1,118 research outputs found

    On Application Layer DDoS Attack Detection in High-Speed Encrypted Networks

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    Application-layer denial-of-service attacks have become a serious threat to modern high-speed computer networks and systems. Unlike network-layer attacks, application-layer attacks can be performed by using legitimate requests from legitimately connected network machines which makes these attacks undetectable for signature-based intrusion detection systems. Moreover, the attacks may utilize protocols that encrypt the data of network connections in the application layer making it even harder to detect attacker’s activity without decrypting users network traffic and violating their privacy. In this paper, we present a method which allows us to timely detect various applicationlayer attacks against a computer network. We focus on detection of the attacks that utilize encrypted protocols by applying an anomaly-detection-based approach to statistics extracted from network packets. Since network traffic decryption can violate ethical norms and regulations on privacy, the detection method proposed analyzes network traffic without decryption. The method involves construction of a model of normal user behavior by analyzing conversations between a server and clients. The algorithm is self-adaptive and allows one to update the model every time when a new portion of network traffic data is available. Once the model has been built, it can be applied to detect various types of application-layer denial-of- service attacks. The proposed technique is evaluated with realistic end user network traffic generated in our virtual network environment. Evaluation results show that these attacks can be properly detected, while the number of false alarms remains very low

    A Critical Analysis of Payload Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection Systems

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    Examining payload content is an important aspect of network security, particularly in today\u27s volatile computing environment. An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that simply analyzes packet header information cannot adequately secure a network from malicious attacks. The alternative is to perform deep-packet analysis using n-gram language parsing and neural network technology. Self Organizing Map (SOM), PAYL over Self-Organizing Maps for Intrusion Detection (POSEIDON), Anomalous Payload-based Network Intrusion Detection (PAYL), and Anagram are next-generation unsupervised payload anomaly-based IDSs. This study examines the efficacy of each system using the design-science research methodology. A collection of quantitative data and qualitative features exposes their strengths and weaknesses

    Application of a Layered Hidden Markov Model in the Detection of Network Attacks

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    Network-based attacks against computer systems are a common and increasing problem. Attackers continue to increase the sophistication and complexity of their attacks with the goal of removing sensitive data or disrupting operations. Attack detection technology works very well for the detection of known attacks using a signature-based intrusion detection system. However, attackers can utilize attacks that are undetectable to those signature-based systems whether they are truly new attacks or modified versions of known attacks. Anomaly-based intrusion detection systems approach the problem of attack detection by detecting when traffic differs from a learned baseline. In the case of this research, the focus was on a relatively new area known as payload anomaly detection. In payload anomaly detection, the system focuses exclusively on the payload of packets and learns the normal contents of those payloads. When a payload\u27s contents differ from the norm, an anomaly is detected and may be a potential attack. A risk with anomaly-based detection mechanisms is they suffer from high false positive rates which reduce their effectiveness. This research built upon previous research in payload anomaly detection by combining multiple techniques of detection in a layered approach. The layers of the system included a high-level navigation layer, a request payload analysis layer, and a request-response analysis layer. The system was tested using the test data provided by some earlier payload anomaly detection systems as well as new data sets. The results of the experiments showed that by combining these layers of detection into a single system, there were higher detection rates and lower false positive rates

    Detecção de anomalias na partilha de ficheiros em ambientes empresariais

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    File sharing is the activity of making archives (documents, videos, photos) available to other users. Enterprises use file sharing to make archives available to their employees or clients. The availability of these files can be done through an internal network, cloud service (external) or even Peer-to-Peer (P2P). Most of the time, the files within the file sharing service have sensitive information that cannot be disclosed. Equifax data breach attack exploited a zero-day attack that allowed arbitrary code execution, leading to a huge data breach as over 143 million user information was presumed compromised. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts computer data (documents, media, ...) making it inaccessible to the user, demanding a ransom for the decryption of the data. This type of malware has been a serious threat to enterprises. WannaCry and NotPetya are some examples of ransomware that had a huge impact on enterprises with big amounts of ransoms, for example WannaCry reached more than 142,361.51inransoms.Inthisdissertation,wepurposeasystemthatcandetectfilesharinganomalieslikeransomware(WannaCry,NotPetya)andtheft(Equifaxbreach),andalsotheirpropagation.Thesolutionconsistsofnetworkmonitoring,thecreationofcommunicationprofilesforeachuser/machine,ananalysisalgorithmusingmachinelearningandacountermeasuremechanismincaseananomalyisdetected.Partilhadeficheiroseˊaatividadededisponibilizarficheiros(documentos,vıˊdeos,fotos)autilizadores.Asempresasusamapartilhadeficheirosparadisponibilizarficheirosaosseusutilizadoresetrabalhadores.Adisponibilidadedestesficheirospodeserfeitaapartirdeumaredeinterna,servic\codenuvem(externo)ouateˊPontoaPonto.Normalmente,osficheiroscontidosnoservic\codepartilhadeficheirosconte^mdadosconfidenciaisquena~opodemserdivulgados.Oataquedeviolac\ca~odedadosrealizadoaEquifaxexplorouumavulnerabilidadedediazeroquepermitiuexecuc\ca~odecoˊdigoarbitraˊrio,levandoaqueainformac\ca~ode143milho~esdeutilizadoresfossecomprometida.Ransomwareeˊumtipodemalwarequecifraosdadosdocomputador(documentos,multimeˊdia...)tornandoosinacessıˊveisaoutilizador,exigindoaesteumresgateparadecifraressesdados.Estetipodemalwaretemsidoumagrandeameac\caaˋsempresasatuais.WannaCryeNotPetyasa~oalgunsexemplosdeRansomwarequetiveramumgrandeimpactocomgrandesquantiasderesgate,WannaCryalcanc\coumaisde142,361.51 in ransoms. In this dissertation, we purpose a system that can detect file sharing anomalies like ransomware (WannaCry, NotPetya) and theft (Equifax breach), and also their propagation. The solution consists of network monitoring, the creation of communication profiles for each user/machine, an analysis algorithm using machine learning and a countermeasure mechanism in case an anomaly is detected.Partilha de ficheiros é a atividade de disponibilizar ficheiros (documentos, vídeos, fotos) a utilizadores. As empresas usam a partilha de ficheiros para disponibilizar ficheiros aos seus utilizadores e trabalhadores. A disponibilidade destes ficheiros pode ser feita a partir de uma rede interna, serviço de nuvem (externo) ou até Ponto-a-Ponto. Normalmente, os ficheiros contidos no serviço de partilha de ficheiros contêm dados confidenciais que não podem ser divulgados. O ataque de violação de dados realizado a Equifax explorou uma vulnerabilidade de dia zero que permitiu execução de código arbitrário, levando a que a informação de 143 milhões de utilizadores fosse comprometida. Ransomware é um tipo de malware que cifra os dados do computador (documentos, multimédia...) tornando-os inacessíveis ao utilizador, exigindo a este um resgate para decifrar esses dados. Este tipo de malware tem sido uma grande ameaça às empresas atuais. WannaCry e NotPetya são alguns exemplos de Ransomware que tiveram um grande impacto com grandes quantias de resgate, WannaCry alcançou mais de 142,361.51 em resgates. Neste tabalho, propomos um sistema que consiga detectar anomalias na partilha de ficheiros, como o ransomware (WannaCry, NotPetya) e roubo de dados (violação de dados Equifax), bem como a sua propagação. A solução consiste na monitorização da rede da empresa, na criação de perfis para cada utilizador/máquina, num algoritmo de machine learning para análise dos dados e num mecanismo que bloqueie a máquina afetada no caso de se detectar uma anomalia.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Command & Control: Understanding, Denying and Detecting - A review of malware C2 techniques, detection and defences

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    In this survey, we first briefly review the current state of cyber attacks, highlighting significant recent changes in how and why such attacks are performed. We then investigate the mechanics of malware command and control (C2) establishment: we provide a comprehensive review of the techniques used by attackers to set up such a channel and to hide its presence from the attacked parties and the security tools they use. We then switch to the defensive side of the problem, and review approaches that have been proposed for the detection and disruption of C2 channels. We also map such techniques to widely-adopted security controls, emphasizing gaps or limitations (and success stories) in current best practices.Comment: Work commissioned by CPNI, available at c2report.org. 38 pages. Listing abstract compressed from version appearing in repor

    Unsupervised Intrusion Detection with Cross-Domain Artificial Intelligence Methods

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    Cybercrime is a major concern for corporations, business owners, governments and citizens, and it continues to grow in spite of increasing investments in security and fraud prevention. The main challenges in this research field are: being able to detect unknown attacks, and reducing the false positive ratio. The aim of this research work was to target both problems by leveraging four artificial intelligence techniques. The first technique is a novel unsupervised learning method based on skip-gram modeling. It was designed, developed and tested against a public dataset with popular intrusion patterns. A high accuracy and a low false positive rate were achieved without prior knowledge of attack patterns. The second technique is a novel unsupervised learning method based on topic modeling. It was applied to three related domains (network attacks, payments fraud, IoT malware traffic). A high accuracy was achieved in the three scenarios, even though the malicious activity significantly differs from one domain to the other. The third technique is a novel unsupervised learning method based on deep autoencoders, with feature selection performed by a supervised method, random forest. Obtained results showed that this technique can outperform other similar techniques. The fourth technique is based on an MLP neural network, and is applied to alert reduction in fraud prevention. This method automates manual reviews previously done by human experts, without significantly impacting accuracy

    A compression-based method for detecting anomalies in textual data

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    Nowadays, information and communications technology systems are fundamental assets of our social and economical model, and thus they should be properly protected against the malicious activity of cybercriminals. Defence mechanisms are generally articulated around tools that trace and store information in several ways, the simplest one being the generation of plain text files coined as security logs. Such log files are usually inspected, in a semi-automatic way, by security analysts to detect events that may affect system integrity, confidentiality and availability. On this basis, we propose a parameter-free method to detect security incidents from structured text regardless its nature. We use the Normalized Compression Distance to obtain a set of features that can be used by a Support Vector Machine to classify events from a heterogeneous cybersecurity environment. In particular, we explore and validate the application of our method in four different cybersecurity domains: HTTP anomaly identification, spam detection, Domain Generation Algorithms tracking and sentiment analysis. The results obtained show the validity and flexibility of our approach in different security scenarios with a low configuration burdenThis research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 872855 (TRESCA project), from the Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) under the projects CYNAMON (P2018/TCS-4566) and S2017/BMD-3688, co-financed with FSE and FEDER EU funds, by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) under the project LINKA20216 (“Advancing in cybersecurity technologies”, i-LINK+ program), and by Spanish project MINECO/FEDER TIN2017-84452-

    Botnet detection using ensemble classifiers of network flow

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    Recently, Botnets have become a common tool for implementing and transferring various malicious codes over the Internet. These codes can be used to execute many malicious activities including DDOS attack, send spam, click fraud, and steal data. Therefore, it is necessary to use Modern technologies to reduce this phenomenon and avoid them in advance in order to differentiate the Botnets traffic from normal network traffic. In this work, ensemble classifier algorithms to identify such damaging botnet traffic. We experimented with different ensemble algorithms to compare and analyze their ability to classify the botnet traffic from the normal traffic by selecting distinguishing features of the network traffic. Botnet Detection offers a reliable and cheap style for ensuring transferring integrity and warning the risks before its occurrence