3,266 research outputs found


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    Enterprise Architecture Management has been proposed to help organizations in their efforts to flexibly adapt to rapidly changing market environments. Enterprise architectures are described by means of conceptual models depicting, e.g., an enterprise?s business processes, its organisational structure, or the data the enterprise needs to manage. Such models are stored in large repositories. Using these repositories to support enterprise transformation processes often requires detecting structural patterns containing particular labels within the model graphs. As an example, consider the case of mergers and acquisitions. Respective patterns could represent specific model fragments that occur frequently within the process models of the merging companies. This paper introduces an approach to analyse conceptual models at a structural and semantic level. In terms of structure, the approach is able to detect patterns within the model graphs. In terms of semantics, the approach is able to detect previously standardized model labels. Its core contribution to enterprise architecture management and transformation is two-fold. First, it is able to analyse conceptual models created in arbitrary modelling languages. Second, it supports a wide variety of pattern-based analysis tasks related to managing change in organisations. The approach is applied in a merger and acquisition scenario to demonstrate its applicability

    25 Desafíos de la Modelación de Procesos Semánticos

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    Process modeling has become an essential part of many organizations for documenting, analyzing and redesigning their business operations and to support them with suitable information systems. In order to serve this purpose, it is important for process models to be well grounded in for- mal and precise semantics. While behavioural semantics of process models are well understood, there is a considerable gap of research into the semantic aspects of their text labels and natural lan- guage descriptions. The aim of this paper is to make this research gap more transparent. To this end, we clarify the role of textual content in process models and the challenges that are associated with the interpretation, analysis, and improvement of their natural language parts. More specifically, we discuss particular use cases of semantic process modeling to identify 25 challenges. For each cha- llenge, we identify prior research and discuss directions for addressing themEl modelado de procesos se ha convertido en una parte esencial de muchas organizaciones para documentar, analizar, y rediseñar sus operaciones de negocios y apoyarlos con información apropiada. Para cumplir este fin, es importante para estos que estén completos dentro de una semántica formal y precisa. Mientras la semántica del comportamiento del modelado de procesos se entiende bien, hay una considerable laguna en la investigación entre los aspectos semánticos de sus rótulos textuales, y las descripciones en lenguaje natural. El objetivo de este artículo es hacer esta laguna en la investigación más transparente. Con este fin, clarificamos el papel del contenido textual en los modelos de proceso, y los retos relacionados con la interpretación, el análisis, y desarrollo de sus partes en lenguaje natural. De forma más específica, debatimos los casos particulares del uso del modelado de procesos semánticos para identificar 25 retos. Para cada reto, identificamos antes de la investigación y debatimos las direcciones para dirigirnos a ellos

    Emergent Workflow

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    Towards automated restructuring of object oriented systems

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    The work introduces a method for diagnosing design flaws in object oriented systems, and finding meaningful refactorings to remove such flaws. The method is based on pairing up a structural pattern that is considered pathological (e.g. a code smell or anti-pattern) with a so called design context. The design context describes the design semantics associated to the pathological structure, and the desired strategic closure for that fragment. The process is tool supported and largely automated

    Matching Business Process Workflows across Abstraction Levels

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    In Business Process Modeling, several models are defined for the same system, supporting the transition from business requirements to IT implementations. Each of these models targets a different abstraction level and stakeholder perspective. In order to maintain consistency among these models, which has become a major challenge not only in this field, the correspondence between them has to be identified. A correspondence between process models establishes which activities in one model correspond to which activities in another model. This paper presents an algorithm for determining such correspondences. The algorithm is based on an empirical study of process models at a large company in the banking sector, which revealed frequent correspondence patterns between models spanning multiple abstraction levels. The algorithm has two phases, first establishing correspondences based on similarity of model element attributes such as types and names and then refining the result based on the structure of the models. Compared to previous work, our algorithm can recover complex correspondences relating whole process fragments rather than just individual activities. We evaluate the algorithm on 26 pairs of business-technical and technical-IT level models from four real-world projects, achieving overall precision of 93% and recall of 70%. Given the substantial recall and the high precision, the algorithm helps automating significant part of the correspondence recovery for such models.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2008-03107Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2011-2379

    Web 2.0 Enhanced Automation of Collaborative Business Process Model Management in Cooperation Environments

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    In today’s business, effective enterprise cooperation and efficient utilization of appropriate information technology are basic prerequisites for the success of individual companies and networks. This means that the process-oriented management has to offer adequate support for collaboration. This article shows how monolithic business process management can be enhanced considering the Web 2.0 paradigm. The concept is carried out with a platform for collaborative business process management which integrates functions for cooperative model management and for using collective intelligence

    A systematic literature review on source code similarity measurement and clone detection: techniques, applications, and challenges

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    Measuring and evaluating source code similarity is a fundamental software engineering activity that embraces a broad range of applications, including but not limited to code recommendation, duplicate code, plagiarism, malware, and smell detection. This paper proposes a systematic literature review and meta-analysis on code similarity measurement and evaluation techniques to shed light on the existing approaches and their characteristics in different applications. We initially found over 10000 articles by querying four digital libraries and ended up with 136 primary studies in the field. The studies were classified according to their methodology, programming languages, datasets, tools, and applications. A deep investigation reveals 80 software tools, working with eight different techniques on five application domains. Nearly 49% of the tools work on Java programs and 37% support C and C++, while there is no support for many programming languages. A noteworthy point was the existence of 12 datasets related to source code similarity measurement and duplicate codes, of which only eight datasets were publicly accessible. The lack of reliable datasets, empirical evaluations, hybrid methods, and focuses on multi-paradigm languages are the main challenges in the field. Emerging applications of code similarity measurement concentrate on the development phase in addition to the maintenance.Comment: 49 pages, 10 figures, 6 table
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