні

    System analysis and integration studies for a 15-micron horizon radiance measurement experiment

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    Systems analysis and integration studies for 15-micron horizon radiance measurement experimen


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    Operational availability of naval aircraft through material readiness is critical to ensuring combat power. Supportability of aircraft is a crucial aspect of readiness, influenced by several factors including access to 9B Cognizance Code (COG) aviation consumable repair parts at various supply echelons. Rapidly evolving additive manufacturing (AM) technologies are transforming supply chain dynamics and the traditional aircraft supportability construct. As of June 2022, there are 595 AM assets within the Navy’s inventory—all for research and development purposes. This report simulates 9B COG aviation consumable fulfillment strategies within the U.S. Indo-Pacific sustainment network for a three-year span, inclusive of traditional supply support avenues and a developed set of user-variable capability inputs. Simulated probabilistic demand configurations are modeled from historical trends that exploit a heuristic methodology to assign a “printability” score to each 9B COG requirement, accounting for uncertainty, machine failure rates, and other continuous characteristics of the simulated orders. The results measure simulated lead time across diverse planning horizons in both current and varied operationalized AM sustainment network configurations. This research indicates a measurable lead time reduction of approximately 10% across all 9B order lead times when AM is employed as an order fulfillment source for only 0.5% of orders.NPS Naval Research ProgramThis project was funded in part by the NPS Naval Research Program.Lieutenant Commander, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited