956 research outputs found

    Detection of influential points by convex hull volume minimization

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    summary:A method of geometrical characterization of multidimensional data sets, including construction of the convex hull of the data and calculation of the volume of the convex hull, is described. This technique, together with the concept of minimum convex hull volume, can be used for detection of influential points or outliers in multiple linear regression. An approximation to the true concept is achieved by ordering the data into a linear sequence such that the volume of the convex hull of the first nn terms in the sequence grows as slowly as possible with nn. The performance of the method is demonstrated on four well known data sets. The average computational complexity needed for the ordering is estimated by O(N2+(p−1)/(p+1))O(N^{2+(p-1)/(p+1)}) for large NN, where NN is the number of observations and pp is the data dimension, i. e. the number of predictors plus 1

    Conic Optimization Theory: Convexification Techniques and Numerical Algorithms

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    Optimization is at the core of control theory and appears in several areas of this field, such as optimal control, distributed control, system identification, robust control, state estimation, model predictive control and dynamic programming. The recent advances in various topics of modern optimization have also been revamping the area of machine learning. Motivated by the crucial role of optimization theory in the design, analysis, control and operation of real-world systems, this tutorial paper offers a detailed overview of some major advances in this area, namely conic optimization and its emerging applications. First, we discuss the importance of conic optimization in different areas. Then, we explain seminal results on the design of hierarchies of convex relaxations for a wide range of nonconvex problems. Finally, we study different numerical algorithms for large-scale conic optimization problems.Comment: 18 page

    A Riemannian low-rank method for optimization over semidefinite matrices with block-diagonal constraints

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    We propose a new algorithm to solve optimization problems of the form min⁥f(X)\min f(X) for a smooth function ff under the constraints that XX is positive semidefinite and the diagonal blocks of XX are small identity matrices. Such problems often arise as the result of relaxing a rank constraint (lifting). In particular, many estimation tasks involving phases, rotations, orthonormal bases or permutations fit in this framework, and so do certain relaxations of combinatorial problems such as Max-Cut. The proposed algorithm exploits the facts that (1) such formulations admit low-rank solutions, and (2) their rank-restricted versions are smooth optimization problems on a Riemannian manifold. Combining insights from both the Riemannian and the convex geometries of the problem, we characterize when second-order critical points of the smooth problem reveal KKT points of the semidefinite problem. We compare against state of the art, mature software and find that, on certain interesting problem instances, what we call the staircase method is orders of magnitude faster, is more accurate and scales better. Code is available.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figure

    Automatic Segmentation of Nature Object Using Salient Edge Points Based Active Contour

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    Natural image segmentation is often a crucial first step for high-level image understanding, significantly reducing the complexity of content analysis of images. LRAC may have some disadvantages. (1) Segmentation results heavily depend on the initial contour selection which is a very skillful task. (2) In some situations, manual interactions are infeasible. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose a novel model for unsupervised segmentation of viewer’s attention object from natural images based on localizing region-based active model (LRAC). With aid of the color boosting Harris detector and the core saliency map, we get the salient object edge points. Then, these points are employed as the seeds of initial convex hull. Finally, this convex hull is improved by the edge-preserving filter to generate the initial contour for our automatic object segmentation system. In contrast with localizing region-based active contours that require considerable user interaction, the proposed method does not require it; that is, the segmentation task is fulfilled in a fully automatic manner. Extensive experiments results on a large variety of natural images demonstrate that our algorithm consistently outperforms the popular existing salient object segmentation methods, yielding higher precision and better recall rates. Our framework can reliably and automatically extract the object contour from the complex background

    A methodology for rapid vehicle scaling and configuration space exploration

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    Drastic changes in aircraft operational requirements and the emergence of new enabling technologies often occur symbiotically with advances in technology inducing new requirements and vice versa. These changes sometimes lead to the design of vehicle concepts for which no prior art exists. They lead to revolutionary concepts. In such cases the basic form of the vehicle geometry can no longer be determined through an ex ante survey of prior art as depicted by aircraft concepts in the historical domain. Ideally, baseline geometries for revolutionary concepts would be the result of exhaustive configuration space exploration and optimization. Numerous component layouts and their implications for the minimum external dimensions of the resultant vehicle would be evaluated. The dimensions of the minimum enclosing envelope for the best component layout(s) (as per the design need) would then be used as a basis for the selection of a baseline geometry. Unfortunately layout design spaces are inherently large and the key contributing analysis i.e. collision detection, can be very expensive as well. Even when an appropriate baseline geometry has been identified, another hurdle i.e. vehicle scaling has to be overcome. Through the design of a notional Cessna C-172R powered by a liquid hydrogen Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell, it has been demonstrated that the various forms of vehicle scaling i.e. photographic and historical-data-based scaling can result in highly sub-optimal results even for very small O(10-3) scale factors. There is therefore a need for higher fidelity vehicle scaling laws especially since emergent technologies tend to be volumetrically and/or gravimetrically constrained when compared to incumbents. The Configuration-space Exploration and Scaling Methodology (CESM) is postulated herein as a solution to the above-mentioned challenges. This bottom-up methodology entails the representation of component or sub-system geometries as matrices of points in 3D space. These typically large matrices are reduced using minimal convex sets or convex hulls. This reduction leads to significant gains in collision detection speed at minimal approximation expense. (The Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi algorithm is used for collision detection purposes in this methodology.) Once the components are laid out, their collective convex hull (from here on out referred to as the super-hull) is used to approximate the inner mold line of the minimum enclosing envelope of the vehicle concept. A sectional slicing algorithm is used to extract the sectional dimensions of this envelope. An offset is added to these dimensions in order to come up with the sectional fuselage dimensions. Once the lift and control surfaces are added, vehicle level objective functions can be evaluated and compared to other designs. For each design, changes in the super-hull dimensions in response to perturbations in requirements can be tracked and regressed to create custom geometric scaling laws. The regressions are based on dimensionally consistent parameter groups in order to come up with dimensionally consistent and thus physically meaningful laws. CESM enables the designer to maintain design freedom by portably carrying multiple designs deeper into the design process. Also since CESM is a bottom-up approach, all proposed baseline concepts are implicitly volumetrically feasible. Furthermore the scaling laws developed from custom data for each concept are subject to less design noise than say, regression based approaches. Through these laws, key physics-based characteristics of vehicle subsystems such as energy density can be mapped onto key system level metrics such as fuselage volume or take-off gross weight. These laws can then substitute some historical-data based analyses thereby improving the fidelity of the analyses and reducing design time.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Dr. Dimitri Mavris; Committee Member: Dean Ward; Committee Member: Dr. Daniel Schrage; Committee Member: Dr. Danielle Soban; Committee Member: Dr. Sriram Rallabhandi; Committee Member: Mathias Emenet

    Trading off Consistency and Dimensionality of Convex Surrogates for the Mode

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    In multiclass classification over nn outcomes, the outcomes must be embedded into the reals with dimension at least n−1n-1 in order to design a consistent surrogate loss that leads to the "correct" classification, regardless of the data distribution. For large nn, such as in information retrieval and structured prediction tasks, optimizing a surrogate in n−1n-1 dimensions is often intractable. We investigate ways to trade off surrogate loss dimension, the number of problem instances, and restricting the region of consistency in the simplex for multiclass classification. Following past work, we examine an intuitive embedding procedure that maps outcomes into the vertices of convex polytopes in a low-dimensional surrogate space. We show that full-dimensional subsets of the simplex exist around each point mass distribution for which consistency holds, but also, with less than n−1n-1 dimensions, there exist distributions for which a phenomenon called hallucination occurs, which is when the optimal report under the surrogate loss is an outcome with zero probability. Looking towards application, we derive a result to check if consistency holds under a given polytope embedding and low-noise assumption, providing insight into when to use a particular embedding. We provide examples of embedding n=2dn = 2^{d} outcomes into the dd-dimensional unit cube and n=d!n = d! outcomes into the dd-dimensional permutahedron under low-noise assumptions. Finally, we demonstrate that with multiple problem instances, we can learn the mode with n2\frac{n}{2} dimensions over the whole simplex

    Evaluation of Generative Models for Predicting Microstructure Geometries in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing

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    In-situ process monitoring for metals additive manufacturing is paramount to the successful build of an object for application in extreme or high stress environments. In selective laser melting additive manufacturing, the process by which a laser melts metal powder during the build will dictate the internal microstructure of that object once the metal cools and solidifies. The difficulty lies in that obtaining enough variety of data to quantify the internal microstructures for the evaluation of its physical properties is problematic, as the laser passes at high speeds over powder grains at a micrometer scale. Imaging the process in-situ is complex and cost-prohibitive. However, generative modes can provide new artificially generated data. Generative adversarial networks synthesize new computationally derived data through a process that learns the underlying features corresponding to the different laser process parameters in a generator network, then improves upon those artificial renderings by evaluating through the discriminator network. While this technique was effective at delivering high-quality images, modifications to the network through conditions showed improved capabilities at creating these new images. Using multiple evaluation metrics, it has been shown that generative models can be used to create new data for various laser process parameter combinations, thereby allowing a more comprehensive evaluation of ideal laser conditions for any particular build

    The use of computational geometry techniques to resolve the issues of coverage and connectivity in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) enhance the ability to sense and control the physical environment in various applications. The functionality of WSNs depends on various aspects like the localization of nodes, the strategies of node deployment, and a lifetime of nodes and routing techniques, etc. Coverage is an essential part of WSNs wherein the targeted area is covered by at least one node. Computational Geometry (CG) -based techniques significantly improve the coverage and connectivity of WSNs. This paper is a step towards employing some of the popular techniques in WSNs in a productive manner. Furthermore, this paper attempts to survey the existing research conducted using Computational Geometry-based methods in WSNs. In order to address coverage and connectivity issues in WSNs, the use of the Voronoi Diagram, Delaunay Triangulation, Voronoi Tessellation, and the Convex Hull have played a prominent role. Finally, the paper concludes by discussing various research challenges and proposed solutions using Computational Geometry-based techniques.Web of Science2218art. no. 700

    Set-valued Data: Regression, Design and Outliers

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    The focus of this dissertation is to study set‐valued data from three aspects, namely regression, optimal design and outlier identification. This dissertation consists of three peer‐reviewed published articles, each of them addressing one aspect. Their titles and abstracts are listed below: 1. Local regression smoothers with set‐valued outcome data: This paper proposes a method to conduct local linear regression smoothing in the presence of set‐valued outcome data. The proposed estimator is shown to be consistent, and its mean squared error and asymptotic distribution are derived. A method to build error tubes around the estimator is provided, and a small Monte Carlo exercise is conducted to confirm the good finite sample properties of the estimator. The usefulness of the method is illustrated on a novel dataset from a clinical trial to assess the effect of certain genes’ expressions on different lung cancer treatments outcomes. 2. Optimal design for multivariate multiple linear regression with set‐identified response: We consider the partially identified regression model with set‐identified responses, where the estimator is the set of the least square estimators obtained for all possible choices of points sampled from set‐identified observations. We address the issue of determining the optimal design for this case and show that, for objective functions mimicking those for several classical optimal designs, their set‐identified analogues coincide with the optimal designs for point‐identified real‐valued responses. 3. Depth and outliers for samples of sets and random sets distributions: We suggest several constructions suitable to define the depth of set‐valued observations with respect to a sample of convex sets or with respect to the distribution of a random closed convex set. With the concept of a depth, it is possible to determine if a given convex set should be regarded an outlier with respect to a sample of convex closed sets. Some of our constructions are motivated by the known concepts of half‐space depth and band depth for function‐valued data. A novel construction derives the depth from a family of non‐linear expectations of random sets. Furthermore, we address the role of positions of sets for evaluation of their depth. Two case studies concern interval regression for Greek wine data and detection of outliers in a sample of particles
